I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 231

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Chapter 30. Hunting a cornered rat. (9)

After recovering the bodies of the knights from the messed up room.

The people who had prevented Siena’s terror in the imperial palace, the royal family members who had escaped the attack elsewhere in the imperial palace, and even the nobles who had decided to stand on the emperor’s side all sat together.

In other words, it had to be seen that everyone except the families attached to the Ardante family were gathered here.


Emperor Theodore did not hide the displeasure on his face.

From losing Joshua, the commander of the Imperial Palace Knights, to being helplessly tied to Mana and unable to do anything, to being thrown to the ground, completely alienated by people.

All of that combined made him extremely uncomfortable.

‘This is probably the first time I’ve seen a day like this.’

Since his accession to the throne.

So, it was understandable that he was making such a blatantly shit-chewing expression.

“… … first,”

Emperor Theodore opened his mouth as if chewing.

“I’d like to hear an explanation of what happened.”

His red gaze turned to me.

“… … Abel Kindreal.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“It looks like you are familiar with that boy wizard.”

Ekarot, who had been pointed out, glanced at me.

‘It’s okay, stay still.’

I whispered to him.

“You probably know what the wizards have done to the empire. “Couldn’t this be seen as a conspiracy with wizards?”

Emperor Theodore’s eyes flashed sharply as if he had caught prey.

“I know a wizard… … ?”

“I’m not sure if we can stay together like this right now… … .”

“Why are those wizards here?”

The people sitting together also whispered with anxious faces. It was natural that the fear of wizards was deeply rooted in one’s bones.

Ekarot stayed calm as I said, and Midnell also had an expressionless expression that made it hard to tell what was inside.

Sienna had been exhausted from crying for a long time. She just held her position with her head down helplessly.

“I’m telling you, Prince Hwang,”

My elegant voice captured the somewhat noisy space.

“Your Majesty, it is extremely unfair to place Ekarot on the same level as ‘them’.”

He subtly emphasized the word ‘they’ and pointed with his finger at Sienna, who was sitting far away.

“Those wizards, those who fell for Sienna’s trick and willingly committed terrorism.”

In a relaxed manner, I recited Ekarot’s actions in detail.

“Ekarot took the risk of being discovered by multiple wizards and secretly helped me.”

“… … .”

“We notified the wizards in advance where they were heading, or provided support through appropriate tools.”

Leah, who received my gaze, opened her mouth.

“I also entered the lake thanks to that wizard. “We captured two fire mages there.”

Other nobles also stepped in and added their words in a timely manner.

“Some wizards suddenly collapsed. “I guess that was the wizard’s help.”

“I heard that the Vittoria Jewelry Store was also broken into. Fortunately, they said it was subdued right away.”

“Oh, come to think of it?”

Someone said, hitting his forehead.

“There was a huge fireworks whirlwind in front of the mansion, but it suddenly disappeared.”

“The survivors say that a black knight appeared.”

“also… … !”

Admiration waved across people’s faces.

“He truly deserves to be called the messenger of God.”

“You always don’t show up when the empire is in danger.”

“To kill all those wizards single-handedly… … .”

As people exchanged praise for the Black Knight in heated tones,

“… … Huh.”

Emperor Theodore cleared his throat and made the people stop. He probably didn’t like this situation where the Black Knight was revered.

“It looks like that wizard is the root of all this.”

At Emperor Theodore’s words, everyone’s eyes focused on Siena. To her still motionless as if she were dead.

“Did you say Ekarot? “Why didn’t you stop him at the Wizard’s Tower?”

There was criticism that Sienna should have been stopped sooner.

“Doesn’t this mean that everyone in the Wizard’s Tower participated in his plan?”

It was aimed not only at Ekarot but also at Midnell, who was sitting next to him.

“… … .”

Ekarot looked at Emperor Theodore with an expressionless face,

“… … .”

Midnell also turned his closed face towards Emperor Theodore.


The nobles who were watching this swallowed their saliva. The moment when tension appeared on everyone’s faces,




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Ekarot raised his hand.


The nobles shrugged their shoulders without realizing it.

The disaster that occurred every time the wizards moved their hands was deeply engraved in the bones of the nobles.

However, instead of moving mana, Ekarot

“Can I answer?”

he asked quietly.

“… … ah.”

“… … her.”

The nobles sighed as if their spirits had eased. Emperor Theodore was equally relieved, but

“… … “Tell me.”

He succeeded in answering in a resolute voice. He truly had the facial expression of a country’s emperor.

“Not all wizards followed Sienna. “Some were willing to participate, but most refused and resisted.”

Ekarot began to express his opinion in a sonorous voice.

“But Siena coerced us by borrowing the authority of Midnell, the owner of the magic tower. Breaking it would be destroying the tradition of the Magic Tower.”

Cleverly, he didn’t mention anything about my instructions.

In other words, let Sienna control Midnell and pretend to follow her for a while.

“I wanted to protect the remaining good wizards.”

Ekarot did not feel intimidated at all in front of so many people.

“Those who did not commit any wrongdoing and ultimately maintained their morals.”

He said what he had to say until the end, and his voice did not waver one bit.

‘When did that guy…’ … .’

I felt an overwhelming feeling as I looked at him.

The guy who was screaming that he was going to kill everyone at the auction house is now proudly expressing his opinion in front of nobles.

His sallow face was even prettier than that of a nobleman, and the magician’s unique energy radiating from his small body overwhelmed the conference hall.

“… … .”

Even Midnell looked at Ekarot while holding his breath. An indescribable emotion flashed across his face.


Midnell was seen clenching his fists on the table.

‘Is that really the case?’

I could clearly see what he was thinking and what decision he had made at this moment.

In that case, I guess I should drive a wedge here.

“How can you believe that? “There is already a precedent.”

“It’s obvious. “All wizards are fooled!”

“The damage caused by this wizards’ terror attack is severe. “How can I compensate for this?”

As expected, people did not easily accept Ekarot’s words. The most controversial thing in the back and forth debate is,

“Everyone now,”

It was trust toward the wizard.

“Are you saying you don’t trust Ekarot?”

As I looked around the audience and asked, the conference room instantly became quiet.

“Isn’t that a reasonable situation?”

What broke the silence was Emperor Theodore’s hushed voice.

“Think about the harm that wizards have caused the empire recently. “The fact that they are sitting here means that I have made many concessions.”

His intentions were clearly visible.

A very insidious intention to put the Wizard’s Tower, which had been one step away from his rule, inside it.

Maybe it will come back later as legislation restricting wizards.

‘No, he’s still a human being.’

A human who would put leashes around the necks of wizards and raise them as his own loyal dogs.

That was the Theodore Maggiore Impero I knew.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

I spoke in an extremely serious voice.

“Can we say that the actions of a few people with evil intentions represent the whole?”

“… … .”

“More than anything, I can guarantee Ekarot’s sincerity.”

He raised one hand, placed it on his chest, and lowered his voice. So that my voice can spread throughout the conference room.

“Well, Abel Ovest Kindreal is his sponsor.”

People widened their eyes in surprise.

“Huh, sponsor?”

“Uh, since when?”

He looked at them carefully and answered clearly.

“Since the time Ekarot entered the Wizard’s Tower. “I have been observing his activities and research all along.”

Ekarot stared at me with his eyes twitching.

“He never for a moment forgot his pride as a wizard. “Searching for truth and looking higher.”

Lastly, he looked at Emperor Theodore and spoke.

“Doubting Ekaroth is the same as suspecting Abel Kindreal.”

I said it elegantly, but this is what I meant.

‘If you curse at Ekarot, you will be left behind.’

The conference room was filled with silence.

“… … .”

It was because everyone who understood what I meant kept their mouths shut.

There was no one who complained about my opinion, which currently holds the greatest influence in the empire.

The same was true of Emperor Theodore.

“… … .”

He furrowed his eyebrows slightly, but did not criticize Ekarot any more.

Because everyone knows that Leah and I entered the imperial palace and saved him and the saint.

However, that did not mean that things went back to what magicians, including Sienna, had never done.

“… … .”

People were silent, but their dissatisfaction was evident in the glances they exchanged.


At that moment, Midnell raised his hand.

“May I speak?”

When I asked Emperor Theodore, a ray of satisfaction flashed across Theodore’s face.

“… … However much.”

That stiff Midnell asked to speak first. Even the guidance that appears on the outside must have been very excited on the inside.

“I, Midnell Heist, as the lord of the magic tower, am keenly aware of my responsibility for this incident.”

The audience’s attention was focused on Midnell’s face with closed eyes.

“I was foolish and weak. “I wasn’t bold when I had to make a decision.”

Midnell continued to speak in a calm tone, perhaps aware of the gaze that was pierced like arrows.

“I believed in my vision, and we were together… … .”

Midnell’s eyelids trembled slightly. A ripple spread across his voice.

“… … “I believed in time.”

Sienna’s shoulders trembled. She saw Sienna lift her tear-soaked face and look at her midnelle.

“Master… … .”

Midnell did not look at anyone. He just looked straight ahead and continued his speech.

“Even though I was controlled by someone else’s magic, I will not use that as an excuse to justify myself. “Everything is my fault.”

He took a short breath and then spit out the words.

“… … “I, Midnell, will take responsibility for this situation and resign from my position as the Magic Tower Lord.”

People exchanged looks with puzzled faces. At times, she couldn’t hide her emotions and opened her mouth wide open.

“… … !”

The same was true for Sienna, who was exhausted. Her complexion, which was originally pale, has now turned pale.

“I need a more detailed explanation.”

Emperor Theodore asked Midnell while stroking his chin. His red eyes were busy making various calculations.

“First and foremost, we will help the victims recover.”

Midnell’s voice was dry, as if speaking of duty.

“Anything for the restoration of wealth and mansion, for the bereaved family. Even if I give it my all.”

A magic tower lord who received the respect and support of all wizards. Despite being the strongest and the best,

“After that, I will return to my hometown. “To a life that no longer uses magic.”

Midnell calmly announced his end.

“… … .”

Sienna’s whole body began to tremble.

The position he wanted to climb to more than anyone else, and the strength he never wanted to let go of. Midnell was saying that he would let go too easily.

“Huh, the wizard is giving up magic… … .”

“Isn’t it the same as cutting off all the knight’s limbs?”

The nobles murmured and looked at Midnell. Emperor Theodore also looked at him with a stricken expression.

Midnell, who was sitting like a stone statue, turned his head to the side.

“My student, Sienna, will also join us in the process.”

“… … .”

“I committed something irreversible after falling for someone else’s sweet temptation, so I will have to pay for that sin.”

Sienna clenched her fists tightly. She was helpless as she could no longer move her mana.

“and… … .”

Midnell turned his head in the other direction. In that place was Ekarot, whose eyes shined like a morning star.

“… … “I would like to announce the new magic tower spell here.”

Midnell’s hand gently squeezed Ekarot’s shoulder.



Ekarot had a slightly surprised look on his face, but on the other hand, he answered as if it were a bit obvious, as if he knew this would happen.

“Ekarot Noblesse.”

Midnell smiled slightly as he looked at Ekarot.

“That is your new name and the name of the new Mage Tower Lord.”


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