I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 35

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Chapter5. Intentionally arouse anger. (4)


Moans flowed out of my teeth.

Although I blocked it, it was more of an instinctive defense. Like blocking Liam’s sword, it wasn’t something that was done by knowing and anticipating everything.


As if he didn’t know that I was actually going to block him, a look appeared in Diego’s eyes for a moment. He immediately removed his sword and took a step back.

“It’s pretty good.”

My stomach twisted at just one short word.

I chewed my lip and glared at him.

‘It’s the same swordsmanship as Liam,’

different. It was clearly different.

Diego’s movements were much more precise, more stable, and much heavier than Liam’s.

Monsters do not make promised attacks like the swordsmen’s sparring. He looks for loopholes, exploits them, and pushes his opponents without ever giving a second thought.

In the process of dealing with such monsters, Diego came to the conclusion that he could not defeat them by relying only on standard swordsmanship.

So Ovest swordsmanship evolved in irregular and diverse directions.

‘A swordsmanship that combines bear-like movements with snake-like cunning and fox-like skill.’

In the world, Ovest swordsmanship was called this.

And what Liam taught me was less than half of that.


I chewed my lips nervously.

‘I can’t win.’

I couldn’t figure out the angle.

I could tell even though I only crossed swords with Diego once.

‘The physical conditions are similar.’

He had a wealth of experience and skilled skills that I did not have. It was a huge difference that he could not possibly make up with just a few weeks of training.

‘It doesn’t make sense that he has similar physical abilities to me in the first place.’

I can’t believe that the level of me, who held Requiem at a much younger age, and the man who is my father’s age are similar.

It must be thanks to the innate talent, the bone-chilling effort put on top of it, and the desperation to vomit blood.

‘He really is such a monster.’

Truly the strongest in the world.

Thrown into extreme cold from the age of his 20s, the experience of living across the line of fire was not easy.

What if Diego, not Abel, held Requiem, and what if he was controlled by Requiem?

‘The empire would have collapsed by then.’

It was clear that this was a disaster that could not be prevented even if Cain, the protagonist of the original work, appeared.

No, disaster had already come before my eyes.

Diego’s sword plunged into me like a thunderbolt.


As I blocked it with all my might, the dull sound dispersed.


I gritted my teeth and tightened my grip on the hilt.

‘You can’t lose with strength!’

I applied force to the parts that touched each other and pushed the sword down. No, I tried to push it away.


Clearly the sword is an inanimate object. That’s what I knew until now.


Suddenly, Diego’s sword curved like a snake and flew straight up.


I had to hastily remove my sword and take a few steps back. To avoid being bitten by that snake’s teeth.

‘Wow, f*ck.’

I tried not to show surprise and took a deep breath. Diego stared at me with cold, sunken eyes.

“Are you still not ready to give up?”

It was a tone that implied that the attacks would become increasingly harsh.

‘shit. What should I do with this?’

I calmed down and assessed my confrontation with Diego. And she concluded calmly:

‘You can’t win, but you can kill.’

It was possible if I took out the Requiem and charged at it with all my might. If you steadily cut away the vitality through residual wounds, it will eventually lead to death.


‘I can’t kill him here.’

I had no intention of becoming a lord.

Because the person who rules this Obest territory must risk his or her life to go to the border and protect it.

‘I don’t want to live like that at this beautiful age.’

Therefore, Diego had to live a long and healthy life and diligently rule the Obest territory.

‘then… … .’

I looked carefully at Diego’s whole body.

‘Use crisis as opportunity.’

If the outcome was defeat anyway, we had to throw away everything and take everything we could gain.

Right now, the founder of Obest swordsmanship is right in front of you.

‘I can’t stand this.’



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I stuck out my tongue and licked my dry lips.

If you learn from Diego, you can become stronger several times faster than if you learn from Liam. Of course, the person concerned has no intention of teaching.

‘I’ was able to force myself to learn from him.

Now that I have an unexpected confrontation with Diego,

‘I suck up as much as I can.’

I could clearly see what I had to do.

I straightened my posture, hiding my slow smile behind my teeth.


There was no need to overly reveal my skills to him, nor was there any need to be overly intimidated.

All he had to do was show a few gaps so that everything about him could be revealed.

“Is that the end of your teaching?”

And I was a person who was very good at this kind of provocation.

“This guy!”

Diego screamed and threw himself away.


A sharp and heavy sound split the air. She held out her hand and blocked the sword rushing in front of her.


A loud sound rang out as if swords had simply clashed with each other. It meant that Diego swung his sword with all his might.

“Are you going to try until the end?”

Diego’s blue eyes stared at me beyond the crossed swords.

Unlike his voice that sounded like angry waves, his eyes were frozen like a calm river, or even like a winter lake.

Diego was completely in control of himself. And the more he did that, the more the desire to stimulate him grew in my heart.

I twisted my mouth.

“You did it first, right?”


“So you have to finish it too.”


A sigh of astonishment escaped from Diego’s teeth. At the same time, his frozen eyes suddenly cracked open! Kagang!


Sharp attacks came one after another.

Even though he was so angry, his emotions did not let the attack take over. Only the extremely sharpened, deadly blade flies.

‘Nothing to look at, really.’

I gritted my teeth and tried to block or throw away his attacks. No matter which side you chose, it was still difficult.

With the former, my forearm was trembling and it was difficult to hold on for long, and with the latter, as soon as I let go, the sword came flying up my arm.


This situation was not simply a matter of strength.

‘What kind of swordsmanship does this guy have… … .’

A sword technique developed for the purpose of cutting the heads of all kinds of monsters in two and completely suffocating them.

It doesn’t matter what size it is, what shape it has, or what material it is made of.

It was a vicious swordsmanship that did not give the opponent even a moment to breathe or catch his breath.

On its own, my breathing became heavier and my movements began to become sluggish.

‘completely… … ‘You treat people like monsters!’

I swung my sword with all my might and ripped off Diego’s sword. It was my intention to take a moment to catch my breath, but


Diego caught up to me without giving me any time.


Diego’s sword was aimed persistently at my forearm.

What does this look like, a father disciplining his son? I will not treat monsters I meet on the street this harshly.

‘It’s terrible, really.’

I twitched my lips and faced him.

Although it was not a leisurely situation, his movements and sword skills were steadily being entered into my mind.

The thought of recreating this later and making it completely my own made me smile.

‘Okay, show me more.’

I exhaled excitedly without even hiding my smile.

“I don’t know how to teach you yet, do you?”

This was a disguise for leisure, but it was also something I said to myself.

Wiggle, wiggle.

Requiem, which had been quiet for a while, was stirring again. It was because there was a strong person in front of me that was on a different level from the small children I had faced so far.

Diego’s heart was pulsating vividly, his muscles were writhing vigorously, his blood was energetically circulating throughout his body, and he was giving off a mouth-watering, fragrant smell.

Requiem groaned, saying that it was the best taste in the world he had ever tasted.

‘Yeah, no.’

I just spit it out. Requiem mumbled and flicked his tongue, but he completely ignored it.

‘Shut up and be quiet. ‘How many people have you ruined so far?’

I had no intention of committing murder today, or for the time being. However, Requiem, who had tasted blood once, kept clawing, so it was extremely difficult.


When blocking Diego’s sword,


When rolling to avoid Diego’s sword,


Even when Diego’s sword plunged into the wall.

Requiem tugged at my pant legs and whispered to me non-stop. In a situation that was literally like a child throwing a tantrum, I let out a sigh in disgust.

“Shut up.”

And it was a disaster. Diego was giving me an evil look.

“……Did you just say this to me?”

The situation wasn’t right to say no, and saying yes seemed to stimulate Diego too much.

‘I’m already out of breath even now.’

I withheld my answer and just stared at Diego. Diego, who was looking at me blankly, slowly closed his eyes.


After a moment of puzzlement, Diego opened his eyes again.


When I met his gaze, I had a hunch.

‘It’s done.’

Even though Diego had been swinging his sword mercilessly up until now, he had at least not harbored murderous intent.


Right now, Diego’s face was expressionless, as if all emotions had been cut out. The gaze directed at me was inorganic, as if looking at an object that had nothing to do with me.

That meant that he would put everything aside and focus only on punishing the opponent in front of him.

‘That expression… … .’

I bit my lip feeling dizzy.

That expression was Diego’s last expression right before he killed Abel, who was smiling brightly while holding the Requiem.

It contains a determination to die, to throw away one’s life and go to the abyss with that guy.

‘Why are you building that here!’

I screamed alone. I belatedly tried to push for a requiem, but it was already too late.


Smul, Smul.

The rush of cold life irritated my spine and made the fluff on my skin stand up.


Even the momentum of taking a step has changed. Perfectly controlled, movements focused solely on subduing the opponent.

Is this the kind of move that is said to be a divine move in chess? With just one step, Diego cut off my escape route and completely cornered me.

‘Should I bring out Requiem right now?’

To the extent that I could think of that, Diego’s murderous spirit dampened my feet. He felt as if he was slowly being submerged into a cold lake.


As Diego’s life became more intense and his form became clearer, his breathing became increasingly difficult.

It wasn’t because I was weighed down by his life. There was no way I, who had tasted a void that was thicker, deeper, and vaster than me, would be scared by this level of fear.

The reason I’m short of breath is,

‘calm down. ‘Calm down.’

It was because Requiem growled after recognizing the opponent’s lethality.

My five senses became so sensitive that it was unbearable, and I could feel each and every breath that Diego exhaled.

The desire to immediately grab Requiem and extinguish the opponent’s life soared.

‘… … no.’

I calmed myself by biting the delicate flesh in my mouth.


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