I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 133

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Chapter 20. Use the cards in your hand here and there. (3)

“If you follow me quietly, nothing bad will happen.”

The man next to me glanced at the weapon attached to his waist.

“Know that it won’t be fun if you make a fuss unnecessarily.”

The tone contained a subtle threat.

I knew what would happen if I followed him. Wouldn’t it be better to just hold out and not go here?

– That may have been the general public’s opinion.

“Okay, let’s go.”

I readily followed them. The men’s reaction was half a beat late, probably because they didn’t know that they would catch up so easily.

“…Good idea.”

“…Follow me quietly.”

Normally, people would shiver and say, “Why are you doing this? Don’t do this?”

Princess Violet gently grabbed my collar.

“Should I come along too?”

I nodded silently in a small whisper.

“Nothing will happen, so please follow me. It will be more uncomfortable if we get torn apart.”

After a while, one of the men lost his temper.

“What are you guys murmuring about? Can’t you come quickly?”


“You said let’s go quietly, but why are you being so damn annoying?”

A look of bewilderment appeared on the men’s faces at the irritated response they received.

“Are these bitches crazy together?”

“Shut up and take the lead.”

He gestured arrogantly and took a step forward.


The men exchanged glances with each other with disgruntled expressions. After moving, there seemed to be an agreement to use violence without Katabuta.

‘Well, illusions are free.’

With a bitter smile, I followed them with Princess Violet.

The men led us out of the brightly lit central square and into an alley that rapidly darkened.

A shabby and gloomy place that contrasted so much with the place we had just been in. People with sinister eyes are squatting and smoking cigarettes.


Among them, a man with a long stab wound near his eye stood up.

“Business was closed today because of these.”

“What did you do?”

“Suddenly, I was told that the jewelry was fake. My old lady died trying to get me a refund.”

After talking with the men, the man put his hand down his pants.

“Is the liver sticking out of the stomach? No matter how you look at it, it looks like they are children.”

His keen gaze swept over our cheeks and chins exposed under the hat.

“You must have plenty of money, right? If you have the guts to do something like this.”

A man approached with a slow gait.

“100 gold.”

His dirty, rough palms were spread out towards me.

“If that’s enough, I’ll let you go.”

A laugh burst out of my mouth.

“Are they even worse fraudsters than that woman from before?”

I asked the princess who was also laughing behind me.

“Isn’t that right? Even if I sold all of it earlier, it wouldn’t have made even 10 gold.”

“I have never seen such profiteering in my life.”

Princess Violet also responded with an expression of bewilderment.

“I think you’re misunderstanding something.”

The man answered calmly without losing his composure.

“It includes the price of your lives.”

As if to represent those words,


The sound of weapons being drawn could be heard from all over the alley. Including the two men who guided us earlier, there were other men hiding inside.


I whistled proudly.

“Did you hear? The price of our lives is 100 gold?”

“It’s ridiculously small.”

As the two of us chatted leisurely, blood began to appear on the man’s forehead.

“These bastards with no blood on their heads can’t tell the difference between heaven and earth….”

He glanced back.

“Please look at my hands. Let’s kill half of the men, and let’s look at the women’s faces.”

A bright red tongue slowly licked the corner of the mouth.

“Looking at it, it looks pretty smooth, but playing with it….”


My hand split the air.

A man who had been hit by a skilled blow spun around and was thrown against the wall.



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The man’s body collapsed with a loud sound.

He smashed his face into the wall and never got up again. His body didn’t even wriggle.

With that one blow, the sturdy man fainted.

“You can thank me. I saved you from almost getting your tongue cut out.”

I took back my outstretched hand and smiled. Of course, there was no answer from the man.



The men hesitated due to the unexpected situation.

“Are there eight people in total?”

After checking the number in the absolute domain, he waved his hand.

“Come all at once. It’s a hassle to deal with them all at once.”

“This is crazy…!”

The men who were wheezing soon rushed over.

“Hit them all at once!”


He stood at an angle with Princess Violet behind him.

“Stay behind me.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll show those guys an example.”

“Would it be possible?”

The narrow alley was perfect for fighting while protecting non-combatants.

In addition, the opponent’s large number of personnel was rendered useless. Because the width was narrow, only one or two people could approach.

“You bastard!”

The men’s movements were simple, and fighting them was boring enough to make you yawn.


I actually yawned while dealing with them.


Reach out and crush their faces,



I hit the solar plexus with my elbow.


After dodging the flying weapon,


He turned his body around and kicked his abdomen with his foot.

We thoroughly knocked them out, one at a time. It took only a few minutes to deal with seven people.


The men fell to the floor while shouting a single word and remained quiet ever since.

Some had broken bones and could not move, while others were drooling from the pain of their internal organs vibrating.

“Tsk tsk.”

He looked at the one remaining man and shook his hands.

“What are you going to do? Run away like a fool or challenge like a fool?”

Either way, the ending was decided. She pretended to be merciful and gave me a choice.

“Uh, uh…!”

I knew it even without hearing the answer. Because her man’s face was blue with fear.


The man threw away his weapon, turned around, and started running away.

“That’s exactly what it said.”

He laughed and kicked the ground.


My new model disappeared with a menacing sound of cutting through the wind.

He jumped over the bodies of the men who had fallen on the floor, crossed the narrow outer wall, and flew upward.


The man instinctively looked up at the shadow that suddenly appeared above his head.


A merciless kick landed on the man’s shoulder.


The man cried out in pain as his shoulder was torn and fell to his knees.

“Now that I think about it again, running away was a stupid choice.”

He muttered lowly and squeezed the back of the man’s head.

“Now, wait a minute….”

The man shook his face and refused, but


I slammed his face into the wall.

“You should get one hit, but two hits, right?”

He grinned and took his hand away.

Cracks began to spread in the wall, centered around the spot where the man’s face was embedded.


The man’s body slipped to the floor. A long trail of blood followed the trajectory.


After briefly catching a glimpse of that figure, he stood up. The moment she looked back, her eyes met with Princess Violette.


Princess Violet had her arms wrapped around her face and a bored expression on her face. I could see both of her forearms shaking slightly.

“Are you cold?”

Princess Violet swept her forearms up and down.

“It’s strangely cold. Ever since you started moving.”


The memory of being exposed to my life at the casino seemed to have been deeply imprinted on Princess Violet.

“For some reason, I feel like I’ve felt this sensation before.”

“No way, it must be an illusion.”

I answered boldly and collected the faintly spilled blood. Princess Violet’s complexion became much more relaxed.

“Besides, Abel, didn’t you say you were given a sword by your father? Considering that, the way you fight is…”

Princess Violet pursed her lips and hesitated as if she was about to speak.

“What do I look like?”

As a sweet smile appeared on her lips, Princess Violet responded in an awkward tone.

“……It looks so bad. Even more so than the ones that brought us in earlier.”

It seems that my fighting style was very far from that of a knight.

“That’s a compliment, right?”

He chuckled and approached Princess Violet.


The moment the distance narrowed, Princess Violet’s shoulders trembled. I smiled kindly.

“Are you a little disappointed? I did what I was told to do well.”


Princess Violet furrowed her brows as she realized that her feelings had been revealed. A cold voice came out as if trying to hide his cracked pride.

“Stop leaving. I don’t want to stay in a place like this anymore.”

“Oh, wait a minute.”

I stopped her as she jerked away and looked back.

“When you’re done looking, come out.”

It was different from when I waited for Liam before. Now I was clearly aware of the pair of eyes that were watching me.

Let’s stop and wait a moment,

Step by step.

The young man’s voice came closer along with the sound of heavy footsteps.

“How did know?”

It’s so cool that women get a kick out of it when they hear it, but it arouses repulsion in me. And it was a very familiar voice.

‘no way?’

I furrowed my brow and looked at the end of the alley.

Eventually, a young man appeared.

Fiery red hair and eyes. Dressed more simply than usual, but with a dazzling appearance that doesn’t hide anything.

“……Cain Ardante.”

He was the original protagonist with a smooth face who still shined unluckily.

‘Why is this bastard here?’

He asked with an overtly suspicious look on his face.

“You were watching from the beginning, right?”

“How can that be… no, wait.”

Cain, who was scratching the back of his head shyly, stopped.

“You. Even though we are the same age, we have never decided to talk, have we?”

“If you feel unfair, call me too.”


Cain frowned for a moment, then straightened it out and spoke.

“I saw a commotion in the central square. I thought you might need help, Abel, so I followed you.”

“For all that, didn’t you just look around?”

He shrugged his shoulders at the sharp remark.

“At first I was going to step forward, but I changed my mind the moment you knocked out the first guy.”

He added, crossing his arms loosely.

“It seemed like it was the other person who needed help, not you.”


“Of course, I had no intention of helping them.”

I swallowed a burst of laughter and looked straight at Cain.

‘That’s strange. ‘Why did I run into this guy?’

Today, I avoided the course that Cain took with the princess in the original story. Still, I ran into him… … .

‘no way.’

I tried my luck to confirm my guess.

“So Cain, what are you doing in the central square?”

“Of course I came out to see the festival. Isn’t that the same for you, Abel?”

Cain steadfastly stuck to the title “you.” A faint hostility appeared in his ruby ​​eyes and then disappeared.

It was unusual for him to always show a kind smile and polite attitude towards others.

‘Is it because I was so upset at that time?’

Turning down the offer to join the club must have been quite a blow to his pride.

‘Well, that wasn’t all.’

Since we first met in the conference room, I’ve f*cked him in all kinds of different ways.

No matter how kind you are, it will be difficult for you to be kind to me.

“I never thought I’d meet you here.”

But Cain skillfully hid his emotions. And she even talked to me as if nothing was wrong.

‘There’s still room, that’s all.’

Or maybe they don’t want to show that they are agitated by what I say.

It didn’t matter either way. There is also a card prepared to attack him later.

I don’t think I’ve found it yet because I’ve been hiding it.

“That goes for me too.”

The twisted tone of speech came out as if reflecting his twisted state of mind.

“I thought you were going to attend the banquet. Aren’t the invitations pouring in?”

“There were a lot of people coming in. The servants had a hard time organizing them.”

It was a really stupid answer.


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