I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 253

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Chapter 32. Standing on a plain where ice and fire come together. (7)

Green onions! Pabababak!

Arrows flew through the sky and headed toward the walls of Maggiore Castle.

puck! Flutter!

Some got stuck in the cracks in the castle walls, and some flew over the walls.



Suppressed moans burst out from above the castle walls. The shield was filled with arrows, making it look like a hedgehog.

“Take cover!”

“We’re fighting back!”

After completing one defense, the archers loaded their bows.



This time, an arrow flew downward from the castle wall.

Push! puck!


Screams rose from the rebels along with an eerie sound. Blood was splattered and flesh was splattered.

Those who survived moved quickly. They spread out, changed positions, and prepared for the next arrow.

“Ah, you poisonous bastards.”

“How long are you going to do this?”

The archers hid behind the walls and gnashed their teeth.

It’s been a few days already.

The rebel army came to the walls and attacked every day.

Sometimes it was an arrow, sometimes it was a rock, or sometimes it was a lump of straw on fire in a cadenza.

There was no large-scale battle like on the first day.

However, the mere presence of enemies waiting for an opportunity eroded the nerves of the soldiers.

In addition, supplies were being used up every time we defended against enemy attacks. Another problem was the constant number of injuries.

“How long do I have to hold out?”

“Are reinforcements not coming?”

A sense of uneasiness slowly spread among the soldiers. But that wasn’t something that happened only within the Capital Allied Forces.


An empty wine glass was placed roughly on the table.

“… … ha.”

Cain wiped the whiskey from the corner of his mouth. Several completely empty whiskey bottles rolled at his feet.

“You don’t get drunk.”

Although he poured a huge amount of whiskey into his stomach, Cain’s complexion was fine.

Of course, I didn’t get drunk either.

I tried to calm my mind with the power of alcohol, but instead, my mind became clearer.

“Tsk… … .”

The burning pain deep inside my body became more severe.

I felt like I was going crazy because I wanted to get rid of this thing that sizzled from the Danjeon to the end and made my throat sour.


Cain opened a new bottle of whiskey and poured it into a glass. In order to cool off this heat, I had to keep shoving something cool down my throat.

“… … shit.”

It was frustrating. Something settled in his chest and continued to torment him.

It was my first time failing to cross the castle wall.

Cain was victorious in all territory battles and advanced by overwhelmingly defeating his opponents.

Rest was always taken within the walls of the opponent’s castle, and supplies and food were stolen and used there.

So, there was no experience of setting up camp and stationing in front of the opponent’s walls like this.

“… … shit!”

This time was completely unfamiliar to him. He couldn’t figure out how to let it go.

First, as advised by Vice-Captain Hugo and other leaders, he continued to attack the capital’s walls.

The enemies were trapped in the capital without enough food from the beginning, so they thought that if they took their time, they would naturally win.


“… … why.”

Why am I so anxious?

People said that was the maximum number of people the Allied Forces could gather in the capital, and that there would be no more reinforcements.

On the other hand, reinforcements sent from each territory were scheduled to arrive for Cain one after another.

If we gather those people and attack the castle again, then we will be able to break down that wall and get over it.

“But why?”

For some reason, Cain had a different premonition.

It seemed like the enemy had a huge warehouse that I didn’t know about, and that they were going to create something amazing there.

Something overwhelming and powerful that he could never have imagined… … .


Cain laughed empty-handed and let his hands hang down.

“Is that possible?”

It was a ridiculous imagination, a baseless speculation. It was clear that my brain, confused by a situation I was experiencing for the first time, was creating delusions.




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He opened another bottle of whiskey. I poured it into a glass filled with ice and drank it like water.

I didn’t want anyone to see me like this. It wasn’t even a situation where I could ask to drink together.

“ha… … .”

By the time Cain’s breath, as strong as whiskey, leaked out from between his lips.

“-please! Cain is definitely-”

“-. “No one will let me in-”

Raised voices of fighting were heard from outside the barracks. A woman’s voice, rarely heard in this camp, was heard.

“… … Sienna?”

Cain frowned.

It was obvious that Sienna was arguing with the guard to let him see her.


Cain picked up his glass, ignoring the commotion outside. She didn’t want to see Sienna so much now.

‘Come on, tomato. Let’s finish playing.’

Ekarot smiled confidently and spread his hands.

‘No no… … !’

Sienna looked at the collapsing siege tower with a thoughtful face.

The difference in power between the two was very obvious. So it was natural that they could not attack Maggiore’s walls.

‘Didn’t you say you were the Magic Tower Lord’s first disciple?’

But why am I being pushed around helplessly by a kid younger than me?

Cain didn’t want to admit that the fruit he got was very small and poor quality.

Especially when someone else is holding a fruit that is more desirable than mine.

‘Is there anyone in this empire who can take the position of emperor other than brother Abel?’

The firm trust and respect that the magic tower lord Ekarot gave to Abel.

It was so annoying and unpleasant, and at the same time… … .

“-I’m crazy.”

Cain closed his eyes tightly.

I almost looked straight at my feelings, but I quickly buried them deep inside my body.

“I will take Abel… … There’s no way.”

I felt like if I said it out loud, it would be like admitting it, so I even lowered my voice.

“… … “I drank for no reason.”

I wasn’t drunk, and the pain in my chest didn’t subside. I felt like my mood was becoming needlessly emotional.


Cain put the glass down on the table and leaned back.

“… … .”

Suddenly, the outside of the barracks became quiet. It seemed like Sienna gave up and backed away.

“Abel Kindreal… … .”

Cain continued to pay attention to Abel’s whereabouts.

Looking at Leah’s reaction, it seemed like he hadn’t really run away. And in Cain’s opinion, he was not the kind of person who would turn a blind eye to a situation like this.

“There is no news from the scouting party.”

I told them to bring it to me immediately if they heard any news about Abel, but they were still quiet.

So Cain concluded that Abel had gone to Ovest Territory or Nord Territory to pick up reinforcements.

“That would be all we need to bring in reinforcements in this situation.”

At that time, Cain was leaning in his chair and lost in thought.


Suddenly, a scarlet portal opened in the corner of the barracks.


Cain was startled and stood up.


Instinctively, I took out the cadenza.

‘Is it an attack?’

However, the person who appeared from the portal was different from what he expected.

Not Ekarot with her chin cockily raised, or Leah with her expressionless face,


It was Sienna with a dark, withering complexion.

“… … Sienna?”

Cain was so embarrassed that he dropped the cadenza on the floor.

“-Obviously, you can’t open the portal… … .”

“You can’t do it inside the capital. “This is outside the capital.”

Sienna responded with a slight blush on her face.

“I’m sorry for being rude. But I was worried… … .”

In short, they were saying that they chose this method because the guard outside the barracks would not let them in.

“… … worry?”

Cain’s hand holding the cadenza gained strength again.

“What are you worried about?”

Sienna, sensing the faint anger in Cain’s tone, shrugged her shoulders.

“… … .”

She pursed her lips for a moment. Because she saw a bottle of whiskey rolling around at Cain’s feet.

People who are drunk have heightened emotions. Would it be helpful to be honest in this situation?

I wonder if Cain was discouraged after failing to climb the castle wall, and ultimately blamed Sienna for that – something like that.

“… … .”

Sienna ultimately chose not to say anything.


Cain roughly guessed what Sienna was trying to say from her silence. Either way, her words were not very pleasant to him.

“Were you worried about the day you failed to climb the castle wall last time? Or are you worried that I might have disappointed you?”

“I’m sorry, Cain. I am-”

“Do you know how many times I’ve already said I’m sorry?”

Cain sat down on the chair with a clattering noise.

“It’s no use apologizing after doing something wrong.”

“… … .”

“What I want is success, not failure.”

Cain’s eyes turned blood red. What was directed at Sienna was cold and merciless.

“How much longer do I have to look after you?”

The wizard standing in front of me right now, if it weren’t for Sienna.

‘Ah, I feel refreshed.’

If it were Ekarot, who was smiling brightly while radiating golden mana. I wouldn’t have been stuck in the barracks ruminating on defeat like this.

It was difficult to stop the imagination filled with golden light.

“ah… … .”

Sienna’s face turned pale and her lips trembled. Her hand instinctively cupped her opposite shoulder, which was now empty.


Cain’s eyes trembled when he sensed this.


Sienna said with tears in her eyes.

“You know… … . “What sacrifices have I made?”

“… … .”

“I left everything and just looked at Cain. Because I want to help Cain… … .”

At the same time as Cain felt a faint sympathy,

“and… … “I think you forgot one thing.”

Sienna’s darkly subdued voice woke him up.

“How are you going to fight the next siege without me?”

Sienna looked straight at Cain without even blinking. Her navy blue eyes were deep and dark, as if they contained her poison.

“yes? Please tell me. “Are you sure you can win without my help?”


Cain’s fist resting on his thigh gained strength. Instead of answering, he stared into Sienna’s eyes.

“… … .”

And I found it there.

Although he fought back with some vengeance, there was a sad heart inside him that worried that he might be abandoned by Cain.

It’s just a struggle because I want to be recognized by him somehow and I don’t want to be kicked out.


Cain got up from his seat and approached Sienna. And as she was on the verge of bursting into tears, she cupped her cheeks.


Heat immediately rushed to Sienna’s pale cheeks. Sienna blinked her eyes slowly and looked at her Cain.

“You understand why I’m angry.”

Cain smiled slightly and lightly stroked Sienna’s cheek.

“I think I clearly promised you what to do after this. “Have you already forgotten?”

Sienna was frozen in place, holding her breath.

Skin touching for the first time, a voice flowing softly. They were so close that they could feel each other’s breath, and it was suffocating.

“So don’t think anything strange.”

“ah… … .”

Sienna’s eyes became hazy. To her, seeing Cain like this was such a powerful stimulus.

“… … .”

Cain hid the sneer that was about to leak out from under his lips. Isn’t it truly insignificant to be able to change one’s heart with just these few words?

At the same time, another way to relieve something that was boiling deep in my stomach occurred to me.

Cain grabbed Sienna’s shoulder and pushed her back slightly. Sienna was helplessly pushed away as he pushed,

It rattled.

I was able to stop only after I touched the table.


Cain’s low voice was demanding something.

“Ka, Cain.”

Sienna shook her shoulders slightly. She had a dizzying sensation, as if she had been chased by a wild beast and driven to the edge of a cliff.

“After writing the cadenza… … “It’s often like this.”

“… … .”

“If you’re going to become empress anyway… … .”

Cain brought his lips closer to Sienna’s neck. The hot breath passing by her ears gave Sienna goosebumps on her back.

“Cain… … .”

She couldn’t see Cain’s expression right now. So she didn’t know how cold his eyes were or what was beyond them.


The moment Cain’s hand grabbed Sienna’s collar,


Without warning, the barracks door burst open.

“… … Carlisle?”

Cain looked back without hiding his annoyed expression. Carlisle spotted him and Sienna and her eyes widened.

“Hey, what are you doing-”

“What’s happening all of a sudden?”

Carlisle noticed Cain’s low mood and kept his mouth shut. She then said what she originally wanted to say.

“Symptoms of food poisoning appeared among the soldiers.”

Carlisle added in a serious voice.

“It seems like there is a problem with food supply.”


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