I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 34

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Chapter5. Intentionally arouse anger. (3)

When the lord’s order was given, all the servants, including Philip, straightened up. They left the restaurant without any delay.

In an instant, only Diego and I were left in the restaurant.


Diego’s voice fell heavily to the floor. I answered in a very light and refreshing voice compared to him.


No matter what he asked, the answer was ready. If it’s within the scope of my actions that Philip is aware of.

But the words that came out of Diego’s mouth were,

“Liam Schmidt.”

It was a word I never expected.

“I learned the sword from him.”


I put strength on the fingertips of my arms.

‘How did know?’

On the outside, he had a calm face and shook his head furiously.

It was clear that someone had seen me and Liam together and told Diego.

‘If that’s the case… … .’

After all, is it Pierre?

It didn’t take long for a conclusion to be reached.

‘There’s no way I saw that up close.’

There was no way that I, or Liam, would not have noticed that it had come that far away.

‘But for all that… … .’

There was such strong confidence in Diego’s voice. He seemed to know exactly what I was doing with Liam.

‘How did this happen?’

There was no time to continue thinking.


Because Diego let out a bitter laugh between his teeth.

“It looks like you have no intention of turning away.”


“I saw the energy spreading out in all directions.”

Ah, that.

‘For some reason, I thought that was it.’

There was no way Diego didn’t know what Philip and Liam had vaguely noticed. No, it was natural for a top-notch prosecutor like him to notice.

I have obtained the world’s strongest sword, but my energy will never be the same as before.

‘I tried to suppress it, but it didn’t work out.’

Now, I am good at capturing the energy of others, but on the other hand, I am not used to hiding myself.

Anyway, since I didn’t know anything about it anymore, there was no use trying to get it off.


I tilted my head and smiled wryly.

“Yes you bastard!”

Diego roughly set down his wine glass on the table.


The wine glass, made of thin glass, shattered without any help.

“Have you forgotten why you were forbidden to hold a sword?”

A storm of anger swept across Diego’s face. I smiled calmly, like a traveler undeterred by the storm.

“I don’t know.”

Actually, I know. Because that was one of the things mentioned ad nauseam in the original work.

Diego’s cheek twitched slightly with anger.

“Are you saying you forgot because it happened when you were 5 years old?”

At the age of 5, Abel was the age when he killed his first animal.

‘Can I still fly like this?’

Abel smiled brightly and threw the hawk with one wing broken into the sky. When the falcon that had stumbled failed to fly up and landed on the ground, she said, ‘Oh my. ‘Not trying enough.’

He giggled and broke the other wing as well. The hawk ended up not being able to fly and had to crawl on her floor.

‘You’re useless, you.’

Abel threw a stone at random and broke the hawk’s head, and crushed the fallen hawk’s body with stones here and there, completely chopping it into a piece of meat.

When Diego saw the hawk’s corpse, he became extremely angry and at the same time realized Abel’s unusual cruelty.

“That poor hawk’s corpse is still before my eyes!”

Diego shouted as if he were chewing. Since there were only two people in the restaurant, they seemed to have no concerns about other people’s opinions.

‘Anyway, is that all?’

I kept the sour expression from appearing on my face.

Abel’s evil deeds from then on were almost painful to talk about.

Killing a bunch of hungry bunch of births, and checking if the baby is alive. Bullying the servants over trivial things, and eventually causing the direct servant to disappear, etc.

“You consider having other people’s blood on your hands as less important than eating.”

Diego took a deep breath.

“How dare you learn the sword?”

His eyes began to boil again. The lava that had quietly subsided was now turning into magma and spewing out.

“You can see what’s going to happen! They’ll just be drunk on power, kill innocent lives, and have other people’s blood on their hands without hesitation!”

If that’s the case, I’m already doing it.



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I thought about that while maintaining a smile.

“He who holds a sword in his hand must have a greater sense of responsibility than anyone else! He must know the gravity of life and always approach it with a solemn attitude!”


“So how could I allow you a sword!”

Diego, who finally let out his anger, took a deep breath. He glared at me with burning eyes.

“Throw away your sword immediately.”

What he was saying was not about the Requiem that came into my possession.

It meant forgetting the swordsmanship I had learned so far and never holding a sword in my hand again. But this also wasn’t an order I could follow.

“What if you don’t like it?”

I laughed.

“Why should I follow my father?”

“This guy is real!”

A roar like a thunderbolt struck.

“I learned how to use a sword, but now I can’t see anything!”

He roughly pushed the chair aside and stood up.

“I knew this would happen. I knew that if you learned the sword, you would become this careless!”

Diego’s hand was already on his waist.


He pulled out his sword from its scabbard. And he rushed straight towards me.

‘This is crazy!’

I was so scared that I jumped up.

Before I could say anything, Diego’s sword was already aiming for my shoulder.

‘Damn, so fast!’

In a hurry, I grabbed the bottom of the table and lifted it up.


The dishes that had been lying there spilled onto the floor.


Diego quickly retrieved his sword and stepped back. With barely any time left, I quickly looked around.

‘Something that can be used as a weapon,’

The floor was a mess with broken plates and cutlery. I saw the knife I used earlier there.

‘That’s not possible.’

Those small utensils cannot block Diego’s heavy attacks. The moment you hit it once, it will crumble.

‘Not even Requiem.’

Not only was he not wearing the gauntlets, but if he took them out, Diego’s eyes would roll over.

“You overturn the table, you have very bad habits.”

Meanwhile, Diego was approaching me at a leisurely pace. Contrary to his demeanor, his eyes were shiny and blue.

‘No, is it already turned over?’

You said you scratched the inside of the cancer, but you can’t believe you did something like that. It seems he was quite angry when he saw me spreading the evil energy of Requiem.


When Diego swung his sword, there was a terrifying sound.


I almost rolled over to avoid his sword.

This wasn’t something that could be done simply by dodging the sword. One sword strike was so powerful that it felt as if it was tearing the air apart.

‘If you just brush against it, it’s a fracture.’

That’s the extent of the sword that hasn’t been removed from its scabbard, but if you take it out… … .


I shook my head.

‘It looks like you don’t intend to kill him.’

Anyway, I couldn’t keep avoiding it like this. However, it didn’t seem like trying to talk would be of any use.

Diego was determined to break my will even if it meant breaking my arm.

‘Maybe I should have just said that I knew.’

But that’s just avoiding this moment.

The opponent is someone who is said to be the strongest swordsman in the empire. A shallow lie is quickly revealed.

‘Because it’s a state where you can read other people’s energy with your eyes.’

Eventually he will realize that I lied. So this moment was ultimately something I had to face.


Diego’s sword swung at me again with fierce force. I lowered my waist extremely low to avoid it and then threw myself to the side.

‘Damn it, use some kind of weapon… … !’

My eyes, which had been urgently looking around, stopped at one place.

‘That’s it!’

Throughout the historic Ovest Castle, there is a custom of hanging swords on the walls so they can be used at any time.

There were two meanings here.

If monsters from the border come pouring in, pick up this sword and go forth to fight them.

Or, when the border collapses, there is no more hope, so they will cut their own heads and commit suicide.

‘If not now, when will I use it!’

I grabbed the sword hanging on the wall. And I calmed my rough breathing.

‘The taste is not very good.’

Objectively, it was a good sword, but compared to Requiem, it was woefully inadequate.

‘I can’t help it. ‘I have no choice but to adapt.’

Even if it’s not right now, I can’t use Requiem while I’m working as Abel.


I grabbed the sword with both hands as if it was beyond my strength. In fact, it is light enough to be carried with one hand.

‘There is no need to expose my power.’

Then, I spread my feet shoulder-width apart and took the posture I had become accustomed to. They were ready to face it in earnest.


Diego looked at me blankly.

“Your posture isn’t bad.”

He muttered in an audible voice, and grabbed the scabbard with his other hand.


His beloved sword, Ebony, was pulled out, crying loudly. For reference, Ebony is the name of Abel’s mother and Diego’s wife.

Diego spoke in a stern tone as his wife put his wife’s name on the sword.

“You are truly crazy for daring to point a sword at your father.”

Hey, wasn’t it you who pointed the sword at your son first?

I wanted to be sarcastic, but there was no time.

Tap, tap.

This is because Diego took a step and took a seat.

The restaurant is basically narrow and long. So there was enough space for two people to stand facing each other.

It was so unnecessarily large that I wondered if it had been made like this so that people could spar after eating and fight for digestion.


Diego ordered in a cold voice.

“Let me tell you that you do not dare to hold a sword.”

“Oh, yes.”

When things went wrong and I heard those words over and over again, I became irritated. More than anything, I hated myself for trying to shrink in front of him.

I answered in a relaxed tone, both to anger him and to protect myself.

“This will be the first lesson my father gives me.”

It was a sarcastic remark toward Diego, who had neglected Abel in the castle and was always busy fighting at the border.


Diego’s eyes twitched.


The next moment, without saying a word, he kicked the ground and lunged at me. It was a different start from Liam, who had kindly announced that he would attack.

‘You’re itching to kill me.’

I bit back the cynicism and tensed my whole body. As soon as I held the sword in my hand, my mood became relatively calmer than before.

‘It comes to the right!’

Although he was much faster than Liam, Diego’s movements were still visible.

‘It can be prevented… … .’

I opened my eyes wide.

I could clearly see the trajectory of the sword flying, and I could see where it would land on my body. So all I had to do was extend my sword and block it.

But oddly enough, I had an instinctive feeling that it wouldn’t work.

‘no way?’

The next moment, the sword was bent at an incredible angle.


A sharp sound tore through the air.


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