I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 211

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Chapter 28. Awakening the sleeping spring. (9)

The faces of the nobles became confused at the sudden appearance of the person.

“faith… … “Do you want to buy it?”

“What is the saint saying now?”

Rachel’s story continued amidst some murmur.

“Every time his black hair fluttered, the monsters crumbled to dust.”

Rachel continued speaking in a passionate tone.

“The black blade took their lives resolutely and strictly. He said these were words suitable for those who dared to desecrate the temple.”

Only then did a hint of recognition appear on people’s faces.

“What if it’s a black sword?”

“Isn’t that the guy we know?”

Emperor Theodore also had an unusual expression. The person next to me had an even more surprised look on his face.


Leah looked back at me as if asking what I was talking about.


I smiled and put my finger to my lips.

Right then,

“Ah, glory be to God!”

Rachel shouted, raising one hand in the air.

“He has not abandoned His faithful servant!”

Shouts full of sincerity followed.

“Dio Benedica!”

The nobles who had been whispering were startled and straightened their postures.

“Dio Benedica.”

“Dio Benedica.”

Enough to make the sign of the cross after the saint.

The atmosphere of the reception hall, which had been a bit noisy, settled down in an instant.

‘… … under.’

As expected, Saint Jjambap cannot be ignored.

Rachel captured the crowd in an instant and made them focus on her story again.

“He came to me after slaying all the impure people. And he whispered with a holy voice.”

Rachel’s voice changed slightly, becoming lower and more sinister, just like when I was working as the Black Knight.

“I have come to punish those who go against God’s will.”

Now I see that Rachel had the talent of an outstanding storyteller.

‘I said that?’

As I listened to that realistic story, even I, who was there at the scene, almost got fooled.

“He introduced himself as the ‘Black Knight.’”

Finally, one word came out of Rachel’s mouth that ended the nobles’ suspicions.

“Wow, I couldn’t believe it, but as expected…” … .”

“The black knight saved the saint, now?”

“Is this your first time hearing this?”

“Is the Black Knight really the messenger of God?”

The nobles were very surprised and whispered to each other. The Black Knight’s reputation was on the rise.

‘You’re being good to me.’

I admired Rachel’s passionate acting and looked next to her.

“… … .”

Emperor Theodore’s eyes twinkled fiercely. It was as if he wanted to grab Rachel by the collar and drag her out right now.

‘That’s too bad.’

The situation has already unfolded, and he will have to listen to the story to the bitter end.

“I wanted to talk to him more, but I couldn’t because the other gunmen were chasing me.”

Rachel slightly lowered her head as if she felt sorry.

“For the past three days, the gunmen have pursued us relentlessly. “It was a difficult day, making it difficult to even sleep at night.”

A smile appeared on my lips for a moment.

It is true that Rachel has had trouble sleeping for the past three days. The problem is that the reason is completely different from what was said now.

I listened to Rachel’s story as it continued, hiding the truth that could not yet be told.

“The Black Knight was a very strong person. “But because he was fighting and protecting me, he wasn’t able to use his full skills.”

Rachel clasped her hands tightly.

“And this morning, the Black Knight made a decision. “I thought that the vicious fight would continue like this.”

Rachel’s voice was filled with sorrow and emotion.

“The Black Knight told me to run towards the square because he would be the bait.”

“Ah, so… … .”

“That backstory… … .”

While the nobles slapped their foreheads in agreement,

“Thanks to him, I was rescued safely. but… … .”

Rachel finished with a sad expression.

“The Black Knight may still be pursuing them.”

It’s not? Are you here now?

“How can I dare express in words his noble spirit of sacrifice?”



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Rachel’s hands came together again.

“May God take care of him. Dio Benedica.”

“Dio Benedica.”

“Dio Benedica.”

The nobles who had already been influenced by Rachel’s famous speech joined hands.

“As expected, the Black Knight… … .”

“How great is he trying to become?”

“I really want to know who it is.”

At this moment, the reception hall was full of people who were fascinated by the Black Knight’s heroism.

Just one person,

“… … .”

Except for Emperor Theodore, who twitches his lips in disapproval.

It would not have been a very pleasant situation for him, who had already guessed the identity of the Black Knight.


Taking advantage of that opportunity, I quickly raised my hand.

“There is one thing I would like to ask you.”

“which… … “It’s a question, right?”

Rachel’s eyes widened at the sudden question.

‘It’s abominable.’

Even though it is a play that involves a lot of planning, I was impressed that they were able to act in such a realistic and surprising way.

“Do you remember anything else about those who tried to kidnap the saint?”

“… … .”

“Even a little clue is good. “We cannot leave those who dared to attack the sanctuary like this.”

The nobles nodded with their serious faces. Not only they, but even Emperor Theodore focused on Rachel’s mouth.

“… … .”

Rachel took a moment to catch her breath. It’s as if I’m really worried about saying this.

“First of all, I swear to God that there is no lie in what I say.”

Rachel finally spoke in a serious tone.

“When the gunmen captured me, even in the midst of confusion, there was something I heard clearly.”

Rachel said, looking at the people focusing on me.

“I said, ‘We must quickly take the saint to Cain.’”

The reception hall became quiet, as if ice water had been poured on it. People were so shocked that they froze in place.

“They were dreaming of things they should not dare to hope for. And it is already revealing its evil intentions in detail.”

It was the moment when the truth of the rumors that had been spreading among the nobles and who were busy whispering to each other was revealed.

“Cain and the family of Carlo Ardante must never be ignored.”

Each of Rachel’s words hit hard like the hammer of God. Clearly to the ears of everyone present.

“for a moment-”

Emperor Theodore, unable to bear it any longer, set out to stop Rachel.

“Ah, Your Majesty!”

Rachel knelt down in front of Emperor Theodore. And she pleaded with a desperate voice.

“Please severely punish those who dare to insult God’s representatives and block out the sun.”

“… … .”

“Cast out those who have conspired with them, and destroy the root of evil.”

Divine white light emanated from Rachel’s whole body.

“That’s what God wants.”

The nobles who were staring blankly at this were startled.

“… … By God!”

“Could it be that an oracle has come down now?”

“Oh, my God.”

Emperor Theodore’s face became completely frozen. He stared at Rachel as if he was seeing something unfamiliar, something he had never seen before.

‘Well, this must be my first experience like this.’

I never thought Rachel, whom I had held and swung around like a doll in my hands, would run wild like this. Now she was completely ruining Emperor Theodore’s plans.

Perhaps Emperor Theodore would not have considered an all-out war with the Ardante family.

‘A man of that level has many things to protect and worry about.’

This is a completely different issue from a territorial war between one territory and another.

Moreover, the opponent is the Ardante family. Now they have even taken over a huge piece of land in the east.

‘They probably tried to put pressure on me using this incident as an excuse.’

I’ll help you restore your reputation, which has fallen to the bottom, so bow down quietly and come in.

To subdue the Ardante family and obtain Cadenza, what better deal could there be than that?

‘But now that method can no longer be used.’

Rachel came forward claiming God’s will.

Now, if Emperor Theodore did not move, he would be going against the will of God. Whether we like it or not, we must prepare for an all-out war with the Ardante family.

“… … .”

Emperor Theodore’s eyes burned like flames, then cooled down like blood splattered on the floor.

He did not take his eyes off Saint Rachel. From her still acting as the representative of her God and presenting her pious appearance.

“… … .”

How does Rachel feel now?

I don’t know for sure, but maybe I’m feeling the sense of being alive for the first time.


Requiem tilted its head.

The guy seemed a bit taken aback by the wave of passionate emotion emanating from his brother’s sword, Serenade.

How much time has passed? The murmurings of the nobles quieted down.

“Why isn’t His Majesty saying anything?”

“I don’t think this is something to worry about right now… … .”

They were puzzled as they looked at Emperor Theodore and Rachel, who did not move.



Emperor Theodore’s thin lips moved.

“I, Theodore Impero de Maggiore, will act according to the will of God.”

He grabbed Rachel by the shoulders and helped her up. On the surface, it was a gentle touch, but there was no telling what kind of power it contained.

“I will prepare for war.”

Emperor Theodore’s eyes glowed even redder.

“Holy war.”

* * *

“Saint, we will leave now.”

“If you need anything, please shake the rope.”

The maids bowed politely and stepped back.

“Yes, Thanks.”

When Rachel smiled softly, the maids’ mouths softened.

At first, they felt burdened by having to listen to the service of the only saint in the empire and the most powerful representative of God.


The maids who came out after closing the door whispered to each other.

“I guess you’re easier to serve than I thought?”

“I know. “You are so gentle and kind.”

The two walked down the hallway, rubbing their hands.

“… … .”

The knights standing in front of the saint’s room followed her with stern gaze. They were given the important task of guarding the saint’s room in the imperial palace.

A clear determination flashed in their eyes.

I will never allow the saint to experience something as tragic as this again.

But regardless of their decision, there was a passage in this room that they knew nothing about.


The brick was pushed to the side, and Emperor Theodore entered the gap created.


He deliberately had Rachel stay in a room that was connected to his room by a secret passage.

“Te, Theodore?!”

Rachel, who had been leaning on an armchair, stood up in surprise. Before she could even say what she said,


Emperor Theodore’s hand slapped her cheek.


Rachel didn’t even make a sound due to the violence she had become accustomed to. He just sits down on the floor, taking a deep breath.

Emperor Theodore approached the fallen Rachel with great strides. Her steps were shaky, as if she was approaching her prey who had already lost the will to live.


Theodore’s hand cupped Rachel’s face. He growled, bringing his face closer to Rachel.

“You were really good at brushing off your snout earlier.”

“… … .”

“It’s foolish. “Did you really think you could escape from me?”

Theodore’s eyes shone cruelly.

“Nothing like that has ever happened before, and it never will happen again.”

He scolded darkly in a much lower voice.

“You are mine, Rachel.”

A silver bird perched on a tree outside the window was watching.

The bird’s golden eyes sparkled.


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