I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 128

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Chapter 19. Push and pull to get what you want. (8)


Rachel realized that Abel had created this situation. In other words, he and he were the only ones remaining sane in this chapel.

“What have you done?”

Rachel tensed her whole body and glared at him. He tried to sound the dignified voice characteristic of a saint.

“I used some medicine. It emits colorless and odorless smoke.”

Abel came out into the central aisle and started walking slowly.

Tap, tap.

The sound of gentle footsteps echoed in the quiet chapel.

“Once everyone comes to their senses, they won’t even know they fell asleep.”

Abel took out the pocket watch from his clothes, checked it, and said.

“It lasts about 10 minutes? I think that will be enough.”

“What is enough?”

Rachel faced him with a sharp edge. Since he was dealing with someone whose true nature was unknown, he naturally had no choice but to be cautious.

“Time to talk.”

Abel’s slow voice dispersed.

“But this is a bit disappointing.”

Strong, strong.

Heat slowly spread to Rachel’s shoulders, where the Serenade pattern was. The closer Abel got, the more intense the burning pain became.

Even though the situation was probably the same, the smile on Abel’s lips did not fade in the slightest.

“What do you mean you’re sad?”

Rachel had never been more thankful for Veil than she was today. If it weren’t for this, she would have had to show off her messed up face.

“Because the saintess acts like she doesn’t know much.”

Abel’s voice was very smooth, unlike Rachel’s.

“I called you directly yesterday.”

Very obnoxious.

As he tapped his shoulder,


Rachel reflexively grabbed her shoulders. The place now feels so hot.

“Is it okay for a saint to do something different during sacred prayer time?”

Rachel’s heart sank and fell to the floor.

‘Did you see me?’

That wasn’t all.

Abel’s tone sounded as if he knew what Rachel had done yesterday.

No, it wasn’t just that. He was like… … .

Tap, tap.

Finally, Abel stopped walking.


He paused for a moment under the podium, then suddenly came up to the podium.

I stood right next to Rachel and looked down at her. His eyes focused solely on Rachel.


A sigh escaped from Rachel’s mouth without her knowledge.

I felt it. This overwhelming presence, a pull that feels like your soul is being sucked in.

He was, in name and reality, the master of Requiem that no one could deny.

“Abel……Ovest, Kindreal.”

At that moment, Rachel thought, Abel secretly smiled. But he couldn’t continue his thoughts.


Because Abel’s fingers touched my veil. Soon, the hazy veil that had been blocking my vision was pushed upward.


Each moment seemed to pass very slowly.

The moment I saw the sharp chin, past the thin and delicate lips and the beautiful bridge of the nose, and finally met the blue-purple eyes.


Rachel felt it.

The hands of his clock, which had stopped, began to turn.

“Nice to meet you, saint.”

A bright smile bloomed on Abel’s lips.

❖ ❖ ❖

As I was holding Rachel’s veil, I could completely feel the vibration.

From the sound of her breathing becoming rough, to the heartbeat that beat so fast that it felt like it was going to explode.

“What is this… now?”

Rachel’s voice had a slight tremor as if expressing her state of mind.

“Ah, I was curious. The face of the ‘saint’ hidden behind that veil. If not now, when will I see it?”

I let go of Rachel and took a step back.

“Seeing it like this in real life….”

When I stepped back a bit, I saw that Rachel was really small. A small face, slender shoulders and small height.

“……Really, it’s fascinating.”

No one would ever think that there was a hundreds-year-old woman inside.

Among the characters in the original work, Rachel had a different meaning to me.



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The owner of the first sword I met, the brother sword Serenade of Requiem.

‘The other two haven’t been able to hold their swords yet.’

The inside of the gauntlet was hot. It was because Requiem felt Serenade’s presence that her body wriggled.

The guy seemed a little confused, or seemed to be coveting Serenade.

‘It won’t work either way.’

The serenade will come later. At least not now.


Meanwhile, Rachel was staring at me with an incomprehensible expression on her face, and then slightly lowered her head.

“……is it so.”

The embarrassment disappeared from Rachel’s face as she turned to face me again.

“I called you.”

It was a gentle tone of voice, as if teaching a believer.

“Because of the evil spirit that resides in your body.”

“…an evil spirit.”

Wow, this is how you use it?

Indeed, Jjambap, which had been eaten for hundreds of years, was not something to be looked at lightly. In that moment, you can control your emotions and start acting.

‘Your quickness is amazing.’

I could clearly see what was thinking in that little head. How far can we use that ‘benevolent’ saintly woman’s tone of voice?

“Yes. It is an evil spirit in the shape of a sword. Didn’t it tempt you? It whispered to cut a person’s body and take the blood?”

Rachel took a step closer to me. She had a voice that attracted people, honed over a long period of time as a saint.

“I already felt its presence. I was worried that an evil spirit might take control of you. So I was always watching you from afar.”


“I will help you. With my help, you can be free from the evil spirit.”

Her passionate tone and sincere expression made me feel like she really cared about me.

“How can you help me?”

“Stab me with that sword.”

Innocent fascination spread over the girl’s innocent face.

“I will help you ‘purify’ it. I can do it with the divine power within me.”

The voice that scattered like the light in the chapel was as reverent as that of God. As if I had to follow those words.

“Did you see it at the consecration ceremony yesterday? God told me to purify you of your evil spirit.”


“That is the identity of the intense light you saw yesterday.”

Rachel lifted her hand and placed it on her chest.

“Now, take out that sword and stab here.”

“If we do that, the saintess will be in danger.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

Rachel’s face was shining with pride in doing her duty.

“Now I understand why God sent me here.”


“It was all to help you. It was to purify the evil spirit in your body and save this world.”

It was truly a masterpiece, a whisper that touched the heart.

“For this, I can make as many sacrifices as I want.”

Rachel approached me with her arms wide open.

The vivid green eyes flickered with madness. The eyes, which should be as gentle as the spring sunlight, were shining insidiously like those of a reptile.


My hand twitched and moved. Rachel’s eyes sparkled even more when she discovered it.

“Come on, come on.”

She firmly believed that I would be influenced by her words and follow them.

Well, you probably wondered what a 20-year-old kid would know.

The problem was that I was not the original Abel Kindreal.

Clap clap clap… … .

Instead of taking out the Requiem, I raised my hands and clapped loudly.


A doubt spread across Rachel’s face.

“Now, what…”

“I kept listening because I was curious what they would say.”

He said while continuing to clap.

“It’s not like I ate the saint’s jjambap in vain. Or is it because I’m hundreds of years old that my tongue rolls so easily?”

Rachel’s complexion changed suddenly.

“…What did you say just now?”

“Why, did I say something wrong? Saint.”

He grinned and crossed his arms.

“No, should I call you Rachel?”


Rachel’s green eyes widened. The saintly mask on her face was broken in an instant.

“Uh, how….”

A crying voice came from Rachel’s mouth.

“My name… how?”

Rachel clasped her hands together. The back of his hand shook slightly, unable to hide his trembling.

“Well, no one has heard that name for hundreds of years. Only Theodore….”

“Don’t think you’re the only one who knows about the Sword of the Four Seasons.”

He said, staring straight into her green eyes that were shaking from shock.

“I know as much as you, maybe even better than you, right?”

“You even know the sword of the four seasons…”

Rachel gasped and pursed her lips.

“Why, tell me more about what you know?”

He counted them with his hands one by one and told them.

“First of all, what I obtained is the Requiem, and it is the Sword of Autumn. It has the attribute of emptiness and covets life.”

Rachel couldn’t breathe and was only wheezing.

“Second. That thing you emit from your body is not holy power, but the power of Serenade. It is the Sword of Spring, the brother of Requiem.”

Rachel’s hand clenched. The skirt underneath was wrinkled.

“Finally… third.”

The blue light in my eyes became stronger, turning into a much colder color.

“That you are harboring a wish that cannot come true.”


The intense despair that had been pushed aside for a while began to creep up on Rachel’s face again.

“How do you know that? It’s only….”

“I told you. I know more than you.”


Rachel’s pretty eyebrows furrowed at my way of speaking, avoiding really important questions.

“I wondered how you held on until now while holding the Requiem. You weren’t an ordinary human.”

Rachel gave me an intense gaze.

“What are you?”

“Your memory is bad? The priest told me earlier.”

He pointed at me with his finger and said.

“Abel, Ovest, Kindreal.”

“That’s not what I meant!”

Rachel’s voice became furious.

“How can an ordinary human know about the Sword of the Four Seasons and…?”

Rachel finally gritted her teeth.

“…Do you know that much about me?”


“This is impossible! It makes no sense!”

“That’s what you think.”

I pretended to pick my ears and then turned around.

“Rather than that, let’s continue what we were talking about earlier.”

Rachel’s complexion suddenly darkened.


“Aren’t you cheating too much? There are more than one thing to point out.”

He crossed his arms and was openly sarcastic.

“Evil spirits, purification, God’s will, blah, blah, blah… Let’s just skip over that. You probably wanted to bite your tongue while talking about it.”

Rachel’s face began to rot.

“Next, the temple clearly knows that I and Princess Violet are here, so I’m going to kill you because I’m crazy?”

The corner of Rachel’s mouth twitched for a moment, but she suppressed it and spoke.

“It doesn’t have to be today. I’ll try to avoid people’s eyes and make a place somehow….”

“Bullshit. You can’t move freely without the emperor’s permission.”


Rachel kept her mouth shut. Anger and suspicion flashed across her distorted eyes.

“Besides, what do I gain by doing that? Nothing?”


“If I try, I’ll get the title of murderer of a saint. It must be quite honorable.”

Rachel made a poop-chewing expression at the bitter sarcasm.

“On top of that, you have to deal with the emperor’s pursuit. Ha, you did a good job of making this suggestion without even putting a lick in your mouth, right?”


“Why should I do such a poor business? The losses are so overwhelming.”

Rachel bit her lip and glared at me.

“Besides, you want me to take Serenade?”

I giggled as if nothing could be funnier than that.

“You’re telling me to die, right?”


“You know. What happens when an unqualified person holds the Serenade?”

Just as the person who holds the Requiem becomes a mindless killer, the person who holds the Serenade also reaches destruction.

This is because they cannot handle the overflowing vitality and end up returning to the original form of life. It ultimately meant complete death.


I smiled as I saw Rachel starting to tremble.

“I guess you thought you could swing it as much as you like because it’s a bright blue baby. It’s not as easy as you think, right?”


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