I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 135

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Chapter 20. Use the cards in your hand here and there. (5)

Cain’s hand pointed into the alley. A place where delinquents who have already become blood clots are lying around.

“If he was a proper guide, the princess would not have come to a place like this.”


“I understand that you are interested in a culture you have never experienced, but being in danger is a different matter.”

Cain continued, scolding me with his eyes.

“If you come with me, you will be able to complete the princess’s schedule more safely.”

Finally, he finished by slightly lifting his chin.

“I will take care of you from now on. Please forgive me.”

Yes, maybe that’s how I look in Cain’s eyes. He is a bastard who lures an innocent princess who has no idea about the world and falls into the abyss of evil.

It was truly an absurd and unpleasant misunderstanding.

“Is it because of the princess that you came to this alley?”

I suddenly opened my mouth and spoke.

“Earlier, the princess punished the jewel fraud group and ruined the business. That’s why the vengeful people started a fight.”

He spoke sarcastically in a twisted tone.

“I heard you saw the commotion and followed me. I guess you didn’t see everything from the beginning?”

Princess Violet’s face turned red,

“Hey! Why are you saying that? It’s embarrassing!”

Cain’s face, on the contrary, turned blue.

“……What did the princess say?”

A new side of the princess that I had never seen before, and the fact that she shared it with me, not herself.

Cain was being crushed even more.

“…It’s okay. The future schedule is more important.”

He bit his lip, as if he was having trouble managing his expression. The moment my face darkened with a sense of defeat darkened, I cried out, “Aaaah! Don’t do this!”

A girl’s screams were heard from the other side of the alley.


Cain was startled and turned around.

“Oh my.”

I whistled softly and pointed towards that place.

“It looks like someone is in danger?”

Cain’s body turned towards us again. A fierce conflict crept over his eyes.

‘What are you worrying about?’

To me, this was a problem I didn’t have to worry about. Princess Violette, who accompanied me with a stranger whose face I did not even know.

The scales were overwhelmingly tilted towards the latter.

But Cain was different.

‘A just and good character who works for the weak.’

That foolish moral sense made Cain worry. It was an action that I could not understand.

I laughed at Cain in my heart and led Princess Violet.

“From now on, I will take care of the princess ‘safely.’ Just as someone said.”


“So Cain you help that poor girl.”

Cain’s body flinched as he watched us moving away, one step at a time.

“If it weren’t for you, that girl might be in danger?”

The distance between Cain and us became increasingly distant. Cain stared at us with a look of concern on his face, unable to do either this or that.

“Go ahead, Apostle of Justice.”

Despite my sarcasm, his body couldn’t move. And then, just as we were completely out of sight, there was a crack.

The sound of Cain’s hasty footsteps was heard. It wasn’t getting closer to us, it was moving away.

‘You’re going in the end.’

A deep sneer flowed out from the mouth.

‘That’s why you can’t do it, Cain.’

Conscience and a sense of justice were the kinds of emotions that were of no help to me.

‘Well, is there anything wrong?’

With that in mind, I focused on taking Princess Violet with me. Afterwards, she meets Cain without knowing who she will meet.

❖ ❖ ❖


Cain’s steps across the alley were rough.

“Ha, damn it.”

I even used harsh profanity that I normally wouldn’t say.

Everything was a mess. Why doesn’t anything happen like this these days?

When I thought back to when it started, it seemed like it was when I came up to the capital.

No, to be exact, it started when I met Abel Kindreal, who was attending a noble meeting.

Since then, Cain has never felt like things were going well.

‘Why the princess!’

I heard that he passed on the offer to become an official attendant through his father.

He actually turned down the offer and came back to hang out with a bastard like Abel Kindreal.

Cain couldn’t understand the princess’s feelings at all.

‘Why on earth? ‘

Abel Kindreal, what is he better than me?



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Even considering everything, including his family, wealth, and position in the empire, he had the upper hand. I was much better than the pale, woman-like face.

Moreover, it was annoying that Abel Kindreal readily admitted that he hated him.

‘Why do you hate me?’

Most of the reactions from the men in front of him were like, admiration, and respect. In the first place, there are not many options to choose from in front of an overwhelmingly superior male.

In the end, he had no choice but to come to one conclusion.

‘Is it an inferiority complex?’

Isn’t it natural that Abel, who has nothing better than himself, dislikes himself? Those who don’t have it tend to envy those who have it.

‘That must also be a huge sense of inferiority.’

There was no one on the list of imperial nobles who could express negative feelings toward me. Especially among Cain’s peers.

Most of them either humbled themselves in fear of the power of the Ardante family or were silently trampled by those around them.

In other words, Abel’s display of antipathy meant that he was jealous of Cain to the point of enduring it.

‘You brought this on yourself, Abel.’

Cain calmly composed his mind.

He was kind to most others, but he had no intention of being so kind to those who blatantly ostracized him.

‘Next time I see you,’

There will be no more generosity towards Abel Kindreal.

Actually, Abel got on his nerves too much. Becoming friends with the princess and sparring with Mikel, whom he respected.

Everything gave him an inexplicable feeling of discomfort.

‘dare… … .’

Cain didn’t even think that he was feeling that ‘inferiority’.

I just thought this feeling was due to Abel’s grumpy attitude and arrogant tone of voice.

“Don’t do this!”

The girl’s scream ended with a sharp scream.


Cain chased away random thoughts and walked faster. Finally he jerked his body towards where the scream had come from.

“Why are you yelling?”

“Even so, there is no one who can help you.”

Two men were pushing a girl against an alley wall.

Compared to the huge size of the two people, the girl’s body was so small and delicate that Cain could not see her clearly.

“Please let me go!”

All I can hear is a frightened, weak voice.

“Then why did you come in here alone? I knew something would happen to you.”

“Shh, be quiet. Who told you to eat me?”

A man chuckled and grabbed the girl’s chin.


The moment the man’s hand touched, the girl’s eyes froze.

Those eyes, mixed with extreme contempt, did not suit his youthful face at all. At the same time, it was ruthless, like a sharpened dagger.


A sneer passed by the girl’s lips. As the girl slowly raised her hand, a faint swirl of light began to gather above her palm.

“Is this girl crazy?”

The moment the men who did not notice this took a step forward in bewilderment,

“Stop, stop.”

Cain stood behind the men.


The girl immediately withdrew her hand and dispelled the vortex of light.

“Ah, what kind of bastard is bothering you?”

“What is this kid?”

As expected, the men reacted indifferently. Cain spoke steadfastly without giving in.

“If you step down now, I will spare your life.”

“Well, you are a knight of justice.”

“Then you thought we would say sorry and back off?”

The man squeezed the girl’s arm tightly as if showing off.

“What are you going to do with this, huh?”

They were extremely drunk and had no presence of mind to recognize Cain’s burning red eyes or noble appearance.

Just giggle loudly.

“Huh? What are you going to do?”

Cain sighed softly and muttered.

“Neither this guy nor that guy knows fractions.”


He rushed forward and hit the opponent’s solar plexus.


The man who had been caught off guard fell to the ground. As she gasped and gasped, she left him alone and turned to her side.


The man holding the girl’s arm froze dumbly. Her head, drenched in alcohol, seemed unable to function properly.

Cain’s eyes turned to him and glowed coldly. The sword was drawn in a terrifyingly clear path over her.


The sword let out a clear cry and was aimed at the man’s uvula.

“There are no second chances.”

The clean, uncluttered movements were those of a skilled swordsman.

Cain trained with the Sud Knights from a young age, and grew up receiving a sword personally given to him by Hector. Among his peers, Cain’s skills were unparalleled.

“Uh, uhh.”

The man’s eyes wandered without knowing where to go due to the stabbing sharpness.

“Save me, save me.”

“go away.”

The men ran away in a hurry without even looking back. Cain glared at their pitiful backs and then turned around.


The girl was frozen, her body pressed against the wall.

She was a young-looking girl who seemed to be in her late teens. He had featureless gray hair and a slightly gloomy face.

Looking at the clothes she was wearing, it seemed like a commoner girl had suffered a misfortune while visiting the festival street.

More than that, Cain noticed that the girl was trembling slightly.

“Are you okay?”

He approached me and asked softly. Out of consideration for the girl, she stopped a few steps away.

“Are you okay? Can you answer?”

The girl didn’t say anything and just trembled.

Suddenly, Cain realized that this high-handed attitude, looking down from above, could be a situation that reminded the girl of the men from earlier.


Cain immediately lowered his posture by placing one knee on the floor. This way she could talk to the girl at the same eye level.

“Don’t be scared. I have no intention of harming you.”


“How about it, can I talk to you?”

Suddenly, Cain realized that the girl’s navy blue eyes were unusual. Her eyes were unique, with patterns inside the pupils that flickered as if they were alive.


However, I was more interested in the girl’s low-pitched answer.

“I’m glad I was able to come before it was too late.”

When Cain spoke with a faint smile, the girl’s face became slightly flushed.

“Thank you.”

The girl stammered, looking at Cain intently.

“Thank you… for your help.”

“Nothing much. It’s only natural to help a lady in crisis.”

Cain stood up and held out his hand to the girl. The girl’s mouth dropped open at her extremely elegant and polite gesture.


“I’ll take you home. Is that okay?”

“Ah, yes.”

The girl readily reached out her hand and placed it on Cain’s palm. The moment her small, slender fingers touched mine, she said, “…….”

Cain somehow felt that the air around him was slightly vibrating.

‘… … ‘Is it an illusion?’

Shaking off that feeling, Cain led the girl out of the alley.

“Don’t worry. You’re safe as long as you’re with me.”


“Could you please tell me Lady’s name?”

The girl moved her thin lips.


An unknown brilliance flashed through the low saturation eyes.


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