I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 42

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Chapter6. When you feel safe, hit your back. (2)

After much thought, Ben brought him in and named him ‘Black Star’. And he took care of Black Star with all his heart.

As expected, Black Star did not disappoint those expectations.

Its growth rate was twice as fast as that of other horses, and it grew to a size that far outweighed the famous giant horse breeds.

At that time, Ben was excited about making him a warhorse, or breeding him to get good offspring.

‘The problem is when he shows his true colors.’

Black Star’s personality could not be described with the expression ‘fierce.’ He was very belligerent, vicious, and ‘had a nasty temper anyway.’

Black Star tried to bite the horses around him because he was harassing them. The Lord bit all the fodder and forced it. He also ignored the person who picked me up and took care of me and rebelled constantly.

‘for a moment.’

I frowned, feeling a strange sense of déjà vu.

‘This seems like a description of Abel, doesn’t it?’

… … It feels a bit weird to be compared to a horse.

Anyway, Ben finally gave up on his plan to raise him as a war horse.

However, there was no one in the stable who could handle the already fully grown animal. Also, I couldn’t dare to let the outside world know that I had brought in a monster and raised it.

In the end, there was no choice but to lock Black Star in a solid cage. And she fed her just enough to keep her from starving.

Black Star, who had been imprisoned like that, was finally able to regain his freedom on the day Abel destroyed the Ovest territory.

‘You will gain freedom in a different way this time.’

I was thinking of using him as my means of transportation. Its speed and aggressiveness were essential keys to the plan I was drawing up.


My heart pounded at the thought of meeting Black Star.

I like guys with bad personalities. To be precise, I like subduing such guys.

“Looking at the reaction, I guess it’s true.”

As a sharp smile appeared on his lips, the young man belatedly covered his mouth.

“Uh, uhh.”

He was so embarrassed that he momentarily lost his ability to speak.

‘I would be shocked to know that Black Star exists.’

If this fact is known to Lord Diego, he and Ben will be punished. It won’t end with just quitting stable work.

“Uh, uhh.”

The young man seemed to be in a state of panic with all his imagination. Even though I have no intention of making that fantasy come true.


I couldn’t help but tap the young man on the shoulder. The young man finally came to his senses and bowed his waist.

“Oh, uh. Sorry.”

“Okay, so where is he?”


The young man’s eyes were shaking wildly. He seemed embarrassed when he was not reprimanded for secretly raising a monster.

“Uh… now?”

“Okay. Guide me.”

Only then did the young man read the slight interest and curiosity in my face.

“I-I mean!”

The young man’s face suddenly turned bright red. I thought that if I could please myself, I might be able to avoid punishment.

“He’s inside the stable….”

Then, as if he was thinking of something, his complexion darkened again.

“Well, that guy has an unusual temper. That’s why I never open the cage when Old Man Ben isn’t around.”


I smiled and immediately turned around.

“Then I guess I should leave right now. And it’s forbidden in this merry-go-round….”

“Ahh no!”

The young man ran up to me in a huff and grabbed my arm. In the end, he had no choice but to lead me to cry and eat mustard.

“Hey, here we are.”

The place he guided me to was the deepest part of the stable.

“Ugh, wait a minute.”

The young man whined, lifted the lock on the iron door, and opened both doors with his arms shaking.

‘It was blocked very tightly.’


With the sound of the iron door opening, the spacious interior was revealed.


I sighed and strode inside.


Inside, there was a horse of extraordinary majesty.

He was a very handsome guy with a body like black silk and a mane flowing beautifully. The golden eyes sparkled clearly even in the darkness.

The problem was that its face was tied with an iron halter and its body was chained.

‘Chains… … ‘Four?’

It is connected not only to the reins but also to the saddle to prevent the horse from moving.

‘This is treated like a complete monster.’

Of course, considering his identity and abilities, he is a monster.

“That is Black Star.”

I smiled and took a step forward.

“Oh, master?!”



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The young man made a sound out of breath.

“You shouldn’t approach him like that! He’s about to bite someone….”

The young man’s voice gradually quieted down.

“Are you trying to…? Huh?”

Black Star hated the humans who imprisoned him here so much. Every time he saw a human, he couldn’t control his temper and went on a rampage.

Because of this, Ben couldn’t get close to the animal, so he had to feed it from afar with a pole.



Rather than going wild, Black Star just stood quietly.

Its golden eyes stared at me. A gaze that seems to be searching me.


It’s quite a monster theme.

I squinted and smiled. First of all, I was satisfied that he didn’t collapse in fear when he saw me.

Moreover, those bright, sparkling eyes meant that the person was busy trying to understand the other person.

‘Yes, if you want to burn me, it has to be like this.’

I said with a satisfied smile.

“I’ll take this guy.”


The young man’s eyes widened as if he didn’t understand what I was saying. I spoke again in an unwavering tone.

“I’m going to ride this guy.”

The young man’s eyes filled with tears as he finally understood what I was saying.

“B… B… Black Star?”


“But if you tried to ride that guy….”

The young man’s anxious gaze passed my arm.

“This is a guy that can’t be defeated even if four young men attack him. Moreover, you even injured your arm….”

“I’ll take care of that. Just take off those chains.”

“Master, please think again. Of course, it was wrong to secretly raise that guy. But if you get hurt, we will be even more respectful…”

The young man’s words, which had been pouring incessantly, gradually became slower. When he saw my completely unwavering expression, he finally looked resigned.

“The key to the lock was taken by Old Man Ben….”


I grabbed onto the chain that was fastened to the wall. Let’s twist our wrists with strength,


The chain was completely torn off.


The young man took a step back in surprise.

“Can we do this?”

I muttered and tore off the remaining three chains. The broken chains fell to the floor one after another.

Thump, thump.

Meanwhile, Black Star just stared at me.


The last piece of chain fell to the floor. Black Star tilted his head once.


It was a much heavier and lower growl than regular horses. The moment I heard it, my eardrums throbbed, and I knew that it was definitely not an ordinary word.


Black Star lifted his leg and rolled on the floor once.


The sound of hard hooves hitting the floor was very threatening.

“Uh, huh? No way?”

The young man pointed his finger at Black Star.


Black Star turned his head left and right once and lightly lifted and lowered his legs repeatedly.

No matter how you look at it,

‘Warm up?’

And, Black Star’s knees were slightly bent.

“Yes, master!”

The young man let out a piercing scream.

Because Black Star’s eyes, which were in a ready position just before jumping out, were directed at me.


The next moment, Black Star’s body rushed towards me.


The young man screamed and covered his eyes. As if he couldn’t bear to see the tragedy that happened next.


I stood upright and stared at Black Star.

“Yeah, it should be like this.”

A satisfied smile crossed his lips.

From the young man’s perspective now, it would seem as if Black Star had suddenly disappeared.

To that extent, Black Star’s instantaneous acceleration ability and the maximum speed it reached in an instant were at an incredible level.

“Do you like it.”

In particular, those eyes that were fixed firmly on me and didn’t move.

It’s as if he doesn’t care at all about the chains hitting his mouth or the chains clinging uncomfortably to his body.

The straight gaze aimed only at the goal,

“very good.”

I really liked it.


I grinned and ripped off the splint on my right arm. At the same time, he turned his body to avoid Black Star’s charge.


Black Star narrowly missed me. The speed was so fast that the air vibrated violently as it passed.


Black Star immediately applied the brakes and stopped in place. Then he turned back and looked directly at me again.


The bridge of his nose twitched in dissatisfaction. The guy’s eyes seemed to say this.

‘It’s quite a human subject, isn’t it?’

I giggled and pointed my finger at him.

“Come. Let’s see who wins.”

Black Star’s eyes became sharper as if he understood what he said. The guy ran straight at me.


It was a cry that conveyed the will to attack this human.

I deliberately waited for Black Star to get close to me. Then, the moment he got close to me,


I grabbed hold of the chains rattling on either side of the guy’s head.


Black Star’s body suddenly stopped. The guy quickly grabbed his head, but he couldn’t overcome my strong grip.


Black Star raised his front paw with an angry cry. It may have been an attempt to put me down right away, but


I stayed close next to him and avoided being kicked. And then I kicked the guy’s body and got on top of him.

“oh my god!”

The young man’s exclamation erupted from behind at the amazing, acrobatic-like movement. When he couldn’t hear my screams, he put his hands away and watched the situation.


Black Star let out a harsh cry like a storm. The guy was twisting his whole body trying to throw me off.

A normal rider would probably not have been able to hold on for more than a few minutes and would have fallen off the horse.


But I held on to the chain attached to his head and persevered.


When things didn’t go as planned, steam came out of Black Star’s nostrils.

“Purp, purr!”

Eventually, it started to literally go crazy, jumping up and down on its hind legs.

“You bastard!”

His resistance was quite strong. And the more he did that, the more my desire to challenge burned.

“Let’s give it a try, okay?”

I let go of one hand that was holding on to the chain. It was a very dangerous action to do on the body of a guy who was shaking up and down and left and right.

I waved my free hand to the side. Being extremely careful not to lose her balance.


The end of the chain was held in my hand. It was one of the two chains that had fastened the guy’s body to the wall earlier.

Black Star turned his head and looked at me.

“Prune, purr!”

My eyes lit up when I realized what I was about to do.


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