I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 185

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Chapter 25. Taking care of the snowflakes so they bloom. (8)

‘She’s a great beauty.’

Leah was purely amazed.

I saw so many beautiful ladies here, but Princess Violet’s beauty was unrivaled.

Is this what a glass doll painstakingly crafted by a craftsman with the highest level of skill would look like?

His facial features, jawline, smooth skin without a spot, and there was nothing lacking.

‘Is this what a princess of an empire should be like?’

In particular, the ebony black hair and gun-filled purple eyes contrasted sharply with Leah’s coloring.

Again, again.

As Princess Violet walked slowly, people’s eyes followed her.

Among them, Cain and Carlo, who had tried to ignore the power of Mikel and Abel, were also mixed in.

“The princess’s extravagance remains the same. “I would buy a mansion entirely from the jewels on her body.”

“They recently discovered a new craftsman and only use that person’s work.”

The place where Princess Violet’s steps first reached,

“It’s been a while, Prince Abel.”

It was right in front of Leah.

People were startled and began to watch Princess Violet, Leah, and Abel.

“… … .”

The eyes of Cain and Carlo, who had been ignoring this situation, changed.

The fact that Princess Violet greeted this side first had a lot of meaning.

Due to her intervention, the balance between the two powers, which had been maintained as equals, was broken.

“Huh, if this happens… … .”

“Does this mean that the imperial family is also keeping an eye on Lord Mikel and Prince Abel?”

In the end, the hearts of some families who had expressed neutrality began to waver.

For nobles, the whereabouts of power was a very important issue. Just standing in line wrong was a problem that could cause the family to fall apart.

While all the nobles watched the situation with trepidation,

“Mom, what should I do?”

“Well… … .”

Lady Sophia Barnes and Countess Barnes whispered.

To treat Lady Sophia’s Crudele disease, the Barnes family had to donate a huge amount of money.

And, unable to handle the aftermath, it was shaking precariously.

Now the only assets left to the Barnes family were Lady Sophia, who had regained her beauty, and the family’s name.

“perhaps… … “I may have to make a choice.”

Count Barnes, who was standing next to the two, muttered.

As people’s emotions intersect in various ways,

“It’s been a long time, Princess Violet.”

Abel smiled brightly and held on to Princess Violet’s outstretched hand.

He briefly kissed the back of the princess’s hand and then lifted his face.

“You still look beautiful today.

“… … joy.”

Princess Violet took her hand away with a look of slight satisfaction on her face.

“Anyway, as promised, he came back with a brilliant victory report.”

Princess Violet crossed her arms and looked Abel up and down.

“I thought at least one or two limbs would be hurt, but he’s in better shape than I thought.”

“Were you worried?”

As Abel grinned, showing his teeth, the corners of Princess Violet’s mouth twitched.

“Huh, really. Who cared? “You still interpret things the way you like.”

The two people seemed to have already become acquainted with each other. The bouncing back and forth conversation was extremely natural.

Then, in an instant, Princess Violet’s eyes passed by Leia.


The moment he thought that the princess’s gaze on him was somehow sharp,

“I want to hear the story of the subjugation war. Please go into detail.”

Princess Violet immediately turned her head towards Abel. Her eyes were slightly colored with a desire for exclusiveness.

* * *

“This is not a story the princess would like to hear. “It’s crude content with blood and flesh splattered on it. Do you mind?”

“It doesn’t matter, let’s try it.”

Normally, I would have kept my mouth shut because it was annoying.

People took a few steps back from us and looked at us with curious faces.

With Cain and Carlo looking this way, I couldn’t let this opportunity go to waste.

“… … So, as I approached the first guard post, I somehow had a bad feeling. “It felt like there was an ambush.”

The problem was that Princess Violet kept Leah standing next to her.

In principle, a low-status person can only say hello if a high-ranking person speaks to them.

Therefore, Leah had to just stand like that unless Princess Violet spoke to her.

The problem was that Leah didn’t really care about it.

“Oh oh.”

Leah’s eyes were shining and she was concentrating on my story. She seemed to be very curious about the story before coming to the Node territory.

“… … .”

Princess Violet seemed to find Leah annoying and gave her a sneaky look and put pressure on her.



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If Leah had been an ordinary noble daughter, she would not have been able to endure it and would have run away from this place.

However, Leah did not even notice that gaze,

“Oh, I see.”

All they did was nod their heads occasionally and let out small exclamations.

As a result, Princess Violet was unable to concentrate on the story because she was worried about Leah.

Unable to bear it, she finally tried to use that technique again.


He pretended to lose his hand and intentionally tried to drop the glass he was holding onto Leah’s dress.



Leah quickly stretched out her hand and caught the glass just before it fell. Lightly without the contents splashing out.


Leah grabbed the glass and placed it on the table.

“Are you okay?”

And then he looked back at Princess Violet with a calm face.

“Are you hurt anywhere?”

“Tsk… … !”

Princess Violet’s cheeks turned red. ‘Why are there all these kids?’ It was the look in his eyes that said.

I can assure you that since Princess Violet debuted in the social world, she has never encountered a strong enemy like Leah.

So to speak, Leah was a large dog. I can laugh off the scratches of a little cat called Princess Violet.

‘I’m so childish.’

Even when Princess Violet chose her opponent, she chose the wrong person. Besides, she didn’t know why she was putting herself through such unnecessary trouble.

Since I hated this kind of tiring work, I decided to settle the situation appropriately.

“Then, when I learned that Miss Leah was being led away by Aria, I quickly packed my bags and started chasing after her.”

As he continued his story, he furrowed his eyebrows and smiled.

“It was so hard that I thought I was going to die.”

It was expected that Leah would be led away by Aria. However, since we didn’t know when that time would come, we had to closely monitor Leah for three days.

In other words, the hardships I spoke of were about those three days. Tracking Leah wasn’t actually that difficult.

“No, that is.”

Leah muttered as if she was embarrassed.

“Because Aria called me, I had no choice… … .”

“So, as a punishment for putting me through a hard time, we engaged in a rather intense sparring.”


Princess Violet raised her eyebrows as if she was interested.

“You mean two people fighting each other?”

“To be exact, it’s closer to guidance training that I teach unilaterally.”

“What are you teaching one-sidedly?” … .”

Leah was excited, but I didn’t care at all and continued what I was saying.

“Princess Leia is an outstanding swordsman. “The potential for development is endless.”

“excellent… … test.”

Princess Violet muttered those words, lost in thought.

“Yeah, I see.”

Her eyes looked back and forth between me and Leah. Her discomfort, which had been resting on her smooth surface, slowly disappeared from her.

“I heard that you became the master of Aria, the sword of the four seasons. “Of course, that means he’s an excellent prosecutor.”

“The fact that you became the master of the sword in the first place is proof of your talent. “If you don’t have talent, you won’t be able to hold it.”

“Is that so?”

Princess Violet suddenly had a clean-cut face without any emotional residue. You clearly understood the intent of what I said.

“You two had a good teacher-student relationship.”

Princess Violet nodded and said,

“It’s roughly similar.”

“That’s not it.”

My positivity and Leah’s negativity came out at the same time.

Leah complained.

“Who is your disciple? “Nonsense.”

“I taught you a lot of things.”

While we were having a heated conversation like that,

Tap, tap.

I could feel people’s footsteps getting closer.


Likewise, Leah, who had good ears, raised her head, and Princess Violet, who sensitively sensed the atmosphere around her, also turned her gaze.

“You look like you’re fast.”

The princess swallowed a low sigh after seeing who the other person was. A group of people approached us.

“Meet Princess Violette.”

“Meet the princess.”

It was a group of people who followed the Ardante family, led by Carlo, who had a deep smile, and Cain, whose earlobes were slightly red.

“How have you been?”

Princess Violet did not hide her bored expression. As soon as she received greetings from people,

“Hehe, I guess everyone is gathered here.”

Mikel appeared with a friendly smile.

But his blue-grey eyes were shining sharply like blades. He saw Carlo and Cain moving and he must have followed them.


The atmosphere was quite different from before. The two groups, who had been separated from each other the whole time, were about to clash.

“I’m sad about this, princess.”

It was Carlo who spoke first. Princess Violette raised the glass she was holding to her lips and asked a question indifferently.

“What does that mean?”

“I will continue to talk only with Prince Abel and Princess Leia. “Aren’t these two people the only ones who participated in the subjugation war?”

“That’s right. “But isn’t it Prince Abel who accomplished the most feats?”

Carlo seemed to have anticipated the princess’s reaction and immediately refuted it.

“If you look at it that way, Princess Leia’s contribution would not be that high.”

“But isn’t she the master of Aria, the sword of the four seasons? “That’s why I became interested.”

Carlo grinned, as if he had been waiting for those words.

“Isn’t there another sword owner here?”

His hand pointed to Cain, who was standing next to him. Cain stepped forward and spoke in a serious voice.

“If it weren’t for Cadenza’s incident, I would have participated in the subjugation battle from the beginning.”

“Is that so?”

When Princess Violet nodded, Cain’s voice gained strength.

“If I had gotten my hands on Cadenza a little sooner, I could have killed more monsters. “It’s just a shame.”

It looks like he’s trying to justify himself by using the cadenza as an excuse.

“Oh, really?”

It wasn’t my place to watch that happen.

“I think there were more victims swept up in the Cadenza fire than that.”

Cain’s face turned pale at a single word aimed at Hector.

“Prince Abel!”

Carlo got angry and stepped forward.

“Be careful what you say and do. It was an unfortunate accident. “What is the reason for bringing up the past?”

“If I say it’s all in the past, does what happened disappear?”

I responded without hiding the sneer on my face.

“I wasn’t the only one who saw what happened back then. It is clear that the sword of the four seasons is dangerous.”

Carlo quickly saw through my plan to emphasize the danger of Cain. He twisted the corner of his mouth and laughed.

“Are you saying that you know that those words also apply to Princess Leia next to you?”

At his one word, Leah’s mouth tightened, and Mikel’s eyes shone bright blue.

“Now… … .”

The moment he opened his mouth,

“Are you comparing the person who got burned and the person who came back without a single wound?”

A cold voice came out of my mouth.

“Isn’t it obvious who is better with a sword?”


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