I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 2

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Chapter 1. Grasp your weakness and shake it. (2)

The door opened and a familiar face appeared.


Gray hair, but a taut face without a single wrinkle. There is even a sense of elegance in the upright gait.

He works only for the Obest territory and is loyal only to the lord.

… … That’s what Diego might be thinking.

“I’m sorry, Master.”

Philip looked very sorry.

“Please forgive me for my sin of failing to supervise the people under my command.”

He has already become Abel’s limb for a long time. He cooperated with Abel in his evil deeds and took care of the dirty work behind the scenes.

Abel had taken complete control of the castle’s householders, taking advantage of his father’s frequent outings. A person with absolute power who ravages those who are terrified and commits violence and murder.

That was Abel’s current appearance.

“Come this way.”

Philip gestured to the side, and the two waiting servants approached. The young servant who was being held by their hands was thrown into the room.


The servant lying on the floor slowly raised his head. His face was dark with fear.

“Ugh, ah….”

“We caught it trying to escape out of the castle.”

Philip spoke to me and then glared at the servant.

“How dare you interfere with the master’s work?”

A voice as cold as ice.

“Master, please dispose of it.”

Philip bowed his head to me. After that, the city workers and the servants on the floor also bowed their heads.

‘This scene… … .’

I frowned at the passing feeling of déjà vu. I tried my best to say no, but it wasn’t the case.

The father slapped Abel and left, the butler personally dragged the servant and made him kneel.

This was one of the episodes that remained strongly in my mind. Can’t be confused.

‘Today is the day.’

I finally realized at what point in the original story I had been possessed.

“f*ck you.”

I don’t know how many times I’ve already cursed.


Philip straightened up in shock, and the servants’ eyes blinked violently.


There was no time to pay attention to the reactions of those around you. I cupped her chin and pressed her itching forehead.

‘I didn’t know it would be this urgent.’

Requiem, as its name suggests, appears in the middle of fall, on October 15th to be exact.

And as of today, that day is

‘There are 10 days left!’

It was a truly tight deadline.


I sighed repeatedly to calm down my surging anger. The more I thought about it, the more upset I became, but there was nothing I could do about it.


As I lift my twitching eyelids,

“Do, do do, Master….”

I saw a servant trembling.

‘What did Abel do at this time?’

He beats this servant until he loses his temper. With his limbs broken, he ends up unable to walk.

If it were like the original, I would have to raise my fist here.


Besides, I don’t have time to do that. There is so much work to be done right now, so why hire a servant?

‘More than anything,’

After carefully examining the servant’s face and body shape, he came to a conclusion.

‘If this guy is the guy I know… … .’

Disposing of this guy now is not a good choice.

I straightened my body, which had been leaning on the armrest of the chair. Meanwhile, I felt the cold air filling the room.

Everyone was terrified as they watched me lose my temper. It was as if I had sentenced my servant to death.

‘I’m not angry because of this guy.’

Instead of jumping up and shaking my fist, I roughly waved my hand.

“Let me out.”


Philip’s eyes twitched.



The servants standing behind them widened their eyes. Fear and doubt were mixed on their faces as they exchanged glances.

I was secretly surprised by the unexpected reaction.

‘What are these expressions?’

I thought everyone would be surprised and relieved, but it was unexpected.



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“Yes, master!”

The servant who was kneeling grabbed me by the leg of my pants.

“I’m sorry! The lord noticed too quickly, so stop…!”

And then I started banging my head on the floor.

“I told you that you had gone out to the village to play as you had told me to do, but you didn’t believe me at all!”

A desperate cry mixed with tears came out.

“I won’t make the same mistake again! So please. Please just go ‘there’…!”


‘Aha, that’s it.’

This is the place that the castle’s occupants fear the most, and only Philip and Abel enter.

In the basement of the castle, there is a warehouse where old books and items are stored. However, the place is now filled with all kinds of torture devices, people’s moans and the damp smell of blood.

Abel was a pleasure killer there who enjoyed ‘play’ with humans.

I understood why they were even more scared. And with an expressionless face, I looked at the servant crying below me.

I don’t really want to comfort you, but it’s too noisy.

“When did I say I would send you there?”

At my soft words, the servant hurriedly retreated. His body trembled like an aspen.

“Well, master. Well, I….”

An ice-cold roar frightens people more than a fiery yell.

I put my finger to my lips.


The servant quickly covered his mouth.

Her shoulders trembled and she began to shed silent tears.

Philip and the servants’ complexions turned dark. They turned their faces away as if they could not bear to open their eyes and see the tragedy before their eyes.

When I saw that, I burst into laughter.

‘This really makes me feel like a villain.’

Oh, of course it was the villain.

I raised my hand and waved it around as if chasing away a fly.

“If you understand, take me out.”

The two servants hurriedly approached and grabbed the servant. The servant was motionless, as if he had already lost the will to resist.

Once they were gone, Philip spoke.

“Master. Why don’t you leave it to me to handle it?”

“To you?”

“There’s no need to waste your time on a guy like that.”

A solemn light appeared on Philip’s face. I am fully prepared to get my hands dirty.

“Just leave it to me. I will make sure to educate you so you never make that mistake again.”

At first glance, he looked like a butler full of loyalty.


‘He’s an old man like a snake.’

I already knew Philip’s dual side.

While he faithfully pretended to help Abel with his entertainment, he secretly stole slaves behind his back. Since he couldn’t stop Abel, he helped the victims in other ways.

It was still like that now. He made it sound like he was going to bleed me himself, but in reality, his intention was probably to steal that servant away.

It is truly a tedious effort. Also, it’s useless.

“I told you to just leave it alone.”

I said firmly, as if it wasn’t worth reconsidering.

The servant’s limbs were sending a warning with his eyes that they must remain intact until I called him again.


Philip’s eyes trembled. He didn’t seem to have any idea what I was thinking.

“……All right.”

The answer came out reluctantly.

“Stop going.”

I didn’t help Philip with his pointless worries. Actually, there is no need for that.


Even though he didn’t say where he was going, Philip skillfully took the lead.

The place we headed to was the lord’s office.

I naturally sat in front of the lord’s desk. I sat there and looked around the desk.

Documents, quill pen. The location of various objects, the height of drawers, and even the depth of reach.

Everything was familiar to Abel. Abel’s hand stains were on everything.

“Bring it.”

With a flick of his hand, Philip put the tower of documents down on the desk.

“These are things that were urgently stopped while the lord was processing them.”

As I pulled the paper away, he piled another tower of papers next to me.

“These are relatively low priority issues, so you can look at them relatively slowly.”

I began to look at the documents with sharp eyes. It was related to taxes and commerce within the territory.

Diego thought that his son Abel was just eating and playing, but… … .

“Master, please make the payment.”

In fact, Abel took advantage of his absence to extend his hand to the management of the estate.

Diego spent most of his time at the border, where he processed urgent official documents and sent them to the main city. And somewhat less important matters would be dealt with slowly after returning to the main camp.

He thought that the butler was filling that gap well.

‘There is no way a territory can run its business properly with just that.’

But practically everything was done in Abel’s hands.

Abel was involved in work by subtly approving official documents without Diego noticing anything strange.

In other words, the probation ordered by Diego had no meaning to Abel. In his father’s absence, Abel wielded absolute power.


Anyway, it was good news for me now.

I quickly scanned the documents with an expressionless face.

There was a need to understand and embody these documents as quickly as possible. Because the more I do that, the more things I can do.

While inputting the territory’s systems into my head, I began calculating how to use them.

‘First of all, the most important thing is to learn swordsmanship.’

Increasing your physical strength or strengthening your muscles can be done on your own. However, swordsmanship definitely requires instruction from others.

In the original work, Abel never got that opportunity in his life. Because his father, Diego, forbade it.

Diego, who noticed Abel’s temperament early on, never taught his son how to use a sword. He just had his successor take classes and study at his desk.

‘Except for Diego, there is no one who can teach Abel swordsmanship… … .’

First of all, it wasn’t in the castle. Diego deliberately did not deploy security personnel within the castle.

As the strongest knight in the realm, he spent most of his time on the northern border. With the strongest knights and soldiers in the estate.

If they failed to stop the monsters, it was only a matter of time before the Obest territory collapsed.

‘He is someone who would advise me to commit suicide rather than shamefully beg for his life.’

Anyway, thanks to Diego’s policy, Abel was able to roam freely within the castle. Therefore, I also planned to maintain Diego’s policy for the time being.

‘Then we have to look for it outside the castle.’

In that case, the options are narrowed to the guards within the territory or the knights under Diego.

But Abel could not force them. They also did not try to disobey the lord’s orders.

‘Then what should I do?’

I reached out and grabbed the paper with the list of knights belonging to the territory. I skimmed through it to see if there was anything useful.


My eyes lit up when I found a name.

‘This name… … .’

Immediately, a faint smile spread across my lips.

‘Yes, I could use this guy.’

It was clear that he would be a great swordsman teacher for me.

After making a decision, I put down the stack of documents. Then he pushed the chair and stood up.

“young master?”

Philip, who was pouring tea next to him, looked at me with a questioning look.

“Get ready to go out.”

“Oh, you’re going out.”

A complex light flashed across Philip’s face. It looks like he’s afraid of where this reckless idiot will end up.

“Okay. Where are we headed?”

I grinned as I put on the clothes he gave me.



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