I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 38

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Chapter5. Intentionally arouse anger. (7)

At that moment, the man’s eyes flashed. Even in the dark, the white glow of the eyes was very harsh.


Pierre felt a moment of hesitation. He had a bad feeling about something.

But I didn’t want to appear scared in front of Matilda. So she deliberately strengthened her stomach and spoke bravely.

“Right now I….”

Pierre did not finish speaking.

The man who had been standing in the doorway was suddenly standing in front of me. The man’s hand shot out like lightning and grabbed Pierre’s neck.


Then he lifted Pierre’s body and pushed it against the wall.

“Whoops, whoops.”

The grip was so strong that for a moment, I was out of breath and my eyes turned red.

Pierre grabbed the man’s hand with both hands and tried to pull it away. But the man’s hand did not move, as if it were stuck to the wall.

“K, keuh.”

I struggled with all my might, but the man didn’t seem to care at all. Then he slowly raised his other fist.


Pierre’s eyes widened.

It was because I expected what the man was going to do now.

“Okay, sleep.”


I felt a huge shock, as if my face had been hit on a stone floor.

No, it wasn’t a stone floor. Because it was the man’s fist that collided with Pierre’s face just now.

Pierre lost consciousness for a brief moment. And when he opened his eyes, I felt something dripping down my nose.

“Uh, uhh.”

Every time I opened my mouth, something sticky came inside. It had a bitter iron taste and I thought it was blood.


Pierre realized that his voice sounded strange. And I felt something rattling and moving in my mouth.

It was his tooth.


Pierre screamed. No, I was going to scream.

However, due to broken front teeth, crushed gums, and blood accumulating in the mouth, he was unable to reproduce any of the sounds he normally made.

“Ugh, uhhh.”

Only a weak, crumbly moan escaped out. A comical sound, like that of a child losing a tooth and growing a new one, cut through the silence.

“Huh, huh. Slur, slursssseu….”

Every time I breathed in and out, blood poured out of my nose.

Half of it went down Pierre’s throat, and half stayed in his mouth, filling it up and flowing down.

“Sleuzseuu, zubl…….”

Pierre put his hands together and prayed. Even though his head was spinning and his vision was blurry, only his instincts remained and kept him moving.


The man looked straight at him with an expressionless face. The pitch-black eyes burned as if they were going to overflow.

“Z, zubl….”

Pierre secretly lowered his eyes. He couldn’t bear to look the man in the eyes.

The tremendous pressure emanating from him weighed down Pierre. It makes the hair on your skin stand up, your mouth gets dry, and your toes turn red.

It was Pierre’s first time feeling this kind of energy. Nevertheless, he could instinctively know its identity.

Terrible murderous intent.

The man wanted to kill him.

“Zubble, Zble….”

Pierre’s voice quieted down. He was so scared and scared that he just wanted to faint like this.

The man grabbed Pierre’s trembling chin.


Pierre raised his eyes in shock. The man was staring at me with an incomprehensible expression.

His pitch-black eyes sparkled like flames. It felt like he was being sucked into it.

Next moment,


Pierre was startled.

It was because the man’s thumb was digging into my mouth. The rough sensation of leather gauntlets tickled my tongue.

“Uh, uhb, uhh.”


The man whispered quietly.

It was a rough, heavy voice that seemed to come from the abyss, scraping away the lungs.

It’s like a sound echoing from the depths of a cave. Would this be what it would feel like if a monster that had been hiding inside for a long time came out and spoke?

Humans will never be able to make a voice like this.


Pierre shivered and swallowed his saliva. I could feel the blood flowing down his chin along with the saliva.

But I was so scared of the man looking at me that I didn’t care at all.

‘Why is the tongue… … .’

The man slowly traced his tongue with his finger. It was as if he was thinking carefully about what to do with this.

Then he slowly pulled his thumb out.



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“Huh, huh….”

After a moment of relief, Pierre’s face gradually turned white.


This is because I felt the grip holding my jaw becoming stronger.

‘No way, no way?’

Pierre’s eyes widened. Only then did I realize why the man was holding my chin.

“Z, zu, zu keum.”

Because of my broken tooth, I couldn’t speak properly, and my whole body was so weak that I didn’t have the strength to resist properly.

“Huh, huh…”

Pierre just begged with earnest eyes. He gasped and tried to twist his face.

I don’t know why he was suddenly doing this to me, but I just begged and begged.


The man’s mouth drew an arc. The moment a magical smile blooms in the darkness,


Pierre’s jaw was broken.


Due to the pain beyond imagination, Pierre fainted with a gasping sound.


Pierre’s body spilled to the floor.

Tuk, degurrrrr.

The bloody things that fell out of his mouth poured out. His jaw was completely broken and there was no room left in his mouth.


Matilda’s body slid to the floor.

She sees how a person’s face can be crushed with a single punch, and what happens when a person’s jaw is broken.

I was also experiencing in real time how many teeth a human has in total and what would happen if all of them fell out.

‘W-I’m scared… … .’

The room, which had been filled with the scent of scented candles, was suddenly filled with the smell of blood, and what was once a cozy room turned into a gloomy torture room.

All of this happened in less than a few seconds. It felt like a dream that I had just been riding on that customer’s body.

‘This is definitely… … ‘It’s like that time.’

Matilda had never seen such a bloody sight before. She was just as soon as another pr****ute sneaked away.


She was dragged back in by the hoodlums by her hair. When she got dressed she only picked the parts that were covered so she was left soaking wet.

Next to him was a man who was caught running away with a pr****ute. He had a swollen face and his nose was bleeding.

‘That man’s face… … It wasn’t like this.’

You can’t break a person’s face unless you use a weapon.

But this man did it. With his bare hands, he crushed the man’s face like a piece of rice cake and broke his jawbone.

Matilda had never heard of such a bloody thing. She felt so horrible and scared.


I kept trying to cry. She used all her strength to cover her mouth, trying hard to keep any sound from escaping.

‘I don’t want to die.’

I just hoped that the man who suddenly broke into this room would just forget about me and leave.

Matilda barely caught a glimpse of him between her fingers.


The man stared at the stunned guest, then slowly bent his knees and squatted down. He then tapped his guest’s cheek with his bloody gauntleted hand.

“It’s so weak that it falls away.”

The man didn’t seem to know how much pain it was to have his jaw broken.

“If you’re going to play with your tongue like that, you should have prepared for something like this.”

I just muttered something I didn’t know and giggled. Every time this happened, a strange laughter sound resounded, as if echoing from a cave.

Matilda now began to wonder whether she should cover her mouth or her ears.

As the man tried to get up from his seat,


He suddenly stopped and looked at the customer’s arm.

“So, both your hands are fine?”

Then, he grabbed both of the customer’s wrists and lifted them up.

“I broke one side.”

Matilda remembered even while she was scared. The man earlier grabbed his customer’s neck with one hand and pounded his fist with the other.

‘Aren’t both wrists fine…? … ?’

In any case, it was impossible to point out that fact.

The man grabbed the customer’s wrist with his free hand. With his other good hand, he began to push the customer’s fingers until they were bent toward the back of his hand.

Tap, tap, tap.

The terrible sounds of bones breaking and joints twisting were heard one after another.


The customer opened his eyes filled with tears due to the sharp pain. But what he saw the moment he came to his senses was,


It looked like my wrist had been completely bent at an impossible angle.


The customer fainted again. Despite the terrible situation, the man just smiled.

“Well, that’s not fun.”

Then he found his other wrist and started repeating the same thing. The creepy sound that made people freeze began to fill the room again.


Matilda gritted her teeth and covered her ears with her hands. She wanted to run away, but her legs gave out and she couldn’t move.

And even if he moved, he didn’t think he could beat that man. It really took a blink of an eye for him, who was standing in the doorway, to reach this point.

‘Please, someone help me. please.’

Matilda prayed and prayed in her heart. Then, when she opened her eyes and realized that her son-in-law had become quiet,


She made eye contact with the man who was staring at her.


I was surprised and took a step back. But the back was blocked by a wall, so there was no room to move.

At the man’s feet, a customer was seen stretched out with both wrists bent. Foam flowed from his mouth and mixed with blood.

He looked so miserable that I thought he might be dead. However, seeing my bent wrist trembling intermittently made me think that I had fainted.

‘… … ‘It’s over.’

Matilda had a hunch that she would be like that too. Her life wasn’t long, and at least she lived a shabby life wandering around these back alleys.

‘Still, I didn’t expect to die like this.’

So vain and miserable.

It was a moment when I couldn’t help but feel sad about that fact.

Thump thump thump.

Heavy and urgent footsteps came from the hallway.

‘Oh, really?’

Matilda smiled and looked at the open door.

“What kind of child are you?”


It was a voice she knew well, and a voice she was always very afraid of.

When I heard this voice, I would reflexively flinch. But it was different now.

“It was definitely here earlier….”


“Here we go!”

I was so happy to hear those voices that my face automatically turned bright red.

The so-called five gangster brothers.

Those who catch runaway pr****utes, or find new pr****utes and put them here.

One by one, their grim faces appeared at the door.

“Oh, I was resting, but what a mess.”

“It’s been a while since you’ve been this fresh and crazy?”

The door was so narrow that I could only see two people, but I could tell that the other three were occupying that hallway.

‘Ahhh. thank god.’

Matilda closed her quivering eyelids.


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