I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 219

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Chapter 29. Above the one who runs, there is the one who flies. (7)


A cold feeling began to surround Aria’s sword body.

“If that’s the case… … .”

Leah coolly calculated the size and power of the fireball. And she strengthened the hand holding Aria.


The fireball thrown by Ian was the first to fly. Leia lightly swung both her arms and split his fire sphere.


Flame and cold collided, canceling out each other’s power. At the same time, hazy vapor burst out like an explosion.


Leah gritted her teeth and escaped through the gap. And then he was met with a second fireball flying at me.

When Leah put her hands together, the two Aryas came together to form one ice spear. The tip of the spear pierced exactly into the center of the fireball.


The strongly concentrated power of cold annihilated the fireball.


Water droplets poured down around Leah. It was because Aria’s cold was stronger than the magic flame.

Drop, drop.

Drops of water flowed down Leah’s chin.

“… … .”

Leah didn’t even think about drying herself off. He just stared at the two boys in front of him with an expressionless face.

“Wow! It’s awesome!”

“tremendous! cool!”

Ian and Colin jumped up and down in their seats and clapped.

“What is that sword? “Is it a magic sword?”

“Isn’t that by any chance? Aria, the Sword of Winter?”

“Oh right! “You said you came to the Wizard’s Tower before, right?”

Curiosity flashed across the faces of the two boys. They looked at Leah here and there as if they were curious.

“Wow, you’re really pretty!”

“She’s pretty, but she’s good at using a sword! the best!”

Ian and Colin’s eyes sparkled. He had the face of an innocent child, with no sense of guilt about anything he had done so far.

“… … .”

Leah closed her eyes tightly.

My heart felt as if it was burning. It was the second time in a long time that she had felt this strong since she held Aria.

The first time was when Cain Ardante came up with a marriage story that didn’t even make sense.

If I felt anger and contempt then, now… … .

‘It’s painful.’

The sights she encountered before reaching those two wizards disturbed her mind.

“Ah, ah… … .”

“It hurts, it hurts… … .”

People were moaning and holding on to their half-melted limbs.

It would have been better for those who had died instantly. He would have died without even having a chance to feel pain.

‘Abel… … .’

I thought I knew why he sent me here.

Only Leah was able to stop the rampage of these fire wizards and quell the flames here.

Meanwhile, Ian and Colin were staring at Leah.

“Sister, what are you doing? Are you mad?”

“Come play with us, okay?”

Without hesitation, he approached her and asked.

They had a huge crush on Leah, who easily destroyed their magic.

“I’ll throw something bigger this time!”

“Or should I throw it faster? “Can you stop that too?”

The problem is that it was a false crush that fueled Leah’s anger.

“… … what?”

Leah felt the anger she had barely managed to calm down begin to boil over again.

“… … “Are you okay?”

A chewing voice came out between Leah’s clenched lips.

“People are in such pain… … “Don’t you feel any guilt?”

“Why should we do that?”

Ian asked back as if he couldn’t understand Leah’s question.

“Siena said that humans who aren’t wizards are useless bugs!”

Colin said, tilting his head.

“You have to get rid of bugs!”

“You can’t leave even one behind! “It grows quickly!”

As the two boys continued speaking, the expression gradually disappeared from Leah’s face.

“Ah, but I’ll leave your sister out! “You’re not a bug!”

“that’s right! She’s pretty and good at fighting! “It’s useful!”

“… … .”

Leah felt the urge to shut the two boys up. By any means possible.



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“… … Phew.”

Leah calmly took a breath. Trying to forget the throbbing pain in her head.

I didn’t have time to stay here like this. I didn’t want to waste even a single second.


I had to deal with those boys and go collect the victims. Any further conversation was unnecessary.


Aria was faithful to her emotional changes. The harsh coldness gradually subsided and smoothly covered the surface of the sword.

At this moment, Leia felt more one with Arya than ever before.

“Sister, come play with us!”

“You can’t run away!”

Ian and Colin smiled broadly and spread their hands. A whip of flame stretched out and flew towards Leah.


The tip of the whip caught each Arya. He then exposed his hot teeth and tried to pull Aria away.


Blood appeared on Leah’s forehead. As she held Aria tightly,


The cold air that burst out wrapped around the tip of the whip. Then he quickly went back and froze the entire whip.



Ian and Colin were startled and pulled away their hands.


Whips of ice that had lost their support poured down on the ground. Leah’s feet trampled on it.


On the broken piece of ice, Leah coldly chanted.

“Let’s get this over with.”

Ian and Colin were in tears.

“Hey, I don’t like it!”

“no! Let’s play more!”

When Ian swung both hands, countless fire arrows were created.

“Who wants to end it however they want!”

With an angry cry, fiery arrows were shot at Leah.


Leah started running to the side. Ian saw that and laughed out loud.

“haha! Are you stupid?! I couldn’t avoid this… … .”

Ian’s mouth stopped.

Let’s go!

When Leia ran and scratched Aria on the floor, the cold air that rose from there created a wall.


The fiery arrows collided with the ice wall. None of them penetrated the wall and reached Leah.

“No, that… … .”

Ian was so surprised that he gaped. She missed Leah, who was jumping up and down her ice wall.

“Ian, be careful!”

Colin warned and threw a fireball at Leah.

“You can’t avoid this?!”

It is difficult to turn your body in the air. But for Leah, it was possible.


Freezing a point in the air with Aria,


I lightly touched that spot and twisted my body. At the same time, I gained more jumping power and jumped high.



The moment Ian and Colin opened their mouths in a daze, Leah landed behind Ian.


The blade of Leah’s hand hit Ian in the back of the neck.

“Ugh… … .”

Ian closed his eyes and fell to the floor.


Colin’s face contorted in embarrassment. In an instant, hostility replaced favor.

“If you touch Ian, even my sister won’t leave you alone!”

Colin shouted and lunged at Leah. Even as he lost his reason, his talent faithfully demonstrated its power.


A huge lion of flame appeared. He was Colin’s favorite animal king.


The lion’s large paw tried to strike Leah.


Instead of building a wall of ice like before, Leah


Aria’s two sword bodies crossed. A dazzling blue light burst out and colored Colin’s eyes.


Colin momentarily raised his arms and covered his face. And when he took his arms away again,

“… … uh?”

I was completely dumbfounded.


The great flame messenger was no more. Instead, there remained a statue of a lion frozen in the same pose as it was swinging its front paw.

“Uh, uhh. How… … .”

Colin nodded and pointed at the lion. I became dizzy before the overwhelming power gap.


In an instant, Leah rushed in front of him and hit Colin’s solar plexus.

“Keck… … .”

Colin stumbled and fell down. The child’s body easily collapsed at the slightest impact.

“At least… … .”

In front of the two boy wizards collapsed on the floor, Leia swallowed down her emotions for a moment.

“Because of something like this, these little guys… … .”

The area around the lake was now quiet. Except for the screams of people and the sound of burning trees coming from afar.

“Lady Leia!”

Several knights ran towards Leah. They were members of the Nord Knights who were deployed here along with Leah.

“For now, all survivors have been evacuated.”

“The body is being recovered.”

“… … i get it.”

Leah turned around after hearing the report. And then she let out her cracked voice.

“Take him.”

“These boys… … ?”

“He’s a wizard.”

The knights’ faces hardened. Only then did they realize that these boys were the main culprits in causing the terrible terrorist attack.

“For the young lady… … .”

“There is still work to be done.”

Leah started walking towards the burning forest.

Plop, plod.

Each step was filled with cold anger like frost.

“Cain Ardante… … .”

He was the one responsible for all these tragedies.

“I can’t forgive you.”

Leah’s face became cold. Completely so that no amount of heat can melt it.

* * *

[The lake side was also resolved well.]

Ekarot’s voice rang in my ears.


At the same time, a strong wind made my hair flutter.

The place where I am currently standing was the bell tower, the highest point in the central square.

From here, you can enjoy a panoramic view of the capital.


I made a shade with one hand and looked into the distance. Even if you don’t do this, you can still see it well.

“I feel like it has to be like this.”

[yes? What did you just say?]

“no. “Just talk to yourself.”

He smiled helplessly and lowered his hand.

The terror of wizards taking place all over the capital was visible in my field of vision. There were fires in some places, strong winds in others, and lightning strikes in others.

“You’re also diligent.”

The wizards followed the instructions of Midnell, or more specifically, Sienna, and raided various places. The location and the wizard’s characteristics are all like this,

[Five wizards just left that direction.]

It was being exposed in real time by Ekarot.

Thanks to this, Elice and Leah were placed in the right places to minimize damage. The Ovest Knights who followed me to the capital also made good use of it.

“A wizard appears on Fifth Avenue! “I use a mental curse!”

“It showed up here too! “There are three of us!”

The Imperial Palace Knights and knights from other families also quickly responded. However, like me, I was not fully prepared and it felt like it was too late.

“My, my arm! “Aaaah!”

“It’s hot! “It’s hot!”

The wizards showed off their magic as if now was their chance.

They destroyed buildings using elemental magic such as wind and fire, or used curses to confuse people.

Their attacks did not discriminate between nobles and commoners, adults and children, men and women.

It was an unstoppable act of terror, as if to vent his anger, or rather, as if to relieve the anger that had built up over the years.

“Tsk tsk… … .”

Did Cain know that things would turn out like this? No, you wouldn’t have known. I guess that’s why she held hands with Sienna.

“It didn’t work out, it didn’t work out.”

As I muttered that, a happy smile appeared on my lips.

Cain will completely lose public support due to this incident. Now all he has left is to suppress people and rule through fear.

“Becoming emperor justly and honorably has passed.”

Although he was not a very just person to begin with.

This completely confirmed my conviction.

Now this world is completely different from the original I knew. All developments were twisted and an unprecedented incident occurred.

‘It’s still true that Cain is incredibly lucky.’

My efforts were not in vain.

Many of the people who had stayed by Cain’s side have now moved to my side. We shared the same thoughts as me and were creating a future together.

I will never be defeated. We will twist our fate and survive.


He opened his mouth with a confident smile.

“How are you doing?”

[I’m following behind some wizards.]

Ekarot answered in a sour voice.

[I watched him somehow, but he was only using frivolous magic.]

“… … .”

[Ugh, that kind of thing is called magic. Brother, wait a moment.]

Ekarot’s voice broke off. As he waited in silence, he came back again.

[The magic was canceled by inverse calculation. After repeating this a few times, I’m confused and confused.]

The magic inverse operation is twice as difficult as the creation. To be able to do that so casually was, after all, Ekarot-like.


I could see a portal forming below. Five people walked out through the gap.

“The guys you mentioned are here.”

[is it so? Then let me tell you what kind of wizards they are. first… … .]

“I do not need.”

I ended my communication with Ekarot by jumping down from the bell tower.

“When I give the signal, you can come over.”

My heart beat lightly with pleasant tension. He was naturally excited at the thought of dealing with wizards.

“Who should I take care of first?”

A cruel smile crossed my lips.


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