I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 84

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Chapter 13. Using other people’s logic as a weapon. (4)

‘We must pass it no matter what.’

Although I looked relaxed on the outside, I was burning with motivation on the inside.

This is because the taxes paid to the imperial family so far have been a huge burden on the Obest domain.

‘Especially since the last troll incident, we’ve been suffering from financial difficulties.’

The reason it was so easily destroyed by Requiem in the original was because it could not fully recover from the damage.

Meanwhile, if tax pressure comes in, we will have no choice but to reduce the budget elsewhere.

‘Diego, that guy never skimps on military expenses.’

Because you won’t be able to reduce armor, weapons, or the salaries of knights. Naturally, the power of the territory weakens, and in the worst case, it can lead to bankruptcy.

‘If we don’t solve it today, we’ll fail.’

Am I doing this because I love the Obest territory? Oh, you’re welcome.

I just want to be free to move as I please. In order to do that, the Obest territory behind you must stand firm.

‘The Kindreal family must not disappear.’

In this world, the power of family names and noble titles is very important. I had no intention of letting this go.

‘Now, let’s finish this up.’

I took a quick look at the surrounding atmosphere. People couldn’t take their eyes off my sad face.

‘Ha, my acting skills have improved.’

It was clear that if there was an acting award in this world, the winner would be mine.

It was time to put an end to this agenda.

❖ ❖ ❖

Carlo bit his lip.

‘That cub wolf is crawling…’ … !’

Everyone was listening to Abel’s voice, and the atmosphere was changing rapidly every time he said a word.

It wasn’t a good sign.

In the political world, it is most important to set the tone from the beginning. This is because it is very difficult to reverse the atmosphere once it has been reversed.

So I deliberately went out strong, talking about the empire. Because the current method of calculating taxes was extremely advantageous to Carlo.

‘Ratio system, that’s crazy!’

According to the method suggested by Abel, Carlo would have had to pay several times the amount of taxes he used to pay.

For him, who had accumulated a lot of wealth, this was a very painful loss. He could never tolerate it.

But the problem is that this brings benefits to all territories except for oneself and a few families.

‘Other territories will say it’s good.’

Above all, the amount Carlo had to pay was much more than the reduction in taxes from other fiefdoms.

As a result, the money coming into Emperor Theodore’s hands will increase significantly.

‘There’s no way that hungry pig would refuse this method!’

Carlo did not hesitate to criticize Emperor Theodore in his heart.

It was an insult that would have applauded if Rachel, a saint far away from the imperial palace, had heard it.

‘We have to stop it.’

We had to somehow prevent this method from passing.


“And this is the way that truly serves the empire.”

Abel ironically used Carlo’s logic in reverse.

For the Empire, the words were a very solid defensive wall and a powerful weapon.

In the face of that logic, all of Carlo’s counterattacks ended up being solely for the benefit of his territory.


“Do you know Magna Morten?”

The moment Abel’s voice rang out, Carlo sensed that things would get even worse.

A face that is blurred and simultaneously filled with sadness, and a voice that is moist.

The change in Abel’s mood instantly caught people’s attention.

‘… … Shit.’

Carlo cursed between his teeth.

Abel knew very well the power of his face and used it to his advantage.

‘That pretentious bastard!’

Looking at his face, Abel’s smooth face was a match for Cain.

To be more precise, he could be said to be a different type of handsome man than Cain.

Cain was naturally masculine and had an exciting appearance. But she had a beautiful impression, as if Abel had drawn thinner and more delicate lines than hers.

And such a face exerts greater power when trying to move the public’s emotions.

Like right now.

“Why is it suddenly appearing here?”

Carlo frowned and asked back.

In fact, he knew Magna Morten. But he didn’t want to be dragged into Abel’s pace anymore, so he deliberately pretended not to know.

“Magna Morten?”

“If it’s there, it’s in the Obest territory….”

The lords were whispering, but fell silent at the unusual look in Carlo’s eyes. However, there was a great man who did not give in to his pressure.

“Magna Morten.”

It was Emperor Theodore who had already fallen in love with Abel’s proposal.

“I know that place.”

He said, slowly stroking his chin.

“Aren’t you talking about the memorial tower in the center of Obest Territory?”



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“Speaking of a memorial tower, isn’t it usually a place to honor the souls of the dead?”

Mikel stepped in with good timing. Looking at that scene, Carlo gritted his teeth.

‘That old tiger! ‘You know everything, but you pretend not to know and ask questions!’

The current situation had no meaning beyond providing an excuse to explain Magna Morten.

“Yes, that’s right.”

Abel answered with a serious look on his face.

“Generally, there is a cemetery for the residents in the center of the territory. However, in Obest Territory, there is a separate cenotaph.”

His voice added depth. The voice, which was originally a soft voice, had a more attractive sound.

“It is a place to commemorate the knights who died protecting the empire in the western mountains.”

Abel cleverly used the word empire instead of territory. It was an obvious maneuver, but it was very effective.

The lords’ faces sank into aloofness. Abel looked back at that person and continued speaking.

“I stop by there every day and reflect on the souls of the knights who sacrificed themselves for the empire.”

A meaningful light flashed across Abel’s lips as he said that. However, because it was a fleeting moment, no one noticed it.

“When I see the bereaved families shedding tears there, it breaks my heart. I want to help in any way I can, but those who are already dead can never come back.”

Every verse was a tearful tune, touching the hearts of those who heard it. The atmosphere in the conference room became more solemn.

“But everyone buries their sorrow in their hearts and gives strength to their wobbly knees.”

Abel continued in a dramatic tone.

“To live tomorrow, to live a life of service and dedication to the empire.”

Now everyone in the conference room looked impressed by Abel’s speech.

“Honestly, the Obest territory held up well.”

“If it weren’t for the Kindreal family, the monsters in the western mountains….”

It was the moment when the Ovest territory in the western corner of the empire was elevated to the status of defender of the empire.

“For their sake, and for the sake of all territories and the empire. I have no doubt that everyone will make a reasonable decision.”

After Abel finished speaking, he sat down.

The conference room was quiet. It was because I was overwhelmed by the atmosphere created by Abel.

Carlo continued to spit out abusive language.

‘… … Damn it.’

Until now, he has been controlling the atmosphere at every meeting. And he boasted that this situation would continue in the future.

At least, that was the case until Abel Kindreal showed up today.

‘At best, for a kid like that… … !’

I couldn’t believe that it wasn’t enough that I had given up the initiative, but that I was being dragged along helplessly.

A thousand dollars arose inside me, and I was going crazy. This was the first time something like this had happened in his political life.

‘If you came out like that, did you think I would just stay quiet?’

But it wasn’t completely defeated yet.

Carlo winked towards the back.


I exchanged glances with the pro-Ardante faction lords. One of them, Mason, nodded.

He raised his hand.

“I understand what Prince Abel means, but that’s because of what I heard.”

A wicked smile crossed Mason’s lips.

“The rumors about Prince Abel are unusual.”

The atmosphere in the conference room was a little shaken. The lords began to whisper quietly.

“Well, speaking of Abel Kindreal….”

“The rumors aren’t very good….”

“Famous for being a bitch….”

Even though he must have heard that sound, Abel smiled calmly.

“Does that have anything to do with this meeting?”

“It can’t be unrelated. It means the credibility of the person who spoke is low.”

“Oh, is that so?”

Abel’s blue-violet eyes became as deep as an unknown sea. The abyss creeping within it gave off a dark light.


Mason, who made eye contact with him, flinched. Abel looked straight at him and opened her mouth.

“I heard that Lord Mason recently bought a very expensive necklace.”

“……Mo, a necklace?”

“Yes. A chain made of diamonds with a Cardasan pigeon ruby ​​in the exact center.”

The corners of Abel’s mouth were deeply furrowed.

“I was really curious about who would receive that necklace.”

It was a secretly sparkling smile.

“Of course, you must be a noble lady living in the mansion, right?”


Mason’s mouth dropped open. He began to flail, his face drained of blood.

“No, what! What does Confucius care whether I buy something or not!”

It had to be that way.

Because the necklace that Mason bought is now shining on the neck of his mistress, not his wife.

“What is your purpose in suddenly bringing up this story? Are you trying to threaten me?”

Abel just tilted his head at him who was getting angry.

“I just said I was curious?”

With a very innocent face. But his eyes were shining even colder.

“I guess there’s something about it that could sting you?”

Mason sat down, unable to bear the glare Abel gave him.

“Uh, that… Uhm, hum hum.”

I cleared my throat and looked away. The lords who saw this whispered again.

“It looks like he has a hidden concubine.”

“Wasn’t he famous for being a loving wife?”

“You go around bragging about how good things are.”

Another member of the Ardante faction, Lord Tyler, stood up quickly.

“What are you all talking about now!”

He burst out in anger with an angry look on his face.

“Is it okay to frame someone like this just based on rumors?”

“Lord Mason started it first?”

Abel widened his eyes.

“So I was just telling you what I heard.”

Tyler’s face turned bright red at the harsh response.


Just as he was about to vent his anger,


Laughter erupted from all over the conference room. In general, they were lords who had been hostile to the power of the Ardante family.

They whispered lowly with mocking faces.

“Prince Abel is right.”

“Why do you say such nonsense?”

“It’s like saying a dog with poop is scolding a dog with soybean paste.”

Tyler huffed and glared at the lords. Mason was still staring at his desk with a pale face.

“Oh, speaking of which.”

Abel mumbled and spoke to Tyler.

“Actually, there was something I wanted to learn from Lord Tyler.”


Tyler looked confused at Abel’s sudden remark.

“I’m curious about the secret to why you are so amazing at keeping ledgers.”

“Now, now, ledger?”

“Yes. This is the ledger that inflates unit prices by inserting businesses that do not actually exist.”

Abel slowly licked his lips with his tongue.

“I really wanted to learn.”


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