I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 81

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Chapter 13. Using other people’s logic as a weapon. (One)

“…So, I think it is better to maintain the current issue.”

“In that case, we will proceed with maintaining the existing method. Do you all agree?”

The aide looked around and asked.

“If you agree, please raise your hand.”

All the lords’ hands went up, and the agenda was passed smoothly.

This is already the 10th agenda item that has been carried out like this.

Fatigue gradually appeared on the faces of the lords. Sitting and pouring out your emotions for long periods of time takes a lot of mental energy.

The lively Emperor Theodore seemed to do the same, as he glanced at his aide.

“Okay then, let’s take a short break before moving on to the next item on the agenda.”

The aide quickly announced a break.


“Oh my, my waist.”

The lords stood up with a frown. And then, going forward or backward, we went up to the upper part of the conference hall.

As before, simple refreshments and drinks were prepared there. The menu was slightly different from the one prepared before the meeting started.

“Even the refreshments in the imperial palace are of a high standard.”

“I understand that the chef in charge of the emperor’s palace participated.”

“Oh, indeed.”

“I’m joining the meeting because I enjoy eating this, hahaha.”

The lords gathered together with their close friends and began to have refreshments or chat comfortably.

No one approached me. Today was my first time attending, so it was only natural.

Thanks to this, I was able to easily approach the table and inspect the refreshments.


There were various types of refreshments that I had never seen before at Ovest Castle. Among them, I picked one that used lemon and grapefruit.

‘I’ll have to ask Max to make it later.’

I don’t know when that later will be. The chances of me returning to Ovest territory after completing my business in the capital were extremely low.

‘I’ll go back when I can beat Diego Kindreal.’

Or when he was completely free from Cain. Anyway, until then, we had to increase our power and become stronger.

‘Oh, this is delicious.’

While I was eagerly enjoying the imperial palace’s special refreshments, I felt a variety of eyes coming at me.

Among them, the person with the most intense gaze was Carlo. Even while chatting with his subordinates, he glanced at me.

However, his gaze was considerably softer than when the meeting had just started.

‘It looks like he was relieved to see me.’

I did not express my opinion even once while the 10 agenda items were in progress. I just raised my hand and participated in the vote.

These were issues that were not very important to me in the first place, and the outcome was determined regardless of my opinion.

‘Anyway, the important agenda comes after this.’

Carlo seemed to interpret my actions differently.

‘As expected, he was a worthless guy.’

He looked at me with that expression and did not hide his sneer.

No matter how much a country flies and crawls in its territory, it must have been thought that it could not function in a political arena where real people were sitting.

A victor’s smile was on Carlo’s face. He seemed very satisfied that all of the previous agenda items went as planned.

‘Well, let’s see how long that can last.’

I let Carlo be mistaken. That smile will be cruelly broken at the meeting that will resume anyway.

So I ignored Carlo’s direct look at me.

‘Is it so good to beat a kid less than half my age?’

While snorting inwardly.

Instead, he moved with the intention of devouring all the refreshments on the table. I had a great time trying every type of food one by one.

It was then.

“Does the refreshment seem to suit your taste?”

A low, deep voice came from next to me.


I swallowed the grapefruit pudding in my mouth and looked to the side.

“Lord Mikel.”

I put down the plate I was holding and bowed my head.

Mikel, who had a long white beard but had the lively eyes of a young man, was standing next to him.

“It’s delicious. The chefs at the imperial palace are skilled.”

“Are you sure that you are a talented person selected from within the empire?”

Mikel laughed. It was a very friendly laugh.

‘Although he’s usually a man who smiles like this.’

There’s no telling what’s hidden inside.

In this respect, Carlo was better. Unlike him, who could guess his true feelings, Mikel was able to hide his true feelings perfectly.

‘Shouldn’t we call it a raccoon instead of a tiger?’

Anyway, it was a good opportunity for them to approach me first.

I smiled slightly in response and reached out my hand to pick up a plate.

“This one was especially delicious.”

It was a mini cake covered with white cream and decorated with grass leaves.

Instead of bringing it to me,

“Let’s try it.”



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I held it out to Mikel.

His blue-gray eyes widened for a moment, but then collapsed.

“Thank you.”

He obediently took the plate, but did not eat it right away and just stared at the cake on top.

I didn’t care and picked up another plate. I put the cake in my mouth, chewed it, and swallowed it.

“Well, it’s okay too.”


“Yes. At first, I thought it was whipped cream, but it turns out it wasn’t. The sweet and refreshing taste is so unique that I keep reaching for it.”

Whitetail mint.

It is a plant from the mint family that grows only in the snowy mountains of the north. It got its name because the tips of the leaves are white.

And this cake is filled with the scent of whitetail mint.

Whitetail mint has a very strong mint flavor, so it was one of the ingredients that people had very different opinions about.

As proof of this, compared to other desserts where more than half of the cake disappeared, the amount of this cake barely decreased.

But I know.

‘Mikkel is a white-tailed mint ghost.’

How much he loves this dessert. And the fact that there are not many people in the capital who enjoy this.

‘Ummmm. It’s a taste that’s really hard to get used to.’

The more you eat, the more your mouth becomes warm, and the fresh herbal scent fills the air.

I don’t know if older people would like it, but it wasn’t a dessert I could enjoy as I was still at the age where I like sweet things.

But I had a unique taste. So, I picked up the next plate with a relaxed face, as if this cake was more delicious than anything in the world.


Eventually, laughter burst from Mikel’s mouth. He fluttered his beard and laughed.

“This, this. This is the first time I’ve seen someone your age eat this well.”

“Is that so?”

“Usually they don’t eat it again. Sometimes they frown and spit it out.”

Mikel seemed to be very attracted to me, who enjoyed the same food as him.

Even the nobles who wanted to talk to him were waved away with a wave of his hand, and he took a step closer to me.

“Yes, I saw it well before the meeting started. Carlo took a hit.”

“What did I do?”

I looked like I had no idea what he was talking about. Then I picked up another plate and put it in my mouth.

“I only exchanged greetings with Lord Carlo before entering the conference hall.”

“Oh, is that so?”

Mikel narrowed his eyes and looked at me as if measuring me. I pretended not to notice that gaze and ignored it.

“Oh, is it because I came in a little late? But I came in before the meeting started, so it’s probably okay.”


“It was my first time coming to the capital, so I was a little late. Well, I think everyone will understand that.”

This is also a lie.

I arrived long before the meeting started. Of course, there was a little delay because of Jonas, but it wasn’t enough to make us the last to enter.

The truth is,

‘Playing hide and seek in the imperial palace.’

After ignoring the attendant who was guiding us, we wandered around the palace for a while. Killing the sight as much as possible.

After making good use of time to understand the geography of the imperial palace, I entered at the end. Because the main character usually appears later.

In the meantime, I killed two birds with one stone by turning Carlo inside out.

“Hmm, that’s right.”

Mikel stroked his beard thoughtfully.


His hand put down the plate.

“Are you serious about what you just said?”

An intense eye light exploded out.

“You really sat on the chair at the same time as Carlo without any intention?”

Like a snow-covered mountain, low-saturation colors flashed.

“Besides, you were trying to win His Majesty’s favor.”

The once kind voice suddenly became low, as if it were lurking.

“Is that action arbitrary? Or is it Diego’s will?”

And it pressed down on me with the weight of Mount Tai.

“Don’t you know how such an attitude can be interpreted politically?”

Mikel radiated overwhelming energy towards me. As if telling me to quickly reveal my true feelings.

For a moment, everything seemed to stop except me and him. The energy he radiated separated me from the conference room.

Despite the heavy atmosphere,

‘Is this what you call a threat?’

The corners of my mouth drew a crooked line.


Mikel’s cheeks trembled as he read my smile. He seemed embarrassed that I wasn’t scared at all.

Actually, I wasn’t afraid of him at all. The energy he gave off was nothing more than a drop of blood compared to Requiem.

Oh, no.

‘It might be a little difficult.’

It was a bit embarrassing that Requiem tried to react to his energy. You instinctively sense the strong and try to prepare for them.

‘Whoa, whoa. calm down.’

I quickly consoled Requiem.

Truly the tiger of the north.

This nickname was not only given to him because his eyes resembled white tigers. Because his sword was as sharp as a tiger’s teeth.

Swordsmanship that rivals that of the Ovest Knights. It’s slow and heavy, but each blow is powerful.

The harsh northern climate easily drains energy from living things. Therefore, there was a need to achieve maximum efficiency with minimum movement.

In the process, the swordsmanship of the Sud Knights developed in this direction.

The founder of that swordsmanship, and the person who had protected the North the longest, was right in front of us. Requiem was worth purring with excitement.

‘No, that’s not it.’

I suppressed the requiem again. The energy of the Requiem should not be revealed here.

‘Why did I practice hiding my energy?’

It was all to prepare for a situation like this.

It was not yet time to reveal to them that my toenails were growing.

A little more carefully and cleverly. After sharpening it enough to make it sharp enough. And when the enemy was off guard, they had to beheaded at once.

‘not now.’

I finally succeeded in silencing Requiem.

“If there is intention,”

A new, slow voice escaped my lips.

“What difference does it make?”


“Just judge for yourself.”


I put down the plate I was holding and looked directly at Mikel.

“Am I your enemy or friend?”

Mikel stared at me for a long time. It was a long, drawn-out observation, as if it was trying to penetrate deep into my heart.

How much time has passed?

A light of interest slowly appeared on his wrinkled face.


He slowly opened his mouth. That moment,

“There is only one minute left until the meeting starts. Please everyone take a seat.”

The servant’s voice was heard.

I shrugged at Mikel.

“I guess I’ll just have to go in now.”


“Lord Mikel, please come in with us.”

Instead of continuing what he wanted to say, Mikel said,

“……That’s right.”

He accepted my recommendation.

“Like you said, we’d better go in.”

His eyes, looking at me, sparkled with a different light than before. Whether it would turn out to be a favor was up to me.


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