I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 46

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Chapter6. When you feel safe, hit your back. (6)

“Please tell the master that I left in a hurry because time was running out.”

“Yes, I understand.”

The two people looked at each other with understanding.

In fact, when visiting the castle, it was natural to report to the chief person in charge of the territory, namely Abel Kindreal.

But Jonas had already heard something from Diego. So he decided to just rest quietly and then disappear.

“You can stay here.”

The room that Philip showed me was neat and tidy.

“What would you like to eat?”

“No, it’s okay. I’m just going to take a bath and sleep.”

“I see. Then, I will tell the restaurant to prepare a quick snack before leaving.”

Jonas nodded but paused for a moment.

“Could it be that the chef isn’t asleep yet?”

“Of course. The lord told me to do my best to welcome Sir Jonas.”

Jonas felt embarrassed and proud at those words.

The reason I volunteered for this job was because I wanted to be noticed by Lord Diego. When he thought that the lord recognized his feelings, he became very excited.

“Above all, Sir Jonas is going to the capital as Lord Diego’s representative. It is a shame that we cannot give him a more grand reception.”

When Philip said that, I realized that he was really going as the lord’s representative.


Jonas cleared his throat to shake off his embarrassed feeling.

“……Okay, then. I will gratefully accept it.”

“Yes, then how would you like to take a bath? Would you like me to help you?”

When Philip gave him a subtle smile, Jonas waved his hand in a stern manner.

“I will do it alone.”

“……If that is so. Warm water is already prepared. A change of clothes is inside here…….”

Philip paused and scanned Jonas’ body with sharp eyes. He stroked his chin and spoke again.

“You have a better physique than I thought, so I think it will be difficult to wear the clothes I have prepared. I will come.”

“There’s no need to do that….”

“No. I cannot inconvenience Lord Jonas, even if only for a few hours.”

Jonas nodded, pretending not to be able to resist the tone that made it seem like he would never back down.

“Then I’ll be back. Please take a shower.”

Philip quickly disappeared from the room. Jonas, left alone, scratched his head for a moment, then


I found a thick layer of dirt on my fingertips. He shrugged his shoulders and entered the bathroom.


It was on a different level from the shabby public bathrooms on the border. More than anything, I especially liked the fact that there was a large bathtub where you could soak your body.

Jonas took off his clothes step by step and took out the pocket he had kept deep inside his chest.

As I massaged the pocket, I felt a solid texture and the shape of a seal.

“The lord’s seal.”

The core and purpose of this trip.

Arrive in the capital with this seal and faithfully fulfill the role of Lord Diego’s agent.

“You must never lose it.”

Jonas touched the seal and made a promise again. He carefully placed his clothes on top of them in case they got wet, and walked towards the bathtub.

Let’s put ourselves in the water in the bathtub,


The sound came out naturally.

Tired limbs and tired muscles were completely relieved by the hot water.

Jonas closed his eyes as he soaked himself in the bathtub. How long has it been since he relaxed his body like that?


“Can I come in? I brought some clothes.”

Deacon Philip’s voice was heard beyond the door.

“Please come in.”

Jonas shouted loudly and the door opened. There was a wooden partition between the bathtub and the door, so Philip could not be seen.

“I’ll leave my clothes here.”

The sound of thick clothes being placed is heard,

“Shall we take the clothes you wore and have them washed?”

The rustling sound of clothes being packed was heard one after another.

“Ah, thank you.”

Jonas, who answered without thinking, added quickly.

“for a moment.”


“Do not touch pockets on clothing.”

Despite the strong commanding tone,

“All right.”

Philip agreed immediately without any questions. He rustled, gathered his clothes and approached the door.

“If you need anything, please call me at any time. Just pull the string in the room.”

The door opened again and closed with a thud.




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Jonas, who paused for a moment, stood up and checked beyond the partition.


The bag containing the seal was placed neatly on new clothes with no traces of tampering.

“Well, that can’t be possible.”

I laughed out loud, wondering if I was worried for no reason.

Jonas finished washing his body with a relaxed mind. After changing his clothes and returning to the room, he felt a scent he had not felt before.


As I took a deep breath, a subtle and soft scent filled my nostrils.

“Is it a scented candle?”

It was the scent coming from a candle by the bedside. I felt even better thanks to Philip’s careful consideration.

“If I go to sleep now, I think I can sleep for about four hours.”

I can’t believe I had to leave after feeling only a little of this kind hospitality.

Jonas approached the bed with a feeling of regret. When I felt the soft mattress, my disappointment doubled.

“I have no choice because I have to leave early.”

I muttered that and tried to calm my mind.

In any case, if he returns from this job well, an even bigger reward will be waiting for him.

“Well, when I was working at the guard post, there were times when I could only sleep for an hour or two.”

Compared to then, it was truly extravagant now.

Jonas smiled happily and pulled the soft blanket up to his neck.

“I guess I’ll have to run hard tomorrow too.”

I closed my eyes, anticipating a difficult schedule.

❖ ❖ ❖

“Sir Jonas! Sir Jonas!”

With an urgent voice, someone grabbed Jonas’ shoulder and shook him.

“Lord Jonas! Wake up!”

It was the butler’s voice.


Jonas came to his senses.

“What is this….”

I grabbed my throbbing head and stood up. For some reason, my vision was blurry and my body felt heavy, like it was wet with water.

“Lord Jonas.”

Philip was standing next to the bed with a devastated face.

“Is there a problem?”


Philip bowed his head once and then spoke quickly.

“The person who was supposed to leave soon didn’t show up, so I came into the room at the risk of being rude.”

“Does that mean you come into the room without knocking?”

Philip made an expression of regret at the light reprimand.

“I did. Quite a few times. But there was no response….”


Jonas opened his mouth slightly in embarrassment.

‘You didn’t hear the knock?’

This was the first time something like this had happened.

Originally, he was a light sleeper. He lived in a place where guard duty was a daily occurrence, so it came naturally to him.

He was sleeping so deeply that someone had to shake him to wake him up.

‘Something is strange.’

At the same time, Jonas realized that Philip was watching him carefully.

… … The butler is hiding something.


The moment he opened his mouth,

“Deacon! Deacon!”

A servant came into the room panting.

“What’s going on?”

“Well, that! It’s gone!”

“What is missing?”

Philip’s question made the servant stamp his foot.

“I’m speechless!”

“What do you mean?”

Jonas jumped out of bed. As he with his imposing appearance approached, the servant cringed.

“Well… the horse the driver rode on is gone.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Not only that. The horse the driver was going to change to is also gone!”

Jonas felt like his head had been hit with a hammer.

“How did this happen?”

He turned around and scolded Philip in a fierce tone.

“Didn’t I promise to take good care of you!”

“No, I definitely do.”

The two were about to argue.

“Deacon, deacon!”

Someone burst into the room again.

Jonas twitched his lips and looked back.

“Deacon! You are here!”

He was a middle-aged man with a stylish mustache. He seemed to be working in his kitchen, as he was wearing the chef’s characteristic white clothes.

‘Why do you wear clothes so big?’

I was surprised that the sleeves were still fluttering around unsightly.

“Huh, huh.”

A middle-aged man rested on his knees and took a breath. Philip asked, trying hard to keep his calm face.

“What’s happening all of a sudden? Max.”

“We’re in big trouble!”

Max caught his breath and spoke quickly.

“Well, wow, that’s uh, gone!”

“No, what else is missing?”

“Why, you know the food and supplies the deacon asked for!”

“What did you say just now?”

Jonas suddenly got angry and approached Max.

“Oh my, knight. Calm down.”

“Do I really look like myself now? My horse is gone, and even the food and supplies I prepared are gone!”

Jonas glared at the two with burning eyes.

Philip quietly avoided his gaze, and Max threw up both hands, sweating profusely.

“Oh my gosh, I heard you’re leaving early today, so I prepared it in advance. But what should I do when it’s completely gone?”

“Is there any possibility that other servants took it?”

“What a big deal. I warned everyone around me yesterday!”

“Ha, damn it.”

Max was shocked and just sighed.

It was truly absurd. I had no idea that I would be held back like this before such an important task.

he asked, trying to calm his rumbling stomach.

“How long will it take to get ready again?”

“Don’t worry too much, Sir Jonas.”

Unexpectedly, Philip answered in a trustworthy tone.

“I told you to prepare extra horses and food for times like this.”

“Oh, as expected, deacon! You’re always so well prepared!”

Max next to me gave a thumbs up. But Jonas had no time to join in and rejoice.

‘Prepare for times like this, you say?’

Philip’s attitude was very suspicious. It’s as if he knew in advance that something like this would happen… … .

“Deacon! Deacon!”

Another servant came running out of breath.

‘No, again?’

Jonas distorted his face. I wouldn’t be too surprised if something disappeared this time.

Philip asked in a tired voice.

“What’s going on?”

“Ah, Master Abel.”

The servant barely swallowed his breath that was up to his chin and spoke.

“You disappeared! The room is empty!”

Philip crossed his eyebrows and let out a long sigh.

“Okay, everyone, let’s go.”

He kicked out all the servants.

“Let’s get food and supplies ready again.”

After Max was kicked out, Philip bowed down with a tired look on his face.

“I’m sorry, Sir Jonas. It’s all my fault.”

Jonas asked without hiding his absurdity.

“Is it really surprising that you wake up at this hour?”

“Well, it’s because Master Abel is a bit optimistic.”

Philip said in a noble way that Abel was lazy.

“He usually wakes up late and has a late breakfast. He rarely wakes up at this time.”

“I understand for now. But what do you mean by preparing for a case like this?”

Philip looked resigned, as if he knew what was coming. And he bowed deeply.

“I’m sorry, Lord Jonas. Let me apologize on your behalf.”

Jonas was dumbfounded.

“……Replacement? Who do you mean replace?”


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