I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 236

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Chapter 30. Hunting a cornered rat. (14)

“Well, that’s… … !”

Theodore looked at the tips of Rachel’s fingers with a hideously distorted face.


A streak of ominous red light threatened to invade Rachel’s hand. It was like pouring blood, or like a long spreading blood vessel.

It was an ancient contract between Rachel and Theodore in exchange for each other’s blood.

A forced and cruel contract that ensures that Rachel can never harm Theodore.


However, it was completely blocked by the dazzling golden mana.

The ancient contract fluttered wildly like a fish caught in a net, but had no effect on Rachel.


The white light of the serenade arose, caressed Rachel’s cheek, and then disappeared. Rachel’s slightly red cheeks returned to their original state.

It was proof that there was nothing wrong with the Serenade in Rachel’s body.

“Huh, huh.”

Theodore looked blankly at the scene,

“Tsk… … !”

I felt a sharp pain and looked down at my armpit.

Drop, drop.

Blood was flowing out from where Rachel had stabbed him with the dagger.

“shit… … .”

If he was feeling this much pain, Rachel should have passed out a long time ago.

But Rachel just stared at Theodore, holding the blood-covered dagger.

“It looks good.”

Disgust and contempt radiating from Rachel’s whole body. It was something very familiar to Theodore, but

“It looks good, really.”

I was not at all familiar with the confident smile and unwavering voice of a winner.


That woman shouldn’t show herself like this in front of me.

Eyes stained with helplessness and discouragement, compliance filled with resignation and giving up.

This is how Rachel should treat Theodore. The Serenade’s master must bow before the Emperor.

“How dare you!”

Theodore got up from his seat. And he stretched out his hand to grab Rachel.


No, I couldn’t stretch it out.

“Why is this… … .”

No matter how hard I tried, my arm wouldn’t move. It just trembles helplessly, as if the joint is broken.

“Does it look like it was cut properly?”

Rachel laughed as she looked at Theodore’s confusion.

“I guess it’s because I learned from a good teacher. No, is it because my student is outstanding?”

Rachel just laughed and said something completely incomprehensible. That ease and confidence drove Theodore even more crazy.

“What kind of bullshit are you talking about!”

Theodore pointed at Rachel with his free hand.

“Besides, it’s magic! “Is this the work of that crazy witch?”

“Oh, that can’t be possible. “You have to open your eyes and take a good look.”

Theodore’s eyes followed Rachel’s twitching hand. Traces of golden mana shining brilliantly above it.

“You know that mana follows the user’s unique color, right?”

“No way!”

Theodore searched his memory.

Sienna, I remembered the color of mana used by that evil witch and the color of mana of Ekarot, the boy wizard who fought against her.

Among them, the golden one is… … .

“… … Ekarot? “You mean that new magic tower lord?”


Rachel clapped her hands and confirmed Theodore’s reasoning.

“I couldn’t believe it, but it really worked. “He can even block ancient magic, so he is worthy of becoming a magic tower lord.”

Theodore’s lips trembled at the confirmation of this surprising fact.

“whenever… … ? “When was it possible for you to communicate with the Magic Tower?”

The frozen circuitry in his brain began to move little by little. Because I was so shocked, it was an attempt to escape from reality.

“Rachel, you went outside without my permission… … .”

While muttering, he realized.

Rachel had escaped my control only once.

Just three days. At that time, the temple was attacked and his whereabouts were unknown for three days.

“… … no way!”

“that’s right.”

Rachel smiled brightly as she looked at Theodore’s wide-open eyes.

“After all, even though he’s an emperor, his head works quite well.”

With no time to get angry at the continued sarcastic remarks,

“I met Ekarot back then. “Thanks to you, I’m protected from this damn ancient contract.”

Rachel’s revelations continued.



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“And there,”

She pointed to one arm that Theodore could not move.

“Aren’t you curious how they cut the muscles connected to the arm in one go?”

“… … .”

“Would you like me to tell you what I’ve been doing for the past three days?”

Rachel slowly approached Theodore.

Bruises, bruises.

The girl’s delicate body and the sound of small footsteps.

But to Theodore, the body and the sound of the footsteps felt louder than ever.

“… … .”

Theodore sweated his hands. My breathing became rough due to tension.

At this moment, holding a blood-stained dagger and wearing blood-splattered white clothes.


Rachel, who approached me, was alive and breathing more vividly than ever.

“Didn’t you say that earlier?”

And he was showing his anger more vividly and clearly than ever before.

“You can’t die comfortably anymore.”

A blood-stained smile crossed Rachel’s lips.

“I’ll make it as painful as possible for you to squish and die like a bug.”

Theodore stopped breathing for a moment, and then

“this person… … !”

Soon, my whole body was shaking and I was angry.

“How dare you!”

The fact that he was intimidated by her, even if only for a moment, made him feel ashamed.

Worst of all, the dog in front of me was biting its own leash. And that too while his eyes were red.


Theodore let out a scream and rushed at Rachel.

His legs were much longer and stronger than Rachel’s, so it wasn’t difficult for him to catch her as she tried to run away.


Theodore grabbed Rachel by the hair,


Instead of using his arms that he couldn’t move, he lifted Rachel’s chest up with his good knee.


Rachel crouched reflexively. But even for a moment,


He raised his tearful eyes. She moved her arms with all her might despite having difficulty breathing.


Rachel’s dagger stuck in Theodore’s thigh.


Theodore stumbled for a moment and had no choice but to let go of Rachel.


As soon as Rachel hit the ground, she did the next thing.


He rushed straight towards Theodore, who was retreating.

“Is this bitch crazy?”

Theodore’s eyes were fixed on Rachel as she approached me. The light of Serenade was flashing from her chest.


Theodore immediately stretched out one arm and tried to grab Rachel.


His attempts were in vain.

Because instead of running headfirst into me, Rachel lowered herself and slid to the floor.


Rachel’s dagger cut Theodore behind the ankle.


Theodore fell to the floor, holding his ankle.

It was so painful that even if I applied strength to that ankle, it felt like it would break. He simply could not stand on his own two feet.

That’s all. Her other thigh also complained of tearing pain whenever she moved it.

“Hey, this bitch!”

Theodore screamed loudly.

I couldn’t believe it.

Rachel pushed herself into a corner with just two or three attacks.

And all three of those attacks were horrifyingly sharp and accurately cut through important muscles.

“How, how!”

Theodore could not stop himself from becoming delirious.

He has lived a life away from combat for the past several decades. Therefore, he had no choice but to give in helplessly in front of this fresh pain that had been felt for a long time.

This pain ravaging his body also turned his brain into a mess.

“Whew, look at that.”

Rachel caught her breath and stared at Theodore.

“It was worth staying up all night practicing for three days.”

Only then did Theodore understand what she meant.

“… … Black Knight! “Did he teach you?!”

Rachel smiled quietly, indicating that Theodore’s guess was correct. Theodore bared his teeth and growled.

“It was all a blatant lie! “Actually, I decided to join hands with that guy!”

“Do you understand now?”

Rachel looked at Theodore with eyes that were utterly disgusting.

“Once I hugged him, he lost his senses and started panting… … .”

“… … .”

“Are you going to tell me I’m crazy and go back to you?”

Rachel lashed out at Theodore in a bitter tone.

“Even if you die of starvation in a shabby farmhouse, or if you die from being mauled to death by wild dogs in the wilderness.”

Rachel’s green eyes took on a cold color.

“Theodore, it won’t go back to you.”

The color symbolizing fresh green has dried noticeably and completely dried out.



Theodore heard it.

The sound of a dog wagging its tail while wearing a leash being completely torn apart.

And it was visible.


The sight of it showing its shiny teeth and rushing towards me to bite me.


Rachel’s dagger was flying at him, covered in thick blood. A terrifying and murderous spirit hovered over the pretty and pretty girl’s face.


Theodore barely caught Rachel’s wrist. The sharp tip of the dagger came to rest in front of his nose.

“porridge… … uh!”

Rachel climbed on top of Theodore and shouted fiercely. I pressed down on him with my whole body and gave strength to his fingertips.


The tip of the trembling dagger was getting closer and closer.

“… … !”

Theodore tried his best to push Rachel away.

If my physical condition had been the same as usual, I would have easily crushed Rachel’s struggles.

However, the magic explosion damaged all of his organs, preventing him from using even half of his original strength.

Moreover, Rachel, whose eyes had wandered, did not choose any means or methods.


Rachel bit Theodore on one of his arms. It was truly like a crazy dog’s behavior.


Theodore screams and twists his arms,


The moment the dagger was about to pierce his pupil.


Someone quickly grabbed Rachel.


The tip of the dagger grazed Theodore’s cheek instead of his eye.

“Huh, huh.”

Theodore felt the weight weighing down his body disappear. He shifted his gaze and looked behind Rachel.

“Let go of this! “Let go!”

Rachel was struggling, being lifted by someone.

“… … Oh, Abel Kindreal?”

Theodore’s eyes twitched as he identified that person.

‘How can he get here?’

How could you enter this room following the emperor’s orders? Are you saying that the officials outside let him in?

“Don’t let this go!?”

Despite Rachel’s cries, Abel

“You’re trying to kill His Majesty the Emperor. “Are you out of your mind, saint?”

He suddenly twisted Rachel’s wrist.


Rachel ended up losing the dagger. Abel caught the falling dagger and let Rachel go.

“… … .”

Rachel just glared at Abel, wheezing. He felt the overwhelming difference in power and became calm.

“Abel Kindreal.”

Even though Theodore was embarrassed, he was glad to see Abel. He put off questioning the situation until later and told him.

“Please help me up.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Abel came striding over and lifted Theodore up with one hand. Is it an illusion that the movement seems somewhat careless?

“Your Majesty’s behavior is outrageous.”

Abel sat Theodore down on an empty chair and sighed.

“How can they make the emperor of a country look like this? … .”

Is it an illusion that the muttering of regret seems somehow joyful?

“… … Abel, here you are.”

Theodore felt the strange sense of discomfort he had felt earlier, in fact, from the conference hall, becoming more intense.

“How did you get in here?”

“I think His Majesty’s life is in danger.”

Abel walked over to the bed, covering himself.


He neatly tore off the string attached to the bed curtain.

“Where can you find such a loyal subject? “Right?”

“Don’t change your mind.”

Theodore gritted his teeth and glared at Abel.

“How did you get in here?”

“… … .”

Instead of answering, Abel returned to Theodore with a refreshing smile.

“Abel Kindreal!”

Theodore widened his eyes. Abel began to tie Theodore’s body with curtain strings.

“Why can’t we stop right now!”

Abel didn’t even listen and was only focused on tying him up.

“What did Philip do? Is it like this?”

While saying something incomprehensible.


Theodore looked towards the door and shouted at the top of his voice.

“Is there anyone out there? “Right now, right now, this guy-”

“It’s no use.”

Abel whispered softly to Theodore.

“I didn’t come in there.”


Theodore paused in surprise.

Suddenly, a thought passed through his mind. In addition to that door, his bedroom had another passage leading to the outside.

“no way… … ?”


Abel went back to Rachel and gave her back the dagger he was holding.

“Come on, saintess.”

He pushed Rachel on her back and brought her back to Theodore. To him who is tied tightly to a chair and unable to move.

“Just keep doing what you were doing.”

Abel smiled innocently and added in a dark tone.

“Just don’t kill me.”


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