I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 170

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Chapter 23. The night guest appears without warning. (14)

“Leah sighed.

“We’ve been fighting for hours, and we haven’t even been able to graze the collar.”

Her eyes turned to Abel, who was a few steps away.

The Demon of Requiem fought on equal terms with Cain, and was not pushed back at all even after Leia joined him.

The moment you touch Requiem, you lose that body part. So Cain and Leah had to move with extreme caution.

On the other hand, Abel recovered from scratches and shallow cuts on his own. By consuming the life force he had swallowed up so far.

“If we continue, we will eventually get tired first.”

After speaking, Leah closed her eyes.

Crispy, crispy-

Aria’s energy began to swirl. In an instant, the surrounding temperature plummeted and the air froze.

“Leah, what are you trying to do?”

Cain was startled and followed Leah’s side.

Leah’s expression and eyes now were similar to those back then.

After losing his father, he was clutching Aria, twisted with anger and a desire for revenge.

“I will tie your feet.”

Leah spoke in a simple tone.

I felt strangely relieved. Maybe she knew this would happen.

The time when Aria was trapped in eternal ice, and the ice suddenly melted due to the intense heat.

When I saw a red-haired man beyond my water-blurred vision.

Yes, I think I probably had a premonition back then.

That she would repay the man who saved her in some way.

“Leah, wait a minute. Wait.”

After seeing Cain’s face trying to grab him,


Leah muttered briefly. It was a greeting that might be the last.


The ice shot out longer than Aria’s sword. In an instant, the aria became twice as long.

“for a moment-”

Cain sensed something and stretched out his hand toward her. But her narrow miss only grazed her collar.


That was the last voice Leah heard from Cain.

〈From the Rulers of Red Flame〉

‘Yes, I did.’

Leah’s end, depicted in a sad and lyrical way in the original work, flashed through my mind.

Leah succeeds in tying Abel’s arms and legs by drawing out Aria’s strength to the limit. Although she had to give her own life in return.

In the end, Cain cuts off Abel’s head and weeps in front of Leah’s black, distorted body.

The first human to survive facing the Demon of Requiem and the last victim killed by the Demon of Requiem.

That was the moment when the fate of the two people diverged.

‘Another human killed by Abel in the original… … .’

I moistened my dry lips and looked in the direction where Leah was.


Leah, riding a horse, exudes a strong sense of vitality. Her braided hair danced dizzyingly in the wind.


The skill of using the running speed to quickly cut out the monster’s tendons or muscles was excellent.

“Wow, quite.”

With deep admiration, I rode toward the reinforcements. If they ran towards each other at this speed, it seemed like they could meet soon.

“Everyone, just hang on a little longer!”

“You can soon join the reinforcements!”

While everyone was encouraging the drivers, blue-grey eyes clouded with anxiety and nervousness stood out.

“Leah… you, absolutely!”

Mikel also seemed to realize that the knight leading the reinforcements was Leah. I see that the hands that kill the monster are urgent.

‘Is this what fatherly love is like?’

It was surprising that even in this chaotic and hectic time, he recognized his daughter’s presence.

Unless you had the same physical ability as me, it would have been difficult to discern Leah’s appearance from far away.

“Your body is sweet.”

He grinned and spurred his horse. There is nothing good about seeing blood for a long time either.



Several monsters began to flock towards the reinforcements.

Realizing that they were surrounded, their intention was to kill the side with fewer numbers.

The monsters’ attacks were focused on Leah, the leader.


Leah skillfully avoided the monster, but

“Hee hee hee!”

Leah lost her footing and her words fell silent.


There seemed to be a short scream,



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Leah landed on the floor and immediately got up.


I thought I was just going to fall off the horse. Just before the horse fell, he kicked his back and jumped on top of it.

It was truly amazing reflexes.


“Are you okay!”

The rest of the reinforcements turned to her in horror.


Leah took a stance as if she had just rolled on the floor. Meanwhile, the hand that did not let go of his sword stood out.



Leah, who lost her speech, became the main target of monsters. Several of her horses rushed at her at once.


Leah took a short breath and began to emit a fearsome fighting spirit. He is full of will to fight without being pushed back.



Leah’s sword cut the monster’s neck. The monster limped and never got up again.

‘You make up for your lack of strength with technique.’

It uses the rotating force to cut, and uses the recoil of the monster rushing towards it to stab it deep.

Even after getting off the horse, Leah easily dealt with the monster.

But that only lasts for a moment.


Since there were so many enemies to deal with at the same time, a loophole arose. Leah’s armor quickly began to dent here and there.


The moment a monster hit Leah hard on the shoulder, the smile disappeared from my face.

If I lose Leah now, the meaning of going through all the hardships to get here will disappear.

“Conrad! Take my place.”

“I understand. Then, Master…”

“I have something else to do.”

After giving Conrad a brief pat on the shoulder, he increased the speed of his horse. He held the reins tightly and pressed his thighs tightly against the horse’s body.

“I only trust you.”

Even though you are not a Black Star, you are still a horse with an excellent name and color, so I think you can do this much.

Doo doo doo doo!



The monsters recognized me as I was approaching at high speed. They turned away from Leia and looked at me, looking more threatening.

Doo doo doo doo doo!

I ran towards them as hard as I could.


Just before confronting the monster, I pulled the reins up.

“Hee hee!”

With the words, the body rose into the air. The monsters looked at me with blank expressions on their faces.


It landed on the floor with a heavy sound. He succeeded in overcoming the monsters.



We left the monster looking back at us in surprise and ran straight towards Leah. Now the most important thing was to reach Leah quickly.


Leah, who was just pressing the monster’s solar plexus, turned to me. The sight of Leah entangled with the monster was getting closer by the minute.


When he stretched out his left hand and shouted, Leah understood what he meant and stopped. But she had no time to worry.


After Leah cut down the monster she was facing,


He immediately grabbed my hand.


Another monster rushed at him, but succeeded in pulling Leah’s body up by a narrow margin.

‘It’s quite heavy.’

It wasn’t just because of the armor.

From Melina to Elice to Princess Violette.

Compared to her experience lifting several women, there was a clear difference in Leah’s body.

I felt like I had a solid, balanced body that didn’t neglect training.


I pulled Leah and made her sit in front of me.

“You have good strength.”

Leah immediately let go of my hand.

Even though they were very close to each other, her voice was undisturbed.

“You pulled me out of there.”

A somewhat high-pitched voice with a noble resonance. A unique northerner accent like Mikel.

“If I wasn’t going to do it, I wouldn’t have come.”

Leah was silent for a moment as she smiled and answered.

It wasn’t clear whether it was because of the content of my words or my free-spirited tone.

“……Let’s go back.”

Leah pointed behind her with her free hand. I asked back in a calm tone.

“Looking at it, it doesn’t look like we’ll lose. Wouldn’t it be okay to go to the castle gate first?”

It would have been difficult if Leah got hurt if we went back there.


Leah suddenly turned her head and glared at me. A blue light flashed through the gap in the helmet.

Finally, she answered with a sigh.

“I will go alone. Come down.”


He continued speaking without slowing down.

“But don’t jump from here. This time it will be difficult to land like before.”

I felt Leah flinch, as if she really wanted to jump.

“…Did you see that?”

“I saw it, so I came to save it.”

He shrugged his shoulders and obediently turned his horse’s head.


Leah glanced at me curiously.

“I thought you would just go to the castle.”

“If that were true, I would have taken the reins by force.”


As if she had hit the nail on the head, Leah looked away.

“It looks like you just hurt your right arm.”

Leah answered in a calm voice.

“You can use a sword with your left arm too.”

“I know.”

Because she was ambidextrous, she was able to write arias well.

Doo doo doo!

He increased his speed and ran towards the subjugation team again. The reinforcements and the punitive force were on the verge of joining.

“I’m on the right.”

With just that one word, Leah immediately understood what I meant.

“Then I will take the left side.”


Doo doo doo doo!

We got closer and closer to the shallow group of monsters. Caught between the subjugation team and the reinforcements, they can’t do anything.

“Prince Abel?”

“Eh, Master Abel?”


Various voices were heard among the people. They saw me and Leah riding on a horse together while faithfully fighting monsters.


As I shouted for Leah to listen, I felt Leah’s body tense up.



By the time the monsters that discovered us started screaming, it was already too late.


My sword cuts off their throats,


Leia’s sword pierced between the clavicle bones.


They fell apart. It was a good result considering it was our first time putting our hands together.

We pushed on without slowing down. Thanks to Leah and I’s joint attack, all the monsters blocking the way between the subjugation team and the reinforcements disappeared, “Ooooh!”

“at las!”

Shouts erupted from both the subjugation team and the reinforcements.

“Come this way!”

Leah shouted loudly at them. The reinforcements immediately followed behind me, and the subjugation team also hurried their horses and chased after them.

Doo doo doo doo!

There were no more monsters blocking our path. I just turned my back on the setting sun and ran towards the castle wall.


The heavy castle gate slowly began to open. Through the gap, soldiers with anxious faces could be seen.

“Everyone hurry!”

“Don’t leave out even one person!”

The reinforcements and the punitive force, led by Leah and I, passed through the gap in the castle gate one by one.

“Thank you, God!”

“It’s finally over!”

The people inside screamed in joy. I slowly stopped talking and waited for everyone to enter the castle.


Leah let out a somewhat tired breath and took off her helmet.


The helmet fell to the ground, leaving a short metallic sound.


The wind blew and made Leah’s disheveled hair flutter. The next moment, Leah’s head turned towards me.


Eyes met eyes.

Leah’s skin was so transparent that her blood vessels were visible. Her fair eyebrows and long eyelashes were the same color as her hair.

The overall color was very light, giving a pretty impression as if it would fly away when the wind blew.

But only one place.

Leia’s eyes were a bluish green like vivid emeralds.

It was transparent, as if the face of the person facing it could be reflected, but at the same time, it was deep like the sea.

The only color visible to a girl as white and fair as the Snow Queen.

Like Diego, a person who was never met by a sane Abel, and who was murdered by Abel’s hands.

It was standing in front of me, alive and breathing.

“…What’s your name?”

Leah’s well-shaped lips moved.


I also took off my helmet and faced Leah directly.

“Abel Kindreal.”


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