I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 132

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Chapter 20. Use the cards in your hand here and there. (2)

“Shh. Be quiet.”

Fortunately, the personnel below did not notice the commotion above. It was because they were busy messing around among themselves.

“But thanks to you, I was able to get rid of that annoying lump.”

He said and pointed down with his hand.


Princess Violet grabbed my hand harshly and pulled it away. And then she crept closer to the edge.

“……It’s true.”

The guard knight rushed in that direction, and the carriage the princess was riding in also ran in the opposite direction. Each person seemed to have dispersed to find the princess.

“You’re not going to the imperial palace, right?”

“Probably not. It is obvious that they will be reprimanded, but for now, they will try to resolve it on their own terms.”

I giggled and stood up from my seat.

“Now, wake up.”

When I stretched out my hand toward Princess Violet, she calmly took my hand.

“Hmph. But your movements are amazing. You’re up here in an instant.”

“Were you scared?”

“No, it was fun.”

Princess Violet stood up holding my hand and tilted her head.

“I wish you would be more gentlemanly when you go down.”

“As instructed.”

He stretched out his other hand and pulled Princess Violet’s shoulder.


After picking up Princess Violet, he quickly jumped off the rooftop.

“Okay, are you done?”

The moment I asked, I made close eye contact with Princess Violet.

Before I knew it, she was hugging my neck tightly. Her arms seemed to move naturally in her sudden leap.


Princess Violet quickly removed her arm.

“Put it down now!”

“Why do you have a bad temper even though I did as you asked?”

“No, what should I do right away? I need to give you time to prepare.”

“What is there to prepare? You have nothing to do but sit still.”

“Ah! Stop talking back and say it in advance next time!”

Princess Violet huffed and turned her head.

The tips of the ears peeking through the hair were red. Enough to notice even under dim light.

Seeing how they are dissatisfied with each other makes me think that I did the right thing in doing what I wanted.

‘If only I got in that carriage and went straight… … .’

At least I had to keep up with the princess. I had no intention of spending today like that.

‘The final destination is fixed anyway.’

He spoke while hiding his true feelings.

“I understand for now.”

I lowered my posture so I could land safely. As soon as the princess stood on her floor, she hummed repeatedly and adjusted her clothes.

“Then, let’s go in the carriage I prepared.”

“Is there a carriage?”

“Yes. Unlike what anyone else prepared, it’s something very ordinary.”

Princess Violet pursed her lips and turned to me. There was anticipation for today on one side of her pouty face.

“Then shall we go?”

It was the start of a full-fledged schedule with the childish princess.

❖ ❖ ❖

“What is that? Why did you light a fire? Are you doing some kind of ritual to summon the devil?”

“No. It’s cold, so I made a bonfire so I could warm my hands close to the fire.”

“Why are they setting up a stage and putting people up there? Are they carrying out public executions?”

“It’s a betting game, and the stocks change every time. If you bet and win, you can make a profit based on the dividends.”

“Oh oh!”

Princess Violet was amazed at everything she saw, and pointed out each item with her hand and asked for an explanation. As I was explaining briefly, my mouth started to hurt.

“Now, please eat this.”

So, I gave Princess Violette some fried food with white sauce in her mouth.

“Ah! Why is this so spicy?”

The specialty of this area, the white devil.

Contrary to its appearance, it had an extremely spicy taste and was notorious for making people who ate it cry.

“Take it with this drink.”

“Ah! I feel like I’m going to die!”

The princess, who was excited at first, soon became addicted to the taste.

“This is pretty good, isn’t it? Let’s have another one!”

That image reminded me of people in a certain country who enjoy eating spicy food.

Fires were lit throughout the square to warm the body and light the way. People danced or sang to the music around it.

There was a minor disruption, but the schedule with Princess Violet went smoothly after that.

“Congratulations to you two! You are exactly the 100th guest to win!”



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I thought it was a line for a food stall, but in reality, it was a line for an event, so I got a large teddy bear.

“Yes! There’s the girl with the big hat! Just hold on for a moment!”

I was caught by mistake at a magic show, so I had to hold the box.

“It’s so exciting! Always something new! The night festivals are the best!”

Princess Violet hugged the teddy bear and smiled brightly.

“This is my first time at a festival like this! Commoners have fun like this!”

She even took the lead, running lightly with her steps. Even though the tip of her nose was red from the cold air, her face didn’t feel cold at all.

“Abel! Come quickly! Let’s go there too!”

“yes yes.”

I leisurely turned around and followed her.

Is this what it feels like to take care of an immature younger sister? The actual age of the princess is younger than mine.

‘It’s not bad to have some fun.’

When I thought about it, it seemed like I had been too busy planning. Sometimes, it seemed like it was okay to enjoy this leisurely time.

‘Well, it’s something I never would have thought of in my old body.’

On a chilly day like this, it’s nice to go outside and walk or go around places with a lot of people.

So this time wasn’t very boring. I was able to leisurely walk around the streets filled with people’s energy and cheerful laughter.

Coincidentally, Requiem was also quiet, perhaps because it consumed Serenad’s life force.

“It doesn’t happen every day! We sell handicrafts made by artisans, stitch by stitch!”

“There has never been a weapon like this before! These products fully demonstrate the technology passed down through three generations! Come take a look!”

Because it was such a crowded day, merchants were busy attracting customers. Everyone shouted loudly and promoted their products.

I must have experienced this and that, and I am full.

“Now shall we pick out a souvenir?”

Princess Violet began looking around the stalls with the eyes of a shopaholic.

“Come on, it’s cheap, it’s cheap! A golden opportunity to get a top-of-the-line birthstone necklace for only 50 silver!”

The problem was that she suddenly started showing interest in a certain stall.

“What? A birthstone?”

Princess Violet’s ears perked up.

“Let’s take a look.”

She handed me the teddy bear and quickly ran to where the merchant was.

‘After all, a lover of luxury goods.’

Just as cats can’t pass by a fishmonger, it seems they can’t pass by jewelry.


Princess Violet stopped in front of a stall filled with necklaces. The area in front of her was already crowded with people who came to look at her products.

“How much is this?”

“Ah, you have eyes! That’s topaz, the birthstone for November, and it just happened to be on sale for a cheap price. The workmanship was nicely done.”

“What is this? Is it a blue pearl?”

“It’s not from the Sud region, but it’s a pearl from the southeastern coast. It’s white and shiny, and it looks great on the nape of your neck.”

The merchant was an attractive-looking middle-aged woman who had a knack for choosing only the words that customers would like to hear.

“Isn’t the jewel egg too small?”

“That’s why they’re selling it at this price. A piece the size of a lady’s fingernail costs a few gold pieces. If it’s the real thing and it’s this price, you’re really selling it for nothing?”

The merchant responded leisurely to the customer’s sharp questions. Indeed, her customers fell for her speaking skills and bought her necklace as if they were fascinated by her.

“Now, this is a gem delivered from a trustworthy supplier! You can’t buy it except today! Grab it cheaply!”

The merchant’s stall seemed to be booming smoothly.

“This is the real thing?”

Until Princess Violet’s disapproving voice came into the mix.

“Even if your mouth is crooked, you have to speak straight. Where can I cheat?”

The area around the stall suddenly became quiet. The merchants and other customers looked at the uninvited guest who suddenly appeared with angry faces.

The merchant’s once pleasant face suddenly turned grim. She glanced behind her.


The two men who were leaning against the back wall slowly stood up.

“What’s the lady like?”

The merchant quickly straightened his face and asked calmly.

“I don’t know anything about that.”

Princess Violet responded in an arrogant tone and approached the stand.

“Are you sane to sell something like this by pretending it’s genuine?”

Tall height and captivating lips peeking out from under the hat. The aura that radiated from just standing still made the guests hesitate.


Princess Violet’s long fingers picked up a pearl.

“Although pearls are produced on the southeast coast, they are of a different level from these crude ones.”

“Choi, sloppy?”

“Yes. This is just an imitation of the shape.”

The merchant’s face hardened at the firm tone of voice. The merchant raised his voice as if he felt unfair.

“You’re talking about big trouble. Is it okay to put a candle to someone else’s business with nonsense?”

The atmosphere around the stall has already become a mess. The guests watched the exchange of words between Princess Violet and the merchant and whispered quietly.

“What nonsense?”

Princess Violet snorted and placed the pearl on one hand.

“Now, take a good look.”

“What are you trying to do…!”

The merchant stretched out his hand in shock, but


Princess Violet’s fingers first scraped the surface of the pearl.


“What is that?”

The guests’ eyes widened.

This is because the white bark at the tips of Princess Violet’s fingernails crumbled, revealing a colorless surface underneath.

“Can you see it?”

Princess Violet raised her hand high so that her fingertips could be clearly seen.

“You can’t believe you’re selling such low-quality items by pretending they’re genuine. Your liver is already swollen.”

The well-shaped red lips were curled up.

“Why don’t you honestly say it’s a counterfeit?”

“Right now, I’m doing someone else’s business…!”

The merchant distorted his face and tried to approach the princess, but

“Is it true what he just said?”

“Please give me a refund right away!”

I had to step down because the customers were rushing towards me with angry faces.

“No, don’t do that….”

The merchant was at a loss and had to accept each and every complaint from the customers.


Princess Violet returned to me with her nose held high.

The confidence that hated deception and despised cowardice flowed from her face. It was exactly what Cain fell in love with in her original work.

All I could think was that I was caught up in something troublesome.

“Since when did you start acting so righteous?”

“You want me to leave this pissed off person alone?”

Princess Violet twisted the corner of her mouth.

“I’ve been scammed by fake products once, and I feel really bad. I have to go to the extent of fraud.”

“What are you planning to do next?”

He gestured with his chin at the men behind the merchant. They were already chatting with the merchant and glaring in our direction.

“What do you think? That’s not even a handful.”

“You are saying that you did something because you believed in it.”

“If anything, just take off your hat.”

Princess Violet played with her hat, but eventually withdrew her hand and looked at me.

“Now that I think about it, I don’t like that. So please take care of it.”

“Would you like to speak?”

I shrugged and looked at the men approaching us.

“Hey. Can you see us for a moment?”

A man with a rugged face said.


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