I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 251

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Chapter 32. Standing on a plain where ice and fire come together. (5)


The cadenza spewed out even more fierce flames.

“You feel it too!”

Cain’s eyes were burning with madness.

“This resonance, this attraction!”


Finally, Cain climbed to the top of the siege tower.

“It’s time for the decisive battle!”

Standing tall, he was like the embodiment of flame, the sun itself.

“… … .”

Leah’s fingers twitched. Just because she was her didn’t mean her body didn’t itch.

I wanted to run right now, grab Cain by the collar, and throw him to the floor.

I wanted to see the arrogant face of the person who thought he was absolutely right distort and eventually become stained with regret.

It wasn’t just that.

Ugh! Ugh!

Aria continued to cry and annoy her owner. That stinging heat nearby is so annoying, let’s turn it off right away.

It was different from before, when I was happy for Cadenza’s presence and wanted to keep its warmth by my side.

Cain was not warm at all right now. Leaving everything to the flames of the cadenza, he was a fiery flame that burned even himself.

A striking contrast to someone who defeated Requiem’s ​​rule on his own and maintained his senses.

“Ugh… … .”

“Tsk… … !”

The Capital Allied Forces did not even dare to attempt to deal with Cain. He only covered himself with a shield and retreated little by little.

“Ha ha ha ha ha!”

Cain looked down at them and laughed out loud.

“They’re like bugs.”

Leah did not miss that soft murmur.


Blood appeared on Leah’s forehead. She almost threw herself at him impulsively.


‘This is a battlefield.’

It was not a battle between himself and Cain, but a war between the capital allied forces and the rebel army.

And her goal was to win the ‘war’ and protect this castle.

“… … .”

Leah took a slow breath and looked around.

Siege towers were pushing in here and there on the walls. They were the most threatening beings on the battlefield right now.

‘A total of 4 units.’


Leah clenched her jaw and looked up.

“… … .”

Her eyes met Ekarot, who was staring at her.



Without anyone having to say anything, they moved their heads at the same time.


Leah immediately turned around and started running. He crashed into the castle wall towards the siege tower.

“under… … !”

Cain laughed when he saw that.

“Are you running away, Leah?”

His eyes flashed as he looked at the soldiers on the castle wall.

“If we burn them all, will they come back then? To put out the fire like before?”

The soldiers who caught Cain’s gaze held their weapons tightly. Not even able to hide the fear on his face.

“… … Haha.”

That sight was just funny to Cain. Especially as she seems to be struggling ahead of her death.


When the angle of the hand holding the cadenza was changed, the soldiers trembled.

“… … ha ha ha!”

Looking down on someone from an overwhelming height, the fear and horror of others.

It was such an ecstatic feast for Cain.


The moment he gave strength to leap,


Something hit the mana shield of the siege tower he was on. And then Sienna’s mana was sucked away.

The entire siege tower shook at the sudden shock.


“What, suddenly!”

The soldiers inside the siege tower screamed.




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Cain looked up in surprise.

“There, tomato.”

Ekarot with vague eyes was floating in the sky higher than himself.

“The person you’re dealing with is me.”

Ekarot’s hand twitched lightly.

“Now that you don’t have to worry about anything else, I’ll start playing.”

Cain frowned at the confident remark and raised the corners of his mouth.

“… … “The sea I hoped for.”

I’m going to burn them all down, so does the order matter? Cutting off Ekarot’s head was also one of Cain’s goals.

“An appetizer before the main dish is welcome.”

Cain responded lightly by slightly turning his body.

“You can’t go all out against a child, so I’ll take it in moderation.”

Good luck!

Following his will, the cadenza’s flames slightly decreased.

“Come, kid.”

“… … “That word,”

Ekarot’s golden eyes shone coldly.

“I really hate it.”


A strong thunderbolt came from the tips of both his hands.


Cain quickly rushed to the side.


The top floor where he had just been standing was shattered.



The soldiers inside jumped out.


They fell to the ground and died without even being able to scream.

Flash! Flash!

Ekarot’s attacks rained down without mercy. He used the fastest lightning strike to rush Cain.


As the lightning struck like a torrential rain, it was impossible to respond. I had no choice but to focus on dodging by holding on to the side of the siege tower and turning around.

Bubble bubbling!

Even then, there were fewer and fewer places to hold on to.

Each of Ekarot’s seemingly random attacks were fierce and sharp, but also delicate.

It never hit friendly forces and only accurately hit enemy troops.

“… … shit!”

With nothing left to hold on to, Cain had no choice but to jump to the floor.

The very moment he lands,


The tattered siege tower finally collapsed to the ground.


The fireball sent by Ekarot struck above it. The fire quickly spread throughout the wooden siege tower.

“Save, live… … !”

“Keheek, keke…” … !”

The last remaining soldiers were unable to escape and were burned to death.

One of the rebel forces’ most elaborate creations in this war, with a lot of capital and manpower invested, has just disappeared.

“Ah, I feel refreshed.”

Ekarot smiled innocently and clapped both hands.

“It bothered me a while ago.”

Despite using that powerful magic in succession, not a single bead of sweat formed on Ekarot’s forehead.

“There was too much to worry about, so it was delayed.”

Ekarot’s hands began to come together, facing each other.


Cain felt the air around him tremble. The moment he felt danger, he launched himself,


The air in the place where he had been standing just now felt oppressive.

“Ah, I’m quick to notice.”

Ekarot muttered as if it was a waste. Although he was saying that, his eyes were full of joy.

“But if I hadn’t noticed, it might have been disappointing in its own way.”

His grinning and sarcastic tone was very similar to Abel’s.

“Come on, tomato. “Let’s just play.”

Ekarot’s face truly brightened.

“If you can, please do as much as you can.”

“… … .”

Cain chewed his lips. In this state, I couldn’t approach Ekarot.

‘… … Sienna.’

Now, she was the only one who could help him reach Ekarot or drop Ekarot.

“Xie… … .”

The moment Cain spoke in an unwilling voice and looked back,


Leia was seen splitting Sienna’s mana bullets.

“this… … crab!”

Sienna was trying her best to tie Leah in place.

after that,

Coogung! thud!

Siege towers that were struggling here and there collapsed.



The impact of the huge tower colliding with the floor was enormous.

More and more people were jumping out of the gaps in the tower. Or, they died from being crushed by the weight of people inside.

“It’s a success!”

“Finish it!”

Arrows and torches from the Capital Allied Forces rained down on the fallen tower.

pop! Pubbung!

The siege tower that had fallen to the ground burst into flames. It looked like a huge pile of firewood.

“Why is that already… … !”

Cain was shocked and sighed.

I have fought many wars so far, but this is the first time I have seen a siege tower fall apart like that.

Why was it that I was fine just a few minutes or even a few seconds ago?

I was able to find the answer by looking at Leah.


Leah shook off Sienna who was clinging to her and stabbed Aria onto the castle wall.


The cold storm raced from top to bottom, eventually freezing the ground where the siege tower stood.



The personnel pushing the siege tower fled in a hurry.


Even the mana shield hovering over the siege tower turned into silver particles and dispersed.

“One, two, three!”

The capital Allied forces did not miss the opportunity and pushed the siege tower with logs.


“No, you have to hold on… … !”

The siege tower had no choice but to slip helplessly on the ice floor.


Even the last siege tower collapsed and was destroyed.

Just as the flames created by the cadenza were like a disaster, Aria’s cold was also like a disaster.

Even if dozens of ordinary people gathered together, they couldn’t resist one aria.


Sienna became thoughtful. Even though it was the middle of winter, her forehead was full of cold sweat.

“No no… … !”

For a wizard, both hands were like pens for arranging mana and composing spells.

When the two used were reduced to one, the accuracy was lower than before, and to make up for it, I had to consume twice as much mana.

Installing the mana shield on the siege weapon with one hand, which I was not used to, put a strain on my body.

After that, I continued to use magic without stopping, and now it felt like I was using life instead of just mana.

“Ugh, huh.”

My vision was blurring and my head was spinning. She held on and held on, suppressing the rising feeling of nausea.


Leah’s face was peaceful as she lightly climbed down onto the castle wall. He is in such contrast to himself that he does his best to die.

“It’s holding up well! “Let’s have a little more strength!”

“Bring more hot water!”

“You can’t collapse here!”

The morale of the Allied forces increased. They increased their momentum and stopped the rebel army that rushed at them.


“It has to be pierced!”

The rebels tenaciously tried to climb over the walls. He put up a ladder, sent arrows flying, and hit the castle gate.

Since all the siege weapons they brought were used up, they had no choice but to use the last resort of attacking the walls with their bare hands.


The Allied forces stubbornly pushed the ladder away even with their swords planted on their shoulders.


He blocked the arrows with his shield and killed the rebels who were trying to climb onto the castle wall.

“Ahhhh… … !”


Countless deaths were piling up above and below Maggiore’s huge walls.

The smell of blood and burning skin, screams, moans, and cries.

It was a hell that would never end. It started at dawn and did not end until midday.

‘… … why?’

Cain couldn’t understand that fact.

By now, they would have climbed over the castle wall and advanced into the city. In this way, he would have surpassed the imperial palace and taken the throne.

Why is this vicious fight still going on?

He fought like usual. He took the lead as always and set everything on fire with the power of his cadenza.

‘But why… … !’

Cain strengthened his hand holding the cadenza and looked up.


Leah was just cutting down the rebel army coming up the wall. Still, he would occasionally turn his gaze to check Cain’s location.

I didn’t run away or avoid it. It was simply a matter of choosing the best move to protect this castle.

Leah’s strategy worked. The Siege of Maggiore… … It was a failure.

“… … Lea Concellare, you.”

Beyond Cain’s distorted vision,


Vice-captain Hugo’s urgent face got closer.

“We must retreat! As it is, it’s just a pointless waste of troops!”

“I stepped forward… … .”

Cain was about to respond reflexively but stopped.

Can you and Sienna defeat Leah and Ekarot?

Now he couldn’t answer that question confidently.

“The enemy’s supply route is blocked anyway!”

Hugo, who noticed Cain’s distress, spoke quickly.

“If we continue the sit-in protest like this, we will starve to death in there anyway.”

“… … .”

“Time is on our side.”

Bennett and other leaders also waited for Cain’s orders with anxious faces. They were also very tired from the prolonged battle.

“… … okay.”

Cain barely suppressed his rising frustration. The important thing is to win the war, he repeated over and over again.

“Retire… … “Give each command.”

He could barely move his unrestrained mouth. Hugo turned back as if he had been waiting.

“All troops retreat!”


The flag fluttered in response to his words.


“It’s a retreat!”

The soldiers clinging to the walls retreated hastily. And then it began to flow out like an ebb along the way back.

“The enemies are retreating!”

“Run away!”

A light of relief spread across the blood-covered faces of the Allied soldiers.

“Don’t miss it! Shoot all the way!”

Aaron, the archer captain, encouraged them and even reduced the number of rebels.

“Chief Commander!”

Derek Graham walked up to Leah.

“There are still troops in the castle. Shall we chase them?”


Leah withdrew her sword and looked back at him.


Her face was calm, as if she knew this would happen of course.

“‘Today’ is not.”

After speaking, Leah looked around at the Allied Forces and smiled.

“We won, gentlemen.”


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