I’m the only magic tower owner Chapter 111

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Only I Am the Magic Tower Lord Episode 111

The president of the association offered me a meal.

Well, it doesn’t seem like they’ll be summoning me to the Hunter Association right away. First of all, I’m glad it doesn’t seem like a big deal.

I returned to the tower and returned to my normal life.

However, this incident shook my mentality in many ways, so the aftereffects were a bit long.

‘It’s not done neatly.’

I’m practicing with a magic circle spread out in the air, but I keep making mistakes that I’ve never seen before. Proof that my mind is not immersed and is constantly focusing on something else.

This is the downside of over-immersion. Even though everything is over, a strange aftereffect remains.

‘Don’t just look so shocked, attack me properly. Otherwise, there’s no reason for me to change, right?’

The voice of Han Yun-jeong, who became Mine.

‘You left her side. While masturbating she said it was her job for her. Don’t be funny! That’s hypocrisy and evasion.’

The voice of Armin Walter, who took over Han Yun-jeong’s body, still lingers in my ears and torments me.

As stress gets worse, it becomes difficult to cast magic. Concentration decreases, and the time it takes to become immersed becomes longer.

The only risk I take.

As my over-indulgence trait reached a certain level, I now needed to be honest with myself.

If there was something that bothered me, I had to resolve it, and if it was difficult, I had to rationalize it to myself.

‘What’s the problem this time?’

After thinking about it, I think I’m still suffering from ‘guilt’.

It wasn’t just a feeling of guilt for not being able to prevent Han Yun-jeong from becoming a demon.


“Yes, senior!”

Jin Jin-ra, who was preparing the potion ingredients while humming a song, quickly ran over.

“I want to ask you something…”

She opened her laptop, accessed the academy’s website, and logged in with her student council ID. As she clicked her mouse and searched for information, she said, ‘Ah!’ and tried her luck.

“Here it is! This year’s graduation rate for non-combatants!”

“How much does it cost?”

“The passing rate is 3.5%.”

Did it only go up 0.5%?

Even though the 1st rank hunting ground was released to non-combat groups and there was even a labyrinth dungeon issue, it was only 0.5%.


Now I know for sure.

What is the identity of this discomfort?

“Ah. Are you there?”

-yes. Top owner.

“Please call Seojin and Sol. I have something to talk about.”

After a while, all my managers gathered in the first floor lobby. Jin Jin-ra was glancing at me, and Eun-sol was holding on to the hem of Jeong Seo-jin’s pants with a slightly nervous look on her face.

“Do you three want to try using any magic?”


Suddenly, the managers’ magic demonstration began.

Jeong Seo-jin, although a little clumsy, still created a gauntlet, and Eunsol created a short and full bad mana arrow. And Jinbo… … .


This time too, it was a failure starting from the base.


She said, lowering her head.

What, what’s wrong with the atmosphere?

“No, no, I’m not trying to scold you.”


“What you feel or what difficulties you have as someone who is just learning magic. I’d like you to tell me anything, even if it’s something trivial.”

The three of them, perhaps finally realizing my intention, talked about what they felt about magic.

“I just can’t get a feel for it. It’s so difficult to gather mana and spread it out.”

Jin Jin-ra said.

“Hunters also have mana skills, but magic feels fundamentally different. Above all, I think drawing a straight circle with highly fluid mana and writing runes are particularly difficult.”

Jeong Seo-jin said.

“If you focus on the formula, the field becomes scattered, and if you focus on the field, the formula becomes strange!”

Eunsol said.

… … Umm.

I’m not bragging, but after joining the Magic Tower, I succeeded in making gauntlets in one go, and even learned the three basic magic circles and painting methods in four days.

To be more specific, if I recall the time when I first learned magic, yes. Although it was clearly my first time working with a magic circle, my fingers moved boldly as if I had done it once or twice and drew the shape exactly as it appeared in the magic circle.

I started out different from others.

So I really had to lower my standards.


“Ah yes!”

“What is the most difficult when laying down the base?”

“……Uh, um. The mana in the body is used well, but the magic circle is the work of taking this out, right? If that happens, the mana will quickly fly out into the air.”

I compiled everyone’s stories.

All three of them actively cooperated with me and kept telling me about the current problems with magic as they came to mind.

‘In the end, this is the problem.’

The outline was set. The problem is that the mana quickly dissipates before you can even use it.



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Hunters’ mana skills. So, techniques like Manasil are all used by collecting and squeezing out mana.

The magic circle is the opposite. It is a technique that spreads mana. The wider and thinner it is, like paper, the better. As a result, it was difficult to maintain the unstable form of mana.

“Thank you everyone for your cooperation.”

I went up to the 9th floor and devoted myself to magic research. On the right, the basics of magic were spread out, and on the left, various magic-related books were lined up.

‘We need to figure out the cause of the problem first.’

To start with, the mana of Erendel and Earth were different in nature.

Erendel’s mana has the property of clumping together, while Earth’s mana has the property of dispersing.

On Earth, when mana is expelled from the body, it flows out like smoke, but in Erendel, it flutters like a flame and is concentrated in one point.

Just the essence itself was completely different.

80-90% of Erendel’s numerous magical knowledge cannot be used on Earth.

I didn’t know because I wasn’t bothered by issues like mana gathering and dispersing at all, but it’s different for people who have to start from scratch without any magic-related traits.

At this level, it’s almost like telling people not to use magic on Earth.

‘Then what should we do to make Earthlings use magic properly?’

I did research again and again. All casting skills were referenced. In addition to the seal method, I covered all techniques such as meditation, road action, face-off, and the imperial mana method, and as a result, my magic-related knowledge, which had some gaps, was naturally filled in.

Before I knew it, I was completely immersed in this new research.

In fact, most of the magic research I have done so far has been limited to learning already existing knowledge.

This is the first study to establish a completely new theory that has never existed before.

Maybe that’s why I found this work even more fun.

“Ah! Please call me quickly!”

-yes. Top owner.

And the biggest helper in this magic research was Jin Jin-ra.

“Jinjin, the potion maker, is here!”

“Do you want to try following this?”

Because out of all the administrators, she had the least talent for magic. That meant that if she could learn her magic, it was possible for her ordinary people to learn her magic as well.

“Like this?”

“It feels like I’m rolling a little more in a circle… Yes, that’s right!”

Jinbo might have felt a little sorry for me because he couldn’t use magic, but he helped me out without saying a word of displeasure.

A day or two passed by, and before I knew it, my office on the 9th floor had become a meeting place.

Ea took a seat on my desk, and Eunsol also took up a spot on the sofa with the golem she had just made. At the end, even Jeong Seo-jin brought a laptop and a blanket and was working.

“But why is everyone gathered here?”


Jeong Seo-jin answered, brushing his messy hair.

“……This. Watching it is more fun than I thought.”


“Yes! That’s right! It’s fun!”

Development of a new school of magic.

Now everyone helped. When Jin Jin-ra was blocked, Jeong Seo-jin and Eun-sol, who were better than him, tried.

Even if Jeong Seo-jin does well, my goal is to have Jin Jin-ra use magic. The theory continued to be modified.

A week like that.

“Huh? Don’t you think it’s done now?”

“Okay, let’s start from the beginning!”

Jin Jin-ra took a pose in front of everyone. Everyone watched her with bated breath.

“First, draw a ring around the heart.”

Among the organs of the human body, the heart is the place where mana accumulates the fastest and the most.

I saw the inside of Jinjinra through the eyes of a deva. Mana rotates around her heart, forming a ring.

“……That’s Okay!”

“Rotate the ring slowly to increase the process rate. Good! Then, pass mana through the ring and move to the right arm!”

She spread her right arm and raised her index finger. Mana clumped together at the tip of her index finger and gathered in the form of a dot.

“Draw a magic circle in that state!”

Jin Jin-ra laid the base in the air and drew a gentle circle. Even though I was working on it, the mana did not scatter this time. This is thanks to the mana in the body being purified by passing it through a ring.

Her fingers moved without hesitation. She drew the ‘Rune of Strike’ in the center and completed her auxiliary formulas around it.


Finally, the magic circle glowed blue and worked.

“……I’m nervous.”

Jin Jin-ra swallowed hard and carefully put her hand inside. The mana of the magic circle naturally wrapped around her hand and shimmered with blue light.

‘The light bulb came on properly. Now for the last time… … !’

I unfolded a soft shield next to her. She nodded once and thrust her fist towards her shield.


Blue sparks flew out, and the shield shattered. The magic power in her right arm disappeared.

The ‘Gauntlet’ has been implemented properly.


She was trembling with tears in her eyes.

“Senior! Do it, you did it!”

“Wow! Sister, you’re awesome!”

Strangely enough, I was thrilled by her success.

But not yet.

“Look! Stay focused! Next time!”

She must have suddenly come to her senses and straightened her back.

“Move the ring again! Focus!”


“This time, we’re drawing a magic circle around the ring.”

One of Erendel’s skills that Earthlings cannot do.

The point is that the circle to be used on the field cannot be drawn directly with mana. This was the same for Jeong Seo-jin and Eunsol.

In theory, there is no such thing as a ‘perfect circle’. There is a difference when you look at it through a microscope, and there is a difference again when you look at it down to the atomic level.

Still, in order for mana to flow well through the field, it is essential to use a certain degree of ‘gentle circle’.

This does not mean that you should just draw shapes smoothly. A circle for mana to flow. Erendel’s mana has a tendency to clump together, so this form can be created naturally, but not on Earth.

So this is the method I came up with.

That ‘ring’ is simply used as the field itself. Use the ring as a field to form a border, and fill it with runes and formulas with mana.

It feels like the seal is being made and drawn from the heart rather than being done with the palm of one’s hand.


She extended her right arm straight out. The magic circle created by her ring travels down her arm and spreads out in front of her palm.


Jeong Seo-jin suddenly stood up with matted hair. Eunsol jumped up and down in place. Ea also pushed her head forward.

“Okay, then I’ll try it!”

Jin Jin-ra put her trembling arm into the gauntlet. A blue light enveloped her right hand and I placed a shield next to it.


She swung her fist with all her might.


Blue sparks, proving that the gauntlet was properly completed, bounce brightly in the office on the 9th floor.

It was perfect.


It is an unrivaled success.

“Aaaah! I’m a senior!”

“It’s my sister! It’s my brother!”

“Congratulations, Top Lord!”

Everyone came running, cheering, led by Jin Jin-ra.

My excitement didn’t subside at all.

I feel a more intense sense of accomplishment than when I created any magic.


Ea approached. Her voice was also trembling slightly.

“What will you name your new school of magic?”

I answered with a grin. Of course, I have a name in mind.

“I’ll call it Circle.”

A school unique to Earth, not Erendel.

It was the birth of Circle 1.


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