I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 218

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Chapter 29. Above the one who runs, there is the one who flies. (6)

Joel was originally the eldest son of Viscount. However, his fortune declined and he eventually fell.

At that time, he had to run away from those who demanded debt. It was an extremely humiliating and miserable life.

Then, Joel realized something.


That you can control the flow of air around you.

The desire to escape from this place and to run fast blossomed into magical talent.

Eventually, he entered the Wizard’s Tower and became a master of wind magic.

“ha ha ha… … .”

Joel trudged towards the store he had set his sights on.

“Give me this necklace.”

“Is the ring next to it a set? “I want to buy it together.”

It was a high-end jewelry store filled with well-dressed nobles. A large sign hung above the wide entrance.

[Vitoria Jewelry Store]

Joel’s eyes sparkled with greed.

‘jewel… … .’

Everyone who chased him died. But Joel didn’t stop there; he wanted to build even more wealth.

“Did you pile it up like that for me to take away?”

Joel chuckled and raised his hands.


The air began to swirl and gather above my palm.

“Wait, what are you?”

“Stop there.”

The guards who discovered Joel stopped him.


Joel’s eyes glowed eerily as he looked at them.


The air gathered in his hands, crying more harshly.

“You, really?”


The moment the guards finally realized his identity,


The spear of wind pierced the guard’s chest.

“Ugh… … .”

The guard fell forward, blood spurting from his mouth.


There was no need to retrieve the weapon. When the Wind Spear finished its work, it naturally dispersed.

“Ugh, ugh!”

The one remaining guard took a step back.

That moment,


The blade of wind cut his body diagonally.

“Kruk…” … .”

The guard’s body was broken into two pieces and scattered.

Bang, bang.

A puddle of blood began to spread along with the horrifying sound of flesh pouring out.


“Someone died!”

“Wow, magic! “He’s a wizard!”

The sudden attack caused great confusion among the nobles.

“Run away!”

“Save people!”

The nobles who were standing near the entrance rushed outside.




The bodies of the nobles who rushed out were torn to pieces.

“Huh, huh… … .”

“evil… … .”

The marks were so terrible that several noble ladies fainted.

“Oh my.”

Joel drew a devilish smile on his lips.

“So you have to look ahead carefully.”

He had already surrounded the building with a wall of wind. A wall with small but sharp blades of wind constantly moving.

“iced coffee… … .”

“Save me… … .”

The faces of the nobles turned white. They could not move even a single step for fear that they would end up like the dead.

Step by step.



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Joel approached the wall of wind. The air that had been so stubborn gave way in front of Joel.

“Hehe… … .”

Joel let out a low laugh and looked at the terrified nobles.

“They look good. “It’s like a rat trapped in a glass jar.”

The nobles, who had been shouting at others their whole lives, cowered in front of the diminutive Joel and were unable to say anything.

“ha ha ha!”

That fact made Joel even more excited. It made me wonder why Midnell had prevented this fun thing from happening until now.


Joel looked carefully inside the store. He gazed at the luxurious and extravagant decorations and the jewels contained in the transparent glass box.

“That’s great.”

Joel reached for a glass box.


The wind from his fingertips lifted the glass box. And then it carefully flew towards Joel.


Finally, the glass box was placed on Joel’s hand.

Joel peeled off the glass and picked up the huge gem inside.

“Is it a diamond?”

The weight, the dazzling radiance, everything was mesmerizing. Even more so thanks to the gazes of the nobles looking at him without even being able to breathe.

It was then.

“Sir, please stop.”

A young woman’s refreshing voice flew in.


Joel turned his head in the direction where the voice came from.

A woman with bright blonde hair tied up high was standing on the central stairs. Next to her was a middle-aged person wearing white gloves.

“We will not tolerate any further disruption of business.”

Her bright blue eyes sparkled with cold anger.

“… … joy!”

Joel snorted proudly. He seemed to be the owner of the store, but it was funny what he believed and went out there.

Joel raised his hand towards the blonde woman.

“die… … .”

Just as she was about to manipulate the air around her,


A sharp sound came from next to my ear.


Joel hurriedly moved the air around him to form a shield.


Let’s block the attack by a narrow margin,

“Oh, that’s fascinating?”

“Is this magic?”

I saw three men retreating from me.

“Tch, there was a part of me that believed in it.”

Joel maintained the shield with one hand while creating wind daggers with the other.

“I’ll kill you one by one.”

No matter how fast you were, you couldn’t be faster than the wind.

Joel was going to kill him before they attempted their next attack. But things did not go as he expected.

Awesome! Yep!

This is because the men’s attack was stronger than expected. Every time they swung their swords, the air split and the shield shook precariously.

“this… … “Children!”

Joel hurriedly fired a dagger aimed at the men’s necks.

Hung! Huh!

Now it was their turn to have blood pouring out of their necks.



One of them struck down his sword with such force that it cut the wind in two.


One stabs the exact center of the wind and stirs up the air,


One of them tilted his chin and dodged the dagger.

“… … “What is it?”

Joel was so embarrassed that he froze in place. This was the first time that his attack was destroyed like this.

“It’s easy, it’s easy. “It’s easy, but it’s too easy.”

“Compared to the master’s sword, it’s just like a crawler.”

If that wasn’t enough, the three people even giggled among themselves.

“I can avoid it even with my eyes closed.”

“What? Then I close my eyes and stab you.”

“These? “Then I’ll try cutting with my eyes closed.”

Joel was shocked when he saw that.

They were not afraid of Joel at all, and rather acted as if his magic was a fun toy.

It was ridiculous. I can’t believe you’re leisurely telling jokes with a wizard in front of you.

“You bastards!”

Joel burst out in anger and put his hands together. He even gave up the protective shield around his body and prepared for the next attack.

“How dare you ignore me, Joel, the great wizard!”

Powered by his anger, the air gathered together at an incredible speed. His hair was wild and the hem of his clothes was fluttering wildly.

Whoosh whoosh!

Countless blades of wind were created. It was a powerful magic that, if it passed by, would disappear from the world without even leaving a trace.

Despite the terrifying sight,

“Ah, it was a good thing you followed me, Master.”

“It’s much more fun than dealing with monsters.”

“Among the Ovest Knights, there are no people with experiences like us, right?”

The three people were laughing so leisurely. That sight made Joel even more angry.

“I’m dying!”

Joel stretched his arms forward vigorously. No, he was trying to stretch.


Suddenly, I felt a sharp, stabbing pain down my spine.

“W-what… … ?”

From there, things like cold ice cubes began to spread. The sensation instantly spreads throughout the body,

“Uh, uh… … .”

Joel’s entire body was paralyzed.


Joel’s body, stiff as a piece of wood, fell to the floor.


The blades of wind were scattered by the breeze, and the wall surrounding the building also disappeared.

“It’s a surprise attack with this taste.”

Dexter, the man standing behind Joel, grinned. Likewise, smiles spread across the faces of Hayden, Roland, and Klaus of the Ovest Knights.


Elice, the owner of Vittoria Upper, went down one step.

“Thank you all for your hard work.”

The corner of Elice’s mouth curved.

* * *


Trees fell one after another and flames raged.



“Run away!”

People were distraught and scattered indiscriminately.

Originally, this was a lakeside area in the capital famous for its beautiful scenery. In winter, the lake freezes, and you can enjoy various activities on it.

But now the place was burning brightly, as if hell had unfolded.

“ha ha ha!”


By just two boys, Ian and Colin.

The two boys were twins, born in the cold northern region. Suffering from cold and hunger, they developed a talent for fire magic.

On the other hand, it also amplified the sadistic tendencies that were dormant inside them.

“Oh, it’s fun!”

“Everyone die!”

They created balls of flame and threw them at random. Sometimes to a tree, sometimes to a lakeside, and sometimes to a person.

It didn’t matter which being it hit. I just liked the fireworks burning. Furthermore, I wanted to set the whole world on fire.

“Oh, I should have done this a long time ago!”

“Why did Midnell tell me to endure it until now?”

“That’s right! “It’s so much fun!”

The two boys smiled brightly and continued to joke around.

It was like that. This was just a ‘prank’ to them.

“Ahh! “My legs!”

“mom… … . “Mom!”

The sight of people crying in pain gave them no remorse.

Like a child digging an ant’s hole and pouring water on it. I just giggle as I look at the ants struggling in the water.

“Oh, the lake is only half melted yet.”

“Let’s melt everything! “Let’s get rid of all the ice left over there!”

“good! “Let’s go!”

The two boys ran excitedly to the lakeside. I raised both hands above my head and began to concentrate.


The fist-sized ball of flame gradually expanded and eventually became the size of the bodies of two people.

“Now, if you say one, two, three, you’re throwing!”


The two boys counted the numbers, each holding a huge fireball.



That moment,


Someone appeared behind the two boys.



On the way here, you burned everyone you saw?

The two boys looked back in shock. And then I found a girl standing there with her brilliant platinum-blond hair flowing.

“… … .”

The girl’s face was horribly stiff.

The light shining from the emerald eyes was so fierce that the two boys froze for a moment.

Next moment,


The girl started running towards them.

“Uh, huh?”

“Don’t come any closer!”

Ian and Colin waved the girl in their arms. Pretending to blow her ball of flame at her.

“If you keep coming, I’ll throw you away!”

“Throwing? Are you really throwing it?”

The girl didn’t say anything. She just keeps her mouth shut and runs straight towards them.

“Profit, die!”

“Take it!”

Ian and Colin finally swung their arms towards the girl.


The ball of flame began to fly towards the girl, burning the air it touched.


The girl, Leah, raised her arms and crossed them. The moment my emerald eyes froze blue like frost,


Aria appeared in both her hands.


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