I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 278

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Chapter 34. Requiem for the last solo (4)


Diego whispered after confirming that there was no one around.

“How long are you going to be like this?”

In the center of the camp created by the Ovest Knights, the two of us were looking at the outer castle of the Sud territory in the distance.

“Look at that wall. It’s like they’re only focused on appearance without any practicality whatsoever. “He seems just like my master.”

“… … .”

“That thing will be taken down in just a few siege machines. No, it would be okay to just knock on the door first.”

Diego clicked his tongue as he gave a harsh evaluation filled with the feelings of the house manager.

“There is no need to wait for reinforcements. “I guess we can just go in now.”

“You mean now?”

Diego’s voice lowered in response to his somewhat indifferent answer.

“Are you waiting for them to open the gate themselves and surrender?”

“… … .”

“That’s because the supply has been blocked, so it’s only a matter of time. But why?”

Diego slowly shook his head.

“That’s a cheap option to choose when there are no other options. “Don’t we still have an overwhelming advantage?”

His eyes darkened. He also had a sense of responsibility as a lord who governed a territory.

“There is no need to squeeze the innocent residents of the territory. Even now-”


My soft laugh interrupted Diego’s scolding.

Diego wiggled his eyebrows.

“… … “Why are you laughing?”

Oh, this is a huge step forward. In the past, I would have gotten angry and asked, ‘Are you laughing?’

“Do you have any other plans?”

Instead, Diego stared at me as if wondering what he was thinking.


He took out a piece of paper from his pocket and waved it in front of Diego.

“This is a secret letter conveyed with great care by the vassals of the territory.”


“The message is that they will open the gate and ask that their lives be spared.”

Diego glared at the paper like it was disgusting dirt.

“Goyanjigo. “I can’t follow the person I worship to the end, but I’m just struggling to survive.”

“It’s human nature.”

I used so much force that I tore the paper to pieces.

“Struggling to survive.”


Finely shredded papers were flying.

“The gates will open even without their help.”

I smiled and looked toward the inner side of Sud Manor, which was far away and not visible right now.

“Just waiting for the right time.”


“When the flame burns itself.”

“Are you reciting poetry?”

Diego frowned as if he had difficulty understanding.

“Stay ready to compete at any time.”

I just said that and turned my back.

“It won’t be long.”

A few hours later, a word like a prophecy was spoken.


At the sound of a roar coming from afar,

“It has begun.”

I grinned and got up.

“What’s going on?”

“What collapsed?”

The knights were puzzled and tried to look beyond the walls. They couldn’t hear it, but I could hear it.


[It’s hot, it’s hot!]

[Run! hurry!]

The groans of those struggling in pain and the urgent cries of those running away from disaster. A discord that only a cadenza can create.

“Has there been an internal conflict?”

Diego looked into the distance and tried to understand the situation.

“Well, if it’s an internal conflict, it might be an internal conflict.”

Since he was wearing armor, he immediately got on top of Black Star.

“Please follow me slowly.”

After briefly ordering Diego, he approached the castle gate with his knights.

The soldiers on the walls could not stop us as we approached.

“What are you doing!”



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“Can’t you stop?!”

This is because they were busy scolding the inside.

“Please open it!”

“If I stay like this, I’ll die!”

Through the castle gate, desperate shouts were heard from people of all ages and genders.

“Get back!”

“It shouldn’t be like this… … .”

The guards tried to stop it, but it was not enough. I couldn’t bring myself to point my weapon at the people who were rushing in so recklessly.

thud! thud!

Eventually, people began to flock in and knock on the gate. It seemed only a matter of time before the gates collapsed.

“Wait a moment.”

After giving orders to his knights, he drove Black Star and retreated. And once the distance is wide enough,


He turned around and started running towards the castle wall.

“Uh, huh?”

“no way?”

Even in the midst of my confusion, some soldiers on the castle wall spotted me. But it was already too late.


Black Star shouted excitedly, kicked off the ground, and flew up.


After taking a picture of the castle wall, he

Tudung! Boom!

He performed a trick of climbing it vertically. This was because its claws were sharp enough to dig into the castle wall.


“That’s it?”

The Ovest Knights burst out in exclamation behind their backs.


“Three, oh my god.”

The soldiers on the walls could not stop me. The guard commander, who was supposed to give orders, just stood there with his mouth open.


That’s how I succeeded in climbing onto the walls of the Sud territory.


It was even more spectacular when I climbed up and looked down.


I could see the beautiful castle in the distance collapsing in real time. I am engulfed in a flame that is so familiar to me.


The ruins of the castle fell and hit the houses.


“Save people!”

The unquenchable flame burns everything it touches.

When an unbearable disaster arrived, people could only run away.

“iced coffee… … .”

“Nonsense… … .”

People looked at their homes being destroyed in fascination.

Flame, smoke and ash.

Cadenza’s flames, a demon that did not discriminate between friend and foe, were destroying everything.

“Cain… … .”

“The cadenza… … .”

For the Sud residents, Cain’s name was no longer a source of pride, pride, or a symbol.

“Huh… … .”

“Ugh… … .”

It was pain, despair, disaster, and death.

Me in the original, no, like Abel who was dominated by Requiem.

‘As expected.’

A weak mind cannot handle the sword of the four seasons. You lose control and give your body to the sword.

‘It took so long.’

Several times Cadenza tried to get Cain to abandon him, but it wasn’t easy. This was because Cain’s armor of self-justification was very strong.

But that was a thing of the past now.


The burning castle of the Sud domain meant that Cain had become the devil of Cadenza.

‘at las.’

Cain and I’s positions are reversed.

However, one more scene was still needed for a more perfect ending.

“Everyone be quiet.”

He took out the Requiem and spoke as if shouting. Thanks to the power contained in that voice, the area around the castle walls became quiet for an instant.


“Um, who is that person?”

The residents of the territory finally noticed me and stopped. The hand knocking on the castle door temporarily stopped.

“Woe, Your Majesty?”

Someone realized my identity and muttered. The voice was not loud, but it was especially clear because my son-in-law was quiet.

“That person is His Majesty the Emperor…” … ?”

“You’re too young… … ?”

The residents of the Sud territory were dumbfounded when they saw me. It seemed that he had not heard the news that a new emperor had ascended the throne.

‘They may have concealed the news on purpose.’

Swallowing a bitter smile with the tip of his tongue, he made Black Star take a step forward.

“Tsk… … .”

“Tsk… … .”

None of the guards could stop me. I only hesitated and stepped back, not even thinking about lifting my weapon.


A loud noise was heard again. Now half of Sud Castle is engulfed in flames.

“… … !”

An imminent fear appeared on the faces of the residents of the territory.

They know it too. The disaster called Cain is still there, but if we delay just a little longer, it will reach here.

“Live, live… … !”

No matter who I say,

“Help me… … !”

“Your Majesty, please…” … !”

Desperate cries came out sporadically. Everyone in the territory fell to the ground and cried.

“Please help us…” … !”

“Please save me… … !”

Thorough and complete obedience.

“… … .”

The guards bit their lips as they looked at the people of the territory. On principle, they would have fought against me.



Their knees also touched the floor.

“Your Majesty, please have mercy…” … .”

“Please give me silver… … .”

“Please look after those who are innocent.”

The guard bowed his head deeply. A heartbreaking, cry-like plea came out.


I shuddered as I saw the scene before my eyes.

The current appearance of the Sud territory resembled the Obest territory just before being killed by Abel in the original work.

And I was a ray of light that saved them. Black and dark, but brilliant light.


The heart beats loudly. A huge emotion that I have never felt when cutting down any life passes through my whole body.

A place where Abel in the original story could never reach, or even begin.

“Your Majesty, your Majesty… … !”

“Please save me… … !”

I stood proudly. As the only savior of Sud Young Ji-min. Just like Cain did in the original.

Now, then, it was the savior’s turn to make his move.

“Open the gate.”

The guards immediately lowered their heads as the low-pitched voice rang out heavily.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“I follow your orders.”


The heavy gate opened with a friction sound. The door to the Sud territory was opened without shedding a single drop of blood.

“iced coffee… … .”

The residents of the territory did not manage to run out. He glanced at me standing tall on the castle wall and just swallowed dry saliva.

Thump, thump, thump.

The Ovest Knights who were waiting outside the door walked in. At the forefront was Diego with an expressionless face.

“The protection of the territory’s residents is the top priority.”

“… … “I follow your orders.”

A faint smile crossed Diego’s face as he answered my command. It was either satisfaction or admiration.


I lightly jumped down from the top of the castle wall inward. Then I looked back at Diego, who was still standing.

“I will go first.”

Diego looked at me blankly for a moment,


I put my hand on my chest. It was the perfect etiquette to treat a monarch.

“Please be safe.”

Chuck, Chuck.

The other knights followed Diego and placed their hands on their chests. There were no words, but a serious expression represented the meaning.

“… … !”

His eyes widened slightly, but then the corners of his mouth twitched and he smiled.

“Say the obvious.”

And then turned around and started running.


Black Star also seemed to have an unknown premonition and showed even more courage.

Doo doo doo!

There was no one blocking the two of us running at full speed. The residents of the territory and the guards all split apart like the tide to create a path.

“please… … .”

“Your Majesty, please…” … .”

People with faces dirty with ash and stains put their hands together. I earnestly ask you to save this territory.

Doo doo doo doo!

In an instant, Sud Castle got closer. More than half of the round roof resembling a blue pearl collapsed.


“Save, live… … !”

Those on fire ran out, their arms flailing.


Rubbing your body on the floor to try to put out the fire somehow,

“Water, water!”

“the water!”

He approached the others who were terrified and pleaded.


Someone took a risk and sprinkled a bucket of water,


The cadenza’s flame burned even more fiercely, as if it had never been possible.

“Off, off… … .”

It didn’t take long for the flames burning my arm to spread to my entire body.


Those who escaped the castle with their bodies on fire died soon after. It would have been better if I had died on the floor like that.

“Ahhhh, ahhh!”


Those with burning faces rushed forward without hesitation.


Their spark quickly spread to the nearby private house,

“Get off, get off!”

“Don’t come here!”

Even those who tried to help were driven to death.

“Uh, Mom! “Mom!”

One child was sitting on the floor, unable to do anything.


The person with burning eyes started running towards the sound. It was the child who burst into tears.

“… … Tsk.”

Black Star turned his body and ran towards him.


As I pulled out the Requiem, I stabbed it towards the one that was on fire.


The requiem that pierced his face vibrated.

The Cadenza’s flame did not reach the Requiem. And that’s faster than burning people to death,


The speed at which Requiem sucked life force was much faster.


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