I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 45

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Chapter6. When you feel safe, hit your back. (5)

“Not all blacksmiths who awakened the power of the guardian died peacefully.”

The cruel story continued in a monotonous and indifferent tone, as if telling an old story.

“The powerful in each country coveted that power, everyone, and tried to monopolize it at all costs.”


“If the world knows that you have manifested that power, well.”

The corners of my mouth turned up into a sharp line.

“At least, I’m sure it will be difficult to work in this blacksmith shop. I’ll probably be trapped underground somewhere for the rest of my life, only making items.”

Alessia’s face turned white as if the color had been bleached. As she flinched behind her, Melina was behind her, holding her back.


“Ah, Melina.”

I laughed as I looked at the two mother and daughter embracing each other.

“But who knows about that now?”

He raised his finger and pointed at the two people.

“You and your daughter.”

He turned his finger again and pointed at me.

“Am I the only one?”

“Ah, Master Abel.”

Alessia fell to her knees, trembling. It seemed like the unexpected truth was too much to bear, and it looked very difficult.


Alessia just looked at me blankly with a devastated face. I looked at her and gave her a lopsided smile.

‘It’s really easy to handle.’

I haven’t made any threats yet, but I’m already sinking into despair. Once a person falls into the abyss, it is too easy for him to go back again.

Having information that others do not know, and using it in the right place.

This simple strategy so easily gave people the upper hand.

Really, to the point of being bland.

‘In fact, the range of use of the Guardian’s power is limited.’

I remembered information I had intentionally withheld from her.

To be precise, the Guardian’s power is useless against physical attacks. It only responds to magical or spiritual energy and protects the user.

Therefore, there is no use in dealing with monsters that tear humans to pieces with their bare hands.

In other words, it is a power that is of little use to Abel Kindreal, who rules this barren Ovest territory.

‘But what if the sword of the four seasons appears?’

The story changes.

For me, who has obtained Requiem, it is a power that is more useful than anything else. In addition, it will be useful in dealing with other swords that will appear later.

‘Of course, there’s no need to tell me that.’

I suppressed my laughter. And just as I was about to open my mouth,


I found Melina looking at me with bright eyes. She stepped forward slightly as if to embrace Alessia.

“young master.”

Melina’s soft voice split the forge.

“What should I, no, what should we do?”

Her words were similar to before, but the meaning behind them was completely different.

“The reason you’re so kind about explaining it to me means that there’s something you want?”

I whistled to myself.

‘Have you gained any sense in the meantime?’

Instead of answering, he raised his eyebrows and answered Melina’s question in the affirmative.

Melina thought for a moment and then asked.

“Can I somehow make the ring you mentioned?”

Her eyes were similar to when she answered that she would do anything.

The look in your eyes that says you must accomplish whatever it takes. Cold yet clear eyes, like the sky of Obest’s territory.

“It’s good that you understand quickly.”

He praised Melina in a humorous tone. And she got to the point.

“My proposal is simple.”

I picked up an ore that was rolling around on the table. She moved her finger and pointed at Melina.

“Jewels crafted by Melina,”

He twisted his finger sideways and pointed it at Alessia.

“Put it in the ring Alessia made. Of course, the ring must contain the power of the guardian.”

He put the ore down on the table again and crossed his arms.

“A ring made like that must be given only to me.”

Alessia, who had been listening blankly, muttered.

“You want to monopolize the power of the Guardian.”

“There is no need to share the power of only one Guardian in the entire empire with anyone else.”

After finishing speaking, I smiled.

“You don’t want to be separated from your daughter, right? If the ring comes into my hands smoothly….”

Alessia looked at me with eyes filled with fear.

“You never know? Maybe I forget that the Guardian’s Hand was born?”

“Well, I understand what you are saying, Master. I will make sure to make you the ring you want. But….”

Alessia seemed to have finally come to her senses and stammered.



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“…But, if that’s the case, there’s no need for Melina to do the work.”

That image suddenly overlapped with the image of Diego teaching Abel.

You can’t do this. It won’t work.

It seems like he is saying this.

The tips of his eyebrows slightly furrowed in discomfort for some reason.

“Then why should I look for someone else?”

A grumpy voice came out of its own accord.


“There is a skilled craftsman here.”

He pointed at Melina with his chin.

“Melina has plenty of qualities and talents. It would be even more foolish to suppress her because she cannot follow the same path as her parents.”


“Just wait and see. Melina will become the best jewelry craftsman in the empire.”

This was not a half-hearted remark or a boast.

‘Because it was like that in the original.’

Before the main character Cain leaves to conquer Requiem.

Melina confesses her shyness to him. Cain gives her a necklace with a small jewel in return.

Melina, who was looking at it every chance she had, suddenly came to the thought that she could make something like this.

‘That was the beginning of Melina Jewelry Store.’

She had incredible talent and mastered the art of jewel cutting at an incredible rate.

The high point was when Melina developed her own unique cutting method for the first time.

Jewelry crafted with the so-called ‘Melina cut’ was selling like crazy for an enormous amount of money.

It was an instant for Melina and Alessia to sit on the money cushion. In the end, they were able to protect themselves with that money.


Melina’s face turned bright red.

She lowered her head again as if asking when she had faced me so confidently. Then she moved slowly and hid behind Alessia.


I tilted my head.

I thought they would like me because they took my side, but surprisingly, their reaction was not cool.

I shrugged my shoulders and spoke to Alessia, who had a complex face.

“It would be best to refrain from using power for the time being. It would be troublesome if rumors spread that green light flashed all the time in this forge.”

Alessia sighed and nodded obediently.

“All right.”

Now that I knew under what conditions the power was manifested, controlling it wouldn’t be that difficult.

“And, please keep the completed ring for a while.”

“Without sending them to the castle?”

“Okay. Just keep it. Until I call.”


Alessia paused for a moment.

“Why? Wouldn’t a longer deadline be better?”

“No, that’s right. Anyway… no, I understand.”


I nodded heavily and got up straight away.

“I’m looking forward to it.”

After leaving a single word, he left the blacksmith shop without even saying hello. Because I still had things to finish next.

❖ ❖ ❖

Abel’s back, which had come like the wind, suddenly disappeared.


Melina and Alessia, mother and daughter, stood there in silence for a moment.


It was Melina who broke the silence.

“I have a feeling you’re going to leave somewhere like this.”

“Do you think so too?”

Alessia whispered softly. She traced Abel’s dot, which made her eyes noticeably smaller.

“Somehow… I feel that way too.”

Then it’s a good thing.

Alessia mumbled and looked away. But Melina could not easily take her eyes off Abel.


Her eyes, like the gray sky, became darker.

❖ ❖ ❖

Late dawn, entrance to Ovest Castle.

A horse stopped in front of the tightly closed front door.


“Whoa, whoa.”

The tired horse made a harsh sound.

Jonas gently wiped the bridge of the purring horse’s nose.

“Calm down, calm down.”

However, the horse, which had been running non-stop for a long time, could not calm down easily.

“Shh, aren’t you a good boy?”

After Jonas patiently consoled the horse for a while, it soon regained its composure.

“That’s right, good job.”

Jonas removed the hand that was comforting him. And he brushed up his tangled hair.

My palms were covered in a ton of dust and sand.


The bird he let out an embarrassed laugh,

“Lord Jonas.”

Butler Philip rushed out in a hurry. It was late, but there was no sleep in his eyes.

“I was waiting.”

This is because they had already received the message of when it would arrive and were preparing.

“Please wait a moment.”

He hurriedly opened the gate.

Jonas jumped off the horse, grabbed the reins, and entered. And he spoke sternly in a tone full of discipline.

“Nice to meet you. My name is Jonas Klein.”

“Yes, I’ve already heard the story.”

Philip welcomed Jonas in a polite manner.

“You had a lot of trouble on the way here, right?”

“No. I just did what I had to do.”

Philip smiled as if he understood Jonas’ humility.

“Please eat inside first.”

Jonas walked behind Philip.

On the road leading into the castle, there was only a minimal amount of light to identify the surroundings. It was a consideration to welcome overnight guests without causing a disturbance.

Philip first guided him to the stables. On one side of the stable, there was a space for Jonas’ horse to rest.

“You can leave the horse you brought here. I will tell the stable keeper to take good care of it. Is there anything else you would like to see?”

Jonas handed the reins to Philip and instructed him firmly.

“He is like a comrade in arms who has been with me for a long time. Please take good care of him until I return.”

“Would it be possible?”

Philip smiled kindly, as if that was a piece of cake. Jonas looked around and noticed another horse next to him.

“This means….”

Next to him, a very strong and majestic looking dark brown horse was blinking its eyes.

“Yes, you will need to transfer.”

Philip spoke in a trusting tone.

“As you said, my lord, we have prepared enough food and supplies. When do you plan to leave?”

“I’m planning to just sleep for a few hours and then leave. I don’t have much time.”

“All right.”

Ovest Castle, built entirely of stone, was quiet as always. Jonas asked as if something suddenly occurred to him while walking with Philip.

“What about Master Abel?”

“You are sleeping. If you would like to see me….”

Philip trailed off with a mysterious look on his face.

“No. I don’t think that’s necessary.”

Jonas answered calmly.

In fact, he didn’t ask because he was genuinely curious about Abel’s well-being.


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