I’m the only magic tower owner Chapter 235

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I’m the Only Magic Tower Owner Episode 235

Albert and I faced each other again.

What to do now?


This time too, a guide appeared with a cart.

There were various teapots and refreshments, and more than six types of tea alone.

This time, the receptionist served warm black tea to Albert and me.

“Did you find out something?”

Albert asked. I nodded and looked into his eyes with a serious expression.

“Yes. All the data kept by the Lord of Seong has been manipulated.”

I decided to take a gamble right now. I will use every card I have to push him.

“As a result of the investigation, important information was missing or changed to different words. For example, the main ingredient of the monster-turning drug was Telos’ saliva, but it was changed to Krolos’ saliva.”

“How do you know that?”

“I robbed two demon labs before the Lord of the castle.”

I shrugged.

“The data from both labs were developing a potion made from ‘Saliva of Telos.’ Why is the data from the Lord of the Castle different? I think it was the work of someone who wanted to hide the ingredients of the potion.”

Albert simply took a sip of the tea served by the guide.

“Is that all?”



Tension creeps in, and my heart races.

I rubbed my chin and made a worried expression.

“From here, it’s purely my imagination… but it feels like something was being made on the fourth floor of the Sky Castle… Is that an infection medicine or an antidote?”



Albert leaned back with an expressionless face.

“That’s rude.”

“I’m sorry if it sounded like you were doubting the castle lord.”

Then his finger pointed to my teacup.

“You turned down the car the landlord gave you twice.”

“Huh? Ahaha! You mean tea? Black tea doesn’t suit my taste.”

“is it.”

He gestured, and this time the guide poured light green tea for me and Albert.

“Are you going to refuse this time too?”

To interpret it, ‘Are you going to doubt me until the end?’ That’s what it sounds like.

“If you say that, well, you should drink it.”

I raised my teacup and squinted.


Tension tightened my throat.

My concentration reaches its limit and my heart beats slowly. Time seems to pass slowly.

Albert elegantly lifted his cup and took a sip of tea.

I also bring the teacup to my mouth. While drinking tea, his gaze turns towards me. And I am.

He relaxed his hands as if to show off.


The teacup fell and went into the warp gate that Samia had opened on the floor.

Fine wrinkles appeared on the forehead of the Sky Lord.

“…What is this?”

“Let’s play a fun game. If I lose, I will quit the World Guild cleanly.”

I gestured. A warp opened under the cart, and the entire cart was sucked into it. The guide was scared and stepped back.

“Is there even one of the ingredients of the six types of tea here that contains Telos extract?”


For the first time, a smile appeared on Albert’s expressionless lips.

“That’s great.”


Faster than I realize, my body hits something and flies through the air and lands on the wall.

The shock, like being hit by a large truck later, shakes my whole body.


“But it’s also rude.”

Albert got up from his chair.

Have you finally revealed your true colors?

Rather than just getting angry because of rudeness, it is a serious attack.

I looked down and saw a feather stuck in the middle of my chest. Even though I was prepared, I was hit without a chance to do anything.


Albert’s wings spread. The wings are spread only on the right side, and their size and splendor are incomparable to other Icarus abilities.

“……I have a question.”

I said through gritted teeth.

“Why would a hunter of your caliber do something like this?”

Albert waved his wings without answering. Feathers flew like a flash and I spread an overlapping shield across the front.



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A rush of feathers crumples the shield like a piece of paper and gets stuck in my body. The impact sent me flying all the way to the wall again.

Jeongsik becomes distant due to the shock of his hair turning completely white.

‘The weight… … ‘

The weight of a feather is heavier than an ordinary piece of iron.

It felt like an entire car, not just a feather, had been rammed into my body. I used mana to block the feathers that were falling as I tore open the wound, and turned on Devasta on my right foot.

I immediately flung myself backwards.

The moment I activated Devastar and my awareness increased, I felt an eerie sensation.

When I looked up, Albert was flying right above me.

‘Faster than Devasta… !’


Albert grabbed my head and threw it on the floor.


In the shock that made me lose my mind, my body moved instinctively.

I placed my foot firmly on the floor and kicked up my foot.

It was easily blocked by Albert’s hand, but Ea’s magic circle, which had been waiting for a concerted attack, activated simultaneously and poured out fire cannons and wind cutters.

Albert stepped back and avoided me, and in the meantime, I raised my upper body.

– Top owner! The injury is serious!

“Huh! Huh!”

Albert didn’t do anything particularly great.

Throwing Icarus’ feather or stamping his foot once. Yet, I am on the brink of death.

It was not for nothing that it was certified level 1 or certified level 1. It’s just a different level.

“If you’re thinking of running away, give up.”

Albert opened his palm. Feathers flew from his wings and stretched out around his hand, turning into the shape of a sword.

composure. Let’s calm down.

I turned my arm back and grasped the handle of the Specter. With his other hand, he scanned the sole of his shoe and loaded a round of Devasta.

We made eye contact and did not move.


With a soft rushing sound, Albert’s body approaches at a speed exceeding Devasta’s.

The feather sword he was holding came down in a straight line, and I also swung the Specter sideways.

The feather sword seen with the eyes of a daeva was splitting while being swung.

Know. The shape of the sword is fake.

The moment I raise my sword to defend myself, the feather sword will disintegrate, and a total of more than 500 feathers will become trapped in my body.

But that won’t work.

A black hole protrudes from the surface of the Specter. The feather sword he swung was all sucked into it, and Albert, surprised, tried to step back.


When I return the Specter to my back, I immediately see the black hole. I stretched out my feet with all my strength.


The black hole flew away with gunfire, spitting out black chains and flying towards Albert.

It’s a success.

But I don’t think we won with this. Without any time to see the results, he immediately turned on Devasta and threw himself into the warp gate that Samia had opened.

It doesn’t feel good to use my best winning magic to attract attention, but I can’t help it.

My accelerated body passes through the warp gate.


As I was riding a roller coaster, I felt like space and time were shaking, and my body was thrown into the magic tower.

It was on the 5th floor where the warp gate was located.

“Kim Yushin Hunter!”


Samia came panting, and Ea also appeared in the air with a halo of light. I screamed loudly.

“Close the warp first! Quickly!”

If Albert even enters the magic tower, there is really no answer. The entire Magic Tower will be taken over by one person.

Samia, like a veteran, quickly grasped the situation and narrowed the space in the warp.

Shoo shoo shoo!

Samia turned around. Feathers flew from the warp, scarring her cheek and shoulder and sticking into the wall.

The strong wall of the magic tower was dented around the place where the feather was stuck.

‘Damn, you really are a monster… … ‘

Finally, the warp space was completely closed. I just fell to the floor.

“Kim Yushin Hunter!”

Samia came up to me and shouted.

“Are you okay? The wound is serious!”

“……Gwae, it’s okay. The magic tower has a recovery function, so after a while, it’ll go away!”

Actually, it wasn’t okay. The heavy feathers held in by mana are tearing the flesh and piercing the organs.


Samia pulled me to my knees and carefully held on to the feathers stuck to my body.

The teleport was activated, and bloody feathers piled up on the floor.

After removing all the feathers, Ea poured the highest quality red elixir into the wound.

It was so painful that tears came to my eyes. I let out a moan without realizing it and shuddered in pain.

“Eh, eh. That’s expensive…”

Ea coldly opened her eyes.

“I don’t think this is what the owner of the tower would say after throwing 7 bottles on the floor in a row.”

I have nothing to say.

The elixir healed the wound and the bleeding disappeared. I can feel that the magic tower’s recovery effect is working properly.

After overcoming the crisis, Ea took me to the bed on the 9th floor and laid me down.

“No one in this world will follow the recklessness of the top owner.”

Ea, who was pointing at my forehead, spoke in a sulky voice. Samia, who also came up, sighed.

“It’s a miracle that he did something like that at the base of a first-class official and came back alive.”

“Haha, please refrain from nagging in front of the patient… Cough!”

Vision gradually becomes blurry. It looks like he’s on the verge of fainting, but there’s still something to check.

“……Samia. What about those teacups I sent?”

“I received it safely. I sent it to Hunter Jeong Seo-jin and had him analyze the ingredients.”

“…Good job. Eah. Could you please take my phone out of the suit?”

“You need to rest now!”

“Just one call…”

Ea reluctantly handed over the smartphone.

I mustered up the strength to make a quick phone call and completely lost consciousness.

* * *

Rattling. Rattling.

I was helping prepare potions at the Magic Tower.

The ingredients were chopped into small pieces, coated with magical power, and then gently placed into the boiling magic cauldron.

“Oh my, are you following along exactly as I taught you?”

I raised my head. A girl with light purple hair was looking at me with a wide smile.

“Bo, is it Bora?”

“……What? Are you always confusing me with some girl? You idiot, Jans.”

She pressed my forehead with a distressed look.

I realized that her face was strangely different from Jin Jin-ra’s.


“Yes, it’s me. I don’t have time, so quickly adjust the proportions of this mixture.”

“Ah Okay.”

At her urging, I approached the pot with the two solutions filled in the bottle.



“I was still in Machinatio?”

She tilted her head.

“What are you talking about earlier? You ate the wrong breakfast…”


Like red paint being sprayed onto a camera, her fresh blood splashes onto my face.

I stare down with trembling eyes. A blade was sticking out from the center of Velika’s chest.


She took one look at her bloody chest, then looked up at me.


Her body falls down like a doll whose strings have been cut. I was completely frozen in place.

The background changes.

The building is burning and thick smoke covers the sky.


“Please stop!”

People in fear run away covered in blood.

The monsters are rushing in relentlessly and massacring civilians.

[It’s all because of you.]

I trembled at the creepy voice. Velika, who had died with a hole in her chest, was standing up like a zombie.

No, it wasn’t Velika.

An android whose entire body is a machine, with only the face so similar to a human that it’s creepy.

I somehow knew who she was.



A black tower falls from the sky.

[This world was safe. Machinatio was destroyed because of you, an impurity from another world.]

“No! I…!”


Another black tower fell next to me.

[For human survival, human freedom must be controlled. Do you think I would have been happy slaughtering the creators I loved? Can you understand, even one in ten million, my determination to surrender myself to the plague of infection?]

“Stop, stop!”




Black towers fall around me as if surrounding me. Like iron bars, I was trapped between the towers.

[You made my resolution go to waste. You killed everyone.]

Bloody tears flowed from Eve’s eyes.

“No! Listen to me! A shadow was drawn around me. When I looked up, a black tower was falling on my head.


I stood up with cold sweat all over my body.

“Huh! Huh! Hah!”

I calmed my startled heart and looked around.

I was lying on the bed in the magic tower’s room.

A terrible nightmare. My whole body is still shaking. He covered his forehead and sighed deeply.

‘… … ‘Because I’ve been watching useless things.’



What, wasn’t it a dream?

As the magic tower was shaking, documents and snacks on the desk were falling.

My favorite character watch also fell and rolled around on the floor.

At the same time, light appeared in the magic circle elevator on the 9th floor.

“Lord Tower! We’re in big trouble!”

“It’s my brother!”

“Kim Yushin Hunter!”


EA and Jeong Seo-jin rushed in, followed by Eunsol, Samia, and Na Daeyong.

They are all dressed in hunter suits and fully armed.

“Ugh! It’s my brother!”

Eunsol came into my blanket, shivering.

“What’s going on, everyone? What’s going on?”

“I will print the screen.”

EA displayed a holographic screen showing the outside situation.

Winged hunters were surrounding the magic tower.

And above the magic tower, Albert’s Sky Castle was floating.

“The Heavenly Star has gone to war.”


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