I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 260

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Chapter 32. Standing on a plain where ice and fire come together. (14)

The Black Knight’s face could not be seen clearly. This is because he wore a completely pitch black helmet.

Literally, from head to toe, there was no part of him that wasn’t covered in black armor.

“… … under!”

Isn’t that too much immersion in the concept?

Even while laughing like that, Cain couldn’t take his eyes off the darkness inside the Black Knight’s helmet.

This is because the black glowing eyes within it were unusual.

“… … Phew.”

Cain met the Black Knight’s gaze and let out a long breath.

It was to regain the strength he had used up while competing with Leah and sharpen his mental power.

“This way!”

Leah did not let Cain concentrate.


Aria flew towards the back of Cain’s head.

It was a sharp blow, but


It could not spread any further as it was blocked by the heat from the cadenza that exploded like an explosion.

“… … Ugh.”

Leah protected herself by emitting cold air.


The flames of the cadenza overwhelmed even that.

It completely wrapped around the blade, and it seemed as if it was no longer swinging a sword but the flame itself.

Thump, thud.

Aria’s coldness was helpless in front of him. Without even having time to turn into ice crystals, she turned into water and scattered around.


Cain took a step towards Leah, whose face was frozen.

“I was determined to capture you alive, which is why I survived until now.”

“… … .”

“Even that is over now.”

Cain pronounced heavily and raised his cadenza. Ignoring the murderous sight behind her as she gets closer and closer.

When he decided to kill Leah, Arya’s energy was so unpleasant that it was unpleasant.

I wanted to erase all that cold energy. I will completely burn it so that it can never freeze again.

Excited, Excited.

My heart beats happily,


Cadenza moved his tongue towards the prey in front of him.

More, more.

Hot energy welling up from deep in the stomach, heat taking over the whole body. I will spit it all out.

“I wonder what your face would look like if I cut you in front of my eyes.”

The corners of Cain’s mouth slid up.

“… … !”

Although there was no subject, Leah knew who Cain had in mind.


Leah clenched her jaw and slightly exposed her teeth.


Cain kicked off the ground and rushed at Leah.


Leah tried to freeze the ground and tie Cain’s feet, but


Cain leapt, hitting the ground with his cadenza.


Leah’s eyes trembled. The expression on his face was that he had never expected Cain to apply his skills.


Cain put his weight on the cadenza at the descending speed and slammed it down.


It was literally like a human cannon. Burning brightly without hesitation.


Leah couldn’t let this go and was pushed back.

Pure power, physical force, and overwhelming destructive power.

Even if he crossed Aria to maximize his power, it wasn’t enough.

Wow! Kang!

Cain no longer attempted to control Cadenza’s power.

Unlike before, where I focused on blocking Aria’s cold, I let Cadenza run wild.

As a result,


Some of Leah’s hair turned into sparks and flew around.


Leah hurriedly swung Aria and cut off the tip of her head. Thanks to this, we prevented all of her hair from being burned off,



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“It’s over!”

I couldn’t avoid Cain’s downward motion to punish me.

Nettle –

The moment the cadenza flutters hotly and falls from top to bottom,


Something roared and hit Cain.


Cain quickly turned his cadenza to protect himself.


The body was thrown away with a tremendous impact.


It was pushed to the side and ended up floating into the air. But she didn’t miss the cadenza.

After spinning the cadenza once in the air, it landed on the floor.


My shoulders were stiff, perhaps from the shock of blocking the attack earlier.


It was an attack that would have killed an ordinary person instantly in one hit.

“Pureung! Purung!”

A pitch-black black horse was standing where he had been just a moment ago.

“… … “No, no.”

When I looked closely, I saw that it was not a dark horse.

Shiny black fur, well-developed muscles evenly throughout the body.

The form was clearly speaking, but its golden eyes revealed that it was no ordinary horse.


The teeth that he pointed at Cain were sharp, not to mention sharp. The skin and flesh could easily be bitten off and dismantled.

“… … “Is it a monster?”

As if responding to Cain’s muttering, the pitch-black monster snorted.

“Purung, purung!”

He took a stance by stamping his feet on the floor, indicating that he was about to lunge at Cain again.

“hmm… … .”

Cain straightened his posture while holding the cadenza. He planned to kill him if he attacked again.


“Black Star!”

The moment you hear a rough voice that seems to be torn to shreds,


The pitch-black monster, Black Star, turned its head.

“Come this way.”

The black knight gestured towards him. Standing next to Leah, who was sitting on the floor.


It started walking back towards him, its tail wagging.

“… … “That’s how it happened.”

Cain twisted the corner of his mouth and smiled. It seemed like the monsters were sent first in a hurry to save Leah.


When the Black Knight held out his hand, Leah grabbed his hand and stood up. The tips of her ears were slightly red.

“… … .”

The two people looked at each other and were silent.

Cain caught a strange current flowing between the two. An airflow that is sticky like glue, but at the same time refreshing like mint.

‘… … what?’

Cain’s thoughts did not last long.


This was because the Black Knight rode toward him on the returning Black Star.

Doo doo doo doo!

Looking at the speed at which the figure grew bigger by the minute, I could guess how it had reached this far from so far away.

“Speed ​​like a monster.”

Cain commented briefly and took a step back.


When he whistled,

“Hee hee!”

Bianca the Rottweiler started running straight towards him. Cain jumped up as Bianca ran towards him.


As if doing a stunt, he sat on the saddle and turned the horse’s head.

“Black Knight!”

I waited on the spot, watching him approach.

If he was truly a knight, he would know that Cain was no longer targeting Leah and had the manner of waiting.

So, when you get close to a certain point, slow down and start talking… … .

Doo doo doo doo!

“… … hmm?”

The corners of Cain’s mouth hardened. This is because the Black Knight’s speed did not decrease at all.

Doo doo doo doo!

The black knight spurred his horse, or rather the monster, with his eyes focused solely on Cain.

“Well, I… … .”

Surely not? Are you going to reduce it now?

Cain did not give up his doubts until the very end,

Doo doo doo doo doo doo!

I was convinced when I saw the black knight pass by Leah and rush towards me.

“this… … “You bastard!”

Cain quickly grabbed Bianca’s reins and turned her to the side.


The Black Knight and his monster, Black Star, passed by just in the nick of time.

“… … her!”

Cain’s eyes widened as he looked back in amazement.

Quad deuk!

This is because the Black Knight was seen twisting Black Star’s body to its limit and making a sharp turn.

And then, in the blink of an eye, he rushed at Cain again.

“Oh my god-”


Black Star’s hoof kicked Bianca’s side.


A V-shape appeared on Bianca’s armor and it shrunk.

“Hee hee hee!”

Bianca let out a scream of pain. It was a sound that made it impossible to fly simply by being kicked by her hoof.


Cain was surprised and looked at Bianca’s body.

“-oh my god!”

And I was shocked and shocked.

The hard armor that blocked even arrows was torn. Red blood leaked out through the hole.

“Purp, purr!”

Bianca walked unsteadily. Red blood droplets dotted the floor along the moving trajectory.


Cain comforted Bianca and didn’t know what to do.

He was a man who had never been injured in numerous battles. Like Hector, he was careful not to accidentally hurt anyone.

“Purr… … .”

Seeing Bianca whimpering made me feel like my mind was falling apart.

“Black Knight!”

Cain could not control his anger and roared.

“You have no chivalry at all!”

The Black Knight was staring at Cain from a little distance.

“Wasn’t it obvious that you were waiting for a conversation?”

“… … .”

“How can you do this to someone who has no intention of attacking!”

When Cain became angry again,


A voice was finally heard from inside the Black Knight’s helmet.

“What conversation?”

It was a voice that sent shivers down the listener’s spine.

It sounded like it was coming from a cave, and the tone was low and deep, as if it was digging into the seabed.

“I have no conversation with you.”

There was a subtle difference in tone. Cain could clearly see the difference.

“And why do you leave an obvious loophole open?”

A clear sneer.

The Black Knight was blatantly mocking Cain.


Cain spewed fire from his mouth.

“I tried to show respect first! “You’re the one who kicked that in the face!”

“It’s respect.”

The Black Knight laughed out loud. A sound like that of a devil lying in hell rang out.

“Respect derived from that trivial chivalry?”

“… … !”

The back of Cain’s neck turned red. They say she becomes speechless when she gets too angry, and that’s exactly what happened.

“No, was there even chivalry in the first place?”

The Black Knight began to drive the Black Star.

“If you look at the things you’ve done so far, it doesn’t seem like there’s anything special.”

Plop, plod.

I drew a circle while maintaining a certain distance from Cain.

“Oh yeah. “Did you say it was a conversation?”

Cain wheezed in his chest and glared at the black knight. Her eyes burned so red that sparks were on the verge of dripping.

“If you really want to,”

Even in front of him who was furious, the black knight was not nervous at all.

“Don’t do something stupid.”

“Tick,” said the black knight, twitching his hand.

“That conversation.”

“… … .”

Cain’s eyes turned completely white.

I wanted to pounce and strangle that guy right now. I thought it would be refreshing to burn that arrogant snout on fire.

These were words and actions that reminded Cain of someone he disliked.

‘Abel Kindreal… … .’

When I thought of him ascending to the throne of emperor, my stomach boiled.

‘That’s why I was so confident.’

I think it was because I attracted the Black Knight to my side. It was a moment when I understood the confidence that had not been reflected even on the battlefield until now.

‘You must bring a guy like me.’

Cain calmed down his anger by chewing on Abel again and again. The intention was also to buy Bianca time to recover.

‘It has to be done once and for all.’

In the first place, I had no intention of having a long conversation with the Black Knight. We had to kill them as quickly as possible and then return to the battlefield.

All right.

Cain began to move Bianca. He walked in the opposite direction to his, keeping an eye on the Black Knight.

“What is it?”

Cain asked a question in a low voice. The Black Knight’s helmet moved up and down.

“I don’t know why everyone asks that first.”

“… … .”

“I’m sure you have other questions, too.”

ha ha ha… … .

The Black Knight’s dark laughter continued.

“-I am.”

The Black Knight stopped laughing and said.

“I came here to carry out God’s will.”


The black knight’s hand pointed at Cain.

“To the Sword of Autumn, Requiem.”

Black flames flickered over the blade of the sword he was holding.

“To punish you.”

“… … .”

Cain’s face became cold.

The black knight’s mouth was hidden by his helmet. But it was clear that it would curve smoothly.


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