I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 158

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Chapter 23. Night guests appear without warning (2)


Carlo jumped out of the boat and rolled over. He forgot his body and ran hastily towards his den.

“My lord! It’s dangerous!”

There was no sound of Hector and his retainers stopping him from behind.

‘My son!’

My one and only son, who I wouldn’t hurt if I put it in my eye, and who I wouldn’t change even if I were given a thousand gold coins.

I couldn’t lose him like this.

‘Please don’t!’

I could guess why Cain disobeyed his orders and went to the island.

That strange sword that killed all corals and pearls, and even swallowed people.

As the rightful successor to the Sud domain, he could not be ignored. It was clear that he had gone to punish the entity that threatened the territory.


No matter how fast Carlo ran, he could not beat the trained knights. Hector and his vassals quickly caught up with him.

“My lord! Wait a minute-”

The moment Hector was about to reach out to Carlo,


A strong wind came out of the cave accompanied by an explosion.



People quickly raised their arms to block the wind. After the rushing wind scratched my entire body.


Carlo’s face turned pale.


He ran into the cave.

“My lord!”

Hector and his vassals followed suit.

“Cain! Cain!”

As they ran frantically through the cave, they suddenly realized that it was no longer hot inside.

The abnormal heat of the day disappeared, and all I could feel was the warm warmth that I always felt in Sud Manor.

And by the time I found out,


It was inside the cave.


Carlo’s eyes dilated as if they were about to explode.


His son, Cain, was lying on the floor.


Carlo hurriedly ran over and picked up his son.

Cain was motionless with his eyes closed and a pale face. She felt warm, but her entire body was drenched in cold sweat.

“Cain, open your eyes!”

Carlo was so devastated that he didn’t even notice that the sword he had seen during the day had disappeared.

“Cain, please!”

All he did was sweep Cain’s face with his hand and call his son’s name again and again.

“young master!”

“My lord!”

Hector ran over and stretched out his hand and touched the bottom of Cain’s nose.

“……It looks like you fainted for a moment.”

He looked around with a sigh of relief and realized.

“Wait a minute. The sword is gone.”

With a serious expression on his face, he looked at Cain again.

“No way, Master…?!”

Carlo took a deep breath after checking Cain’s hand.


Cain’s palms were red and swollen. It was a sign of severe burns.

“There’s this on the floor!”

Hector, while exploring the surroundings, found a piece of a gauntlet that had all melted down. It was a part that showed what Cain was wearing and holding the sword.

“Then where on earth is the sword…?”

Hector muttered curiously, but Carlo had no time to think about his son’s wounds.

“Call a doctor right now! We have to go back to the estate!”

He hugged Cain. With a completely contemplative look on his face, he ran out of the cave, ignoring all the distractions around him.

“My lord! I will carry you, master!”

“Then you get hurt! Please!”

Because of the crazy situation, people couldn’t see it.

The image of a sword engraved with flames appeared on the back of Cain’s hand and then disappeared.

❖ ❖ ❖


The referee, a monster with fluffy white fur and big rabbit-like ears, stretched out his limbs and died.



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After pulling out the Requiem from the corpse, he shook it off. Like removing flesh from the blade of a sword.

“Oh right.”

I did something I shouldn’t have done.

It seems that the actions he used during the day while using an ordinary sword have already become a habit.

This is a small town located in the corner of the northern mountain range.

When I arrived, most of the villagers had already been killed. By nocturnal referees who hunt mainly at night.

Thick snowflakes were piling up on the bodies of humans and monsters, cutting through the quiet night air.

Wajak, wajak.

I heard the sound of bones crunching behind my back.


Black Star swallowed the referee whole and purred with satisfaction. He had recently gone hunting at night with me and had gained a lot of weight.

“Guy, it’s good.”

I left the guy eating the baby referee and walked around slowly.

The referee’s corpses piled up like a mountain around him, making it extremely scary. But my steps were leisurely, like I was going for a walk.


Thanks to eating dozens of fresh monsters every day, Requiem fell asleep with a full stomach.

This was definitely more effective than suppressing it as much as possible and then releasing it.

‘It’s because we don’t often have to kill monsters like this every day.’

At night, he goes hunting alone with Requiem, and during the day, he kills monsters with the subjugation team.

It’s an intense schedule that would be impossible for an average human being to handle.

Thanks to absorbing a lot of life force through Requiem, my body was in better condition than ever.

If things continue like this, we will arrive at the node territory smoothly. If we manage to handle Princess Leia and Aria as planned, there will be nothing better.

however… … .

‘It looks like Cain won’t be able to come after all.’

There was no news from Cain again today.

Was the cadenza an ordinary sword?

Cadenza, the sword of summer, mercilessly burns down anyone who is not qualified to get hold of it. Its firepower is so powerful that it can even melt metal.

In this respect, Requiem can be said to be slightly, very slightly better than Cadenza.

At least Requiem doesn’t kill the person holding it. Although it encourages the person holding it to be killed by others.

What Cadenza wants is justice, desire, and ambition. Only those with a heart as hot and pure as a flame are accepted as masters.

‘It’s just Cain.’

So I abandoned the idea of ​​getting a cadenza in the first place. This is because it is not a sword that suits my personality.

Moreover, according to the explanation in the original work, humans can only hold one sword of the four seasons.

So, instead of getting the Cadenza, I hoped it would become a huge flame that would block Cain.

Just as the Ovest territory was devastated by Requiem in the original work, the Sud territory is devastated by Cadenza this time.

‘If the owner doesn’t show up anyway, the surrounding area will continue to burn.’

Given Cain’s personality, there would be no way he would let that happen.

However, even in the original work where everything was prepared, Cain became the owner of the cadenza with quite a bit of difficulty. So it was right to expect that it would fail this time.

Although the Sienna variable is a bit annoying.

‘No way, that could be possible.’

If possible, I hope Cain dies or becomes crippled. And I hope that they will participate in the subjugation war, even if it is belated.

If you look at the brilliant achievements I have accumulated so far, you will move on.

I couldn’t help but laugh as I imagined how they would go to any lengths to beat me.


Black Star approached me with his tail gently wagging. It looked like his stomach was full of tender Leprechaun baby meat.

“Let’s go if you’re done eating.”


I climbed up on top of Black Star.

At that moment, I felt the eyes of people gathering towards me.


I felt it from the moment I entered the village. That several surviving humans are hiding inside the house.

It’s annoying when there are survivors.

‘Should I kill him?’

He flicked the hand holding the Requiem and pulled Black Star’s reins.

“Come this way.”

I drove him and headed towards the house where people were hiding.


[Don’t make a sound!]

The people hiding inside the house hastily ducked. It seemed like he was trying his best, but he couldn’t escape my ears.

‘… … No, wait.’

A better idea occurred to me than killing the witness.

In the past, survivors from Kader territory testified about me. At that time, there were ugly rumors because they cut down the same person… … .


“Humans inside, listen.”

A mischievous smile twinkled on my lips as I knocked on the window.

❖ ❖ ❖

A small castle at an intermediate supply base.

“My goodness, Lord Mikel! You’re safe!”

Knight Jorgen opened the castle gate and rushed out.

“See you my lord.”

He knelt before Mikel and the men who were guarding the wall with him.

Mikel immediately stood him up and hugged him tightly.


I could hear complex emotions in Mikel’s voice.

In a situation where it was difficult for Jeon Seo-gu to come and go, Jorgen had survived so far with just the number of people in this castle.

“You really had a hard time.”

Mikel held Jorgen tightly and let go of the many words that were pouring out of his heart.

“No. My lord, you have suffered more than me.”

Jorgen, who was released from Mikel’s embrace, glanced behind him.

“I have just heard the news that a punitive force has been formed. Reaching Jeonseo-gu was delayed due to bad weather.”

A big smile appeared on his frozen lips.

“Thank goodness. I’m so glad. It’s this big, it’s really saved me a lot of time.”

He continued to pat his chest and spoke in a bright voice.

“You defeated all the monsters you saw on the way, right?”

“Well, that’s what it means.”

Mikel’s expression changed as he responded.

“I did battle with monsters on the way, but it was a little different than I expected…”


“I’ll explain in detail soon. What’s the situation here?”

Mikel looked around the castle walls carefully and smiled brightly.

“Fortunately, the surrounding area was clean. It’s thanks to you guys holding on well.”

“Ah, yes. That is….”

Jorgen’s expression as he answered was also subtly shaken. Mikel’s eyes narrowed when he noticed that.

“What happened?”

“Oh, it’s not bad news. It’s just a bit ambiguous.”

As Jorgen added hastily, Mikel’s eyes relaxed somewhat.

“Then, is there anything you want to say? Come on, tell me in detail.”

“Well, I don’t even know how to explain this…”

An embarrassed look appeared on Jorgen’s face.

After the story is over.

“Is that true?”

Mikel asked back with a suspicious look on his face.

“A single man on horseback wiped out 24 Gatineaus on that dark night and then leisurely left?”

“I’m sorry. It may be a lie, but when I came outside, all the Gatinos were dead.”

“No, I’m not blaming you. Actually….”

Mikel, who was quietly stroking his beard, slowly opened his mouth.

“…I think we also received help from him.”

“Huh? He also appeared before the lord?”

“To be exact, he appeared in front of the survivors.”

Mikel’s gaze turned backwards. He said as he looked at the people wearing old and worn-out clothes mixed among the members of the subjugation team.

“The survivors called him the ‘Black Knight.’”

It was a nickname given to him because he had black hair, black eyes, wore black clothes, and rode a black horse.

“He said that after wiping out all the monsters that attacked the village, there will be people to help you if you go to the southeast, so go there.”

Mikel turned his gaze back to Jorgen and said.

“The people who would help us were referring to us. Thanks to that, they were able to join us safely.”

“He said something? This is the first time I’ve heard of it.”

“They say the voice was a bit strange, but it was clearly human language.”

Mikel stroked his beard and was lost in thought.

“On the way, I saw many traces that he had swept away. If it weren’t for him, this subjugation battle would have been quite difficult.”

His blue-gray eyes sparkled with curiosity and interest.

“It’s clear that it’s human, as it moves with intention and communicates well. The problem is that we don’t know why it’s helping us.”

“Anyway, it is clear that they are friendly to us. They have never laid hands on humans.”

“That’s true. But somehow….”

Mikel looked back. The members of the subjugation team were leaning on their horses, looking exhausted.

“……I don’t think it’s one of them, no. No.”

He shook his head.

“I thought something crazy. How could that be possible with a human body?”


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