I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 266

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Chapter 33. The unknown void swallows the prominence. (4)

“Uh, here too… … !”

“Give it to me first, give it to me first…” … !”

There was not a single space for people to step in front of the newly created relief center.

Due to the war, the price of wheat soared, and many people flocked into the capital to escape the fire.

This relief center was built to provide relief to such people. And the key personnel who run this place are:

“it’s hard… … .”

“I feel like my arm is going to fall off…” … .”

They were members of the former imperial family, or the Impero family, with black hair.

“Can’t you stop?”

“I’m hungry… … .”

The young princesses whined incessantly while carrying small buckets.

They were born as princesses of the empire and lived without lifting a finger. There was no way I was used to such arduous chores.

“Shh, you still have to endure it.”

“We’re all doing this together.”

However, the empresses consoled and persevered. It was also thanks to the mothers taking on the dirty work.

“Why is Violette so good… … ?”

“I don’t know… … . “I was always good at everything.”

The princesses glanced at Princess Violet, who was working at the front.

“This battery is over there. And gather those people together and send them to the east.”

Princess Violet was giving orders to the staff with a dignified look.

Surprisingly, she seemed quite familiar with running a relief center. It was thanks to her resourcefulness that she ran the casino.

“Previous… … Oh no. hmm.”

The employee stumbled while trying to bend over.

They had a hard time dealing with the royal family, including Princess Violet.

This was because the title “Her Highness the Princess” could no longer be used, and their location was also ambiguous.

“So, uh, what… … . “Umm.”

News that the Imperial House of Impero, specifically Emperor Theodore, had been condemned by God was spreading throughout the capital.

However, it is said that the royal family, including Princess Violet, were safe when God’s mace was aimed only at him.

And now they were volunteering at the relief center like this. For the reason that he wanted to pay for the sins committed by his family.

“If you understand, let’s go.”

Princess Violet smiled bitterly and sent the employee away.


The employee left feeling very sad.

He also knew. It was Princess Violet who started this charity project.

Therefore, the attitude of people towards the former royal family was extremely polite.


Princess Violet secretly sighed.

Although on the surface it seemed like the work was handled skillfully, it was not without its difficulties.

There is a difference between coaxing arrogant nobles into opening their wallets and dealing with commoners who come for help.

but… … .


Princess Violet felt her chest swelling with pride.

He was the one who purchased the unused building and created the relief center, hired the staff, and reorganized the system.

When I first went to make this proposal,

‘A rescue center?’

Abel was busy handling the backlog of imperial palace affairs before leaving for the battlefield.

His appearance was so natural that Princess Violet almost forgot that he had been on the throne for less than a day.

‘Good.’ try.’

The underbody was also very natural.

Princess Violet was annoyed by that, but she wasn’t foolish enough to admit it.

If it weren’t for Abel, she wouldn’t have been able to avoid God’s iron fist.

‘allow… … Are you doing this?’

‘Is this the best proposal you’ve ever received?’

Abel added with a chuckle.

‘It will help solidify the Impero family’s position.’

‘… … .’

‘I was going to give you another business, but I didn’t know you’d pick me up like this first.’

Thanks to this, Princess Violet was able to run her business smoothly.

And to be honest,


Running a business itself was quite enjoyable.

This is not even something that was run by the imperial family like a casino.

Everything about this relief center, from the cornerstone to the roof, was chosen and decided by me.

‘Oh my, thank you…’ … .’

‘I will not forget this grace… … .’

Moreover, the sight of people bending their backs so hard that they touched the ground wasn’t bad either.

Unlike the smiles of nobles who forced themselves to look good, people’s gratitude was full of sincerity.



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“Uh, be careful!”

“Move slowly!”

In a corner of the building, sturdy workers moved sacks of wheat one by one.

“It was sent from the top of Vitoria.”

Princess Violet laughed as she looked at the bags piling up like a mountain.

The wheat sent from there was enough to fill a corner of the building. It was truly a huge amount.

“When did you start collecting things like that?”

At first glance, Abel must have prepared it in advance. He is the owner of the top.

Princess Violet pursed her lips and returned to her office, which she had built as soon as she started the charity work.

Although it may be obnoxious, Abel’s abilities were undoubtedly outstanding. It was true that thanks to her, this rescue center was running smoothly.

“You must be in the imperial palace by now.”

Princess Violet quietly muttered.

A few hours ago, proud news of victory arrived in the capital. Indeed, it was just as Abel confidently predicted.

“Well, I thought so.”

It was not unexpected. The sudden siege was successfully completed under the leadership of Lord Leah.

“He said he was a disciple, and he seems to be a truly excellent swordsman.”

Rumor has it that Aria’s power is great.

It was a bit disappointing that I couldn’t see its majesty, but I didn’t really want to go all the way to the castle walls.

You may encounter Cain Ardante, who has red eyes and a tongue lashing out.

And it is said that Abel completely drove out the Cain army through a joint surprise attack with the capital army.

“They retreated after losing more than half of their soldiers.”

A feat that would have been impossible if it had been my father, Theodore.

“Anyway, I’m glad.”

Princess Violet felt relieved and began to wrestle with the documents.

And a few hours later,

“It is said that His Majesty the Emperor Hua Hua is coming to the relief center!”

An employee, out of breath, delivered the news.

“… … already?”

No, how long has it been since you returned to the imperial palace?

Princess Violet looked down at her attire in embarrassment. Simple attire optimized for work.

I didn’t want to look awkward about Abel’s arrival. Especially now that her and his positions have been reversed.

“Uh oh, what should I do?”

Princess Violet was very flustered. She had to find a dress that looked like she cared and yet she didn’t.

I finally started to pick it out and put it on, but it took a while because it was a dress with buttons on the back.

“Not yet?”

Princess Violet stamped her feet.

“Almost done!”

The maid who had served her from the imperial palace answered nervously as she fastened her buttons.

It was right then.


For a moment, I heard a knock on the door.

Jump up!

The door was opened without permission.


Princess Violet froze in her posture as she turned around. Her maid’s hand also stopped in place.


Abel’s voice, sounding somewhat happy, came from the doorway.

“… … .”

Princess Violet could not move.

In an instant, my face turned red and it was hot all the way to my ears. My heart was pounding on the floor and pounding wildly.

“Your Majesty. If you show up suddenly like this… … .”

An employee’s voice came from behind me.

“Uh, okay, but don’t get in the car.”

Abel dismissed it and slammed the door shut. Thanks to this, I was able to avoid seeing this situation to others.

“… … .”

The problem was that Abel was still standing behind his back.


The maid hesitated at Abel’s command,

“excuse me… … .”

In the end, I left the room in tears.

Jerk, jerk.

I heard Abel’s footsteps approaching.

“Why are you dressing up like a flower all of a sudden? “You’re pretty even if you don’t do it.”

Princess Violet was speechless or didn’t know what to do, so she just stood still.

Tap, tap.

Abel began to fasten the buttons without saying a word. As his fingertips brushed the back of her neck,


My spine tingled. Now that area was so hot it was even hotter than her face.

“I’m ten? “Your throat is red.”

“… … .”

I was silent for a moment in response to Abel’s spontaneous question.

“… … Why, listen in without permission… … “Are you coming?”

Princess Violet barely answered. Her voice became extremely low as she tried to hide her trembling.

“What kind of permission is needed for the emperor to come?”

Abel answered in a somewhat solemn tone. However, there was a hint of laughter in the voice.

“It’s a lady’s room, but I need permission…” … “Ouch.”

It was awkward to use the honorific title towards Abel, but Princess Violet was getting used to it little by little.

At the same time, my heart, which had been beating like crazy, was gradually coming back to normal.

“I came quickly because I was worried about whether you were okay.”

“… … !”

Although Abel’s next words were of no use.


My heart, which I thought had barely recovered, started pounding again.


A thick fur-lined robe fell over his shoulders. Abel’s unique refreshing and bitter scent passed the tip of her nose.

“I have a lot of clothes to lend you today.”

Abel took a step back. Only then was Violette able to slowly look back.

“Dress warmly and go to work. “Damage my navigator.”

He grinned. It was still an obnoxious smile, but it was a smile that I had missed a little.

“… … Abel.”

Only then did Princess Violet realize that he had returned.

❖ ❖ ❖

Drop, drop.

Water was dripping from the ceiling.

A prison located in the basement of the imperial palace.

Nobles who failed to escape were trapped here. Even so, there were so many people that it was impossible to occupy each room.

“Cain has abandoned me… … .”

“Damn, this is ridiculous.”

The nobles initially denied the situation they were in, but then

“Do you know who I am!”

“Can’t you open this door right now?!”

For no reason, he hurled a point at the guards,

“Look, is this all there is to eat?”

“Is there any other bread?”

After complaining about the quality of the food,

“… … .”

In the end, I closed my mouth and curled up.

I had already suffered from food poisoning once and was exhausted from constantly fighting. I no longer had the strength or stamina to move.

A nobleman sat leaning against the wall and muttered.

“If you hold on just a little longer, you will be released… … . All you have to do is pay the ransom… … .”


Bennett couldn’t help himself and snorted.

“Why are you smiling?”

The nobleman who heard the sound turned to look at Bennett. Despite the anger on his face, Bennett continued to laugh.

“I heard you said something interesting.”

“What’s fun?”

“No, that’s enough. “It seems like I’m the only one having fun.”

Bennett lowered his head as if he didn’t want to say more. Since he retreated first, the nobleman had nothing to say.

There was silence for a while.

To be precise, only the sound of water dripping and the squeak of a rat were the only things that touched my nerves.

How much time has passed?


With the sound of the door being opened violently, someone appeared.

“Everyone, pay attention!”

The guards, in full military discipline, straightened their backs.

“… … ?”

Prisoners who had been leaning against the wall or the floor raised their faces. The blood drained from their faces as they looked outside the bars.

“Ah, Abel Kindreal… … ?”

“Black Knight?”

Tap, tap.

Abel entered the prison with slow steps.

The emperor’s clothes on his body looked natural, as if he had been wearing them since birth.

The downward gaze was also arrogant, but the only flaw was that it looked too good-looking.

“Everyone looks comfortable?”

Abel grinned and looked around the prison.

The imprisoned nobles could not say anything, perhaps because they were shocked by what he said, or because they were afraid of him.

“Oh, who is this?”

Abel’s gaze suddenly focused on one place.


Bennett’s face darkened in an instant as his eyes met his.


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