I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 96

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Chapter 15. It touches your pride. (5)


Mikel swallowed a low groan as he swung his sword.

It’s already been a few minutes since we started sparring. A subtle sense of discomfort, unknown to others, was getting on his nerves.

‘That’s strange.’

First, Abel Kindreal receives all my attacks, and the beat is slightly slow.

‘This has been going on for several minutes already.’

As the same situation continued, I couldn’t help but feel suspicious.

Mikel was attacking with consistent intensity and speed. Therefore, it was normal for Abel, who had become accustomed to it, to react faster and faster.

However, Abel had been receiving Mikel’s attacks at a very constant pace from the beginning until now.

Second, Abel Kindreal’s breathing was not disturbed at all.

As you receive the sword, you become more and more out of breath. Additionally, because it uses up a lot of muscle strength, it puts more and more strain on your arms.

But Abel’s face looked strangely peaceful. Not even a bead of sweat appeared on his smooth forehead.

‘Are you forcing yourself to pretend to be relaxed?’

Lastly, thirdly, Abel Kindreal shows a strangely sloppy side.

Abel’s walking technique and sword-holding posture were perfect. However, just before Mikel attacked, a very tempting loophole was revealed.

At this point, Mikel developed a hypothesis that was difficult to believe.

Even if I think about it, it’s really ridiculous, but the probability is really low.

‘What if Abel Kindreal is calculating all this?’

It was necessary to test this assumption.

Mikel has only used the basics of Nord swordsmanship so far. It was like a rite of passage for those who first joined the Order.

‘Once upon a time…’ … .’

He slowly began to increase the intensity and speed of his swordsmanship. Little by little, so that onlookers don’t notice.


Abel’s blue-violet eyes flashed. At the same time, a faint smile crossed her lips.


For a moment, Mikel couldn’t believe his eyes. Immediately, a shiver ran down my spine.


Abel’s sword met flawlessly. Abel’s face afterward remained the same calm even though the situation had changed.

Wow! Kang!

The two people’s swords clashed in succession. Abel was flawlessly defending against Mikel’s sword, which was blowing like the north wind.

‘Huh, this can’t be happening.’

Even though his attack was strengthened, Abel’s response was perfect. He was even maintaining his usual spacing.

It was an impossible state without realizing the destruction method of node swordsmanship.

‘Is this possible at this age?’

He has the vision to read Mikel’s attacks, the reflexes to react, and even considerable strength.

Moreover, he was using the Ovest sword technique that seemed to have been given to him by Diego. Quite elaborately finished.

‘Hmm… … .’

Mikel secretly swallowed his saliva.

His daughter Leah once declared to me: She said she would not marry a man weaker than her.

The only young man in this empire who satisfied those conditions was Cain Ardante. Meanwhile, a possibility was unfolding before him.

The choice is Abel Kindreal.

‘Is that right!’

In this way, a plan was completed in Mikel’s head without any consent from the parties involved. I suddenly felt relieved.

‘I can teach this much to my future son-in-law.’

Thinking that it would be a big problem if Abel found out, Mikel began to intensify his attacks even more.

There has never been an opponent who has been able to take his attacks so well. I couldn’t help but be excited because even if I attacked like a bean cake, I was able to catch it with ease.

‘Now, try blocking this too!’

It was truly my first time having such fun sparring. I was so excited that my arms were fluttering wildly.

Mikel, who was absorbed in the attack, did not notice Abel’s change.

A faint heat in the eyes, slightly misaligned breathing. And cold sweat began to seep down my white forehead.


Abel gritted his teeth. He looked like he was struggling at some point.


Only then did Mikel notice Abel’s condition. He stopped and tried to check the situation.

But the moment my thoughts wandered, the sword automatically pointed towards Abel’s shoulder. This was due to a long-standing habit of targeting fatal parts.

‘Oh no, I wish I could live without knowing!’

Mikel quickly tried to retrieve the sword.

At that moment, Abel’s eyes shone fiercely. Her blue-purple eyes became so dark that they looked red.

At the same time, his movements became so fast that it was difficult to follow them with the eye.


For an instant, Mikel felt as if Abel was disappearing behind the sword. No, it was as if he had become the sword itself.

The pinnacle of Obest’s swordsmanship, a move that reached its peak bloomed like a flower.


Mikel’s eyes widened rapidly. He had the illusion that Diego was right in front of him.

“Oh my!”

“It’s not dangerous!”

“Make it stop…!”



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The audience also jumped up from their seats.

Everyone’s attention was focused on the clash between Abel and Mikel. A desperate moment when two people’s swords collide,


Abel threw the sword on the floor.



All the spectators watching made dumbfounded noises.

“I lost.”

Abel slowly raised both hands. Mikel’s sword was touching his neck.

Mikel succeeded in changing the direction of the sword at the last moment. But he failed to control his strength.

In the end, his sword wound Abel’s neck.


The blood that flowed from Mikel’s blade fell to the floor.


At that moment, Abel startled as if he had been burned by something. He looked at the blood on the floor, then looked away as if he saw something he couldn’t see.


Abel bit his lip. His face turned pale.

Mikel, who saw that, was immersed in suspicion.

‘Are you afraid of blood?’

Since he didn’t know Abel’s current condition, he couldn’t help but think that Abel was being mean.

“…I’m sorry.”

Mikel quickly put away his sword. He approached Abel with a pitiful face.

“Prince Abel, are you okay?”

Abel just glared at the floor with a frown on his face.

His clenched jaw trembled. It was a painful expression, as if he was suppressing something.

“Why on earth are you doing that? Why did you throw the sword?”

“Isn’t the wound on your neck serious?”

“How can I hold a sword if it hurts and kills me?”

The audience who saw that was just suspicious.

Mikel also had a series of doubts. The Abel he saw was not someone who would be scared by something like this.

“Confucius, does your wound hurt a lot?”


“The old man’s motivation got too far. The wounds aren’t deep, so if you treat them quickly, you’ll be fine.”

The person who was supposed to solve everyone’s questions continued to remain silent.

Mikel thought for a moment and then lightly touched Abel’s shoulder.

“Prince Abel?”


Abel flinched and raised his head. Mikel paused as her eyes met his.

Abel’s blue-violet eyes were fluttering red. A dangerous and violent eye light that has never been seen before.

Is this what it feels like to face a monster that can never be tamed?

A shiver ran down Mikel’s spine.

‘I feel creepy?’

He was so startled that he let go and stepped back. It was full of things I couldn’t understand.

“……it’s okay.”

Abel finally spoke. The voice, which had become much muddier, somehow sounded like the growl of an animal.

“The teachings were well received.”

Abel’s sentences were intermittent, as if he was exhausted. After he finished speaking, he turned around.

“See you later.”

And then he left without even listening to Mikel’s answer. He even skipped greeting the emperor sitting in the audience.

“Wow, that kind of guy….”

“You just walked away without saying a word!”

The audience looked away in bewilderment. To General Manager Joshua, who will declare the winner or loser of this sparring match.


Director Joshua just stood there blankly with a dazed look on his face.

“Why are you doing that?”

“We don’t understand either.”

The audience’s eyes naturally turned to Mikel. And for some reason, I found Mikel standing quietly with a serious expression on his face.


He finally felt the gaze of the audience and straightened up.


Mikel burst out laughing and then shrugged his shoulders.

“I don’t even know what’s going on.”

“Well then, how about telling me clearly about the outcome of this sparring?”

Carlo asked in a coy tone. He seemed to want to hear with his own ears that Abel had been defeated.

“Hmm, well.”

Mikel leisurely stroked his beard. His eyes turned to the direction where Abel had disappeared.

“Prince Abel said he lost, but I think this is….”

The audience’s eyes lit up as they waited for Mikel’s next words.

“……I guess you could say it’s a draw.”

The audience’s mouths dropped open at the confident statement.

“How can this be a draw?”

“Prince Abel was the one who threw down his sword and ran away first!”

“Didn’t you admit defeat to yourself?”


The crowd’s roar stopped as Mikel raised his hand majestically.

“I assure you.”

Mikel turned to the crowd. A meaningless smile spread across his cheeks.

“The name of the strongest man in the empire will soon change.”

After speaking, he left. The audience was busy looking at each other’s faces and chatting.


A violent sound came through the commotion. The sound came from the mouth of Cain, who had a shit-chewing face.

❖ ❖ ❖

“……I think it is.”

Elice pressed down on the dot and then raised the quill. He inserted the paper he was writing on into the ledger and pushed it aside.


A long sigh came out of Eliche’s mouth as she fell onto the desk.

“Finally the end…!”

“I’m done?”

Jack, who was squatting next to him, asked. Eli Che moaned and waved her arms.

“No, I’ve finished about 4/5ths of it now. I’ll probably be able to finish it before the master comes.”

“It’s bad, it’s bad.”

Jack shook his head and carefully opened the lid of the cage.

“Take a break. I’ve been sitting at my desk for three hours already.”

“That’s right. My back hurts so much.”

Elise stood up, patting her back. She left her desk and approached her Jack.

“The more I look at it, the more fascinating it gets.”

“Gold Star? Well, it’s really amazing.”

Jack laid down a quail egg on the dirt in the vivarium. Gold Star, who found the egg, began to creep towards it.

“Egg Eater Snake. This is my first time hearing about it. I thought all snakes like live prey.”

A smile appeared on Jack’s lips as he looked at Gold Star.

“It’s really cute. Look at these round eyes. The more I look at it, the cuter it gets.”

Jack’s tastes were different from those of ordinary people. Elise, who was looking at Jack, burst into laughter.

“No, I’m not saying she’s amazing. I mean you, you.”

“Huh? Me?”


Elise reached out and ruffled Jack’s hair.

“It seems like just yesterday that I was shaking as I opened the door and came in on the first day.”

A smile spread across Eleche’s lips.

“I just got used to it.”

“Oh, my sister too. Don’t touch her head!”

Jack held his messy hair and cried. Despite Jack’s protest, Elice just laughed as if it was fun.

“When I look at you, I feel like I’m seeing Dexter when he was young.”

“Eh, that brother?”

Jack shouted and made a disgusted expression.

“Don’t be horrible.”

Dexter used to bully Jack whenever he got the chance. The reason was that Jack’s reaction was funny.

In fact, Jack didn’t really hate Dexter. This is because I know that such mischievous pranks are only possible if there is goodwill.

“I like it, but I pretend I don’t like it.”

It was Eliche’s words that seemed to penetrate Jack’s inner thoughts.


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