I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 216

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Chapter 29. Above the one who runs, there is the one who flies. (4)

“Who, who?”

“What are you guys?”

Even nobles who managed their facial expressions could not hide their emotions.

The scarlet portal that suddenly appeared in the center of the conference hall and the presence of the two people calmly walking out of it were so foreign.

“no way… … .”

“That person… … .”

Some nobles seemed to recognize Midnell. They were people who mainly lived in the capital and therefore knew about the Wizard’s Tower.

“… … Wizard.”

A small murmur poured out of the mouth of Leah, who was sitting right next to him.

Since she had visited the Wizard’s Tower before, she immediately recognized their identity.

“Midnell Heist.”

Theodore sat in the chair and made a disgruntled expression.

“What is going on here without a message? “And to visit in such a rude manner.”

“… … under.”

A cold sneer seemed to pass over Sienna’s lips,

“The wizard does not need permission to move.”

Midnell slowly opened his mouth.

“You just go where you want to go.”

It was a very arrogant way of speaking, not like the person I knew.

“… … !”

The nobles were shocked when they sensed the hostility shown by Midnell and Sienna.

Theodore also could not hide the embarrassment on his face.

“Midnell, you… … .”

“The reason I came to the imperial palace today is to convey this message.”

Midnell even cut Theodore’s words to pieces.


The nobles’ mouths opened wide. Theodore also had a look of displeasure over his face.

“As of today, the Wizard’s Tower withdraws its support for the Impero Imperial Family.”

However, following Midnell’s words, Theodore forgot even the thought of expressing his displeasure.

“And I wish to elect a new emperor.”


It seemed like a large rock had fallen into the conference hall. No, it felt like a huge snowball had fallen on my head.

To that extent, the atmosphere in the conference room completely froze.

“… … .”

The nobles no longer had the courage to open their mouths. Even Frederick was making a stupid face, so he must have been appalled.

“… … “What did you say now?”

Emperor Theodore gritted his teeth.

“Midnell Heist. “Have you forgotten the unspoken agreement between the Wizard’s Tower and the Impero royal family?”

His nostrils fluttered wildly.

“The Wizard’s Tower does not take any political stance. Wasn’t that a principle?”

“I did,”

Midnell answered in a calm voice. No emotional turmoil was visible above his closed eyes.

“I don’t need to follow the rules.”

He flipped his palm up and down as if showing off.

“Who would take a promise to a mere animal seriously?”

Now the inside of the conference room was so cold that a chill began to hit.

To that extent, Midnell’s remarks were extremely cruel, arrogant, and high-handed.

‘It’s just an animal.’

In fact, an ordinary human could appear that way in a wizard’s eyes.

The problem was that it was Midnell, not anyone else, who said that line.

“… … Midnell Heist!”

Emperor Theodore could not bear it and became angry.

“You checked it yourself! “There is a wizard involved in the temple attack!”

He jumped up from his seat and his exasperated voice continued.

“Are you holding a grudge over what happened last time? In that case, you could just request an official meeting. What nonsense! Did I eat something wrong?!”

“you’re welcome. I am very rational. So please take a seat.”

Midnell responded calmly and snapped his fingers.


At that moment, the yellow-brown magic power that arose caused Theodore’s body to collapse again.


Theodore’s face was cruelly distorted as he was forced to sit down.

“… … oh my god.”

“… … this.”

The nobles’ complexions turned pale.

It’s surprising that he even dared to touch the emperor’s body, because the means used was magical power.

There was no one who could control Midnell, who was currently standing in the conference hall. The lives of everyone in this conference room were in his hands.

“… … .”



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The nobles looked at Midnell with fearful eyes. Emperor Theodore also could not bear to show the same raw anger as before.


While an eerie silence passes through the conference hall,

‘Midnell did something wrong.’

I rested my chin on one side and looked at the scene that made me laugh.

“… … Hehehe.”

Especially Sienna, who was standing next to Midnell and smiling faintly.

She was truly thrilled. The current situation where people are afraid of Midnell.

‘How can I not get in trouble after using that girl’s magic?’

I clicked my tongue and looked at Midnell’s calm face again.

On the outside, it looks like nothing is wrong, but a fierce battle for leadership is probably going on inside him.

Nevertheless, the fact that it is not noticeable at all means that there is no chance of winning in Midnell’s fight right now.

‘It looks like they’ve created a very terrible magic.’

I already knew this from Ekarot, but seeing it with my own eyes was even more surprising.

I made a promise while looking at Sienna’s smile.

‘I’ll repay this debt with interest.’

I expected it from the moment I first became involved with Cain. That she would firmly block my path.

Originally, Sienna was the second-in-command who was pinned down by Ekarot in the original work.

However, now that Ekarot had become calmer, she was freely revealing her suppressed nature and making a fuss.

‘They say that if there’s no cat, mice come out and play.’

Well, I thought it would be like this, so I prepared for it.

[Brother, what happened? Nothing special, right?]

Ekarot delivered a worrying message again. But he couldn’t answer in a situation like now where he could even hear the sound of breathing.

“Everyone, listen carefully.”

Midnell’s calm voice broke the silence.

“First, please deliver the saint’s identity to His Majesty Emperor Cain Ardante.”

“… … .”

“Second, stop your useless resistance and surrender.”

Midnell’s expression was not disturbed at all.

It was truly amazing that all of those facial expressions, lines, and actions were all caused by Sienna’s puppet magic.

‘It seems like Midnell speaks of his own accord.’

Because his eyes were closed, his facial expressions were less visible, which also played a role. It is said that the eyes are the window to the heart.

“If you do that, I will advise your Majesty, my new Emperor.”

“… … .”

“Save your worthless lives.”

Theodore gripped the armrests of the chair tightly. The back of his veiny hand was trembling.

“I will give you a three-day grace period. “Theodore, you will need time to think.”

Midnell, or rather Sienna, continued speaking without heeding anything.

“Of course, this is not a proposal.”

The corner of Sienna’s mouth tilted up.

“It is an order that cannot be refused. “I risked my life.”

The nobles looked at each other with pale faces. Their gaze slowly moved towards Emperor Theodore.

Emperor Theodore’s eyes were burning coldly.

“… … What if you don’t follow?”

Finally, he thought it over and asked a question.

At that moment, everyone looked at Midnell. But I looked closely at Sienna standing behind him.

“… … .”

Soon, the corners of Sienna’s mouth became deeply drawn as if she was amused.

“If you want, do it.”

The answer came from her instead of Midnell. Sienna took a step forward and stared straight at Emperor Theodore.

“It wouldn’t be a bad idea to experience it for yourself.”

She looked very relaxed, as if she was finally letting out the words that had been stuck in her throat.

“The price you pay for turning the wizard into an enemy.”

After speaking, Sienna turned around.

“Let’s go, Master.”

Instead of answering, Midnell followed her.


The portal where they first appeared appeared again. The backs of Midnell and Sienna disappeared into the portal.

“… … .”

No one could open their mouths.

Everyone just stared blankly at the disappearing portal.

* * *

“I think everyone is crazy. “I had no idea wizards were this stupid.”

Ekarot’s silver bird cackled. Suddenly, a low sound came out from between its beak.

“The current emperor is no good, so let’s turn the world upside down and create a wizard’s world with a new emperor.”

As I was listening, I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Are you just imitating Midnell?”

“He didn’t really say this, but that’s what it said. No, from anyone’s perspective, it’s not something Midnell would say.”

Ekarot clicked his beak.

“No matter what the Mage Tower Lord says, I believe it without a single doubt.”

“That’s how great Midnell’s power is.”

I looked at Ekarot, who was gently sitting on my finger.

“Or that’s what you want to believe.”

“… … .”

“Humans tend to interpret things the way they want to hear.”

He lightly twitched his fingers and spoke in a soft voice that was different from the content.

“Those who follow that have been thinking that way for a long time. “Like Sienna, I want to dominate other humans with magic.”

“I don’t like it.”

Ekarot made a noise and shook his head.

“It’s better to use that time to create at least one more magic.”

“… … .”

“There are a lot more interesting things than magic that harms people, but I don’t know why we’re focusing on that.”

I chuckled while listening to Ekarot’s grumbling.

‘Is that Ekarot in front of me right now?’

In the original, he was a spear who destroyed everything.

Ekarot, the bomb demon.

A wizard with outstanding talent and a harsh temper, who could win? He eventually overpowers Midnell and becomes the next Great Magic Tower Lord.

‘I guess that’s why Sienna was quiet.’

Ekarot’s actions must have perfectly suited his taste. He would have freely indulged his desires under the shadow of Ekarot.

“Anyway, I’m ready. “You can do it any time as long as you tell me.”

Ekarot flapped his wings enthusiastically.

“Why didn’t you tell me then? “When Sienna showed up at her meeting, she would have just dismissed it.”

Midnell had once summoned Ekarot and given him a hint. He told them to be prepared in case he suddenly disappeared or became insane.

Thanks to this, Ekarot was fully prepared to lift Sienna’s magic.

“There is a time for everything.”

He smiled and stroked Ekarot’s soft hair.

“If the magic had been lifted there, Sienna would have been even more vicious and thorough in her pursuit of the next opportunity.”

“… … .”

“But now? “I will let my guard down, believing that everything is going as planned.”

A gurgling sound came from Ekarot’s throat. The guy was very happy with my touch.

“but… … .”

Ekarot muttered worriedly.

“There is only one day left. “The deadline that Sienna said.”

“… … .”

“If the emperor refuses until the end, Siena plans to destroy every part of the capital.”

Ekarot’s golden eyes stared at me.

“Then what should I do? “Is it still okay?”

“No need to worry.”

He answered immediately and patted Ekarot’s head again.

“I just need you to show up right then.”

“… … .”

“The more evil Siena commits, the more your good deeds will shine.”

Ekarot just listened to me with its beak slightly open.

“And that’s when it’s time to save Midnell.”

“… … yes.”

Ekarot finally smiled and rubbed his head against the tip of my hand.

“As expected, you are the best.”


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