I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 188

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Chapter 26. Clearing the past. (2)

“Dio Benedica.”

“Dio Benedica.”

The front of Liberente, the best and largest temple in the empire, was bustling with people.

The commoners were anxious to see the saint even from afar, and the nobles tried to participate in the saint’s mass even by making large donations.

‘I heard that the number of new believers has increased rapidly since the last consecration festival.’

Thinking about that time, a mocking laugh escaped me.

People thought that a miracle from God had come down to the saint, but in reality, it was just a show put on by Saint Rachel to stimulate the Requiem.

It was obvious how embarrassed Rachel, who hated temples, must have been. The name of the temple was unintentionally made widely known.

“Shall we go see how you’re doing?”

Rachel must have already heard about the victory ceremony, and Rachel is waiting for me by now.

“Oh, you are Abel Kindreal.”

“Hero of the subjugation war… … !”

“Wow, you look even more handsome up close…” … .”

“I heard you’re that strong?”

The older priests could not hide their admiration, and the younger priests looked at me with envious eyes.

However, there were people who could not welcome me as innocently as these people.

“Huh, huh. welcome.”

It was the archbishop who rushed out to pay his respects.

“I was waiting for you, Abel Kindreal.”

He wiped away the cold sweat that was seeping down his forehead. My fleshy right cheek trembled intermittently.

“Oh, were you waiting for me?”

I stared at him, narrowing my eyes like a snake.

“I was wondering if it would be okay since it was a sudden visit, but I’m really glad that you welcomed me so warmly.”

“… … All of this is obvious. “Isn’t Abel Kindreal the hero of this subjugation war?”

The archbishop’s eyes wandered here and there as he examined me.

“Abel Kindreal, you are always welcome.”

The eyes of the nobles watching us from afar widened.

“This is the first time I’ve seen the Archbishop so motionless.”

“It must mean that Abel Kindreal’s reputation is renowned.”

The archbishop was notorious among the nobility for his overbearing attitude regardless of status.

He wielded absolute power with the protection of the emperor on his back.

‘It’s a story that doesn’t concern me.’

I had already given Eliche a clue and figured out his weakness.

Thanks to that, I was able to proudly receive the blessing at the victory ceremony.

“Come on, eat inside.”

I was able to enter the mass room with a free pass. Without even donating a single penny.

I had a lot of money, but I didn’t want to give it to this dirty guy.

‘Doing things behind my back… … .’

I was so disgusted by this guy who was doing bad things to children.

Looking at the body, it looked like Requiem would like it because it was greasy.

‘… … ‘That’s later.’

After swallowing a cruel smile, I spoke.

“I have a favor to ask you.”


The archbishop was startled and asked back. A sudden rush of fear covered my face.

“Why are you so surprised? “Like someone who has something to prick.”

“Yes, no, me. What kind of request are you asking? … .”

“I would like to have a private prayer meeting with the saint.”

He added, folding his eyes nicely.

“A proper private prayer meeting.”

“Well, properly… … .”

The archbishop understood what I meant and swallowed dry saliva. It means to get rid of the knights who are always watching Rachel.

“B-but. You cannot disobey His Majesty’s orders. There is no way for me… … .”

“If we don’t have it, we have to make it.”

I took a step closer to him and gave him a cold smile.

“If I don’t have a private prayer meeting with the saint today, I might be so heartbroken that I might have an accident.”

“Uh, uhm… … .”

“Perhaps someone’s social prestige will be mired in mud or covered in filth.”

In the end, the archbishop lowered his head in response to my elegant threats.

And after a while.

“… … what?”

I was taken to the prayer room where Rachel was.

“How can you get here, alone?”

Rachel stood up from the sofa with a rare look of embarrassment on her face.

“what? “How on earth did you get in?”

She hadn’t even thought about wearing a veil.

“There is a way.”



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“Oh what! let me know!”

Rachel came closer with an urgent expression.

“It’s simple.”

He spoke patronizingly and raised his finger.

“First, figure out the archbishop’s dirty hobbies. Second, testing the knight’s sphincter to its limits.”

He wiggled his last finger.

“Third, basic strength to open and close the door of the prayer room.”

“This is crazy!”

Rachel stamped her foot as if she was dumbfounded.

“It’s been so long since you came here, what kind of bullshit are you talking about seriously? “Is that really possible?”

You still have such a big mouth.

“Of course, getting those three things is difficult in itself. “It’s possible because it’s me.”

He reached out and wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

“Nothing is difficult at first, but much easier after that.”

“… … .”

“You don’t know again, do you? “This gap could come into your own, Rachel.”

Rachel’s eyes sparkled.

This is because he immediately understood my implication that if he did well, something like today would happen again and he might be able to go outside.


Rachel lifted one hand and placed it on mine.


Serenade’s vitality surged in. Requiem rushed in and started sucking out his life force.

“Is this okay?”

Rachel looked into my eyes and asked for an answer.

I just smiled without saying a word. When Rachel saw that smile, a feeling of nervousness appeared on her face.


Serenade’s vitality surged in even faster.

If earlier it felt like I was eating through a straw, now it felt like I was drinking from a cup.

“how is it?”

“well. “I don’t know if there will be a gap like this.”

“Oh really!”

Normally, I would have just spit out a thick curse, but Rachel watched me and controlled my mouth.


Rachel grabbed my arm with both hands. And then he began pouring out Serenade’s vitality in earnest.

Requiem let out a moan of joy amidst the vitality pouring down like a waterfall.

“No matter how much I pour, there is no end… … .”

Rachel clicked her tongue softly.

If Rachel’s vitality was a spring that never dried up no matter how much she poured out, the emptiness of Requiem was like a bottomless poison that could never be filled.

After some time has passed,

“Are you done now?”

Rachel asked, chewing her lips.


I felt Requiem rolling around, holding on to my swollen belly.

I chuckled and shook off Rachel’s hand.

“I’ll take a look.”

“Han Bu-eon? “Only once??”

“Oh, then why don’t we just find out?”

Rachel’s face crumpled.

“Ahhhh! it’s annoying!”

Rachel fell to the floor, shaking her arms and legs.

“You just came back after a few months and started talking about grabbing people’s backs! “Is this why I stayed calm and didn’t mess with Theodore’s temper?”

The white dress she was wearing was wrinkled and unsightly. Rachel didn’t care and lost her temper by rolling sideways and backwards.

“Not as much as Theodore, but you’re a really annoying bastard! know?!”

“Uh huh, stop acting like a child.”

“Someday I’ll be a grandmother!”

I remember that again. It must have been quite a heartache, huh?

I just looked at Rachel, and eventually she got tired of struggling and stopped struggling.

“ha… … .”

“Have you lost your temper?”

“I don’t know, it’s okay. “I don’t want to see you, so don’t show your face for a while.”

“okay? “You won’t regret it, right?”

He chuckled and took something out of his pocket.


Rachel saw that and jumped up from her seat. He came towards me with his knee steps and clung to me.

“This, this… … .”

A flower full of small yellow petals. When he handed it to Rachel, she took it with her hand shaking.

“Ta, Tarasco… … .”

“It was a bit difficult to get it. “For a wild flower that bloomed in a destroyed village, that’s too picky.”

Rachel just stared at Tarasco endlessly. He held it tightly, not even giving it strength in case it broke.

Rachel’s eyes distorted intricately as she took in each petal. She waited a moment for Rachel, lost in her thoughts, and then she quietly asked:

“How about we not come again?”

“… … I just tried it. “You know.”

Rachel lightly stroked the petals and whispered lowly.

“As you get older, you start saying things you don’t even mean to say.”

“Yes, yes, grandmother.”

Despite the scratching sound inside, Rachel said nothing, holding a wild flower carefully.

Eventually, she adjusted her posture, sat down, and spoke.

“Yes, I heard about the subjugation war. “The entire empire was in an uproar.”

“I am somewhat capable.”

“I can’t believe the owner of the cadenza and aria has already appeared. But you’re just as famous as those guys. “You don’t use Requiem in front of people.”

Rachel’s green eyes sparkled with interest.

“But isn’t the name Black Knight too old-fashioned?”

“I didn’t make it.”

If Eliche had heard it, she would have shaken her head.

‘The owner’s naming sense is the worst… … ‘No, no.’

What’s wrong with my naming sense? Black star, gold star. It was nicely built.

“Anyway, now all the swords of the four seasons have appeared. “But only you and I know that fact.”

“Theodore knows too.”

Rachel was startled by my response.

“How did Theodore…” … Ah, that’s right. Anyway, I heard you’re very quick-witted.”

“He coveted the rest of the sword.”


Rachel snorted loudly and frowned.

“Anyway… … You’re like a pig that won’t be satisfied even if you eat until your stomach explodes. “Why do you want the sword of the four seasons?”

“I don’t have the confidence to hold the sword myself, but I want to use the sword’s owners as my hands and feet. “It’s like that.”

“Ugh it’s frustrating. “It makes me sick just thinking about it.”

Rachel was so bloated that she even tried to pretend to throw up.

“I have a question.”

“What are you curious about?”

Normally, she would have been giggling and bouncing around, but perhaps because I had brought her flowers, she behaved quite nicely.

“Oh, by any chance the owner of Cadenza came last time?”

As befits someone who has lived for a long time, and as someone who possesses the sword of the four seasons.

Rachel quickly deduced my question.

“What about back then… … . It looks like she got burned trying to hold the cadenza. That’s a lot of money. “He gave up several months worth of donations from other nobles to fix it.”

“The Ardante family is wealthy. so?”

“I healed him as I was told. But the owner of the cadenza… … .”


“Oh yeah. Cain Ardante. “The little boy said that his heart was pounding and that he felt Serenade’s presence.”

Rachel said, twirling her hair between her fingers.

“So that’s the existence of God, and I started talking nonsense.”

“Are you convinced by that?”

“I’m a saint, don’t you know? “It’s my acting skills.”

A faint smile appeared on Rachel’s lips.

“It’s not a big deal to fool a kid like that. “There is no information about the Sword of the Four Seasons, so I have no choice but to believe it.”

Rachel looked intently at my face.

“That’s why it’s strange. “We are the same age, so how does this kid know so well?”

“It’s a trade secret.”

“That’s right.”

Rachel shrugged her shoulders and was surprisingly easily convinced.

“So, what are you going to do next? “Do I have to wait forever again?”

“Cadenza’s owner will be moving soon. “His father, to be exact.”

Carlo, he is someone who will step on others, not someone who will bow down to someone.

Especially now that my son has a good cause.

“Soon, a wind of blood will sweep through the capital.”

My eyes sank coldly as I spoke of the bloody future.

“Just wait a little longer. “You’ll hear some interesting news soon.”

“I’m really looking forward to that.”

Likewise, a cold smile appeared on Rachel’s face.



Let the laughter of the two secret conspirators fill the prayer room.

Grung Grung-

Requiem agreed with its owner’s reaction and smiled in satisfaction.


Serenade just laughed along with her owner’s laughter, which she heard for a long time.


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