I’m the only magic tower owner Chapter 266

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Only I Am the Magic Tower Lord Episode 266

Yushin got in the car and left. Jeong Jeong-jin, who was unusually shaking her hand to see her off, completely changed his expression.

“What about him?”

“It’s below.”

Jeong Seo-jin walked along with the head of the security team.

Security was maintained so strictly in the Alchemia basement that general employees were unable to enter. Of course, there are no elevators in operation.

Jeong Seo-jin walked down the stairs directly to the 4th basement floor.


A human scream echoed from the basement. As Jeong Seo-jin approached, the security guard bowed his head and opened the door.

Once inside, there was a security guard with his legs tied to ropes, hanging upside down from a pulley in the ceiling. Below it is a bathhouse filled with water.

“Shoe, Chairman! Please save me!”

It was the same bodyguard who stabbed Yushin earlier. Jeong Seo-jin said coldly.

“Put it in.”

When the men pulled the rope, the bodyguard’s body went back into the bath.

He twisted his whole body and shook his head, and Jeong Seo-jin sat on the chair prepared by the security chief.

After a while, Jeong Seo-jin raised his arms and the bodyguard came back up.

“Cough! Cough! K-e-ek! Kkkk……”

He was spitting out water and crying.

“Why on earth are you doing this!”

“Don’t you know why?”

Jeong Seo-jin motioned and the bodyguard entered the bath. Once again the painful screams and struggles continued.

When he came up the second time, the security guard’s expression was indescribably broken.

“Sin! I’m sorry!”

“What are you sorry for?”

“Well, that’s…”


Third acquisition. The security chief was sweating profusely. He hinted that he was going to die, but Jeong Seo-jin didn’t budge.

“Are you going to go in instead of the director?”

Hearing those harsh words, the security chief had no choice but to quickly straighten his back and pass through the front. The security guard came up again.


“Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! The chairman’s guest… haha, I attacked him so recklessly.”

“I’m not just a customer.”

Jeong Seo-jin responded coldly.

“He’s my benefactor.”

“Lord, Lord, I have committed a mortal sin! I really didn’t know!”

“Please get off.”

While the men were untying the rope from the guard’s feet, a knock was heard at the door.

“Come in.”

The door was carefully opened and a middle-aged man with sparse white hair came in. He bowed politely to Jeong Seo-jin.

“Director Park. Please convene the board of directors right now and pull out the performance for the first and second half of last year. Also, all Alchemia departments will be inspected, so prepare.”

“…You mean right now?”

Jeong Seo-jin smiled and answered.

“Yes. I need to put the company in order.”

Director Park and Director Choi looked at each other at the same time.

It was the first time for both of them to see Jeong Seo-jin’s smile like this.

* * *

Korea Disaster Emergency Response Committee.

Commonly known as Lieutenant Commander.

It is the highest level committee in Korea that is activated whenever a national disaster occurs.

“The problem is that we rely too much on the Oracle! Even he can’t see the whole future.”

“So far, we have prevented disaster too easily.”

“Is now the time to say things like that? Come up with a solution! Come up with a solution!”

Blood stands up in people’s necks.

Hands spitting and pointing point at each other. Renowned military officials from the emergency committee, high-ranking civil servants, and prominent military experts were discussing with each other their voices raised.

And masters from the top 10 guilds, which can be said to be the main force in Korea, also came.

1st place – Snow.

2nd place – Ayla.

3rd place – Phantom.

4th place – LCM.

5th place – Blazer.

6th place? SG Company.

7th place – Cheyren.

8th place – Red Dragon.

9th place – Guardian Korea.

10th place – Citizen.

Unix, Blackguard, NIX, etc. have long since disappeared into history.

New guilds appeared, existing guilds were reorganized, and there were guilds that still dominate Korea.

Currently the strongest is Snow.



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It was a guild that once almost recruited Kim Yu-shin.

“The President is entering!”

At the aide’s shout, everyone in the emergency committee meeting room stood up.

A good-looking, handsome man came into the conference room.

“Hehehe! Hey, nice to meet you all! It’s been a while since I’ve seen you.”

Dressed in simple and shabby attire that was not suitable for the highest level conference in Korea, it felt like a local man stopping by for a moment while working in the fields.

He shook hands with each and every person present and greeted them cordially. He is Lee Deok-bae, the current president of the Republic of Korea.

He was elected president after the infamous Park Jeong-yang and was popular for his good image, civil administration policies, and nickname of the people’s fool. He greeted everyone and then sat down.


Deokbae Lee pointed to an empty seat in the center.

“The most important person is still missing.”

The president of the association appears later than the president.

Military officials and guild masters clicked their tongues. Is it even a tradition for the president of the association to ignore the president and praise him?

“Let’s wait a little while. As everyone knows, the president of the association is very busy, right? Hehehe!”

It was something that could have been problematic, but Deokbae Lee laughed it off. Rather, it seemed like they were protecting the president of the association.

After a while, the sound of wheels rolling was heard everywhere. Four hunters entered the emergency room, pulling a wheeled cart.

They seemed to have just returned from the scene, and their clothes were covered in dried blood and dirt. The hunters, who placed their carts in a clearly visible position in front, bowed their heads and stepped back.

“What is this?”

There was a covered silver tray on the cart.

Again. Again.

Then, everyone raised their heads at the clear sound of shoe footsteps.

“The president of the association is entering!”

Red hair so beautiful that it makes your eyes widen, a neat uniform, and a long sword strapped to your waist. And golden eyes like the eyes of the former president of the association.

Hong Yeon, Korea’s only certified level 1 hunter and current president of the association, appeared.

“Forgive me for being late.”

Calm gaze, cool voice, frost-like atmosphere.

If the people in the association described Hongyul as ‘a flame that looks as if gasoline has been poured into it and will explode at any moment,’ Hongyeon described it as ‘a flame like ice.’

Citizens who heard that expression tilted their heads, but those who experienced her said it was exactly true.

“Welcome! President of the Association!”

Deokbae Lee welcomed her with open arms. She bowed slightly, ignoring the greeting, and sat down with her legs crossed.

“Hehehehe! It looks like there was a lot of traffic. Mapo Bridge at this time….”

“It’s too late to punish the traitor.”

Lee Deok-bae blinked at Hong Yeon’s answer.


When she signaled with her hand, the hunters who came in with her opened the lid on the silver tray.



The scent of blood and rotten smell is in the air, and astonishment comes out from everywhere.

What was placed on the silver platter was none other than a human head. All of them had expressions distorted in pain.

It was a part where we could see what kind of humiliation they had suffered just before their death.

“This person is from SG…”

Among the heads, there was even the head of Cha Soo-hyun, the guild master of SG Company, ranked 6th in the TOP 10.

Hongyeon said as if it was no big deal.

“After hearing information about the disaster, Cha Soo-hyun embezzled the guild’s operating funds with his associates and attempted to defect to China.”


The association presidents looked at each other and murmured.

“This is something that is difficult to tolerate.”

Life seeped out of her voice.

“Whenever there is a need to protect households with taxpayers’ money, when a crisis arises, they are the first trash to be exported overseas. They are not worth living.”

She lightly snapped her fingers.

“Come in.”

The conference room door opened and a man appeared hesitantly.

“All rights and authority of SG will be stripped away, and the association will recover the property and resources they hold. And the vacancy in SG will be filled by the ‘MGIT’ guild, ranked 11th.”

MGIT’s guild master bowed and greeted everyone.

They seem to be completely out of their minds because they suddenly made it to the top 10.

Other guild masters also received greetings without any hesitation.

“Look here, president of the association.”

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who was quietly watching, gritted his teeth and said.

“I guess it’s okay to strike the SG as an act of treason to a great nation. But what is the intention of showing a person’s head at such an important occasion?”

“Are you asking because you don’t know?”

She answered without changing her complexion even once.

“This is a warning. If anyone defects again during this operation, we will chase them to the end of the world and punish them.”

The blood drained from the faces of everyone present.

Of course, it was clear from Hong Yeon’s past actions that she was serious and that she was not just saying this.

‘driving me crazy. I thought it would be easier with Hong Yul gone, but then Hong Yeon… … ‘

‘Hongyul was better. That person was at least flexible.’

‘I really can’t even breathe.’

Hong Yeon said while looking at the hunters under his command.

“Please get rid of these disgusting faces.”


The hunters put the lid on the silver tray again and left the conference room.


When she gestured, the disaster observer standing quietly behind her urgently brought up the screen.

“Well, then let me first explain the disaster announced by Oracle.”

A storm has raged, and the atmosphere of the meeting has finally formed.

The guild masters calmed their pounding hearts and focused on the screen.

“First of all, the disaster that appears this time covers the entire Earth.”


“All over the world at the same time?”

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen this scale.”

The observer operated the remote control and moved to the next screen.

“The name of the disaster is Cataclysm. It is an unprecedented disaster that appears on Earth for the first time. The abnormal phenomenon currently revealed by the oracle is as follows. First, a semicircular membrane like this appears on the ground.”

An illustration of a large curtain unfolding in the center of the city appeared on the screen.

“The space contained in this semicircular membrane completely changes the territory and location of the other world over time.”

“……What, what?”

“It’s not just a dungeon, it’s being reversed?”

“Yes. The entire dungeon and Earth territory will be exchanged.”

The observer put on his glasses.

“The territory of the Earth is unilaterally lost, and an alien territory is established throughout the Earth. This is the basic concept of the Cataclysm disaster.”

“oh my god……!”

“Is the end really coming?”

Hongyeon, who had been listening quietly, opened her mouth.

“How to stop it?”

“It’s similar to the dungeon disaster.”

As the observer flipped through the screen, a picture of a seed with a strange pattern appeared.

“……Bongma Seed?”

“Yes, I think it’s a similar type. Enter the space, hunt the boss monster guarding the seed, and when you break the seed, the barrier disappears and you return to the original land.”

“This time, the monsters are not coming to destroy the Seed of the Blessed Demon, but to protect it.”

“That’s right.”

The Red Dragon Guild Master, who had been listening quietly, raised the corner of his mouth.

“What, then it’s nothing special? Why did SG run away?”

“The problem begins now. Following the Cataclysm, twin catastrophes have been observed.”

Everyone’s eyes opened wide.

“……Two disasters?”


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