I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 210

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Chapter 28. Awakening the sleeping spring. (8)


Midnell cupped his eyebrows. On his desk was a piece of paper with the emperor’s royal envoy on it.

“I knew something like this would happen someday, but… … .”

He sighed repeatedly and waved his hand.


A magical white circle appeared in the air.


He spoke to the circle.

“Please come to my room for a moment.”

After a while,


A portal engulfed in scarlet flames appeared in the center of Midnell’s room.

“Master, did you call me?”

Sienna showed her face inside. Her dark blue eyes, which had always been dark, were unusually lively.

Midnell smiled for now.

“You’ve become much more proficient at using portals.”

“That’s right, it was a stable success just now.”

Sienna scratched her cheek as if she was embarrassed by her teacher’s praise.

“But I’m still the only one who can move. Also, it is difficult to create in a place where the coordinates are not known.”

“That’s why portals are high-level magic.”

Midnell gestured towards Sienna.

“Come here and sit down.”


Sienna, who was sitting across from Midnell, tilted her head.

“What’s going on, Master?”


Midnell paused for a moment and then spoke with difficulty.

“Have you ever taken any magic items outside recently?”

A strange sparkle flashed through Sienna’s navy blue eyes, but it was quickly swept away.

“… … yes. To be precise, it was sold.”

Eventually, Sienna answered with an innocent face.

“I needed to cover the cost of materials, so I sold it to a worker who was tearing down abandoned buildings.”

There was sadness in Sienna’s voice.

“Unlike others, I don’t have a wealthy sponsor, so I have to earn my own money.”

After speaking, Sienna looked at Midnell.

“But why is that, Master?”

Midnell rubbed his forehead as if he was in pain.

“The bomb you made was used in the temple attack three days ago.”

Sienna’s eyes widened.

“The temple attack incident?”

“okay. “I could feel the traces of a magic explosion in the wreckage there.”

Sienna asked with a face full of surprise.

“What is the possibility that it is another wizard?”

“I checked it myself. “The technique, structure, and design were clearly your magic power.”

“ah… … .”

Sienna covered her mouth with her hand.

“what should I do… … . “Master, I’m sorry.”

But behind that palm, the corners of her mouth were gently pushed up.

“I really didn’t know. If I had known it would be used for that purpose, I wouldn’t have sold it… … .”

Midnell’s closed eyelids trembled slightly.

“… … .”

Although he could not see objects, he was able to perceive them more deeply and broadly.

‘… … Really, I didn’t know.’

Midnell was fiercely conflicted between believing the words of his first disciple and digging into them.

“… … i get it. “First of all, I will speak well to the emperor.”

Midnell decided to trust Sienna for now.

“But next time, don’t take magic items out of the Wizard’s Tower.”

Midnell’s voice became somewhat stern.

“Currently, subversive forces are operating within the capital. “If you make a mistake, you could end up in the same group as them.”

“… … .”

“The Wizard’s Tower is a place that declared itself to be cut off from the world. “I hope something like this never happens again.”

“… … “Yes, Master.”

Sienna bowed her head towards Midnell. It was a somewhat dejected voice.

“I’m sorry for causing you concern. “I will be careful in the future.”

“Okay, I understand.”

“Okay, then I’ll just leave.”

Midnell looked pensively at Sienna’s back as she disappeared into the portal again.



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After the portal completely disappears.

“I wonder if it’s okay to trust that kid… … .”

Midnell muttered softly in his mouth. After thinking for a moment, he raised his hand again.


He spoke to the white circle that appeared in the air.

“Ekarot, please come to my room for a moment.”

Same time.

“I’m sorry, Cain… … .”

Sienna was looking at the other person through the mirror with a tearful expression on her face.

“I guess I didn’t have enough bombs.”

“It’s not Miss Sienna’s fault.”

Cain smiled softly in the mirror.

“If there is any fault, it lies with those who did it. “Don’t worry too much.”

“Still… … .”

Sienna wiggled her fingers.

She created the magic bomb of her own accord and even knew what it would be used for.

“If I had known this would happen, I would have made the bomb stronger.”

There was not the slightest remorse on Sienna’s face as she said that.

Because her teacher’s anxious attention was not important to her. The most important thing to her now was Cain in front of her.

“I wanted to help Cain… … .”

“It was quite helpful.”

Cain lifted the cadenza slightly.

“Thanks to Miss Sienna, I was able to hold the cadenza. Thank you again.”

“yes… … .”

Sienna’s cheeks turned red as she nodded her head up and down. Cain, who was looking at her closely, lowered his eyes to her.

“… … Phew.”

The sigh he let out while turning his head to the side was very dramatic. Sienna swallowed her saliva and leaned closer to the mirror.

“Cain, your face is very hurt. “Is it because this project failed?”

“Actually, that’s… … .”

Cain brushed his hair away with a wet face.

“… … It’s not easy. “Achieving a great cause.”

“ah… … .”

“I thought this was truly the way to serve the empire. “I had no idea it would be this difficult.”

Cain’s voice shook Sienna’s heart.

“Cain, I will help you. “Please tell me anything.”


“I want to be your strength, Cain.”

“but… … .”

Cain trailed off.

“Isn’t there an unwritten rule that the Wizard’s Tower has no involvement in royalties? Are you still okay?”

As he asked that question, his eyes sparkled meaningfully as if he had heard the answer he had been waiting for.

“I’m fine.”

Sienna answered immediately without any hesitation.

“I will do anything to help Cain.”

A meaningless smile appeared on Sienna’s lips.

“I will convince you, Master.”

* * *

“I heard the saint has returned?”

“I heard there was great beauty hidden under the veil.”

“I wonder what His Majesty the Emperor plans to do.”

Rumors spread quickly among the nobles.

This was thanks to the fact that the saint had camped in the square all day, and thanks to the Vittoria Guild quickly spreading the news.

“I want to make sure the saint is okay.”

“How much donations have we made so far… … .”

Naturally, voices of dissatisfaction arose among the nobles.

Even though we have made numerous donations, we have only seen the saint’s face from a short distance away. This was especially true for nobles who did not receive blessings.

‘I can’t ignore this.’

After Benifer lost the territory battle and fell into the abyss.

An atmosphere of unrest spread among the imperial nobility. I’m not sure if I can stand on this side like this.

Indeed, not long after Saint Rachel was brought to the imperial palace,

“This is a message to all nobles in the capital to gather at the imperial palace.”

A meeting of nobles was convened at the imperial palace.

“Shall we go?”

I was very much looking forward to the play starring Rachel that would take place there.


Leah was waiting for me at the entrance to the imperial palace. He attended this event on behalf of Mikel, who had returned to the Nord territory.

“Where on earth are you wandering around like that?”

Leah looked me up and down with dissatisfied eyes.

“We came to the capital together, and not even a hint of our nose was visible.”

“I’m a little busy.”

“News about the Black Knight has been quiet these days.”

“Hmm, well? “Maybe?”

After exchanging a mysterious conversation, we headed to the reception hall together.

Many nobles had already arrived at the reception hall. Everyone sat with their mouths shut, but their eyes glanced towards one place.

Emperor Theodore and Saint Rachel standing on the platform in the center of the reception hall.

“That’s a saint… … .”

Leah swallowed an exclamation into her mouth. I also shifted my gaze and looked in that direction.

Instead of the saintly clothes she always wore, Rachel wore a white, modest dress.

Even though she had the body of a child, her pale, pale face was as beautiful as that of an adult.

Her complexion, which was slightly paler than usual, added to her more maturity.

At once, Rachel’s eyes, which had been somewhat downcast, looked slightly upward.

“… … .”

Rachel’s eyes met mine.

Sometimes, even if you don’t say anything, you can understand something. Like right now.

“… … .”

Rachel lowered her gaze again, and I also went back to my seat as if nothing had happened.

Once everyone was seated, Emperor Theodore naturally took a step forward.

“For the past three days, Jim has been unable to sleep due to the pain of vomiting blood.”

His face was definitely haggard than usual. Only you know what the cause was.

“How dare something like this happen in front of Jim! “I cannot help but lament.”

People bowed their heads in a gloomy and solemn atmosphere. But underneath, looks and whispers were exchanged.

“Why is this happening to the Ardante family…” … .”

“Prince Cain Ardante… … .”

Emperor Theodore looked at the nobles and shouted firmly.

“We will do our best to prevent something like this from happening again. “I will also set an example by bringing to book those who committed this incident.”

It was a hint that he would not tolerate any family that dared to cooperate with the Ardante family or show different intentions.

“You seem very angry.”

“It’s appalling that something like this happened in the garden in front of my house.”

The nobles whispered quietly. There were so many things I wanted to say and questions, but

“That’s it.”

Everyone had to be silent because Emperor Theodore glared grimly.


“your majesty.”

Nevertheless, there was one person who opened his mouth as softly as a breeze.

“I would like to hear more details about this incident.”

It was me, raising one hand with a slow smile on my face.

“Isn’t the saint who witnessed and experienced it all here with us?”

Emperor Theodore’s eyes narrowed with displeasure. Despite his intense gaze, I smiled brightly as if I hadn’t noticed anything.

“I came here not only to confirm the saint’s safety, but also to hear an accurate explanation of what happened. “I’m sure it’s not just me.”

Let’s look around carefully and ask for consent.

“I would like to hear a detailed explanation.”

“I’m curious too.”

Consensual voices were heard from all over. These were people who decided to stand by my side, including the Graham family.

“I want to know too.”

Finally, even Leah spoke powerfully. I added proudly to Emperor Theodore.

“That is our will, Your Majesty. “Please consider it.”

“… … .”

Emperor Theodore twitched the corner of his mouth and looked at me intently. It was a look in his eyes that seemed like he wanted to find out what I was up to.

I blinked innocently. As if pure curiosity is everything.

“… … “I can’t help it.”

Emperor Theodore answered reluctantly and looked at Saint Rachel.

“Of course, this is only if the saint responds.”


“I’m fine.”

Rachel responded as if she had been waiting.

“I still get shivers when I think about that night… … . “I will have the courage to talk about it.”

Emperor Theodore could not stop him from saying that. In the end, Rachel began telling the story of that day in a quiet voice.

“It was a miserable day, not long after I went to bed. “Suddenly, the door to the prayer room opened and masked assailants stormed in.”

Rachel raised her hand and wiped away her moist eyes.

“The knights who tried to protect me had already lost their lives. “I resisted until the end, but there was no mercy in the attackers’ attacks.”

Even his voice trembled slightly and sounded quite pitiful.

“They beat me up and tried to drag me away by force. “I just prayed to God and endured that humiliating moment.”

It seems that the memory of Rachel saying she would come out on her own has been completely erased from her mind.

‘Did tears just come out like that at random times?’

I clicked my tongue and finished listening to the dramatized story from Rachel’s perspective.

“But there was no response from God, and I had to be dragged helplessly by them.”

Several nobles covered their mouths in surprise. The moment when looks of astonishment were exchanged among the nobles,

“It was that time.”

Rachel’s voice cut through the quiet corridor.

“The messenger of God appeared before my eyes.”

Rachel held both hands tightly.

“Did you say that God’s will is heard in the darkest places? “Everything was black, but his eyes were as bright as the stars in the sky.”


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