I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 65

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Chapter9. Using other people’s things as if they were your own (5)

“Hum hum, I guess customers have a lot of eyes for it. Anyway, do you know the rules here?”

“Don’t know.”

“That’s right. I won’t give you a refund or anything like that if you change your mind later. I told you everything he was weird. He bought it knowing that, so it’s the customer’s fault.”

The old man retreated only after begging me several times.

“I won’t come back to ask for a refund, so don’t worry.”

I waved my hands and turned around. There was no need to see the old man anymore.

“Huh, what an unusual guest.”

The old man looked at me from the corner of his eye and muttered softly.

“Well, anyway, I guess I’ll buy another one again. This time, I’ll buy a proper one….”

I left there, leaving the old man behind. I went to a corner of the black market and looked at the snake more closely.

“You found the right one.”

There was a blue spot on its belly. This was proof that this guy was definitely the target I was looking for.

“Let’s see…”

I found the snake’s vertebrae and gently rubbed it. Looking down from top to bottom,

“Here it is.”

I pressed the protrusion I felt at the tip of my finger.


The snake opened its mouth with a strange sound.


The stone that the snake was biting fell into my previously spread palm.


I placed the stone on my palm and observed it closely.

Shape like a smooth pebble. There was nothing special about the dull gray surface.

“It looks like a really ordinary stone.”

I lifted the stone with my fingers and turned it around.

I didn’t feel any special power. Nothing changed in response to me.

But this stone is actually… … .

“This is a magic stone.”

Magic stone.

A rare ore containing magical power that is very rarely mined.

In order to properly utilize the power of the magic stone, its crafting must be completed. It brings out inner strength through precise angles and constant refractive index.

The problem is that unprocessed gemstones look like ordinary stones. So, without special identification tools, it is easy to throw it out on the street.


“It’s different if you have this guy.”

I grinned, looking at the snake that was drooping sullenly.

The blue spot on its belly is closely related to its birthplace.

It is a type of point egg eater that lives in the northern part of the country. Therefore, the temperature in this capital city will feel very hot to him.

So he passionately craves something that will cool his body.

“That is this magic stone.”

In other words, it is a natural magic stone identification tool. To be exact, I can only find magic stones containing the energy of cold.

“But where did you get it like this?”

This guy is actually the snake that Cain got his hands on in the original work.

Cain accidentally wanders into the black market and discovers a dying snake in the hands of an old man.

Unable to bear the sight of the old man running wild and shaking the snake, he ends up buying the snake.

“But that snake was the one who only ate magic stones.”

As expected from a guy who has it all, he gets lucky once in a while.

By chance, I entered a black market that was said to be so hard to find, and there I happened to meet an extremely rare special species of Egg Eater Snake, and by coincidence, I had no idea that he was the one who only picked out the frost magicite and put it in his mouth.

“That’s also something you really need.”

A few days later, when Cain returns to his territory, he encounters a huge disaster.

Cadenza, the sword of summer, appeared in the middle of my territory.

Its nickname is Flame Sword. This sword gives those who hold it a flame that burns them to the core.

The moment Cain holds this sword, he is engulfed in hellish flames. There was no hope for him with an ordinary human body, but at that moment, the stone in his pocket protected him.

“What an incredible coincidence.”

What I took out of the snake’s mouth and carried in my pocket, thinking it was an ordinary stone, was actually a magic stone.

The Frost Magicite helps Cain withstand the flames of Cadenza. Thanks to this, Cain succeeds in ruling Cadenza and becomes the owner of the Summer Sword.

“It won’t work this time.”

Because I’m going to get rid of all that magic gemstone in advance.


I smiled sinisterly and scratched the snake’s chin.

Shrug, shrug.

The snake stuck its tongue out between its mouth. Her chin seemed to like it when I scratched it, so it started moving a little.

I grinned as I looked at the snake that was going to do such a big thing for me today.

“I’m counting on you.”

With this guy, it will be very easy to obtain all the magic stones in this black market.

All you have to do is release it into the stall for a moment and pick up the stone it wants to swallow.

The merchants will be horrified, but whatever.

“Just throw me a gold coin and that’s it.”



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Just like the old man earlier.

“Now, shall we go?”

I walked away with the snake wrapped around my forearm. The sun was slowly setting between the tall buildings.

“Cain will be here in a few hours.”

By then I would have already left the black market. The original goal was to sweep away all the magic stones.

“Can you really become the master of Cadenza without the magic stone?”

No, it will be difficult. The current Cain is merely a nobleman with excellent swordsmanship.

I was going to make him more and more ordinary. He robbed him of the countless futures that had been prepared for him, and spent the path ahead of him.

“Oh, come to think of it.”

As he walked forward, he said, “Ah,” and snapped his fingers.

“Now I guess I’ll have to call Melina too.”

If you want to make good use of the magic stones you have acquired.


With every step I took, the smile on my face grew stronger. It was truly an incredibly beautiful evening.

❖ ❖ ❖

Hall of the Bent Tavern.

There were no guests. This is because pubs usually start operating late in the afternoon.

Elise was sitting alone at the table in the center of the hall.

Tap, tap.

Her finger touched the necklace lying on the table.

At the center of the silver necklace chain was a delicate and intricately crafted locket.


Elice’s fingertips touched the locket.


Eliche stopped her fingers and lifted the necklace. I stared at her locket endlessly and muttered softly.


Elice’s voice seemed to be drowned out. She looked at her locket, her eyes moist.

As a child, when she wandered from town to town alone.

I couldn’t eat anything for three days. I was so hungry that my eyes were spinning.

So I had no choice but to sell my mother’s belongings. She took what little money she had and managed to get a piece of dry bread.

I only realized it after I put it in my mouth. That she had lost the only thing that would remind her of her mother.

“……I thought I’d never see you again.”

After gaining enough strength, she visited the village again. The frightened fencer kept repeating that she had sold it to another merchant.

I killed that guy, but I didn’t feel any relief. I just felt regretful that I would never see the item again.

“Why was this there?”

The auction house that Abel mentioned.

Elice attended there with a half-confident mind.

Until then, Elice could not shake off her frustration. She only sighed as she wondered why she came to this place.

That is, until I saw that necklace that appeared at a jewelry auction.


It was definitely true. It’s been over 10 years since I last saw it, but I knew it the moment I saw it.

That was the very necklace she sold as stolen property when she was young.

“I’ll start with 100,000 gold!”

The price of the necklace was truly eye-popping. It’s hard to believe that she sold that necklace 10 years ago for only 1 gold.

This was the part where you could see how much the fence had beaten down the price.

“I want you to die more painfully.”

Elice gritted her teeth as she remembered that guy. But that wasn’t what mattered now.

The moment I saw that necklace, I couldn’t think of anything other than buying it.

“150,000 gold!”

She participated in the auction with an anxious heart.

In order to get the necklace, I had to spend all the money in the bag that Abel gave me. Abel had given her just enough money to buy a necklace that was just hers.

“How on earth?”

Did you know that this necklace would appear there? Did you know how much this would sell for and prepare the money?

How much does he know?

The questions continued for a long time, one after another. It was a question that could never be solved and had no clue.

Elice muttered while holding the rocket in her hand.

“How did you find out about me?”

Just a few days ago, the idiot master who was stuck in the western territory suddenly appeared and poured out information about himself.

Although she didn’t show it that day, Elice was angry inside. Because she thought the information must have leaked somewhere.

Since Abel left, I have used every means possible to investigate him. And he concluded that it was impossible for him to find out about himself.

“Then how?”

After visiting the auction house, she had no choice but to admit it.

Because the past that no one knows about except him has been exposed, and evidence that he cannot resist has appeared before his eyes.

“It doesn’t make sense, but….”

There is something special about Abel Ovest Kindreal. Something completely different from the way she had previously obtained and handled her information.

“This can’t be everything.”

What Elice tasted was only part of the countless information that Abel held in his hands.

He opened the bag as if to be generous, showing off just a little bit, and cleverly asked if I wanted to keep the rest.

“How much do you know?”

Now Eliche wouldn’t be surprised if Abel knew how many moles there were on the emperor’s butt.

He was also a person who casually said such strange and unfamiliar things.

‘Besides, you still have beautiful eyes.’

Suddenly, Abel’s face appeared before my eyes. Along with that low whispering voice and mischievous twinkling eyes.


Elice quickly put out her hand and erased Abel’s afterimage.


It’s been too long since I heard something like that from a man my age. That may be why I feel more anxious for no reason.


Elice closed the open locket. And she touched it quietly and lost herself in her thoughts.


Dexter tried to talk to her,


Intercepted by William.

“No, you have to eat.”

Dexter frowned and protested. In his hand was a tray containing a late lunch.

“Leave me alone.”

William shook his head firmly. His eyes turned to the necklace in Eliche’s hand.

“How could that…”

He sighed softly.


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