I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 66

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Chapter9. Using other people’s things as if they were your own (6)

At that time, I knew very well how desperately Eliche had searched for it and how deeply she felt a sense of loss when she could not find it.

“Is that that? It’s the necklace that Elice sold me when she was young.”

Dexter whispered in a low voice. When William nodded his head, Dexter scratched his chin.

“Why did it end up in the capital’s auction house?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t even found a trace so far.”

“But yesterday… no, you were there just because Abel told you to go?”

The two people’s eyes met.

“He’s a really strange guy.”

“It’s a strange thing.”

The two people said similar but different things at the same time. Dexter scratched his nose sheepishly and pouted.

“No, but is he really Abel Kindreal?”

He grumbled, scratching the small wound on the back of his hand.

“Why is a noble master so delinquent?”

The wound was caused by fragments passing by when Abel broke the bottle.

“If you look at what he does, he looks like a guy who has been living in some back alley for years. His words and actions are rough.”


“Oh, I got it! Watch your mouth!”

Dexter pretended to cover his mouth with his hand.

“Oh, but you’re not here, are you?”

I took my hand away again.

“Originally, I thought I just cursed when Narat was not around. What do you think?”

Dexter’s strength and weakness was that he remained undeterred in any situation.

There were quite a few targets for information because they were enraged by his non-provocation.

“No, brother, tell me honestly. Am I the only one who didn’t want to see that person, huh? Am I the only one who is narrow-minded?”

Although William was quiet, he still tended to show his emotions in front of Dexter.

“Honestly… it wasn’t very polite.”

“Ah, you speak so kindly of him. He’s almost at the level of a back alley gangster.”

Dexter said bluntly, crossing his arms.

“At first, when I grabbed Elice’s wrist, huh, I thought she was crazy. I was going to break her wrist.”

“Me too.”

William couldn’t help but agree with this part. However, after thinking for a moment, he soon added another opinion.

“But it really would have been impossible to make a fuss.”

“Oh, well. I guess so.”

Since they had been together for a long time, William and Dexter knew each other’s skills very well. And so far, there has never been a time when the two have failed to defeat it through a joint attack.

“He was a very strong man.”

“It was really strong.”

They both nodded at the same time.

To be honest, Abel Kindreal’s dance was amazing.

He had tremendous strength to lift and place an adult woman with one hand, and his quick movements and sword skills were not at a level that could be expected of a 20-year-old child.

“It’s impossible for a tiger’s child to be a wildcat….”

William placed his hand on his chin and muttered.

Since he was also a person who walked the path of nothingness, I heard Diego Kindreal’s great name with great pain.

He had seen Diego’s face from afar. I don’t remember the details of his appearance, but I especially remember his blue, sky-like hair.

So, when Abel first showed his face, I was shocked. It felt like the real Diego Kind back then was standing before her eyes.

“But why did you come all the way here?”

As Dexter spoke, William also gave up his thoughts.

“I guess it’s because of the upcoming noble meeting.”

“Wow. You’re that young, but you’re already attending as a family representative?”

“Maybe. Rather than that….”

William raised his gaze and looked towards Elice.

Elice was still looking at the necklace without paying attention to them.

But as a loyal servant who had served her for a long time, he could tell. Just by looking at the side of Eli Che’s face and the look in her eyes, he could tell what was inside her.

“It looks like you’ve made a decision.”

“Are you Elice?”

William walked on without responding to Dexter’s words. He stood quietly next to her and waited for her.


Soon, Elice’s lips moved. The tone was clearer and clearer than ever.

“Please speak.”

William now realized that Elise had escaped her thoughts of the past. Not only that, but the agony in my heart was completely removed.

“I think it would be best to accept yesterday’s offer.”

Unlike William, who nods his head heavily in the affirmative,

“Eh!? Really?”

Dexter jumped up a meter on the spot.

“Ah, Elice! Are you serious?! Are you really going to take that goby as your master?”

He made a fuss and rushed in front of Elice.

“Oh, I really hate it! All of the nobles are unlucky! Especially the one who is called Abel!”




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William warned, but Dexter’s mouth did not stop.

“We’re still doing great! There’s no need to work for him!”

Dexter was arrogant and whined to Elice.

“Honestly, why does Elice have to bend down to that guy? Is it because he knows too much?”

He grasped the dagger with his blue fingernails.

“If that’s the case, leave it to me! I’ll kill you without you knowing, not even the mouse or the bird! Yes?”

Dexter’s words were not an exaggeration. The extreme poisons he dealt with were capable of sending people into the netherworld without even knowing how to die.

He could not count on two hands the number of assassins he assassinated by sneaking up on his target and poisoning his plate or glass.


At Elice’s call, Dexter raised his head as if he had been waiting.

“Yes, Elice! Shall we leave now?”

“You hated nobles.”

Dexter’s face suddenly turned cold.

The reason he became an orphan at a young age was because he lost his family to a nobleman.

“…I hate it.”

A cold smile crossed Dexter’s lips.

“I hate it.”

Elice quietly nodded.

“And you also know that if my desire for revenge is greater than yours, it is greater and not less.”


“Then you understand that I should join hands with him for the greater good.”

Dexter opened his mouth as if he couldn’t believe what he had just heard.

“……Are you serious?”

“Look at him. He knew all the information about me that was not known anywhere else. Even my illness and my origins.”

“That bastard was investigating Elice-sama…”

“What would he gain by doing that? Also, how could he have gotten information about me from that territory?”

Dexter became completely dumb and kept his mouth shut.

He was someone who could talk loudly in front of anyone, but he couldn’t do that in front of Elice.

“More than anything, he knew this necklace would show up at the auction house.”

Elise held the necklace and shook it slightly. The silver rocket inside rattled and rattled.

“The necklace I’ve been looking for for years.”

Dexter twitched his lips.

“It could be a coincidence….”

“This is definitely not a coincidence. If that were the case, how could they have given me money that matched the exact amount of the necklace?”

Dexter finally fell silent.

He also understood the strangeness of the situation. And in fact, she was quicker than anyone else to notice the unusual energy felt in her person, Abel.


Dexter opened his mouth with difficulty.

“Elice is still my top priority. I don’t want to see myself bending down to that guy.”

Elice laughed as if she thought Dexter was cute.

From the day I picked him up from picking up food waste in the back alley, Dexter was the younger brother who couldn’t stop him.

“What can’t you do for revenge? Even if it means licking your enemy’s heels.”

At Elice’s words, a different light than before appeared on the two men’s faces.

Yes. What was the reason they gathered together until this day?


For revenge, one had to abandon both shame and conscience.

William spoke first.

“If you ask, I will just follow.”

He looked at Dexter, and Dexter reluctantly nodded.

“I will follow you too. But if he tricks Elice one more time, I will kill you.”

After thinking for a moment, Dexter added:

“…I don’t know if I can kill you, but I won’t leave you alone.”

Not to be outdone, William also stepped forward.

“Me too, that guy… no, if that person touches Elice.”

William’s words had more weight than Dexter’s. Once he decided, he did not look back and did it without even hesitation.

“Yeah, yeah. I understand.”

Elice grinned.

If I were to be with them, if I could protect this guild I built with them, and if I could get the revenge I wanted.

She could do anything. Even if it means bending her knees to a pale baby.


Elise slowly stood up. Dexter, who understood his master’s intentions, immediately followed suit.

“I know where he lives. He’s staying in a high-end hotel on 1st Street.”

“Because the Obest family does not own a mansion in the capital.”

“We have also secured a route to infiltrate.”

Elise lightly squeezed Dexter’s shoulder and released it.

“Good job, Dexter.”

“What? It’s basic.”

“And from now on, be careful not to offend his wishes.”

“…I’ll try my best.”

Elise slowly blinked her eyelids. There was a stern look in her blue eyes.

“He’s not the kind of person who would look at you as cute or cute like me.”

“Instead, I’ll just break your fingers.”

Dexter grumbled and put his hands behind his head.

“Okay, I’ll be careful.”

William came close to Elice’s side.

“Shall we go and fetch Abel?”

It was a change in title that quickly recognized Elice’s attitude. Elice noticed that and smiled.

“No. I’ll go directly.”

“Yes? But Elice-sama didn’t have to do it herself….”

“Even if I go, they’ll tell me to come directly. Also….”

Elice’s fingers tightly grasped the necklace.

“Since you gave me a gift, it would be appropriate to meet you in person and say hello.”

William stared at her for a moment and then stepped back.

“All right.”

He was always the one who believed and followed Elice’s decisions.

“Then when…”


The three people’s eyes turned to the tavern door.

“Who is it? At this hour.”

Elice tilted her head.

It was rare for guests to visit at this time.

“Come on in!”

Dexter quickly shouted.


The door opened and I stuck my head out,

“Uh… hello.”

He was a young boy who must have been no more than twelve years old.

“What is it, you kid?”

Dexter muttered under his breath and asked, pretending to be friendly.

“What’s going on here?”

“Uh… that.”

The kid looked around and found Elise and said, Ah. made a sound Soon, a strange expression appeared on the boy’s face.


The three people looked at each other. I couldn’t understand the meaning of the boy’s expression.

‘Why is it like that?’

When Elice asked with her mouth full, the two people just shook their heads.

‘I don’t know.’


Elice had no choice but to shrug her shoulders.

“Come in first.”


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