I’m the only magic tower owner Chapter 254

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I’m the Only Magic Tower Owner Episode 254


Yushin came down from the sky.

After the explosion of the chain hole, there was an egg floating in the middle of the rushing sea water.

Albert urgently entered absolute defense mode in the dimensional space, but it was impossible to withstand this firepower.

The organs were twisted, the blood shriveled, and the magical power turned black. The wings, which had run out of strength, spread, revealing Albert’s tattered body.

“I am……”

Albert tilted his head.

“I thought I could save the world.”

Yushin came down and grabbed Albert’s face with his left hand.

Jet-black magic power was gushing out with fierce force from his right hand.

Albert, who sensed the end, opened his eyes wide.

“I am……!”


Suddenly, the black coating surrounding Yushin peeled off, revealing his bare face.

For a brief moment, Albert and Yushin’s gaze crossed.

Yushin used all his strength to stretch out his right arm, but the black magic in his arm also dissipated and he lost strength.

Let’s go!

Soon, the black power surrounding my body crumbles like a thin coating. Instead of being delighted, Albert closed his eyes tightly.

“I’m sorry.”

With Yushin’s arm going limp, the seawater that had been pushed out is filling the empty hole again.

Albert raised his head as he watched the swirling sea being restored to its original state.

Yushin seemed to have completely lost consciousness, but the wing golem on his shoulder was still functioning, so he did not fall into the sea.


Albert, who was shaking with fear, took a deep breath. The difference of a few seconds decided the winner.

A common ending for a runaway hunter.

However, what is clear is that even he, a level 1 public official, was overwhelmed. I had no choice but to admit it.

“I lost. Magic Tower Lord.”

Albert felt a terrible sense of defeat and pulled out a feather. He intended to pay his respects and let her go painlessly.


At that time, a warp gate opened a little away from Yushin.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t let you go.”

The Wing Golem was working and trying to transport Yushin to the warp, but there was no way Albert would miss it.

The moment he concentrated his magic on the feather on his finger and tried to swing his arm to make the feather fly.


I lost feeling in my arms.

Albert turned his head, feeling empty as if his right side was empty.

The arm holding the feather fell and fell into the sea.

“Hmm, I heard that the maximum power of the magic tower is at level 3, except for the magic tower lord.”

Warp Gate did not bring in Yushin, but sent someone out.

A woman with flowing red hair and a shining pure white sword.

Her hair and shoes were soaked with sweat, she was breathing heavily, and her complexion was pale. Anyone could see that he was running in a hurry.

When she stepped into the sea water, it was cold and rippling. She was floating with both legs in the sea.


Hongyeon lowered her eyelids and looked at Yushin.

I couldn’t feel any strength in my limp body, and my entire body was full of dark spots.

For a moment, there was great anger in her eyes.

“Please step back.”

Blood appeared on her hand as she held the sword. The warning voice exuded hostility that could not be hidden.

“I’m sorry.”

Albert continued speaking while looking at Yushin.

“Already dead.”


Hongyeon’s brown eyes wavered.

“Well, that can’t be…”

“He’s not breathing. It’s a natural result of overworking his body.”

Albert shook his head and turned around.

“My business is done. You can take the body with you…”

Albert’s words could not continue. The enraged red lotus passed through Albert’s body like a thunderbolt. A cutting stance with his sword raised upward.

Albert, who was so exhausted that he had no strength to react, looked down at his chest.

The clothes were dyed red.

“This is the ending.”

Albert’s gaze landed on Hongyeon’s back.

Many emotions passed through his eyes. Then, the last emotion that came to mind was ‘surrender’.

“Not bad.”


Blood spurts out like a fountain and his body splits diagonally. The upper body falls into the sea first, followed by the lower body collapsing.

Hongyeon’s eyelids fluttered and sheathed her sword. Then he turned around and ran towards Yushin.



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She hugged Yushin’s body.

Hongyeon, seeing his pale face, felt her mind turning white.

“Senior? Are you okay? Open your eyes! Please!”

Even when I shook his shoulder, he didn’t wake up. Placing her ear to his chest, she felt her heart pound.


The voice of the Heavenly Castle Lord, who said he was already dead, rang in my ears. Her heart became so anxious that she cried out and cried.

“Please, Samia! Warp quickly!”

After a while, Samia opened a new warp gate.

She threw herself into the warp, holding Yushin.

* * *

Yushin was immediately transferred to the world’s largest Hunter Hospital, located in Minnesota, USA.

Hongyeon brought him, and other members of Magic Tower also came to the hospital.

After completing first aid, a thorough examination that lasted ten hours began.

“I’ve been in the medical field for a long time, but this is the first time I’ve seen anything like this.”

The doctor who came out of the examination room said.

Hong Yeon and Jin Jin-ra asked anxiously.

“Uh, what happened?”

“The patient’s body is not in a state that can be called a human body.”


Hongyeon covered her mouth.

“The case is different compared to those with metamorphosis abilities. They basically use the human body as a base and transform by momentarily activating the monster’s DNA. The story is that they eventually return to human form. The patient starts from the base. “I guess we can say that they are no longer human. The tissues that make up their bodies and the nature of the magic power that awakened people emit are different.”

“So, so…?”

“I’m sorry, but we are a hospital that treats humans.”

The doctor bowed his head.

“He has stopped breathing, but he is still breathing. The heart has stopped, but blood and magic are flowing. There will be no medical facility anywhere in the world that can identify Hunter Kim Yu-shin’s symptoms.”

Hongyeon flopped down on the floor.

Jin Jin-ra buried her face in her palms and sobbed.

“I will tell you the test results based on human standards.”

The doctor said in a miserable tone.

“Patient Kim Yu-shin has died.”

* * *

There was nothing the current medical community could do.

Even when they tried to perform surgery, the doctors didn’t know what to fix. All that could be done was to treat trauma, recover from exhaustion, give fluids, or help blood circulation.

Yushin was moved back to the magic tower.

All of the Magic Tower members were beside themselves when the doctor declared Yushin dead.

“The owner of the tower is not dead.”

Ea said while everyone was in disarray.

“When the magic tower owner dies, the homunculus is automatically disposed of. The magic tower is also sealed except for the first and ninth floors. However, I am still fine, and the floors of the magic tower are fully open. That is the biggest proof that the tower owner is alive. no see.”

Hearing Ea’s words, Na Daeyong rubbed his chin with a serious expression.

“Well, then, is it just that he doesn’t regain consciousness?”

“But what if my heart stopped?”

“Blood flows! How did this happen?”

While everyone was lost in confusion, Ea spoke again.

“Actually, in case something like this happens, there was a study that the tower owner was conducting.”

Everyone looked puzzled at her remarks. However, Jeong Seo-jin was nodding her head as if she understood something.

“Are you talking about that ‘resurrection magic’?”


Jin Jin-ra, who was wiping away tears, said in surprise.

“Did Seojin know too?”

“The tower owner once mentioned it in passing.”

We decided to proceed with the magic Yushin studied before it was too late. It was an unsafe magic, and it wasn’t 100% complete, but there was no other way.

Jeong Seo-jin moved Yu-shin to the sealed study of the main study on the second floor, and EA brought Yu-shin the drawing of resurrection magic that he had written.

Afterwards, he laid Yushin down on the floor and drew a magic circle around him.

“I will draw the whole picture.”

“Well, this is the dimensional formula. I’ll fix it.”

“Leave the calculation part to me!”

Everyone utilized their individual talents to draw a magic circle. Finally, when Ea infused mana, blue light flowed through the magic circle and it began to operate.

In the small magic circle connected to Yushin’s magic circle, Armin Walter evaporated and placed the ‘Dimension Stone’ with only his soul remaining. Dimension stone was the most important material.

“The name of this spell is ‘Requiem’.”

Ea said.

“This is a magic developed by the 6th Magic Tower Lord Roist to revive the Titan practitioner. Although the Tower Lord pretended not to use it, he was still paying attention to the dark magic that remained in his mind.”

She spread her arms like Yushin and created a magic circle.

The blue light bloomed even brighter, and Yushin’s body and soul stone glowed blue at the same time.


Daeyong Na couldn’t hide his excitement and clenched his fists. Jin Jin-ra and So Sim-hee were hugging each other as if they couldn’t bear to see each other again.

The room was filled with magical power.

Something flowed out of Yushin’s body and was sucked into the soul stone.

The magic circle glowed even brighter, and a swarm of blue lights like fireflies emerged and circled around.



Like a computer that suddenly turned off, the light in the magic circle went out. The magic circle disappeared and the surroundings became dark again.

Bye! Even the soul stone shattered with a sound. Everyone was scared and stepped back.

“W-what happened?”

“Is this… a success?”

EA and Jeong Seo-jin checked Yushin’s condition.


There was no noticeable change in Yushin.

* * *

[Magic tower lord Kim Yu-shin, died during the battle with the sky castle lord. (Comprehensive 1 report)]

[Netizens unanimously respond to Kim Yu-shin’s sad news, “I can’t believe it.”]

[The absolute idol of wizards around the world has disappeared. The trainees are just devastated.]

[Kim Yu-shin, who provided crucial help in creating the antidote, was diagnosed with cardiac arrest after the battle with the Dark Lord of Heaven.]

[US Foreign Press, “A heroic end until the very end.”]

A wave of condolences arose not only in Korea but around the world.

The Magic Tower did not acknowledge Yushin’s death, but the claim that the person whose heart stopped was not dead was empty.

Eventually, an incense burner to commemorate Yushin was installed in Sanggye-dong. Since Yushin had no family, Jeong Seo-jin, Jin Jin-ra, and Hong Yeon stayed together.

There were countless lines of mourners.

Executives and hunters of Garam Management, Alchemia employees, Lim Nam-jin and Hunter Association officials, Academy faculty and students, Banjef Planning, which runs the Paju hunting ground, Changwon City garrison troops, and countless wizards born under the influence of Yushin. .

The number of people who were helped directly or indirectly by Yushin was countless.

Two days later, mourners came from all over the world.

Not only officials at the Federation Headquarters, but also fellow hunters in Tanzania, the Grizzly and Russian hunter teams, Captain Skoll of the Federation Forces, Colonel Frederick of the Indian Ocean Naval Base, and agents of world guilds, including the Ghost Corps, were all astonished by Yushin’s connections. was doing

As soon as Shin Nara heard the news of Yusin’s death, he fainted and fell ill. Jin Jin-ra came to the incense burner with difficulty, but it seemed like he would collapse again within a day, so Jin Jin-ra quickly sent him back.

It was late in the morning, and as the crowd of mourners began to thin out, Yushin’s acquaintances were barely able to rest.

“Why are you doing this…”

Jin Jin-ra, exhausted from crying, leaned her back against the wall and said.

“It’s not a real funeral. You’re not dead yet. Only the heart has stopped, but the blood is flowing well. But why….”


Even Jeong Seo-jin, the spiritual leader of the Magic Tower, was unusually disheveled.

His tie was undone, his clothes were loose, his beard was bushy, and his hair was unkempt. She put the cigarette she had just quit in her mouth and looked at the ceiling in fascination.

“It’s all my fault.”

Hongyeon calmly put away the incense and said.

“If only I had come a little faster…”

“You’re a little tight, bitch.”

Jin Jin-ra said in a nervous voice.

“It’s all because of me. It was because I took cold medicine. If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t have been so unreasonable…”

“You’re the one talking nonsense.”

Jeong Seo-jin stuffed the cigarette butt into his pocket and put the next cigarette in his mouth.

“I’m not trying to comfort you, but the owner of the tower would have made the same choice regardless of whether someone took the cold medicine or not.”

Jin Jin-ra brought her knees together and hugged them.

“As expected, we should have stopped him. It wasn’t just a day or two that he overexerted himself. I was worried that he might be holding me back for no reason, so I left him alone, and in the end…”

Jeong Seo-jin, who was smoking a cigarette with a look on his face, heard a bell ringing in his pocket.

He ignored it, but the calls came again and again. In the end, he put the cell phone to his ear with a stern expression.

“What is it?”

– Vice President! Sorry for times like these, but we have a big problem! In the North American potion market, the President of the United States… … !

“I’ll take care of it.”

-Ha, but… … !

Blood lines appeared on Jeong Seo-jin’s neck.

“Do it yourself!”

He threw his cell phone.

The cell phone that fell on the stone floor was completely shattered, and fragments flew in all directions. Everyone who knew anything about Jeong Seo-jin could not help but be surprised.

He lay down on the floor with a resigned look on his face.

“…Now what’s the use of all this?”

He muttered quietly enough for no one to hear, then took out the next cigarette and put it in his mouth.

While everyone was chatting loudly while looking at Jeong Seo-jin, Hong Yeon quietly knelt in front of Yu-shin’s photo.

And I put in a new, clean scented candle.

When I saw the photo of Yushin smiling brightly, tears that I thought had dried started flowing non-stop.

‘I haven’t even been able to say thank you properly yet… … ‘

Her fists on her knees were shaking.


Hongyeon felt someone from behind and turned her head.


A woman with long, tangled black hair, like a virgin ghost, was walking.

Her cheeks were hollow and her makeup was a mess, but Hongyeon recognized who she was right away.

“Pa, Pharaoh…”

Han Yun-jeong knelt down next to Hong Yeon. Then she saw Yushin’s picture and stuck her head in front of it.


Tears poured down like a flood.

“sorry Sorry sorry.”

thud! thud!

As she started to hit her forehead, Hongyul and Jinbora rushed over to stop her.

“I should have gone! No matter what the elders said or what the media said, I should have gone! It’s my fault! It’s all my fault!”


“Ji, calm down!”

“You idiot! Please! Tell me it’s a lie! Huh? Why did this happen! Why!”


“Oh f*ck! Everyone is saying shit, saying shit!”

This time Hong Yul appeared in a gray suit. He was holding a bottle of alcohol in one hand.

“My baby is dead? Who the f*ck says that? Why is he dead? Is he the kind of guy who would kill even if our Yushin killed him? He must be locked up somewhere else, right? Yushin! Where are you!”

“Tongue, Chairman!”



She approached, destroying the flower pots around her, and stopped when she saw Yushin’s photo.


Her pupils shook as if she couldn’t believe it.

“…You bastard! Why are you driving a nail into my chest? How can you do this while I’ve only been there for a short time? Kim Yu-shin, you bastard who put me out on the water!”

Hongyeon looked back with tears in her eyes, and Jinbo suddenly got up from her seat.

“President of the Association! When are you going to Korea… Ugh, you can’t step on that!”

After struggling to clear the disaster, Hongyul’s eyes rolled back as soon as he heard the news of Yushin.

He traveled around the world, brutally killing thousands of demons, and went all the way to France, where he single-handedly destroyed the Hunter Association that had turned a blind eye to Albert.

It was her own revenge and condolence.


She takes off her blood-stained suit and slams it in front of Yushin! She made a noise and she sat down.

Hongyul picked up the empty drinking glass and poured the alcohol he had brought into it.


She said.

“I got so drunk and used to the happiness you brought me that I neglected the most important thing, your safety. That’s a bitch I’ll kill.”

Hongyul picked up the glass and drank it down.

Hongyeon came up to her with tears in her eyes and hugged her body.

The two sisters remained hugged like that for a while.

‘… … senior.’

Hongyeon thought of Yushin.

In my head, countless things I had done with him flowed like a panorama.

Meeting Yushin changed many things for her.

In those days when everything felt empty, I suffered my first loss to Yushin at the academy. In her graduation exam, despite doing her best, she did not win.

The result was defeat despite all efforts.

I didn’t feel bad.

No, she thought she had been saved by that one defeat.

Finally, I have a goal that I want to follow like everyone else.


‘Please teach me, senior.’

Hongyeon looked up at the ceiling with an empty face.

‘What should I aim for now?’

* * *

On the hazy sea of ​​consciousness, I was swimming in consciousness like a drifting sailboat.

I am someone

This is somewhere.

No one answers. Just like a leaf flowing along a river, it is floating while lying down.

‘… … ‘Uhm.’

As my vision becomes increasingly blurry, I vaguely see something that looks like a new form of a person.

[Meshara. Meshara.]

I raised my arms, rubbed my eyes, and looked ahead again.

We met again. A white, long-haired being whose gender cannot be distinguished.

He wore a white coat long enough to flow and drag on the floor, and his arms and legs were as thin as chopsticks. He looked down at me and smiled.

“You’re back again?”

“……I know.”

I answered calmly and raised my upper body.

“Where am I?”

“Inside your conscious world.”

He shook his head.

“I never imagined you would throw yourself into dark magic and become a Titan. I wonder how far your recklessness can go.”

“so do i.”

I took a long sigh and asked in a serious tone.

“Am I dead?”

“I don’t know.”

He shook his head.

“At least your colleagues seem to think so. They all seem sad.”

“…Thank you for making me feel sad.”

He smiled slyly and opened his mouth.

“A lot of women came.”

“You are a sinful man.”

We giggled like kids at a lame joke.

“Now, wake up.”

He stretched out his arms. I grabbed his soft hand and lifted my body up.

This is a space like pure white drawing paper with nothing drawn on it.

Here I was just a black dot, smaller than a speck of dust.

“Can we get out of here?”

“Of course! I’ll help you.”

He smiled and raised his index finger.

“Instead, by the time you open your eyes, quite a bit of time may have passed in that world.”

“……You’re not just going to open your eyes a few decades or a few centuries later, right?”

He waved his hand.

“Oh, it’s not that bad. If you want, you can stay here for a long time.”

“That’s not allowed.”

I said it clearly.

“The worst disaster, Nemesis, is likely to occur within five years. We must return as soon as possible.”

“Okay, then let’s aim to get back as quickly as possible! Now, shall we go?”

He grabbed my hand. I don’t know why, but I felt very comfortable.

“But… who are you?”

He turned around with a smile at my question.

“You will soon find out.”

I walked through the pure white space with him.

I don’t know what’s at the end of this space or what awaits me in the future.

But one thing is clear.

‘No matter what happens, I’ll come back.’

I made a serious decision and walked forward with determination.

I felt like I could see the world a little more clearly.


He snapped his fingers and looked back at me.

“After all, wouldn’t it be better to learn the 7th process?”

What on earth is this guy?

#Author’s words.

hello! This is a salvo from the author.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the readers who reached up to episode 254.

I would like to inform you that from the next episode, Part 2 of The Only Magic Tower will begin.

Several years have passed since Part 1, and a completely new story unfolds as Kim Yu-shin, who was thought to be dead, appears in the world!

I plan to complete Part 2. I’ve also finished planning the final scene to some extent.

So, I’m sorry, but there are only 3 days until Part 2. I’m planning to take just three days off to give myself time to organize my story.

Kim Yu-shin is back! We will resume the series starting ‘this Sunday’ so that you do not have to wait too long.

Please look forward to seeing the characters grow up over the years! Thank you so much again!


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