I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 163

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Chapter 23. The night guest appears without warning. (7)

““Abel Kindreal.”

Cain’s quiet voice fell to the ground.


Abel, recognizing someone else’s voice, turned around.

no. It wasn’t Abel.

Black eyes flicker beneath the jet-black hair.

There was no reason or will in it. Just a merciless and endless killing intent towards others.

The bodies of those who had already been robbed of their vitality were scattered beneath Abel’s feet.

Empty black eyes turned to Cain.


Thin, bloodless lips move,


Abel, now the devil of Requiem, kicked the ground.

“Yes. There is no turning back now.”

Cain muttered softly and strengthened the hand holding the cadenza.


At his will, the flames spread over the cadenza. The power to destroy the opponent and burn away all their vitality.

“I’ll do it for you, too.”

Cain ran toward the invading Demon of Requiem.

Now was the time to put an end to all this tragedy.

The ending of Ruler of the Red Flame, which everyone praised as a famous scene, flashes through my mind.

The sight of Cain standing in front of me, holding a cadenza wrapped in flames, instantly brought me to the scene.

The fate of a villain who is killed by the protagonist.

The fate that I had barely managed to get away from by struggling with all my might was approaching me as if it were laughing at me.


My stomach is twisted and I feel like the world is turning upside down. Her vision became dizzy and her vision wavered.

A whitish vapor spewed out irregularly from the teeth. My breathing, which had not been disrupted even after running up that steep mountain, faltered dangerously.

Not since I became Abel Kindreal have I been so agitated.

I closed my eyes tightly and opened them.


For a moment, I thought it was a dream.

Cain’s image was clearly etched again on my retina.

Something that was rumbling in my stomach and my overly sensitive five senses moved away and became quiet.

At this moment, it was just me and Cain here.

Standing with his back to the sun and holding a sword that burned redder than the sun, he radiated a powerful presence.

With a confident smile on his smooth face, his much stronger body firmly supported the sword.

It was the very image of the confident and just protagonist who was praised in the original work.

‘How on earth?’

How could Cain be standing here? He looked fine and was holding a cadenza.

It was my first time seeing it with the naked eye, but I recognized it at first sight.

The rare red blade was hot as if it had been refined from the sun, and was stern as if it would cut down everything it touched.

What was most impressive was the vivid flame flowing over the blade.

No sword can have flames wrapped around its body.

A miracle that only a cadenza can achieve.

That color, that overwhelming presence. It was definitely a cadenza.

There was no need to expand the absolute area to check.

‘Besides, that flame… … .’

The power to burn everything the sword touches, granted only to those recognized by Cadenza.

Cain’s use of it meant that he had become the true owner of the cadenza.

As if I had become the owner of Requiem.

‘As expected, Sienna… … .’

I couldn’t explain this situation otherwise.

‘f*ck you!’

In that way, Cain hid and took precedence over many things he should have had. I did the best I could.

I was devastated and disappointed that all my efforts seemed to have been in vain.

‘f*ck, damn.’

There was no way to stop my emotions from running wild. It felt like my eyes were turning white from the fire rising inside.

Requiem was also quiet at this moment. It was a somewhat different reaction from when I met Serenade.

At that time, he squirmed at the fact that he had met Brother Sword, showing confusion and greed.

But now, perhaps because he felt an intense and primal force that was contrary to his own, he showed signs of caution.

Jerk, jerk.

Behind Cain, people who appeared to be Sud knights appeared one after another.

Luxurious armor and a rare breed of horse. In any case, it seemed like they were from the Ardante family and had been spending too much money.

In front of the punitive team that had just fought a battle and was in ruins, the Sud Knights looked as if they had arrived here to save them.

“Cain… Ardante?”

“How can I get here….”



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“Well, what on earth is that sword?”

People stood up halfway and rushed to ask Cain.

The interest and interest poured into oneself,

“I will tell you in detail after we defeat the enemy.”

Cain cut it cleanly with just one word.

‘… … ‘It’s changed.’

When I last saw you in the capital.

In just a few weeks, the youthful aspect of my face disappeared and I felt a more mature weight.

He showed refined movements, but was detached, as if he didn’t think he would fail.

“I will provide cover.”

A man with a grave appearance followed Cain next to him.

‘Commander of the Sud Knights, Hector.’

Given the circumstances, that man must be him.

The way he treated Cain was very polite, just like he treated his lord Carlo.

“I will follow, master.”

The attitude of the Sud Knights was also the same. The loyalty that seemed to serve an absolute monarch was flowing throughout.


Cain grinned and jumped off the horse. And she held the cadenza firmly with both hands.

“Thank you all for your hard work. We, the Sud Knights, will take care of this place.”

I burst out laughing as I listened to him talk to people.

Anyone who looks at it would think that the Sud Knights have completely wiped out this place. A topic that came late.

“Prince Cain, but-”

“Please trust us.”

Mikel tried to stop him, but Cain left only one word and started running away.

Hector and the Sud knights, who also dismounted from their horses, ran after them.



Rufus started running down from the hill.

They always start the battle by taking the high ground like that. In order to use the leaping force as the jumping speed, to bite off the prey’s neck in one go.


The moment Rufus, the leader, rushed towards Cain, who was in front,


He swung the cadenza vigorously sideways.


Rufus’ snout was cut off. It seemed to be somewhat inferior to Requiem’s ​​cutting power.

‘Because there is no power to absorb life force.’

Seeing that the cutting edge was somewhat rough, it seemed to be due to the power of Cain rather than the power of the sword itself.

You can’t kill it just by cutting off its snout. but… … .


A sudden fire broke out where Cadenza had cut down.

“Kwaek! Kwak!”

Rufus was in great pain and covered his snout with both paws. An unimaginably high fever was burning its snout.


He couldn’t stand it any longer, so he stuck his snout in the snow and started shaking it. Rubbing the cut ends of his body on the ground was an act that seemed horrifying to even imagine.

The pain of burning my skin was greater than the pain of rubbing the cut edge.


The problem is that even if the flame touches the eye, there is no damage at all.

While he was writhing in pain,


Hector’s sword cut off the guy’s head.

Thump, thud.

The acrid smell of burning fur, leather, and flesh emanated from around the fallen head.

‘That…’ … The power of the cadenza.’

It was even more amazing to see it with my own eyes.

The cadenza’s flame was different from the flames I had known before. It was hot rather than warm, and I felt an infinite power boiling from deep inside.

Cain wielded his power and wandered among the Rufus.

There was no need to cut or stab deeply. Even if just a limb was cut off, the Lupus animals would roll around on the ground in pain and not know what to do. Sigh!

The Sud Knights who followed behind them put an end to the Rufus.


My eyes narrowed as I watched that scene.

‘They don’t use any water.’

Is it because Cain has never murdered anyone yet? Or is it because I think this alone is enough?

Either way, I was glad to see his soft appearance.

‘And that flame.’

In the original, the person who was cut by Cain died with his entire body engulfed in flames. However, the flame seen now was smaller and weaker than expected.

‘Do you not know how to use all your power yet?’

While I was deep in thought, the people around me blankly watched Cain’s performance.

“Huh…what on earth is that sword?”

“I’ve never seen a sword like that. That blazing flame….”

Most were surprised by the cadenza’s ferocity, but

“……no way.”


Some people had bright spots around their eyes and cupped their chins. These are probably people who have vaguely heard of the legend about the sword of the four seasons.



The number of lupus cases was decreasing rapidly.

The joint attack by Cain and the Sud Knights, and above all, the flames of Cadenza, which is a natural enemy to the monsters, made them shrink.



Finally, Captain Rufus called in the rest. They started running away without even looking back.

“Chase them-”


Cain blocked Hector, who was about to get on his horse.

“This is enough.”

“But, master,”


Hector kissed his lips for a moment, but then lowered his head.

“Yes, I understand.”

After patting Hector on the shoulder, Cain led the remaining members and returned to the subjugation team.

It was a very majestic victory display, as if he was a triumphant general.

‘… … ‘That’s really shit.’

I ended up turning my shit-chewing face in that direction.

❖ ❖ ❖

“The way to get here wasn’t that difficult. All I had to do was follow the traces left behind by the previous subjugation team.”

The front of the castle was cleared, and the leaders and successors of each knightly order gathered in Mikel’s tent.

“Besides, it was easy to speed up because you killed all the monsters. No one interfered with us.”

Cain, who had been speaking in a serious tone in front of the table, bowed his head.

“Thank you for this opportunity. I would also like to apologize for joining late due to family circumstances.”

He gave a quick glance and Hector stepped forward.

“As an apology, we would like to give you the supplies and food we brought. Please do not refuse.”

“No, everything like that….”

“I’ve already had the members bring it to each knight’s tent. Please don’t worry about it and use it comfortably.”

Although people were embarrassed, they could not hide their joy. Supply of supplies was always a welcome event.

Even though they were tired from staying up all night, they were anxious to talk to Cain.

“Perhaps it’s something that happened to that family….”

When Bennett opened his mouth, Cain, who made eye contact with him, smiled.

“you’re right.”

He concentrated for a moment with his hands hanging in the air.


The red sword extending from his palm was wrapped around Cain’s hand.

“Oh! Is it magic?!”

“How did you do it?”

People looked at Cain’s hand and sword alternately with jaw-dropping expressions.


Cain scratched his head and smiled shyly.

“I thought, ‘I just want to hold a sword,’ and it appeared.”

He spoke calmly, as if nothing had happened.

However, underneath it all, there was a faint sense of joy over the current situation that was monopolizing everyone’s attention.

“It was convenient to put it away so it wouldn’t be visible.”

Perhaps this situation was nothing more than a belated return of what he should have enjoyed.

Because Cain Ardante was always better, superior, and superior to others.


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