I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 288

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Epilogue. I will live as a villain (9)

After many twists and turns, Leah completed her preparations and stood on the stage.

“This is a message to the people of the empire.”

The voice amplified by magic spread far and wide.

“I am truly happy to welcome the 3rd National Foundation Day. First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to say that you have worked hard throughout the year. and… … .”

All the people of the empire listened to Leah’s congratulatory speech with sparkling eyes.

As the owner of Aria and renowned as an unprecedented saint, she was the pride of the people of the empire.


“… … should refrain from doing so. Also, during this period, we are working tirelessly day and night to ensure safety… … .”

Leah’s admonition under the guise of a congratulatory speech was long.

“… … We must work hard and try not to deviate from this. thereafter… … .”

It was long, long. It was very long.

“Okay… … .”

“Isn’t it over yet…? … ?”

“Kill me… … .”

The expressions of the people of the empire became increasingly distressed. Even words that are nice to hear – in fact, they are not that nice to listen to – become torture if you listen to them for more than 10 minutes.

“haha. “How can you beat me up if you’re going to do this?”

The chamberlain smiled happily. He was a skilled worker who could hide his yawns quite naturally.


Derek Graham couldn’t suppress a yawn. He cleared his throat sheepishly and looked to his side.

A significant number of nobles were already showing the same appearance as Derek.

In other words, they were either trying to stifle a yawn, or were just standing there blankly, their souls having already flown away to another realm.

“Your Majesty the Emperor is still the same.”

Next to him, Count Logan Graham burst into laughter.

He was tired of hearing his wife’s nagging at home. Therefore, while he maintained a calm expression, he was able to think about other things inside.

“Still, it has decreased a lot. “Didn’t he speak for 30 minutes during the first founding ceremony?”

He was taking a hopeful wait-and-see approach, thinking that if it gradually decreased like this, it would eventually be less than 5 minutes.

“If it were Abel, he would have run away for a minute, or even without giving a congratulatory speech… … .”

Next to him, Derek predicted a promising future.

He took charge of the palace’s Ministry of Strategy and Finance and lived every day grateful to Leah.

If a superior is overly genius like Abel and also has a harsh temper, there is no way for subordinates to remain.

I got the job done in one day,

[Do everything until I come.]

And it disappears. In the meantime, the people below will be torn apart, shedding blood and tears.

Leah was also an excellent and conscientious boss, but she did not demand her own standards from others.

[Can it be done in three days? Come back later.]

… … So, it means it was bearable.

“… … “With that in mind, I will conclude my congratulatory remarks.”

The end that everyone had been hoping for has arrived.

“Everyone seems to suddenly feel energized.”

Leah laughed when she saw the people getting angry.

The reason she gave a long and boring congratulatory speech was also because of her grumpiness. I worked so hard to prepare, but it’s a shame that they let me go so easily.

“Anyway, everyone enjoy your drink.”

Finally, Leah added, raising one hand.

“Be careful of accidents during the festival.”

She never forgot her words of admonition until the end.


“Long live your Majesty the Emperor!”

People shouted loudly and with sincerity. And then each of them started to leave towards where they were going.

Leah, who had come down from the stage, found Ekarot sitting quietly.


Ekarot, who was half asleep, suddenly opened his eyes.

“Are you done now? The magic almost broke. “I almost fell asleep.”

He snapped his fingers and lifted the voice amplification spell he had placed on Leah.

“You’re talking nonsense.”

Leah gently pushed up the corner of her mouth.

“You can maintain your magic while you sleep, right?”

“It was a long barn that almost made me lose my mind.”

“Stop acting so harshly.”

The two people exchanged smiles and talked.

“As you said, it was a good idea to increase the number of times you use the portal. “If we hadn’t expanded it, many people would not have arrived on time.”

“Right. Then, going forward, we will increase it by 50% like now during the special period of the National Foundation.”

“yes. And the installation of magic lights along the main street has been completed, and now we plan to target every corner of the alley.”

“The crime rate in dark places is high, so it would be better to hurry.”

A close and serious conversation between His Majesty the Emperor and the Mage Tower continued.

While the two people were walking, no one came within a 10 meter radius.

Even if the assassin makes up his mind and rushes in, he won’t be able to hurt even a single hair of the two people.

“… … “Huh.”



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The emperor’s bodyguard looked at the distant mountains.

For the past three years he has had to hold office in name only.

Leah’s skills were better than his, and there was no such thing as an assassination attempt in the first place.

Well, it was ridiculous that the new emperor, who had only been on the throne for three years, was threatened with assassination.

“If it’s a honey position, it’s a honey position… … .”

What is this somewhat sad feeling? The escort driver had to soothe his bitter feelings again today.

“Let’s gradually increase the number of court wizards. “It’s a good idea to boost the wizards’ motivation.”

“great. “Someone will look higher.”

Before we knew it, the public conversation between the two was over.

“… … “What about Abel?”

To the question Leah carefully asked,

“Well, it’s still the same.”

Ekarot responded in a rough tone.

“I even gave him a familiar to contact him, but it looks like they just put him in a cage and covered him with a cloth.”

“… … .”

“When I saw it shaking, it seemed like it was constantly moving. “I can hear fighting.”

Familiar magic was very convenient, but its drawback was that it could not escape the limitations of the creature used as a familiar.

“They say I only contact you when I need to. “I barely track it and chase after it, but before I know it, it’s gone.”

Ekarot gritted his teeth loudly.

“Do you know what kind of hide and seek this is?” … . “What’s so difficult about showing your face on a regular basis?”

“The biggest problem is that they only show up when they feel like it. “And that’s always when the other person is the busiest.”

“If you look at it, it seems to appear in areas other than the capital? “I hear news often.”

The emperor and the wizard picked up insults that were not insults to the Black Knight.

But underneath the blunt tone was a deep longing. I want to meet someone who has overcome hardships together.

“What on earth are you so busy doing?” … .”

In the end, Leah had no choice but to soothe her aching heart by chanting softly.

❖ ❖ ❖

“No, so you say my son is a waste now?”

“My daughter is the emperor, isn’t it natural?”

“That spot originally belonged to Abel!”

Drops of saliva splashed between Diego and Mikel, and droplets of alcohol splashed out of the glass.

“Someone please try to stop me… … .”

“Who’s going to stop those two… … .”

Even Mikel’s close friends turned their heads.

There was no one who wanted to get between the two people, whose faces were red with alcohol.

They were the best swordsmen in the empire, and one of the few to reach the rank of grand duke.

“How about doing it in moderation?”

No, there was one.

“I will give you a glass of mine as a token of reconciliation.”

It was Violette, who approached me with ebony hair flowing.

“Hum hum, hum.”

“Well, it wasn’t that bad.”

The two Grand Dukes held out their glasses to Violette with embarrassed faces. Violette filled the two people’s glasses and raised her own.

“Cheers to His Majesty the Emperor.”

The necklace wrapped around her white neck shone brightly. It was crafted with red coral as small as her fingernails and studded with details.

It looked as if a red flower was in full bloom on the nape of her neck.

“That’s Melina Boutique’s new season product, right?”

“How many red corals were put in? “There is a rumor that one necklace is worth the price of several mansions in the capital.”

“I heard that the Grand Duke lives so well?”

The noble ladies looked at Violette with eyes full of envy.

The relief center run by Violette expanded its reach throughout the empire.

In addition, she made the fallen Sud territory her territory and splendidly revived its specialty product business.

This was thanks to amazing business acumen and sense, as well as collaboration with excellent craftsmen.

“Your Majesty, so what kind of family is the candidate for sire…” … .”

“A ceremony for our family… … .”

Leah was surrounded by nobles and could not move for a while.

“He said he had no thoughts.”

After barely shaking them off, Leah grumbled and moved towards the three princes.

“Everyone was here.”

“See you, Your Majesty.”

Diego and Violette were greeted warmly, but Mikel’s expression was not so bright.

“Your Majesty, may I be presumptuous…” … .”

Upon seeing Mikel, Leah realized what he, and more precisely, what her father was worried about. But she had someone who came forward before her.


It was Violette, covering her mouth with her fan.

“I don’t think these issues should be handled by the parties themselves.”

“party? “Did you say you are a party now?”

Mikel glanced at Diego.

“I believed this completely before, but then I got stabbed in the back. “I don’t plan on being deceived anymore.”

“Why are you taking out your anger on me for getting stabbed in the back by Abel?”

And so the second round began.

The fight between the two ended with Mikel getting drunk and leaving.


Leah approached Diego, who was smiling triumphantly.

“Please speak.”

“You mean ‘that kid.’”

Diego immediately knew who Leah was referring to.

He dyes his red hair black, joins the knights and participates in training diligently.

Ayla Sud Ardante.

A girl with a family name that can no longer be used.


“Is this really okay? “I didn’t know that the Grand Duke would readily accept that child.”

Leah lowered her voice even further.

“It must not have been easy to tell you about your situation and position.”

“Sometimes you have to accept something even if you don’t want it.”

Diego shook his head silently.

“The end of my family, and the reason why it happened. “The child accepted it all.”

“Are you okay? “If you decide to take revenge on Abel-”

“Abel already knows of the child’s existence. “After hearing it, he started making loud comments.”

He turned his head and looked into the distance. A smile resembling Abel appeared on his blunt lips.

“I said, ‘I’ll accept any amount, so try it.’”

❖ ❖ ❖

To the east of the empire, across the sea, to the Principality of Diegerto.

“Sniff, slurp.”

“Mom… … .”

The narrow carriage was filled with the muffled sobs of children.

The children’s appearances were all different. However, they all had one thing in common: they were young and had outstanding beauty.

“Where are we going?”

“I don’t know… … . I guess he was sold to a slave trader for a high price… … .”

“I miss my mom… … !”

And there were children of different races. This was the case for beastmen with different skin colors or fluffy ears.

“it hurts… … .”

One of them whimpered. This is because the horn that has been growing since birth was split in half.

“oh my god… … . This is a disgrace to our race. The chief won’t leave me alone… … .”

A girl approached the child who was crying and holding onto his horns.

“wait for a sec.”

She was a girl with featureless brown hair and brown eyes. Only her deep eyes, like those of an old tree, gave off a strange glow.

“Show it to me.”

“I don’t like it, it’s ugly… … .”

“It’ll just take a moment.”

The girl’s grip was quite strong, and the child had to give his head to the girl before he knew it.

The girl gently held the child’s horns.


The white light seemed to flash,



Admiration arose from the children around him.

The horn that had been split in half was stitched back together. There was not a single scar on the horn, which had regained its original appearance.

“Uh oh, how did you do it?”

The child stopped crying and his eyes sparkled. The girl just smiled faintly.

“It’ll be okay now.”

Then he went back to the corner and crouched down.

“I woke up to the sound of crying.”

The girl muttered so that no one could hear.

“Abel, when is this bastard coming?”

The girl, that is Rachel, gritted her teeth.

“How dare you use me as bait?”

It started with discovering a village that had been reduced to ashes.

[I’m pretending to be an orphan. Since you have a pretty face, I’m sure they’ll take you without harm.]

Rachel’s doctor was not included in the operation. So Rachel ended up being carried away in a slave trader’s carriage.

“I didn’t believe this kid. “I heard you don’t let a drop of water get on her hands!”

Of course, no water was asked. Instead, the problem was that there was blood on it.

So Rachel spent her time in the carriage treating injured children.

A few hours later.


The expected and awaited scream was heard.

“What a guy!”

“Stop it!”

The shouts of the mercenaries mixed with the metallic sound of weapons being drawn.

“It’s the Black Knight! “The black knight has appeared!”

“How can we get here…” … !”

Shouts mixed with terror and fear erupt,



A series of terrible screams followed.

The time wasn’t that long. The people transporting the wagon were instantly killed.

“… … .”

Meanwhile, the children in the carriage were frightened and covered their mouths.

I didn’t know what was going on out there, but I knew that a lot of people were dying.


Finally, the back door of the carriage opened,


A young man with jet-black hair appeared.


Next to him, a pitch-black horse was jumping up and down with excitement.

“Hi… … !”

The children held their breath.

The man standing in the white moonlight shimmered more gloomily than anyone they had ever seen.

After that, I saw slave traders who had died. Now it is nothing more than a black, horribly twisted corpse.

“Kids, let’s go home.”

A dark and eerie voice came out.

“Is everyone ready for the ransom?”


“Mo, the ransom?”

The children blinked in surprise. The young man responded as if he was saying something obvious.

“are you okay. “I’m going to get it from my parents, not you.”

The black energy was pushed out of his hair, and his eyes, which had been sparkling like black flames, turned blue-violet.

“I can’t stop robbing these guys because of this taste.”

Abel, who took off his appearance as a black knight, grinned.

-I Will Live as a Villain Completed-

Author’s Note

Hello, this is Parrang.

As of today, Abel’s story has been completed with a total of 288 episodes.

Even as I write the author’s words, I still can’t quite feel it.

At the beginning of writing Axalat, the goal was to complete approximately 230 episodes.

However, as I tried to fold the unfolding bundle of stories neatly and neatly, I realized that there were more than 250 and 280 episodes.

Nevertheless, thank you for following along here. This would not have been possible without the support and support of our readers.

I would like to express my gratitude to the editor with whom I formed a good relationship through this work, as well as to the enthusiastic writers who supported me in both material and spiritual ways.

I hope to see you again in a more developed form in your next work. thank you

-Writer Parang Dream-

PS We are preparing personal illustrations of the main four characters. We would appreciate it if you could keep the notification settings and wait ^^


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