I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 97

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Chapter 15. It touches your pride. (6)

“No? I really hate Dexter.”

Jack’s grumpy appearance looked very similar to Dexter. When Dexter was asked the same question, he used to get embarrassed like that.

“Okay, okay, okay.”

Elice giggled and took a step back.

“Anyway, thanks to you, Gold Star is in good shape.”

She never went near Gold Star. She kept her distance and continued the conversation.

“I’m still scared of him.”

“Hey, what are you afraid of? He doesn’t bite. He’s really gentle.”

Just then, Gold Star opened his mouth to swallow the egg. In an instant, the mouth opened up and down 4 to 5 times wider.


Goldstar swallowed an egg bigger than his head in one mouthful. And then he began to push it into his stomach with a grunt.

Of course, it looked very vicious.

“……Uh, you say you don’t even touch a dog when you’re eating? Something like that…….”


Elice smiled and recalled the day she first saw Gold Star.

“How did you really approach it back then….”

If it weren’t for Abel’s pressure, I would never have gone.

Even when I brought this gold star, she didn’t even come near me. After she brought Dexter in, she left it to Jack to take care of her.

“How many rocks did you pick up yesterday?”

“Yesterday there were two.”

Moreover, Jack was faithfully carrying out Abel’s instructions. The task was to take Gold Star around and take care of the stones he put in his mouth.

“Then how many are there so far?”

“Hmm… I think there are about 12.”

Jack added with a sullen expression.

“Isn’t it too little? I don’t think the master will be satisfied.”

He knew that the real owner of this Vendetta Guild was different. The man with the scary smell who sent me here.

“What if you get angry when you see it?”

To Jack, the master had already been imprinted as an object of fear. I still often dream of him beating up Tom and Jerry.

Elice answered willingly.

“It will be fine.”

She did not exactly understand the meaning of what Abel asked her to do. However, she had the ability to roughly infer from Abel’s words.

‘If something goes wrong with his body, I plan to make him look exactly like that.’

The reason he cares about Gold Star is probably because the stone this snake picked up is so rare.

‘It’s natural that the higher the rarity, the smaller the quantity.’

Something of great value, and very rarely found. Also, you can’t find it unless you have a gold star.

‘… … Surely that is it?’

Elice was already close to the correct answer. However, I did not do anything hasty in saying my thoughts out loud.

We’ll find out when Abel comes back anyway.

“Don’t worry too much, Jack.”

Instead of explaining the lengthy train of thought to Jack, Elice tried to reassure young Jack.

“And even if the master gets angry, it won’t be directed at you.”

At first, Jack turned his back on Elise and behaved harshly. However, he quickly opened his heart to Eli Che’s kind appearance.

Even if I pretended not to, I was still at an age where I missed warm affection.

“Really? Oh, I’m still anxious. Are you sure you’re okay?”

Jack felt extremely anxious, as if he didn’t know when he would be thrown out of here. He would work hard at things he wasn’t even asked to do, as if he was trying to prove his worth.

That sight reminded me of Elice from her difficult childhood.

So, whenever Elice saw Jack, she felt weak. Dexter, who saw this, grumbled and asked if there was such discrimination.

“It’s really okay. Don’t think like that.”

“Oh, I can’t do that.”

Even with Elice’s words, Jack still didn’t look relieved.

“When Dexter comes back, I’m going to ask him to go out with me right away. Let’s find out more…”

“Even if it’s okay. The owner didn’t even order a separate quota.”

Elice touched Jack’s shoulder as he tried to stand up.

“Master will be back late tomorrow afternoon. So come back again in the morning.”


“If you go out now, when are you going to come back? If you sleep late, you won’t grow taller?”

“Eh, I don’t like that!”

Jack jumped up from his spot. Gold Star stood up startled at the sight.

“Oh, sorry. Sorry. Eat what you were eating.”

Jack petted Gold Star once and then shouted.

“You need to be taller!”

With a solemn look on his face, he grabbed the tray that was sitting next to him. There was a glass bottle filled with white milk on it.

Of course, Jack was the only one in this Vendetta guild who still drank milk.

Elise held back her laughter and watched Jack open the cap of the milk. It was then.


With the sound of the door opening roughly,




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“-Ka! Suddenly….”

A loud noise was heard outside the room. It was the sound of William in the hall talking to someone.


Jack put down the milk bottle. A white beard grew on his philtrum.

“What’s going on?”

“Who is William with….”

Elise frowned. She listened to the sounds outside as much as she could.


She quickly grasped the situation and took out the weapon on her thigh.

‘Are you a client? Or another guild?’

Elice thought deeply about her recent work. And he concluded that there was no real problem.

‘Then who is it?’

In fact, there was someone who caused a big fuss here recently. The memory of that time became an unforgettable thing in Ellise’s life.

‘Wait, it’s not time for you to come yet?’

Above all, Abel did not need to make a rough entrance. William would politely guide me to the inner room.

‘Then what… … .’

Elice’s expression gradually hardened.


William’s shouting continued to be heard. Now it was time to make a decision.

“Who, are you going to fight too?”

A look of fear appeared on Jack’s face.

“What kind of power does your sister have….”

“I’m good enough to protect myself.”

Elice answered briefly and gestured.

“come here.”

When the bookshelf was pushed away, the hidden space behind it was revealed. It was barely big enough to fit a small adult or child.

‘Why, there’s no Dexter… … .’

Elice bit her lip and pushed Jack into the secret space.

“If you look from the inside, there will be a gap between the books. When you come out, just grab it and push it out.”


“Later, when it’s quiet, come out and somehow go see the master.”

Elise took off the necklace and placed it in Jack’s hand.

“You can never lose it, okay?”


Jack’s eyes grew bright. He couldn’t answer even though he was holding the necklace tightly.

“If something happens to me, don’t come out.”

Elice looked away from Jack’s eyes. She pushed the bookshelf closed and then walked away.

I turned around and looked at the situation outside the room.

‘… … come.’

An unknown intruder was approaching this room. The sound of his footsteps grew louder.


Elice’s eyes widened. It was because he sensed her familiar voice.

Jump up!

The door was opened wide without knocking. Elise, who was looking out of the room very nervous, made a blank face.

“you are……?”

Standing at the door was Abel Kindreal. Behind him, William was following with a puzzled look on his face.

“Elice, that’s….”


Before William could explain anything, Abel strode into the room.


Jack couldn’t contain his curiosity and fear and pushed the book aside. The outside scenery was reflected through a thin gap.

‘… … wow.’

An exclamation burst out.

The person who opened the door and entered was a handsome young man. Not only did he have delicate facial features, but his blue hair and lilac eyes were very unique.

Jack had never seen such a handsome person in his life.

‘Who is that guy?’

Jack immediately realized that he was a nobleman. This is because there was an atmosphere similar to that of the nobles seen from afar.

‘But the expression… … .’

The young man’s face was distorted nervously. He seemed to be holding back something that was about to explode.


Elise cautiously opened her mouth.

“What is happening so suddenly?”

Jack was startled.

‘Lord, master? ‘That person?’

He opened his eyes wide and glanced at the young man, that is, his master.

‘omg… … .’

I never thought the face inside the robe would look like that.

In fact, Jack thought that the master had a very grim face and had several knife marks on it.

‘… … ‘Ugh!’

Jack frowned later.

The creepy smell that came from the owner. It was coming out with an intensity that was incomparable to before.

‘No, something is different.’

The smell was strong.

It felt like a huge, unknown monster was shaking my body. It felt like if I let go of the reins even a little, it would jump up and bite me.

‘Ugh, this is so awful.’

Jack couldn’t help but hold his breath.

It was because of my past experience of being in trouble for this matter. He didn’t want to be questioned about what it smelled like again.


Elise didn’t have as sensitive a nose as Jack, so she was just confused.

I couldn’t even guess why Abel came in so suddenly or why his complexion was so pale.


Abel didn’t answer. He just took a moment to catch his breath and glare at her bottom.

The relaxed smile was everywhere, and only the distorted face had darkened.

The silence he created enveloped the entire space. The three people except Abel felt an inexplicable chill.


Finally, Abel raised his head and stared at Elice.


Elice flinched without realizing it.

A deep, unknown light penetrated my eyes, and a sharp voice seemed to cut me.

‘… … ‘What did I do wrong?’

Elice’s heart sank. A groundless fear came over me.

‘Is the data I gave you earlier wrong? ‘Is that why you were embarrassed at the meeting?’

My imagination went in a negative direction. That was the only place I could point to.

‘Is that why you came in with such an angry face?’

It felt like the blood in my whole body was drying up. In an instant, her hands and feet became cold.

My confused mind was cleared up.

“I’m sorry, master.”

Elice hid her trembling fingertips.

“I haven’t figured out what the situation is yet. If you tell me, I’ll do my best to resolve it.”


Abel’s voice was as dry as a dry land.

‘You’re barely holding on.’

Elice nodded, feeling her breathing becoming tighter.

“Yes, please speak.”

“Recently, around the capital.”

Abel took a deep breath for a moment and then spoke again.

“Have there been any recent attacks on travelers around the capital?”

Random words tickled Eliche’s ears.

‘capital? tourist? attack?’

Elice’s mind became confused again.

‘Why is this here?’

Doubts abounded, but reason took the lead first.

Instead of asking the reason, Elice started by tracing her memory. In her haste she found the answer to Abel’s question.

“Yes. And quite often.”


“There were incidents where travelers coming to the capital or merchants were attacked and kidnapped.”

Abel just listened silently with an expressionless face.

“It is presumed to be the work of thieves. Their power is said to be increasing.”

“Where are you?”


“Where are you?”

Elice was unable to answer readily.

“There, there.”

I barely moved my lips. Strangely, she kept getting chills and couldn’t move her tongue properly.



“Ke, ke….”

I definitely knew the name of the place, but my eyes were spinning and my mind was turning white.


Abel’s face came closer and closer to me.


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