I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 284

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Epilogue. I will live as a villain (5)

The audience suddenly became quiet.

It was either because they didn’t understand what I meant and were confused, or because they understood and were shocked.

“Let us find the messenger of God. He is the light that will lead this empire.”

He spoke solemnly, imitating the voice of Saint Rachel.

“Well, the saint once received an oracle.”

I looked around at all the people and smiled. As if asking for consent.

“Yes, this lamp looks good. “I think there is a separate sense of emperor for the future of the empire.”


I could see people’s mouths dropping here and there. Now there is no one who cannot understand me.


He jumped off the platform with a brisk step.

“Your Majesty-”

The Chamberlain called out desperately and stretched out his hand, but the end of it did not pass me by.

Jerk, jerk.

I walked confidently in a straight line.

“No way, no way… … . No way?”

“No, right? “That’s not what I think, is it?”

The people retreated and cleared the way. Then he chased after me with shock and fear written on his face.

“No, Your Majesty could have done it… … .”

“Because you are unpredictable… … .”

Some people already shook their heads in resignation.


Just like that, my steps stopped.

“your majesty?”

In front of Leah, whose eyes were full of distrust and bewilderment.

“That’s not it. “Please stop.”

Leah took a step back, probably feeling an ominous feeling. But there was a strong pillar standing behind it.

“Do you know what this is and telling me to stop?”

When I asked a question, Leah bit her lip tightly.

“Anyway, just quit.”


He chuckled and bent one knee to the floor.


It was a knee that had never been bent to anyone since he took full power as the emperor.

“As the Black Knight, the light of the Empire,”

In a solemn but playful voice,

“I dedicate this crown to the true master who will lead the empire.”

In a polite but not servile manner,

“Lea no Concellare. “The rightful ruler of the Nord Territory and a descendant of the White Tiger.”

He raised both hands towards Leah, who had a pale, stiff face.

“And Arya’s master. “You are more than qualified.”


The coffin in his hand gave off a magnificent and brilliant light.

“Please become the emperor of this empire.”

A silent, heavy shock was spreading.



The sound of glasses and utensils being dropped here and there was heard one after another.

“Wow, that’s ridiculous… … .”

“What am I seeing?”

People looked at me and Leah with their mouths wide open, and at the sparkling coffin in the middle.

“I knew it was crazy, but I never thought it would be this bad… … .”

Princess Violet, who had just had to watch the situation from the side, cupped her forehead.

She slowly took a step back and got further and further away from me. As if she didn’t want to get involved in this situation.

“Tsk, tsk, it seemed like that for some reason.”

Diego clicked his tongue and glanced to the side,


I caught the glass that fell from Mikel’s hand.

“her… … .”

Mikel didn’t even realize he had dropped his glass. I just couldn’t believe my ears as he opened his mouth.

“Hmm, hmm.”

Diego put his glass down on the table.

“Did you take it for nothing?”

Even if Mikel had broken the glass, he wouldn’t have received any attention.

People’s wide-open eyes were fixed on me and Leah.

“… … “What are you doing?”

Instead of accepting the coffin, Leah came closer to me.



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“How are you going to do something like this to clean things up?”

The voice was lowered as if crawling on the ground.

“Is there any way to clean things up? “The vice-captain can become captain.”

He smiled and continued speaking.

“What’s the problem when the captain feels inadequate and steps down?”

“What do you lack… … .”

“This time, I see that there was someone else qualified for this position?”

He looked directly at Leah, who was growling, and smiled brightly.

“If I ascend to the throne of emperor, my reign will be more stable than ever.”

“… … .”

“You wield your power as much as you like, like a tyrant. “No one will be able to stand against me, but the cries of bureaucrats will resound every day.”

The emerald eyes, which were usually unmoved, were twitching.

“But Leah, if you come up… … .”

I pushed the coffin further toward Leah.

“Under a stable reign, the people of the empire can be happy.”

Leah looked at the coffin with slightly trembling eyes. He held her hands tightly as if she wouldn’t budge.

“Don’t let this ship sink, Captain.”

“Abel… … !”

Leah’s clenched fist flinched for a moment. It was as if she really wanted to hit me.

“What right do I have!”

“The qualifications are sufficient. “You proved it yourself.”

“… … .”

“Who protected this capital? “Who built the ice wall that Cain’s flame could not overcome?”

People stopped moving and looked at the war of words between me and Leah.

“-This position is too much for me.”

Leah’s eyebrows furrowed deeply in pain.

“Take it, Abel. “This is not it.”

“If you really act like that.”

Leah’s eyes widened slightly at my meaningful answer.

“You, no way.”

“I think I said I was doing my best within my power.”

He closed his eyes and smiled brightly.

“Then please ask me now. “I want you to become emperor.”

“ah… … .”

Leah sighed and touched her forehead.

Maybe she can see the tail wagging behind me right now.

“You said you keep what you say, right?”

He emphasized it again and again, recalling memories of the past. At the time when Leah promised that she would grant my request.

“No, back then, the only thing I would use it for was… … .”

“So you have to be careful about your promises.”

Leah gaped as if speechless. Then he looked at me and his coffin for a long time.

“Should I accept that?”

“This is an unprecedented situation. “After a female lord, a female emperor.”

People were busy whispering in each other’s ears. The problem was that the trend was not all negative.

“Well, if it’s Lord Leia, it’ll be okay… … map?”

“He is a bit different from your current Majesty.”

“At least they won’t put so much pressure on us that we can’t breathe.”

And as time goes by,

“… … .”

Leah’s eyes began to linger longer on the coffin than on my face.

‘Yes, that’s right.’

He hid the smile that was blooming deep inside his face.

If only Leah had never shown greed. I wouldn’t have done something like this either.

‘It would be better to place this person here.’

Leah’s eyes sparkled as they decided on a business together.

‘He is known for being fair and honest. There will be less noise in the future.’

A calm hand that placed horses on the path ahead of the empire.

On the other side,

‘If I were the emperor… … .’

-The assumption and imagination were alive and breathing.

That is why he did the bold thing of presenting this coffin to Leah. Because I was confident that she would eventually accept it.

I flinch.

Leah’s two fingers were moving without her knowledge.


Mikel, who had come closer, called out to her.


Leah’s eyes were watering. Can I do it?

“… … .”

Mikel’s chin, which had been twitching from side to side, moved.


Up and down once.

“… … !”

It wasn’t Leah who couldn’t recognize those subtle movements.


Saint Rachel approached, her white dress rustling.

“… … “Saint.”

Leah muttered in a moist voice.

“Believe in yourself.”

“… … .”

“And proceed in the direction indicated by the light.”

Rachel’s calm advice finally made Leah move her hand.


Leah grabbed the coffin. She seemed to hesitate for a moment, but her hands moved slowly.


The emperor’s coffin was placed on Leah’s head.

That look suited him extremely well. Like it was made for her from the beginning.


In the same kneeling position, I took out the Requiem and placed it in front of my chest.

“I declare as the Black Knight.”

Looking at Leah’s rippling eyes, he spoke softly, but at the same time firmly.

“According to the will of God and the order of the world, I wish to remain loyal to His Majesty Lea Nord Concellare.”

“… … .”

“I swear that I will follow Your Majesty’s will until the end of my life.”

My voice wasn’t that loud, but it had the power to make everyone’s hearts cry.


Saint Rachel knelt down and whispered.

“Dio Benedica.”

Then others began to kneel one after another.



With the sound of knees hitting the floor here and there,

“I swear.”

“Dio Benedica.”

People carved their own oaths. Everyone bowed their heads and accepted the new emperor.

“… … “Yours,”

Leah, who was unable to speak for a moment as if her heart was pounding, could barely move her mouth.

“… … “I will gladly accept your pledge.”

He quickly stood up and asked Leah, who was now the emperor.

“your majesty. “Shouldn’t you build a new castle for the royal family now?”

“It’s a new castle.”

Leah was lost in thought as she played with the coffin.

“Seeing as you’re asking, I guess you have a good idea.”

“You’re quick-witted.”

He lightly winked at Leah and answered.

“Inverno, what do you think?”

“… … Inverno.”

Leah, who was rolling the words around in her mouth, chuckled.

“You mean well.”

This is how the Inverno royal family, which will remain in the history of the continent, began.

It was a collaboration between me, who really wanted to rest, and Saint Rachel, who wanted to enjoy a comfortable retirement.

“But Abel, no, the Black Knight.”

Leah asked with a relaxed complexion, as if her mind had calmed down a bit.

“What are you going to do now?”

“Oh, you mean me?”

He grinned at Leah.

“For the time being… … .”

❖ ❖ ❖

Imperial Palace Dungeon.


“Huh… … .”

The sight of the prisoners kneeling in the corner,

Pow! pop!

It contrasted sharply with the light from the fireworks coming through the cracks in the window.

“… … .”

Count Barnes stared blankly at the wall.

I was not happy at all, although I now had to share the cramped prison cell that five people had been sharing all by myself.

The prisoners who were dragged away disappeared into the dew at the execution site. Their heads were hanging on the castle walls, their eyes being eaten by crows and being torn to pieces.

Soon his turn will come.

Count Barnes crouched down and waited for time to pass.

It was then.

Again, again.

The sound of unfamiliar footsteps rushed into the prison.

“This way.”

With the guard’s polite voice, a dazzling blonde woman appeared.

“… … Cow, Sophia?”

Count Barnes was so startled that he clung to the bars.

The only blonde young woman who would come visit him was my daughter, Sophia Barnes.

“Oh my daughter. “Did you come to see her father?”

Count Barnes floundered between the bars and stretched out his hand.

“Why don’t you come this close? Are you feeling okay? “Are you in any pain?”

Although he was destined to be executed, it was enough if he could save his family.

“You are the only one. Seeing off this father for the last time is… … .”

Count Barnes’ eyes grew hot.

So he couldn’t see what kind of expression the woman in front of him was making.

“… … Phew.”

Until she burst out in sarcasm.

“Daughter, daughter. “It’s not wrong.”

“… … ?!”

Count Barnes was shocked and froze in place. It wasn’t my daughter Sophia’s voice.

“Who, who? who are you?”


A blonde woman slowly approached him.

“… … !”

Count Barnes’ face was cruelly distorted.

Bright blonde hair and blue eyes. And facial features that look just like him.

But the frozen eyes are colder and colder than those of a river in winter.

“You, you. You can’t believe it… … .”

Count Barnes hesitated and took a step back.

It couldn’t have been that way. There was no way I would appear in front of him like this.

“Obviously, definitely… … .”

“That cold winter night, you kicked my mother, a maid, out of the capital. “For taking her illegitimate child.”

The blonde woman, Elice, exhaled coldly.

“You were the one who touched my mother first.”

Elice’s blue eyes shone a dazzling blue even in the dark prison.


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