I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 55

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Chapter7. I protect mine strictly. (5)

“Holy woman, the refreshments I prepared earlier at the temple are getting cold. Please eat them quickly.”

He was very grateful to be able to worship the saint so closely. So, she looked after her with all her heart to ensure that there was no inconvenience to her person.

“Ugh, it’s okay. If I eat now, there will be crumbs on the Bible. I’ll read it all and eat it.”

Rachel held up her hand and turned her attention back to the Bible. Seeing that sight, the priest had to clutch his chest again.

‘You’re at an age where you’re not good at sweet treats like this.’

You have to be so religious that you don’t even notice the refreshments. I really had so much respect.

Rachel habitually twisted her hair and flipped through the Bible with her other hand.

“I see.”

Suddenly her mouth moved.

“Yes, saint. Please speak.”

“Are there any interesting rumors these days?”

The priest tilted his head.

“What if it’s a rumor…?”

Rachel started twisting her hair faster. Her hair began to resemble tree vines.

“Uhm, so….”

Rachel raised her eyebrows and pursed her lips in contemplation.

“Hmm, what should I say about this?”

She thought for a while and finally spoke.

“Why, well, there’s something like that. Something big happened somewhere, a big person showed up, something like that.”

It was truly a sound that came out of nowhere.

The priest did not know exactly what Rachel wanted. But I knew that this young-faced girl always said, ‘I’m bored.’

In his view, the saint’s life was very simple and repetitive. She spent most of her time in the prayer room, and she would occasionally appear in the great hall to participate in mass.

I don’t have any close friends, and I haven’t even seen them go to the city or go shopping in their free time.

The saint he saw was merely a doll that moved according to the temple’s schedule.

Aside from my respect for her, it was also true that I felt sympathy for her as a person.

“I guess the saint was very bored.”

The priest smiled without showing any signs of response to the saint’s unexpected question.

“I’m sorry, but I haven’t heard anything either. It would be quite a commotion if it even reached my ears.”

“Huh, really?”

At that moment, a meaningless smile crossed Rachel’s lips. But the priest, who had turned his body and was rustling something, did not see it.

“Although there are not many books allowed by the saint… I understand that this is possible.”

He handed the bundle of newspapers he had prepared to the saint.

“It contains news from the past week. I hope it will be of some help in keeping the saintess from getting bored.”


Rachel’s mouth opened wide. Her neat teeth were revealed, spreading into a bright smile.

“thank you!”

With that smile, the priest felt like all his fatigue had been forgotten. On the one hand, she was proud that she had won the favor of the saint.

You might not know. She may find herself favored by the saint and give her blessing.


The saintess hummed and opened the newspaper. Then she scanned the article carefully and slowly.

‘Do you even know what it’s about?’

The priest tilted his head as he made up the bed beside him.

The saint was clear about the contents of the Bible, but was dark about the rest of the world. Because the only places she comes and goes are the temple and the imperial palace.

Still, I had no idea why he was looking at me so seriously. It was cute to see her engrossed in the newspaper with her chin up.

“There’s a noble meeting coming soon, right?”

A sharp look passed through Rachel’s eyes as she asked that question. Her eyes looked very cautious and experienced for a young girl.

However, it was not visible to the priest because it was covered by the newspaper. He answered casually because he wanted to check her schedule.

“Yes, it starts in two days to be exact. So it looks like the imperial family is quite busy these days.”

“That’s right. Thanks to you, I can live a little longer.”

Rachel muttered softly in a calm tone.


“Ugh, no.”

Rachel’s face appeared next to the newspaper.

“Besides, I’m starting to get hungry. Please tell the restaurant to prepare food.”

“Yes, I understand.”

The priest bowed deeply, closed the door, and disappeared. The saint’s hands stopped flipping through the newspaper.


Rachel put down the newspaper and leaned back in her chair.


I leaned back and looked at the ceiling.


Rachel’s face sank expressionlessly. She had a cold face, as if she had never laughed so hard.

“How long do I have to do this childish thing?”

A voice that sounded like teeth grinding came out of Rachel’s lips.

“It’s easier because I can spit out whatever I want in front of that bastard, Theodore.”

As soon as he was left alone, he abandoned his polite and soft-spoken ways and his true delinquent tone came out.

“It’s absurd that that incompetent and greedy bastard is sometimes helpful.”



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She called the emperor’s name indiscriminately and used abusive language as a habit. Then she said, “Oops,” and covered her mouth with her hand.

“Oh my, what kind of harsh words have I spoken? God will be angry.”

She slapped her lips with her hand as if scolding her.

“Dio Benedica.”

He made the sign of the cross, closed his eyes, and whispered quietly.

“God, I, who should be spreading your kindness to all people, made a mistake with my words. Please have mercy on me.”

After finishing her prayer in a dramatic tone, Rachel opened her eyes. Her emerald eyes sparkled as coldly as frozen leaf crystals.

“So, please go out and get out, okay?”

She didn’t believe in God.

Even after praying hundreds of times, God did not grant her wishes. If God really existed, she couldn’t have arranged such an unhappy and terrible life for me.

“Well, I’m glad that this priest also seems innocent. It looks easy to handle.”

Rachel belittled the priest who had just left in a merciless tone.

“That guy will be dragged out soon, too.”

The priests who assisted her were replaced after less than a week. And she hasn’t been heard from since.

It was because of the secret she held in her body. The emperor never wanted the secret to leak out.


After snorting loudly, Rachel crossed her arms.

“Where would you be right now?”

She closed her eyes and sang like a song. Her expressionless face slowly began to show emotions.

“Requiem, Requiem. Where is it?”

A map of the empire appeared in her mind. I started drawing Requiem’s ​​route on top of it.

“The territory it first descended upon would have been devastated… and it would probably be heading towards the next territory.”

When Rachel first became aware of the existence of Requiem, its energy was coming from the far west.

“To the west, yes. That’s where the Western Mountains are. That’s where Requiem would appear. Nowhere else in this empire would there be as much death as there.”

Rachel shook her head.

“Was the lord Diego Ovest Kindreal? It’s hard enough with just the monsters on the border, but if Requiem also appears, there won’t be an answer. I guess he’s been eaten by Requiem for a long time by now? That’s too bad, that’s too bad.”

Although she was saying that, there was a smile that couldn’t be hidden on Rachel’s lips.

A tragedy in which many people are massacred due to a sudden disaster.

It was something that a saint who looked after all life should be saddened by. And she had to step up to limit the damage as much as possible.


“Where next? Kader? No, maybe even Eik.”

Rachel just predicted Requiem’s ​​whereabouts in a humorous tone.

She had already noticed the coming of Requiem several weeks ago and predicted what would happen.

But I didn’t tell anyone about it. Also, I had no intention of informing the nobles’ meeting that was scheduled to be held soon.

“Next time will be here at Maggiore. Okay, I’m doing well.”

Rachel muttered as if cheering for or urging Requiem. No, he seemed to be praying for his wish to come true.

The safety of this empire was not in her mind at all. There wasn’t even a trace of affection or regret left.

To her, this empire was an evil and a cancer that should be eliminated from the world.

“Get rid of everything, everything.”

Rachel’s voice trembled sadly.

“So… please, kill me.”

Even if he wanted to die, he couldn’t, and living didn’t mean he could lead his own life.

A life of being used and extorted by others. Rachel has continued to live this unpleasant and heteronomous life for hundreds of years.

I wanted to break the long cycle of pain. And that was something only Requiem could accomplish.

Only Requiem.

“It’s been about two weeks now… but I guess I’m still not satisfied.”

Rachel imagined what Requiem would look like now. She had a relatively clear understanding of the characteristics of Requiem.

The slayer holding the Requiem is not covered in blood as is commonly depicted in novels.

“So… he’s probably moving like a pitch-black devil.”

Reaps the vitality of the other person most quietly, quickly, and cleanly. Surrounded by the black void energy, it moves like the wind and searches for its next victim.

“Requiem, Requiem. What are you doing now?”

Rachel closed her eyes. And he did what he had been doing every single day since Requiem appeared.


I could feel the presence of Requiem somewhere, far away.

Rachel went on and tried to understand Requiem’s ​​condition. It wasn’t exact, but I could get a rough idea of ​​the feeling.

Requiem is now… … She was very quiet.


Rachel frowned.

“What? Why is it so quiet? It looks like you’re asleep, right?”

The emotions at the root of Requiem are emptiness, hunger, and murderous intent. The bastard is never satisfied, and he continues to prey on the user until he has devoured everything in this world.

Therefore, it is normal to always be dissatisfied.

“Hmm… Did you eat enough to fall asleep?”

There was no other way to explain it.

The beginning of the disaster caused by Requiem is not easily known. After one night, a village disappears entirely.

Since no one survived, even the news was delivered late. When the surrounding villages sensed something unusual, the slaughter of Requiem had already begun.

So Rachel thought it was natural for the world to be so quiet.


“This is my first time seeing something like this…?”

The current state of Requiem was not natural at all.

When Requiem appeared before, it killed life, killed it again, and finally, when it ran out of things to kill, it killed itself and disappeared from the world.

So it was normal for me to still be going crazy.

“Strange? Why is Requiem like this?”

In a reality that was difficult to accept, Rachel had no choice but to come up with a hypothesis.

“Could it be… that someone succeeded in controlling him?”

Rachel, who was dazed for a moment, soon burst into laughter.

“You said something ridiculous. A mere human controls Requiem.”

It was an absurd sound.


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