I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 265

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Chapter 33. The unknown void swallows the prominence. (3)

It was a gaze demanding some kind of answer, but

“What are you doing? “I’m not accepting it.”

When I asked again, he accepted it without any hesitation.

“Let’s sit down first.”

Leah reluctantly sat down on the chair across from her. She did not forget to take off her cloak in case blood got on her chair.

A sigh fell between her teeth as she checked the list of documents.

“… … “The list is really long.”

I strictly followed what I said. If there is no progress in work after returning from the battlefield, he will be fired.

There was a bit of selfishness mixed in there… … I won’t deny it.

“So you should get in line quickly.”

Anyone who had even the slightest connection to Cain Ardante’s family was at a complete disadvantage.

There may be complaints from the families of those who were cut off, but what can we do?

“If you feel wronged, come and file a complaint. “I will accept any amount.”

I added with a chuckle, knowing that wouldn’t happen.

“I didn’t cut it just for that reason. “They have proven their incompetence to themselves.”

“… … .”

“Moreover, it is a remnant of the old imperial power.”

Only by cutting out the rotten parts will the ship known as the new emperor be able to cruise safely.


Leah sensed what I meant and nodded her head heavily.


I prepared another piece of paper and handed it to Leah.

“I leave the personnel selection to you, Leah.”

“… … hmm?”

“This is your first non-public performance award, so do your best.”

Leah’s mouth opened, and her eyes shook wildly.

Leah, who looked at the paper she received and then at my face, finally asked.

“… … Are you really leaving this to me?”

“I have the final say. Well, if possible, I will let it pass as is.”

“Why this… … .”

Leah stuttered in embarrassment.

“This is a very important matter for the new royal family. “It’s not up to me to decide on my own.”

“It’s the opposite.”

I straight up denied Leah’s words.

“We are doing it independently because it is important.”

“… … .”

“The more people weigh the pros and cons, the more difficult the decision becomes.”

Leah’s refusal was understandable.

Once this campaign is over, the power structure will be drastically reorganized.

The position of the previously strong family will shrink, and new family names will come to the fore.

The final goal of the nobles who participated in this war. Establishing a family’s position, obtaining a title, or raising its rank.

A huge scale called power was placed in Leah’s hands.

“This is an opportunity to hire people based solely on ability, regardless of family status.”

A light of realization appeared on Leah’s face. I realized what I meant.

An opportunity to drive out the rotten central power of the imperial family and bring in a new wave.

“… … but.”

Leah responded in an uncertain tone.

“I’m not good at this. I don’t know if it’s a battle, but this… … .”

“I don’t think so.”

What is the reason why the Nord territory ran safely while Mikel was away?

In the meantime, it was thanks to Leah’s excellent performance of her duties as a lord.

That’s all. I felt it while watching this battle.

Leah had excellent skills in assigning personnel to the right positions and leading them.

It was truly an ability worthy of the ‘vice captain’ I chose.

“When things are busy, the vice-captain acts as captain.”

“… … .”

“Isn’t this all because the vice captain is trustworthy?”

After thinking for a long time, Leah reluctantly agreed.

“… … I get it. “I’ll do my best.”

“Okay, be careful. “Because these are the people I will work with in the future.”


Leah rushed to the documents with a serious attitude.

He always takes a cautious step forward, and when given the opportunity, he approaches it with more enthusiasm than anyone else.

‘I knew it would be like this.’

He was truly a student who had a taste for teaching.

“this person is… … .”

“Graduate at the top of the class the year after Carlisle Feildon. He was the first commoner to come from a commoner background. “He has a sincere and meticulous personality.”



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“Then this person…” … .”

“I am from a small to medium-sized local city, and I made a military contribution in this war. “It looks like he volunteered to participate in the war.”

Leah looked at the documents carefully, even asking questions. I added, picking up another document.

“More detailed personal information has been attached to the document, so please refer to it.”

“Oh, I see.”

Information about each person was collected through Elice. Starting with place of birth, family history, and financial situation were all listed.

The time to look at each person’s documents began.

Flapping, flapping.

“hmm… … .”

While Leah was struggling to flip through the documents, I also checked the new documents she brought.

Swish, swish.

Calculation of materials used in this war and the amount to be newly supplied.

Swish, swish.

Condolence money was delivered to the bereaved families of the deceased soldiers, and concerns were raised about compensation afterwards.

Swish, swish.

Treatment and ransom demands for important members of each captured family.

Swish, swish.

Even schedules for coronation ceremonies and other title conferment ceremonies.

All kinds of documents moved across the desk at the speed of the wind.


After stamping the last document.

“… … hmm?”

Suddenly, I realized that my son-in-law had become quiet.

Saegeun, Saegeun.

And the faint sound of breathing was heard regularly.

“… … .”

Leah was sleeping soundly. In one hand, he held the document he had been looking at until the end.

“… … but.”

I remembered that Leah had survived an entire day without a wink of sleep.

The pressure of having to endure until I return, the fatigue from the continuous battle. Responsibility for putting the lives of countless people on our backs.

Despite all that, Leah has survived so far with just her mental strength.

Unlike me, who was alive and well after absorbing life force through Requiem.

“That’s amazing.”

Even as I muttered that, I felt somewhat blunt.

“It’s so shameless to sleep so soundly in front of His Majesty the Emperor.”

In fact, it wasn’t the first time I saw Leah’s face with her eyes closed. She had helped her just before she held her aria.

What is different from then is,

“hmm… … .”

The point was that Leah, who was sleeping, looked much more comfortable.

“Okay, go to sleep.”

I chuckled and moved away the hair that was tickling the bridge of Leah’s nose. I was worried that if the paper was taken away, I would wake up.

“Just shed a drop of saliva.”

Leaving a low, inaudible threat,


He took off his cloak and covered it over Leah. Then he quietly opened the door and came out.

“your majesty?”

The waiting attendants and knights widened their eyes. Their eyes landed on Leah’s back seen through the crack in the door.

“Inside… … .”


He motioned for me to quietly close the door and turned around.

“Let him sleep.”

I couldn’t help but laugh as I imagined how excited Leah would be when she woke up.

“ha ha ha.”

I laughed out loud and crossed the hallway. Because there were still more people to meet.

❖ ❖ ❖

[I will kill them all!]

An evil voice filled my mind.

The voice was flowing from his own mouth. She was dressed in tattered rags.


Ekarot let out a low groan.

‘It’s a dream.’

This is a piece of the past. This is me when I was most lonely and despairing.

[I’m going to kill everyone here!]

His golden eyes were burning like melted gold. What was inside it was a scar that wanted to destroy everything and could never be healed.

[Okay, then.]

An unexpectedly refreshing voice poured down like a stream of cool water.

[Where to start? Starting with those guys who still have their lives attached?]

A man with black hair was speaking leisurely.

[Or from the guys hiding in other rooms? What do you want to do?]

Ekarot trembled at the sight of him.

‘Abel… … brother.’

In Ekarot’s heart, which was dry and cracked,

[If that were the case, I wouldn’t have saved you.]

[okay? I didn’t bring you here to make me a slave.]

Abel’s words were like sweet rain. Dramatic healing that closes cracks and allows new skin to grow over them.

Since when did it start? Whether I knew it or not, my purpose in life had changed.

Ekarot lived to be recognized by his older brother Abel and to be of help to him.


Just as scars fade but do not disappear completely.

A scar still remained in a corner of Ekarot’s heart.

-I don’t want to be abandoned.

The pitiful feeling that if I make a mistake, if it becomes useless, I might be discarded.

‘… … ‘If only I were a little faster.’

So, the moment I saw Abel covered in green fog, I felt dizzy.

‘It’s because of me.’

It was so painful. So, even when I saw him returning to the imperial palace, I was not willing to approach him.

He stayed on the battlefield for a long time and helped clean up after himself. Without thinking, I just moved as my side told me to do.

‘I might be abandoned by my brother.’

In desperation, I used up the remaining mana without even calculating it. I wanted to make an excuse, saying I did my best.

And as a result,

“… … .”

Ekarot was lying down in the magic tower’s room, unable to move.

The room originally used by Midnell, which he moved into after becoming the magic tower lord.

It was much larger than the room I used before, but it was even more desolate.

New liquid- New liquid-

The only noise in the room was his own faint breathing.

“… … .”

Ekarot lay still, straddling the border between dreams and reality. Thanks to her mana shortage, she couldn’t even open her eyelids.

It was then.


The slight noise of the door being opened was heard.

‘… … Who is it?’

Ekarot waited for someone to come into the room.

Someone walked quietly without making any sound. However, his strides were long, so he quickly crossed the room and approached the bed in the corner of the room.

“… … “This guy is sleeping too.”

The moment I heard a low voice,

‘Brother Abel!’

Ekarot tried to open his eyes. But against his will, his body did not move at all.

“I heard you fainted. That’s true.”

I felt Abel looking at me from the bedside. She couldn’t tell his expression, so she had to guess the situation just by her voice.

“Was it too difficult for him?”

I wanted to protest that no, it wasn’t difficult at all. I couldn’t even move my lips, it was just frustrating.

I am very disappointed with this incident, is it not enough, etc… … .

All kinds of sharp and harsh words came to mind.

Ekarot gritted his teeth, prepared to be reprimanded. No matter what Abel said, I had to endure it.

Next moment,


Ekarot was startled.


Because Abel brushed my hair.

“Good job.”

Abel’s hand that brushed my forehead was gentle,

“Thanks to you, we won without major losses.”

The voice was just as soft.

“Don’t worry about Siena. “When did you see me get hurt?”

I felt Abel let out a low laugh and take a step back.

“You did your best. “That’s enough.”



I felt something that had been dozing off relax.

I don’t know if it was my nervousness or my clenched jaw.

But what was clear was that Ekarot would never forget this moment.

“I stopped by for a moment because I was afraid he might be digging alone.”

Abel’s laughing voice was heard.

“The urgent work has been roughly finished, and we will leave as soon as it is finished.”

Seeing as the volume of his voice became much quieter, he seemed to have taken a step back again.

“To Sud territory.”

Abel’s tone of voice when talking about the decisive battle was confident.

“There’s no need to follow me there.”

Like I’ll never be defeated.

“I will fight only with my own strength.”


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