I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 136

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Chapter 20. Use the cards in your hand here and there. (6)

The subsequent schedule went smoothly.

This is because Princess Violet followed my instructions without any further unexpected behavior.

“How long do you have to go in?”

“Well, about the next two hours?”

“I see.”

I calculated the remaining time and moved carefully.

“Where are we going this time?”

“I have to stop by for a moment.”

Jack, who was waiting at the agreed upon spot, found me.

“Ah, Lord….”

Jack’s lips stopped. Because I put my finger on my lips and told him to be quiet.


Jack looked at me and Princess Violet behind him and rolled his eyes. Eventually, the guy laughed.

“Hello, Nauri. I was told to wait here and was waiting.”

Indeed, I had to take note of this guy’s tact.

Just by looking at my hand gestures, he drops the title ‘master’ and pretends it’s my first time seeing him.

Despite how long it had been since he worked at the guild, Jack seemed to have adapted to the environment here surprisingly quickly.

“Yes, I called you because I had something to tell you.”

I left Princess Violet behind and approached Jack.

“There are people looking for that woman. Let them know this location.”

After whispering to Jack, I wrote the location of a specific place on a piece of paper and handed it to him.

Jack similarly lowered his voice in response.

“How do we distinguish between that group?”

“Does she smell like perfume? They probably smell the same too.”

Jack looked at Princess Violet discreetly and nodded.

“It’s an incredibly strong smell. Still, it smells really good, right?”

“Yeah. It’s a lot better than the wet smell that comes from me, isn’t it?”

“……No, that, that.”

Jack quickly became tearful and rolled his eyes.

Anyway, he was a guy who had a taste for teasing.

“The time is about an hour later. If I deliver it around that time, I think it will be about the right time.”

“All right.”

Jack bowed down and then stood up. He tapped the guy on the head once and said.

“It’s easy to get sick on days like this, so go with Dexter.”


Jack’s eyes sparkled brightly.

“Are you worried about me?”

“No. I’m preparing in advance because I’m afraid something might go wrong.”


Jack grumbled and disappeared towards the square. She caught a brief glimpse of the figure and turned around.

“Oh, my feet hurt.”

Princess Violet was standing in an awkward posture.

“Are you in a lot of pain? Should we go back?”

Let’s pretend to be worried,


Princess Violet’s body became straight.

“I’m just a little tired. I can still walk.”

It was a very steadfast voice.

Anyway, I just did it. Because there were still places left to go.

“I failed to be considerate of the princess. I will walk more slowly.”

Princess Violet looked back at me as if she was once again surprised.

“Did you know you would say that?”

“…How on earth do you view me?”

“A bad guy without blood or tears.”

… … Well, it’s not wrong.

Like that, he walked away bickering with Princess Violet. The place we arrived was the auction house where the largest auction in the capital was held.

“It’s an auction house.”

Princess Violet checked the building and tilted her head.

“I know that expensive art and jewelry are auctioned here. But why did you come here?”

“During the festival period, special products that are difficult to see are posted. I saw that you really like jewelry.”

“Of course.”

Although I said that, my goal was actually different.

Here, an important person who would later become Cain’s assistant appears. A very powerful, yet very difficult person to deal with.

“Please wait a moment.”

The employee guarding the entrance stopped us. His eyes scanned our simple-looking clothes.

“There are circumstances.”

“Ah, I understand.”



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The employee very skillfully accepted the bag of money I held out.

Judging by their attitude, it seemed like a lot of nobles like us who had lied about their identities had already visited this place. That meant that this was not just an auction house.

“Follow me.”

Another employee suddenly appeared and began to guide us. He followed him up the stairs and saw a circular hallway.

A high-quality carpet was laid on the floor to reduce sound, and dark wallpaper was used to create a luxurious atmosphere.


Princess Violet expressed her admiration in a low voice. As far as she could see, the interior of this building was of a fairly high standard.

“This way.”

The staff opened the door to one of the rooms and let us in.

One side of the room with an old-fashioned atmosphere was completely open. Beyond that, I could see the stage of the auction house that had not yet been lit.

‘For some reason, the entire building is circular.’

It was designed so that the central stage could be seen from every room. I saw that they had prepared a soft sofa and table so that you could enjoy it leisurely.

“What would you like for a drink?”

“I got a cocktail. And the lady who came with me got a non-alcoholic drink.”


The employee quietly closed the door and disappeared.

Princess Violet seemed satisfied with my order and didn’t make much of a fuss. Instead she sat down on the sofa and looked around outside of her.

“It’s pretty big.”

On the table was a piece of paper listing today’s auction items.


Princess Violet looked at the list of items with interest.

“Is there anything you like?”

“Well, I guess I’ll have to see it in person to find out.”

Meanwhile, drinks arrived, and slowly other rooms began to fill with customers.

“I’m a bit curious about what kind of people will be here.”

Princess Violet smiled and looked at the people sitting on the balcony.

“It’s too far away to see, but there are probably people I know there.”

“I guess so.”

Of course, I could clearly see who was there. Because they have vision that can identify every single mole on their chin.

How much time has passed? The stage became brightly lit with a clicking sound.

“You’ve waited a long time!”

The host appeared in the center of the stage with a loud voice.

“We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the distinguished guests who attended today’s auction.”

He looked around and explained slowly.

“For those of you who are visiting for the first time today, I will explain briefly. In the drawer of the table you are currently sitting on, there is a bar that indicates your intention to bid.”

When I opened the drawer, there was a yellow stick as he said. Princess Violette accepted it and nodded her head.

“If you want to bid, just raise the stick and shout. All transactions take place after the auction ends.”

The host spoke in a business-like but powerful voice.

“If you are unable to pay, the item will be withheld and moved to the next auction.”

A gentle smile formed on his lips.

“Of course, something like that has never happened before. Our auction aims to win 100% of all items.”

He raised his hand and shouted.

“Okay then, let’s start the November auction now!”

❖ ❖ ❖

“Yes, then customer number 13 won Senoir’s ‘luncheon’!”

The host smiled brightly and shouted. He checked his watch and spoke again.

“All of the items in Part 1 have been auctioned off. After a 10-minute break, we will begin the Part 2 auction!”

His steps as he disappeared behind the stage looked very exciting. Then, with a thud, the stage lights went out and darkness fell.


Princess Violet looked away from the stage.

“How was it?”

“It wasn’t bad. I especially wanted that necklace, with the Cardasan pigeon ruby ​​in the exact center.”

“For that matter, you didn’t buy a single thing?”

“At auctions, useful items usually come out last.”

Princess Violet spoke leisurely as she took a sip of her drink.

Accurate. Because I was also waiting for ‘that’ to come out at the end of this auction.

“I’ll have to watch it until the end. Nothing has caught my eye yet.”

It was indeed a remark befitting Princess Violet, who is dominating the social world. She had a very high eye for luxury culture, including art and precious metals.

“Then how about this?”

I searched inside my chest and took out a small box.

Now was the right time to hand this over. It was clear that in about an hour, this auction house would become chaos.


As expected, Princess Violet responded immediately. Because what I took out was a luxurious velvet box that usually holds precious metals.

“This is something I have prepared for Princess Violet… but I don’t know if she will be satisfied with it.”

“Let’s take a look.”

He held out the box towards Princess Violet. The moment I grabbed the top of the box and lifted it with a thud, a bright light came out.


Princess Violet approached the box as if she was interested.

Inside the box was a set of necklaces and earrings made of reddish blue sapphire.

Princess Violet picked up the earrings and examined them closely. It was a sharp and meticulous gaze, as if appraising the value of a product.

“This… is pretty good.”

Eventually, a new, satisfied voice flowed from her lips.

‘First of all, it’s a success.’

By Princess Violet’s standards, saying it was okay meant that it would cause a huge stir when put on the market.

“It’s my first time seeing this kind of cutting method. Isn’t it different from the cutting I’m used to?”

Princess Violet’s eyes sparkling with interest turned to me.

“Where did you get it?”

“I received a request from the Vitoria Merchant Marine. They said they would like to present it to Princess Violet.”

“Vittoria, this is my first time hearing that name.”

“I used to do other businesses, but I recently turned to this.”

The lies flowed out without even putting saliva on my tongue.

“They said that the craftsman there was a fan of Princess Violet. In particular, the moment he saw this sapphire, which was the same color as Princess Violet’s eyes, a spark of inspiration came to him and he decided to make it.”

“Hoo, really?”

Princess Violet smiled with satisfaction as she picked up the necklace.

“It’s amazing. A work of this caliber will bring a new wind to the jewelry industry, which has been stagnant.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. Until now, the jewelry industry has been dominated by blue pearls and red corals. Jewels with large grains and smooth, round surfaces that are highly valued.”

A faint sense of discomfort flashed across the eyes of Princess Violet, who muttered softly.

“I hated the atmosphere in which that opaque jewel was held up as the best. Jewels have been around for a long time.”

Princess Violet held the necklace up to the light. The light that entered the sapphire shattered brilliantly and gave off a beautiful brilliance.

“It has to be shiny like this to be pretty.”

Princess Violet’s hands took the necklace and earrings and put them back in the box.

“Okay, then can I walk around wearing this accessory for a while?”

It was one word that penetrated my intention. I answered leisurely, without giving any indication that my true intentions were discovered.

“That’s the story about when Princess Violet liked that accessory.”

“If you don’t do it, won’t you be in trouble?”

“No way. Why not find another way to live?”

Even as he said that, he smiled with regret.

“I wish Princess Violet would wear it if possible.”

“Really? Why?”

“Every time you do that, you’ll remember that I gave it to you.”


Princess Violet said nothing for a moment. She then quietly closed the lid of her box and placed it in her arms.

“Think about it.”

That said, I was certain that she would soon be walking around the social world wearing this accessory.

Because Princess Violet’s slightly red ears said so.


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