I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 205

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Chapter 28. Awakening the sleeping spring. (3)

Just as we were enjoying the festival commemorating the victory in the northern subjugation war, another news hit the imperial capital, Maggiore.

“Oh my god, this is a territorial war between the Ardante family and the Contadina family?”

“I heard the Ardante family declared it first? Why suddenly?”

“Territory warfare, something that hasn’t happened in decades.”

People were shocked by this surprising news. Because stories about war and fighting are always fun.

And at some point, this rumor started circulating among people.

“Of course the Contadina family was at fault! “What kind of family is the Ardante family?”

“Hasn’t Prince Cain obtained the great sword, Cadenza? “I guess that was unpleasant.”

“The Contadina family has been an imperialist faction for a long time, so it’s only natural.”

Of course, it was a behind-the-scenes work done by the Mare Guild. Meanwhile, such rumors were also circulating in some quarters.

“If that’s the case, then why didn’t anything happen to Princess Leia of the Concellare family?”

“Actually, isn’t the Ardante family holding on to the pod?”

“You never know. If the Ardante family… … .”

Amidst the confused whispers, one word spread among the people.

Reverse mind.

I wonder if the Ardante family is aiming for the position of emperor.

In fact, if the Ardante family swallows up the Contadina family, the landscape of aristocratic power within the empire will be completely overturned.

It was a fairly convincing suspicion.

Thanks to the Vittoria Guild’s hard work burning firewood, this suspicion reached the emperor’s ears.

“dare! “How could the Ardante family do something like this without harboring evil intentions?”

As a result, the emperor, who was already displeased with the Ardante family, became furious. That anger reached its peak when Cain returned to the capital after winning the Territory Battle.

“… … “What did you say now?”

Cain looked at the eastern gate of the capital Maggiore, which was tightly closed.

“They said you couldn’t enter the capital.”

The guard captain standing on the high castle wall said.

“How dare you stand in the way of me, Cain Sud Ardante?”

Cain’s eyes flashed. Her eyes turned dark red and gave off an unusual energy.

“… … .”

Even the garrison commander, who had dealt with numerous nobles, cringed at the look in Cain’s eyes. Cain began to press him even more vigorously.

“Why are you blocking my entry? Guard Captain, was this your own action?”

The red-hot murderous energy he exuded filled the air. The moment the guard captain’s face turned white,

Step by step.

“It is an order from His Majesty the Emperor.”

Someone climbed onto the eastern wall. Cain’s eyes widened when he saw him.

“… … “Chief Joshua.”

Joshua, the commander of the Imperial Palace Knights, looked at Cain blankly.

“His Majesty the Emperor was very displeased with the actions of the Ardante family. “It is impossible to enter with those blood-stained knights.”

His voice was cold and harsh.

“There is only one way for Confucius to enter the capital. “She enters the palace alone and apologizes to His Majesty the Emperor.”

Joshua’s fierce gaze crossed the air.

“For daring to disturb His Majesty the Emperor and humiliate the Empire’s loyal subjects.”

“… … .”

“You don’t know how your actions will be viewed right now? Cain, His Majesty the Emperor is doubting your loyalty.”

A faint smile appeared on the lips of Cain, who was silently listening to Joshua.

“That is the will of His Majesty the Emperor.”

As expected, what my father said was right.

Benifer Contadina and Emperor Theodore were on their guard. Because Cain got his hands on the cadenza.

An unprecedented power that burns everything to ashes. Even with that kind of power, he still wants to lick the emperor’s feet.

‘I just took righteous revenge.’

What they wanted was for him to hold his breath and control his anger. But even if he went back in time, he would have made the same choice.

“… … .”

Cain finished thinking and raised his head. Joshua was waiting for Cain’s answer with an expressionless face.

“Go back and tell His Majesty the Emperor.”

Of course, Cain had no intention of following his wishes.

“You will regret treating the Ardante family like this.”

Joshua’s face suddenly hardened.

“How dare you now…” … .”

“Okay then.”

Cain turned around without even listening to Joshua.

Jerk, jerk.

Footsteps filled with the smell of blood moved away from the eastern wall.

And that evening.


A bird with a note tied to its leg flew into the window of the Mare Guild building.


Lowell untied the note tied to the bird’s leg.

[Let’s begin.]



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There was a short sentence scrawled there in Carlo’s handwriting.

“at las… … .”

Lowell raised his head and looked into the distance.

“Is it time?”

He had moved secretly and cautiously since his meeting with Carlo. He gathered men scattered throughout the capital and procured his weapons.

Right there,


To attack the largest temple in the empire and the headquarters of Serenaism, the only religion in the empire.

To be exact,

“I guess I should bring the saint.”

To kidnap the saint who lives there.

The Impero imperial family has used saints for generations to strengthen its imperial power. She maintained a high approval rating by saying that she is a saint, that is, the will of God is with her.

“If only there was a saint… … .”

It can overturn public opinion. We can announce that God’s will has left the imperial family.

In other words, the person who obtains the saint becomes the next emperor.

“… … .”

Lowell stood up and walked towards the drawer in the back. He opened a drawer that he had not opened since he became the head of the Mare Guild.


Inside was a sharp sickle. Shaped like a giant bird’s claw that can be worn on the fingertips.

His weapon that once stained the back alleys of the capital Maggiore with blood.

“Aquila… … .”

He was going to hold it again today and give glory to his master.

“It’s been a while.”

Lowell smiled brightly, holding Aquila in his hand. I could feel Aquila crying softly, asking for blood.

A few hours later.

From the gloomy sky, rain finally started pouring down. Lowell grinned as he looked outside in the dark.

“Heaven helps us too.”

The pouring rain will erase their traces.

“Everyone, take a close look! “You must not leave any traces!”

People diligently organized their seats and prepared their posture. They were elite assassins who received their skills directly from Lowell.

It was then.


One of the subordinates standing in the doorway blushed. Beyond that, the image of someone who had just kicked in through the door was reflected.

“Who are you?”

The subordinates grabbed their weapons and looked towards him. Likewise, Lowell’s eyes widened as he checked the doorway.


Drop, drop.

Water droplets fell from the hem of the gray robe and wet the floor. The water-soaked hair was completely black and black again.


The smooth, sliding mouth was that of a young man.


The Black Knight took a step into the room.

“The rats have gathered again.”

In his hand was a slender, pitch-black sword. An ominous black energy wavered over the blade.

“What are you planning today?”

The man’s voice was hoarse, sharp, and heavy as if coming from a deep pit.

“… … .”

The room was instantly filled with cold silence.

Normally, Lowell would have ordered him taken down immediately. Then his subordinates would have thrown daggers at him without the slightest hesitation.

However, the overwhelming presence radiated by the Black Knight stopped their thoughts.

‘Why here? how? Why now?’

Lowell raised his hands, feeling his head spinning.

“Everyone be quiet.”

I had heard rumors about the Black Knight before, but I didn’t know it would be to this extent. What he had heard so far wasn’t even half of what was real, or even half of what it was.

‘He is a very strong man.’

The prayers, sharpened like a blade, were well preserved and sunken. However, if he wanted to, that energy would rise up at any time and pierce the opponent.

I could understand it at first sight.

Lowell finally understood why Ethan and others had been left without a chance to do anything. In the meantime, he had met many strong men, but there was no one like the man in front of him.

“Why aren’t there any words?”

The black knight chuckled and took a few steps closer. Following his movements, black deadly force spewed out like fog.

“Everyone is acting like I am an assassin.”

“… … .”

“Can I just kill you like this, okay?”

The Black Knight’s words meant annihilation. He was the one who was able to put it into practice.

“Wait a moment.”

Lowell looked around at his very nervous subordinates. And he slowly advanced in front of the black knight.

‘This guy is real.’

Carlo was right. The Black Knight was a talent that must be obtained.

Firstly, you can have an excellent swordsman as your subordinate, and secondly, you can utilize the righteous image of the Black Knight.

Finally, after everything is done, it would be perfect to take that sword.

‘You must bring it to Master Cain.’

Looking at it up close, it was an even more desirable sword. Such a great sword would shine even brighter in Cain’s hands.

Lowell wasn’t confident he could defeat the Black Knight, but he knew how to kill him.

And to do this, we first had to break down the Black Knight’s guard and bring him to our side.

“I am Lowell, the head of the Mare Guild.”

At that moment, a strange image appeared on the black knight’s face. Rather than surprise, it was closer to interest, like ‘Look at this guy?’

“Ah, ‘that’ Mare Guild.”

Normal people quickly became cautious when they heard the name of Mare Guild. However, the Black Knight’s tone of voice did not change.

“Why is that? “I have no intention of saving your life, so leave it alone.”

“… … .”

Lowell said, feeling his blood pressure rise for the first time in a long time.

“Your subordinates have been looking for you, but haven’t they heard any news?”

“well. “There was no one like that.”

The black knight picked his ears as if showing off.

“Oh, maybe it’s because I killed them all.”

“… … Then, could it be that the attack was aimed at the Mare Guild?”

“What are you talking about?”

Despite Lowell’s tearful reaction, the black knight remained calm.

“I was just kicking around the capital’s rats.”

He flicked the sword he was holding and put his finger on it.

“Selling stolen goods, drugs, human trafficking, manufacturing poisons, things like that. “They deserve to die, don’t they?”

“… … .”

“How do you know whether there is a Mare Guild among them or not? Should I have asked and killed him?”

Lowell was speechless at the Black Knight’s taunts. I decided that this topic would not be beneficial to me, so I quickly changed the topic.

“Why is that… … “May I ask whether he has been doing such things?”

“Because I want to become famous.”

The Black Knight’s response was quick.

“The ransom price has to be raised.”

Lowell was inwardly delighted. After learning about the Black Knight’s motives, he seemed even simpler.

“If that’s the case, how about joining our guild?”

“To Mare Guild?”

“I’ll meet whatever conditions you want.”


An interesting smile crossed the Black Knight’s lips.

“Do you feel pretty confident?”

“I’m confident.”

Lowell approached and whispered into the Black Knight’s ear.

“Don’t you want to know about the true owner of the Mare Guild?”

“Is there anyone else besides you?”

“… … .”

Lowell had to calm his rapidly rising blood pressure again.

“… … “You’ve probably heard of the Ardante family, right?”

“Is there anyone in the empire who doesn’t know that name?”

“okay. Carlo of the Ardante family is the true owner of this Mare Guild.”

“… … “Hoo?”

After speaking, Lowell pulled away and smiled.

“How is it? “I think I can pay the ransom I want.”

“I won’t deny that it’s quite tempting.”

The black knight looked at him and smiled.

“So, where should I start?”

Lowell loved his quick change of stance.

“You came at a good time. “I’m planning to hold a very important ceremony today.”


He lifted his finger and pointed into the distance.

“Today we will attack Temple Liberente. “To bring the saint.”

“Oh, the saint?”

The black knight grinned.

“That would be really fun.”


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