I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 48

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Chapter6. When you feel safe, hit your back. (8)

“Now, let’s go again.”

I climbed onto Black Star’s body again. As I felt his strong body beneath my legs, I felt a strange sense of elation.

“I can’t believe I’m riding this guy.”

The Black Star that Abel in the original story never got.

While Abel was slaughtering the people at the horse farm, old Ben risked his life to free all the horses.

Despite his efforts, Abel became distraught and chased after the fleeing horses and eventually killed them.

But just one.

“Black Star.”

I couldn’t kill this guy.

This was because the guy’s speed was so fast that even Abel’s extremely strengthened leg strength could not keep up with him.

In the original, Black Star glared at Abel as if laughing, then ran away at full speed.

[Black Star’s pitch-black buttocks disappeared into the sunset… … .]

That was his last description.

I laughed out loud and grabbed the reins.

“Come on, let’s go!”


Black Star began to run vigorously.

So I quickly crossed the forest path with Black Star. I ran, ran, and ran again.

Then, when Black Star was panting or my thighs were sore that I couldn’t stand it, I stopped for a moment and rested.

But even that didn’t last long. Black Star, who had tasted freedom for the first time in a long time, wanted to keep running.

And I also felt that the longer I ran with him, the more we came together.

I was able to forget about the pain in my thighs as I ran happily through the wind.

As a result, the intervals between breaks became increasingly distant. It literally became one with Black Star and ran like a gale.

A few hours later.

“Ugh, this is all I have to eat for a while.”

I cried when I saw the beef jerky in my backpack. I have already experienced how much this food is focused solely on function.

But as soon as I took a bite,


I furrowed my brow.

“What? It’s different from what you gave me before, right?”

It was different from back then when it was just salty and hard.

Each piece of beef jerky tasted different, as if it had different seasonings. In addition, the texture of the meat was still intact, making it much chewier and easier to chew.

Could it be that they put in all this effort just to give it to Jonas?

“……Max, this bastard?”

I can’t believe you didn’t release something like this at the first time, but are releasing it now.

A spark flew out of his eyes.

“Thanks to me, you lost weight and became healthy. Are you a completely ungrateful bastard?”

I stared at the beef jerky for a moment and eventually put it in my mouth.

“…Beef jerky is not a crime.”

In fact, because I started making it under my command, I guess I gradually learned how to improve the taste.

“Well, it’s a good thing that it ended up in my hands.”

After chewing and swallowing the beef jerky, I got back on the Black Star. From then on, she just rested and ran again.

The warm autumn sunlight, the cool autumn breeze, and the scent of a forest with few people around. Feeling those things.

It would be boring to just keep running. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to do that.


This is because while driving the Black Star, I practiced expanding my absolute domain in my spare time.

Thanks to the constant use of Requiem since the day I first got it, unfolding the Absolute Realm was much easier than before.

The problem is that it is now on top of Black Star’s running body.

“It’s a bit difficult to do it while moving.”

It was different from unfolding in a fixed location. The coordinates that become the standard change little by little.

But this was also a hurdle I had to overcome.

I drove the Black Star while continuing to expand the absolute domain.

‘Slimmer, longer, farther, longer.’

Keeping this in mind.

The time it takes to maintain the absolute area gradually becomes longer, the range expands, and the degree of detection becomes more precise.

for example,

“Is it five?”

The number of creatures caught within the absolute area.

This has been figured out before. But now… … .

“It looks like a rabbit or a squirrel. At this size, it would be a rabbit.”

The feeble size of life. Even the fragile body and feeble breathing. Through various clues, we were able to find out what kind of entity it was.


The small animals quickly ran away as the distance between them and me narrowed. Just like the horses that sensed my energy and became frightened.

There were no creatures approaching me as I rode the Black Star at terrifying speeds.

The hawks flying high in the sky, the birds chirping on the trees, and the squirrels taking a leisurely nap all tried to move away from me.

How long has it been since it ran like that?

“It’s slowly getting night.”



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I stretched my gaze far and looked at the setting sun.

Gradually darkness fell around the area, and the forest, which was full of life during the day, began to become quiet.

“I just ran almost all day.”

Now the distance between Jonas and I must have grown so wide that it cannot be narrowed.

“Starting tomorrow, I can run a little more leisurely.”

He grinned and slowed down a bit. Anyway, running with a chaser on my back wasn’t a good idea.

The absolute domain was still maintained. What used to be difficult to maintain for even a few minutes has grown so dramatically in just one day.


Now there were no small animals in the absolute realm. Instead, other beings were slowly approaching.


Black Star tilted his head as if sensing something. A wariness appeared in the guy’s golden eyes.

“Yeah, can you feel it too?”

I chuckled and slowed down even more.


It feels bigger, more vicious, and more rough than ever.

The strong smell of blood wafts from their mouths, and the torn flesh of other animals clings between their teeth.


A low growl that makes the listener’s stomach tingle, and shiny red eyes stained with murder.

The monsters bared their sharp teeth at me.


Even as their presence approached, I wasn’t afraid at all. No, rather than fear, I felt joy.

The reason I took the southeastern path wasn’t just to avoid Jonas’ pursuit.

“The southeastern mountains are famous as a habitat for all kinds of monsters.”

So people don’t use this route unless they want to commit suicide.

“But it’s a good opportunity for me.”

A chance to become stronger by directly cutting through the flesh and bones of monsters.

A chance to practice dodging enemy attacks and finding loopholes to attack.

An opportunity to learn how to gain the upper hand in a melee with multiple opponents.

I wondered what lessons they could teach me as they did not run away even after feeling the violent energy of Requiem.

“Although it may not be as good as Diego, it will still be similar.”

He also became stronger by dealing with the monsters at the end of the western border.

How much blood will the Requiem contain at the end of this journey? I was also excited to see how much I would grow.

“Okay, okay. Come on guys.”

I grinned and took out the gauntlets from my pocket. While putting it in her hand, Black Star turned her head left and right and looked around.


“Yeah, it’s getting closer, right?”

Black Star didn’t look scared at all.

“Purung, purung!”

Instead, he snorted even more intensely and became excited. She looked so brave that she would attack the enemy as soon as they approached her.

I hummed.

“As expected, this is my baby!”

A well-trained warhorse does not run away even when it sees a monster. But there is a big difference between just holding on and attacking a monster.


Black Star let out an excited cry and stamped his feet hard on the ground. As if ready to charge at any moment.

“So, are you excited too?”

I was equally excited by his proactive expression of opinion. I wanted to kick the ground and run right now.


I grinned and waved one arm to the side.


Requiem appeared at my fingertips with a cheerful and elegant sound.

Woo, ooh.

Requiem cried happily.

He seemed to remember that every time I took him out, something good happened.


The monster’s cries gradually got closer. With the sound of them kicking the ground and running.

The moment to confront the monster was approaching. A strong energy suddenly entered the edge of the absolute realm.

“First of all, there are three guys.”

I lightly held the Requiem and flicked my wrist. It was my first time dealing with monsters, but I wasn’t that worried.

“If you stab me with Requiem, you’re going to die anyway.”

Whether human or monster.

There is no need to cut the throat or pierce the heart. Just avoid his attacks, find a loophole, and stab him.

So, to me, monsters were no longer unknown creatures and objects of fear. They are simply larger than humans, faster, and have a different form than humans, “they are just prey.”

An even redder smile appeared on my pink lips. It resembled the bloody tragedy that would unfold in the future.

Excited, Excited.

I couldn’t tell if the sound of my heart beating roughly was mine or Requiem’s.

But I knew one thing.

At the end of this fight, the winner will be me.


The first monster, or rather, the victim, appeared.

The smile on my face grew even stronger. It was the beginning of a massacre.

❖ ❖ ❖

The room was dark. The only source of light was a small lamp on the desk.

The shadow of a bony, dry finger was cast over it.


My fingers moved carefully and grabbed the pen lying on the desk.

“Everyone died?”

The owner of the finger had an old voice. It was a low and calm voice, but with a sharpness that seemed to pierce the other person.


The young man standing in the center of the room answered.

He folded his hands neatly and bowed his head deeply. He seemed to be very respectful of, or even afraid of, the old man.

“Moritz too?”

The old man beyond the light opened his mouth again.


The young man seemed to hesitate for a moment, but

“Likewise, dead.”

The answer came out quickly. This was because the old man really disliked delays in answering.


Instead of the next words, there was the sound of a chair moving. The old man leaned deeply into his chair and placed his clasped hands on the armrests.

“That’s strange.”

Contrary to the content, the tone was quite calm. The old man did not tend to show his emotions in any way.

“That Moritz died in vain like that?”

The young man did not respond but stood silently.

The old man wasn’t talking to himself just now. When he was muttering like that, buried in his chair, he was mostly organizing his thoughts alone.

“You would have been trained to contact us immediately if something goes wrong.”

The old man was silent for a moment, as if he was lost in thought.

“There are two conclusions.”

He eventually spoke in a decisive tone.

“Either the opponent was too strong to do that, or he was caught off guard and caught off guard.”

The old man’s voice became even lower.

“If it’s the former, I don’t know… but if it’s the latter, it’s probably a good thing.”

It was so cold that it sounded like a north wind that might blow from a snowy mountain.

“A guy like that would have eventually died by my hands.”


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