I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 207

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Chapter 28. Awakening the sleeping spring. (5)

Lowell frowned for a moment, but

“Let him come on his own feet.”

Soon he gestured towards the guild members.

There was no need to go against the saintess’ wishes. Besides, it would look better if the saint walked out on her own.


The saint’s feet began to move.

‘at las… … .’

Lowell swallowed dryly and looked at the approaching saint.

Again, again.

The saint moved leisurely with a non-hurried gait. In her tiny girlish steps, I felt the massive weight of a giant.

“… … .”

The eyes of the guild members who wanted to serve the saint became hazy. They gazed in fascination at the sacred white light emanating from her saint.

‘Amazing presence… … .’

Lowell swallowed his saliva without even realizing it.

She was, after all, a saintly woman who upheld the will of God. She has her support, but if she has her, it won’t be difficult for her to establish a new royal family.


‘for a moment,’

Lowell frowned, feeling a strange sense of déjà vu.

Something similar to but different from the energy emanating from a saint has recently occurred… … .


At that moment, a scream came from behind me out of nowhere. Lowell looked back in astonishment.

“Off, ok… … .”

A guild member was looking down at my chest. A black blade protruding from above.


As the blade slipped back, a black hole was left on the guild member’s chest.


The guild members were completely destroyed. Not even a single drop of blood flowed from the hole in his chest.

Behind his body,


A black knight was standing there, grinning and laughing.

“What are you doing now… … .”

Lowell was so embarrassed that he stuttered.


The Black Knight did not respond and continued to attack indiscriminately.


The necks of the two guild members next to me rolled on the ground.



The guild members were distraught at the sudden stabbing. Because they were so close together, it was difficult to avoid the black knight’s sword.


“Turn it off!”

In an instant, the number of surviving guild members was reduced by half.

“Oh, this is crazy…” … !”

Lowell approached with a pale face.

“Are you crazy?! “Can’t you stop right now?!”

“Oh, now that I think about it.”

Unexpectedly, the Black Knight paused for a moment after hearing Lowell’s words. Then he grinned at Lowell.

“You have to share the credit with these guys. “I didn’t like that.”

“… … .”

“It would be better to just kill them all and do it all on my own.”

It was such a ridiculous statement, but the Black Knight seemed to really think so.

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately moved and started attacking other guild members.

“You crazy guy!”


The other guild members finally came to their senses and began to fight against him.

But the power difference was very clear. There was no time to do anything other than split a few sums.


The black knight steadily and ruthlessly reduced the number of people one by one.

“I will tell the master about your ‘noble spirit of sacrifice,’ okay?”

While babbling.

In an instant, the number of guild members was reduced by half.

‘X done.’

Lowell’s lips trembled as he looked at that figure.

I tried to use the Black Knight’s excellent swordsmanship, but I had no idea that this guy was such a crazy idiot.

In fact, Lowell had no intention of using the Black Knight for a long time.

A person who is too talented is like a double-edged sword. It could threaten Master Cain’s future.

So, I planned to organize it at an appropriate time.



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‘If things continue like this, I too will be in danger.’

I tried to use this method later, after taking the saint to Carlo.

Lowell secretly put his hand into his bosom. There were still four magic bombs left in it.

A high-quality bomb provided by the Wizard’s Tower.

Since it wasn’t easy to get, I tried to save it and use it later.

‘If it’s not now, you’ll regret it!’

Lowell bit his lip and threw the bomb.


A small magic bomb flew through the wind.


“You bastard!”

Between the Black Knight and the guild members who are fighting like crazy.


Lowell stepped back with tears in his eyes. He was upset that he had to send elite assassins with him, but he had no choice.

The moment the bomb was about to touch people’s bodies,


The black knight’s eyes flashed. Just as he pulled out the sword stuck in the guild member’s body,


He caught the bomb with his sword blade and slipped it. By exquisitely controlling the force so that the glass does not break.


Lowell’s mouth widened at the unbelievable feat even after seeing it with his own eyes.


The corners of the Black Knight’s mouth curved smoothly.

He twisted his wrist, and the bomb bounced off his sword. And then it started flying through the air.

Towards Lowell, to be exact.


Lowell shouted urgently and jumped away.


A bitter wind blew behind my back. The remains of shattered walls and pillars poured down.

I had a headache and tinnitus rang in my ears.

“Ugh… … .”

Lowell was unable to get up for a while, covering his head. He found it difficult to control his body due to the shock that felt as if the entire earth was shaking.

“Ugh, ugh.”

Then, when I finally looked back,

Crack, crack.

He could see flames blazing in the area where he was. The bodies of the guild members and the saint lying next to them.


Lowell quickly got up, forgetting the pain in his body. And he was astonished.

Crackling, crackling-

There was a terrible smell of burning skin. It was the smell coming from the guild member standing next to the saint.

The two died instantly. This was because it was right next to where the bomb exploded.


“Ugh… … .”

One of the saint’s shoulders had been torn off. The sight of her shaking, covered in blood, was very harrowing.

“Oh, no.”

Lowell let out a despairing groan.

I have to bring the saint back in good condition. If that’s the case, the owner… … .


Lowell’s thoughts stopped there.


This was because white light began to burst out from around the saint’s shoulders.

“her… … ?”

Lowell watched blankly the changes taking place in the saint’s body. Slowly, her bones regenerate, her skin fills up, and smooth skin covers it.

Eventually, the saintess became fine as if nothing had happened. Except for the torn clothes and blood stains scattered around.

“How could that… … .”

The corners of Lowell’s eyes twitched slightly.

I didn’t even say any prayers, but the power of blessing suddenly exploded? As if I were carrying that power within myself… … .


“Hey, do you want to die?”

Something even more surprising happened.

“Why are you throwing that at me? “Are you crazy enough to kill me?!”

The saint got up and started swearing.

“I didn’t throw it that way.”

To the black knight who killed the last remaining guild member.

The black knight chuckled and shrugged his shoulders.

“I threw it at that old man. “I adjusted the angle so it didn’t touch you.”

“Anyway, you reached it! “And so many of them!”

“So I should have avoided it in the other direction.”

The saintess was disgusted by the Black Knight’s slow answer.

“Ah, that damn snout! “I kept my mouth shut until the end!”

It was very different from what Lowell usually knew.

The way she used harsh profanity did not look like a saint at all. If she hadn’t just seen the white light, she would have thought it was someone else.

“Just be patient. “Then wrinkles increase.”

“No wrinkles?!”

Lowell was just dazed. Because he thought the Black Knight and the Saint knew each other well.

“What on earth… … .”

Only then did the black knight turn to Lowell.

“You’re lucky. “You’re avoiding that.”

He smiled brightly, showing his teeth, but it only made Lowell more creepy.

“No, am I just unlucky?”

At the same time, the deadly force emanating from the Black Knight became more intense,


The black knight’s body moved. In the blink of an eye, he rushed towards Lowell.


The moment Lowell instinctively raised his arm to block him.


The tip of my wrist felt cold,


Lowell’s pet, Aquila, rolled on the floor. with both his hands.

“Ugh, ahhh!”

Lowell stepped back, waving his arms uncontrollably. Before he knew it, the black knight standing in front of him was giggling.

“It would be better to just get caught in a bomb and die.”

His pitch-black eyes narrowed with cruel judgment.

“There’s still a lot to cut, huh?”

Lowell lay face down on the floor and trembled.

“Uh, uh, ah… … .”

He had never experienced this much pain in his life. The sensation of being pricked by an awl or being burned by fire persisted in the cut section.

It was because of the black flame that stayed there. It didn’t stop at his wrist, but worked its way up Lowell’s arm, ending at his elbow.

The moment the flames finally stop,


The black knight crouched down in front of Lowell.

“That’s why you shouldn’t hit people in the back.”

“The back of my head… … .”

Lowell replied, blood dripping from his clenched lips.

“… … “Didn’t you hit it first?”

“Trying to kill me with something like that, you have a bad mind.”

The Black Knight smiled as if he had no remorse at all. He was truly enjoying watching Lowell suffer.

“Then how about this?”

Suddenly the black knight stood up. As he swung his arm, the image of the sword in his hand became blurred.


Lowell even forgot the pain and opened his eyes. He already knew about swords disappearing like that.

“Could you buy that… … .”

His mouth stopped. He showed the image of a black knight gradually changing in his wildly vibrating eyes.

As if ink was escaping, his pitch-black hair turned blue, and his eyes, where the black flame had disappeared, were a clear blue-violet color.

“You, you, you… … .”

The Black Knight’s face was somehow difficult to recognize. It was because an unknown black energy was covering her face.

“You can’t be… … .”

But now that the energy had completely disappeared, Lowell was finally able to recognize the other person’s face.

“It’s been a while, huh? No, should I say this is the first time?”

Abel Ovest Kindreal.

The bright blue bastard who had once upset Carlo, the one who remained clean without a trace no matter how many times he chased after him.

“You guy… … !”

I was standing in front of Lowell.

* * *

“how… … !”

Wide-open eyes and pale complexion.

“You bastard, why on earth!”

Even the voice trembles dangerously, as if there is a crack.

“It’s surprising.”

Lowell’s reaction was so funny that I almost laughed out loud. But I held back and took out Requiem again.

“… … .”

Looking at my appearance turning black again, Lowell repeatedly opened and closed his mouth as if in shock.

“Your ‘noble sacrifice’ will be well received.”

He spoke sarcastically in a tone full of laughter.

“Thanks to you, I will be able to take the saint to you very easily.”

Even in the original work, the Mare Guild attacked the temple. The only difference is that he did it in greater numbers and with the support of the people than he does now.

At that time, Cain was truly the embodiment of justice and the protector of the empire.

When Emperor Theodore was wary of him and prevented him from entering the capital, many of the people of the empire protested, saying they could not understand it.

‘Even back then, Bennifer really tried to assassinate Cain.’

Even in her eyes, Cain was a threatening political enemy. But now, Cain’s power was not that great, so there was no need for that.

Therefore, there was a high possibility that Hector’s death was a play of Carlo’s own making.

‘I can’t believe you’re using Hector so frugally… … .’

I knew he was a heartless man who would do anything to anyone but his son.

When I did exactly what I expected, I felt a bitter taste in my mouth rather than joy. Well, thanks to that, things went smoothly as planned.

‘It was worth keeping a close eye on that Lowell guy.’

By intervening at the right time, they were able to steal away Saint Rachel.


After thinking about it, I swung my arm and cut off Lowell’s legs.

“Turn it off, turn it off!”

Lowell’s eyes got so big that they almost popped out. He had lost both his arms and legs and was squirming on the floor like a bug.

When I saw that, someone came to mind.

“Oh, did you say Ethan?”

Let’s say that name after a long time,


Lowell’s body, which had been writhing in pain, stopped.


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