I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 51

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Chapter7. I protect mine strictly. (One)

I’m sorry.

The gateway door opened with an unpleasant metallic noise.

“Oh, hello.”

A guard came rushing down from the guard post next to the gate. The pace was fast, as if he didn’t care that the stairs were very steep.

“I meet Abel Ovest Kindreal.”

The guard’s face was so pale that it was pitiful to see. He originally had a gloomy face with drooping eye corners, but his pale complexion made him look even more feeble.

Well, when would you ever meet an aristocrat like me in a rural outskirt like this?


I nodded roughly and pulled Black Star’s reins.

The guard watched me pass through the gate with a helpless look. Then he shook his head left and right and asked cautiously.

“Well, what brought you to our territory?”

“It’s because of this.”

He tapped the handle attached to Black Star’s body. Because I tied it tightly earlier, it didn’t come loose.


The guard was surprised to see the turtle and was surprised to see the cast iron pan, so the guard jumped up from his seat.

“Why are monsters…?”

“It’s none of your business.”

I had nothing to say to the guy who was making such a fuss about seeing a monster for the first time. More than that, I needed to meet someone in charge who would handle this well.

‘Because this is the purpose of visiting this territory.’

I nodded awkwardly.

“Where is the Lord’s Hall? The guard captain should be there.”

There is no building in this small estate that can be called a ‘castle’. A house slightly larger than that of other residents was used as the residence of the lord, and was only responsible for administrative and military functions.

“Ah yes.”

When I learned the ins and outs of the territory, the guard looked a little surprised.

“Okay. Please follow me.”

But he immediately turned around and started taking the lead.

I followed behind him and ran my fingers through my hair out of habit. Then the dust buried there scattered in all directions.

“Oh, shit.”

As I grumbled and shook off the dust, more of the sand hidden deep in my hair fell out.


I had no choice but to grit my teeth and stop my hands.

‘He’s the Abel Kindreal of the world.’

I, who always had the appearance of a neat nobleman, now look so dirty. But I couldn’t help it.

‘Because I came all the way from Obest territory to here in just one week.’

What was even more strange was that he had such a neat appearance.

During that time, my life was both complicated and monotonous.

Run like crazy, kill, eat, sleep.

After repeating just that, I had already arrived at Bezerk territory. The number of monsters I have killed so far… … .

‘Well, I’ve killed so many people that I can’t really remember.’

The number of heads in the bag was approximately 50.

However, if you kill multiple of the same monster, only one head is taken. Therefore, the actual number of people killed was probably higher than that.

Anyway, we arrived at the Bezerk Territory just in the nick of time when we had used up all the food we had prepared.

‘I want to go and wash up quickly. ‘Get some sleep on the soft bed.’

Even if the lord here gives me my room, it will be shabby compared to my room in the Obest Estate.

‘But it’s still better than camping in the woods.’

Now, after resting well here for a night and recovering, I had to gather the necessary supplies and go up to the capital.

‘Is there about three days left? I’ll get there.’

No, it seemed like it would be faster than that. Looking at the speed I had run so far, there was a high possibility that the time would be shorter than I expected.

‘Because we arrive early and have things to do in advance.’

I organized step by step in my head what I had to do when I arrived in the capital.


Then I stopped thinking when I heard Black Star growl.


Black Star displayed seething hostility towards the humans around him. The way it was shaking its teeth seemed like it was ready to chew the bones of anyone who caught it.


“Uh, mom.”

Passersby were shocked and backed away.

“Crung, croon!”

The more it happened, the louder Black Star became and the louder it became. The appearance resembled a dog barking at all humans around the house.

‘No, this bastard?’

I couldn’t help but lightly squeeze Black Star’s forehead.

“I said no. I know you’ve suffered a lot from humans, but stop losing your temper.”

Black Star wrinkled his nose passionately, as if he was aggrieved.

“Kkiing, kiing.”


I ignored his appeal by pretending to look around. Then the guy started fluttering his eyelashes miserably.

“Hee hee hee.”



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It was the sound you made when you were hungry.

“No way.”

Of course, I didn’t even blink.

“You ate a lot before you came.”

Black Star loved chewing up living creatures whole. So for the past week she has had to diligently hunt small animals.

“Are you still not satisfied after eating like that?”

The number of animals he had eaten so far was in the double digits. It was a bit funny that even such little details resembled me.

“Or, would you like to eat this?”

When I asked while tapping the sack, Black Star shook his head. The guy didn’t even touch the flesh that had absorbed the vitality from Requiem.

‘In terms of human food, it has become cold.’

No, maybe it’s old and spoiled food.

“I’ll give you something delicious later, okay?”

He whispered softly and scratched the bridge of Black Star’s nose.


The guy seemed to have finally let go of his anger and started rubbing his body against me.

Despite his ferocious appearance, he really had a cute side, like a pet dog. Running together also helped us become more attached.

“Guy, indeed.”

I muttered happily and turned my head. The security guard was looking at me in wonder.

“Well, is that really what you mean?”

“Then, what is it?”

“No, it’s my first time seeing a horse that big. The eye color is also unique.”

The security guard shook his head.

“At first I thought it was a monster.”

… … There are times when that guy sees through the truth. But I didn’t know if I told the truth, the weak security guard might turn a blind eye.

I pretended to be indifferent.

“Humans also have different appearances, right? Words are the same.”

“Oh, yes. That’s right.”

“I don’t want to catch you, so just go quickly.”

“Yes, yes.”

The security guard’s steps became very fast. As I walked behind him, the gazes of passers-by began to gather.

“Wow, did you see that horse?”

“It’s amazing. It’s so big!”

“Who is that person?”

“This is my first time seeing you…”

The village people were very interested in a large horse they had never seen before and an outsider they had never seen in the village.

But he didn’t dare talk to me as I walked away with an expressionless face. This may be due to the implicit atmosphere and the aristocratic intimidation that permeates the body.

Then, one person gathered courage and approached the security guard in front of me.


The security guard whose name was called was startled and shook his head left and right. He whispered with his mouth.

‘We’ll talk later, later.’

The villager who had spoken to him hesitated and backed away.

In this way, an invisible circle centered around me was created. I walked slowly, not paying much attention to the reactions of those around me.

‘Hmm, that’s fun.’

When I’m doing this, it’s just like being in the Ovest territory. Of course, it was a time when Abel’s notoriety was widespread.

In a rural village like this, you naturally dominate those around you without even introducing yourself.

Everyone is probably thinking the same thing at this moment.

Tap, tap.

They say my not-so-loud footsteps sound just like the footsteps of the grim reaper.

As I was walking like that, I suddenly caught my eye on a woman passing by. To be exact, in the bucket she is holding.


“yes yes?”

“Give me some water. Just enough to quench my thirst.”

I said in a tone that there was no such thing as rejection. The woman who was pointed out looked at her surroundings with a puzzled expression on her face, and then said, “Quickly.”

At my urging, he hesitantly stepped forward.


When I untied the canteen from around my neck and held it out, the woman carefully poured water into the canteen.

“Stop it.”

I waved my hand half-heartedly and poured water down my throat.

As moisture entered my cracked neck, I felt like I could survive. It was my first time feeling water this sweet.

In an instant, more than half of the water in the canteen disappeared.

“I guess I’ll buy it.”

A soft tone suddenly flowed out.

I looked at the remaining water in the canteen for a moment, then lifted it and poured it over my head.

Cold water soaked my hair and ran down my chin.


I let out a drowsy sigh and brushed my wet hair. Her face, soaked with sand and sweat, felt a little cleaner.


A circle of agitation spread around the people. They looked frantically at my relatively clean-cut face.

“Wow, handsome.”

Someone couldn’t hold back their admiration and spit it out. The people around him were shocked, and even the person who said those words covered his mouth in shock.


I glanced around in the direction where the sound came from. He narrowed his sharp eyes,


I burst out laughing.


A woman dropped the dish she was holding.

“Eh, my goodness.”

Although it was a bit of an intense reaction, the reactions of those around me were actually not much different.

People just stared at my smile, mesmerized. Many people fell over while walking while looking at my face blankly.

Oh my. Even though they are country people, their reaction is very explicit.

‘Abel was handsome.’

As expected, he is a recognized handsome man. Of course, this is only when you keep your mouth shut.

It crossed the center of the village, causing quite a stir. At the far end, I saw the biggest and best shabby house I had ever seen.

“There it is! Come slowly!”

The security guard quickly ran over, opened the hall door, and disappeared. I giggled, anticipating what would happen inside.

‘It’s going to be a mess inside.’

I slowly counted the numbers in my mind.

‘1, 2, … … 10.’

At the same time as counting the last number,

Jump up!

The hall door opened again roughly. What jumped out from there was a man in his 40s, similar to the security guard we saw earlier, but wearing more luxurious clothes.

‘Hmm, he’s the guard captain.’

He looked around frantically and found me.


His mouth opened in silent shock. He looked back and forth between me and his words, then sighed.

The guard captain turned and shouted into the hall.

“Hurry and bring the lord!”

Then he closed the door and turned around to look at me.

There was a solemn look on his face as he waited for me to approach him. An expression that says, ‘What is coming has come.’

“Are you Abel Ovest Kindreal?”

“that’s right.”

I accepted the greeting with a wave of my hand and approached the pillar next to the hall.

“I don’t think there is a separate stable. Can I tie it up here?”

“Yes. No, I will….”

The security captain who was waving his hands suddenly stopped. He blinked rapidly and glanced at Black Star once again.

“Are you coming here on this?”

The expression on his face as he asked me was telling.

‘Isn’t this a monster?’


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