I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 117

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Chapter 18. A blade is sharper when it is hidden. (2)

“It looks like the calculations aren’t working out yet.”

He spoke in a cold voice and looked down at him.

“What do you have to lose?”

Mason looked puzzled at my sudden change in tone.

“Do you think this is for bargaining?”

Picking, the smile on my lips disappeared.

“If you think that way, I can’t help it.”

He dusted off his pants and turned away coldly.

“It’s too late to regret something after you’ve lost it, Lord Mason.”

I walked with long strides and approached the door. I counted the numbers in my mind.

‘one two… … .’

Before even counting to three.

“Ah, ah, Prince Abel!”

An urgent voice came closer from behind.

“Wait a moment!”

Mason rushed over and grabbed my sleeve.

“Why are you being so hasty? Let’s talk more….”

“It was rude to catch someone who was busy.”

He responded coldly as if he had no intention of talking further.

“It’s going to get busier from now on, so I’ll just leave.”

I shook off Mason’s hand and turned my head. At the last moment, Mason’s face fell.

“I understand!”

Stand tall.

I stopped walking without hesitation towards the door.

“I will pass over what Confucius said. So please….”

I spun my body around. Mason was seen panting and clutching the hem of her pants.

“Good idea.”

At the refreshing reply, Mason took a deep breath as if he had finally let go of the moment.

“You definitely keep what you said earlier, right?”

“Oh, of course. The deal is clear.”

Mason finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“If you can complete the name transfer by tomorrow.”

“My, tomorrow…?”

Mason had a shocked expression on his face as the deadline was so short.

“If you don’t like it, quit.”

You should not give leisurely time to people like this. This is because if there is even the slightest gap, they will try to escape like a rat.

“No, I guess not. I’ll try my best.”

“Good thinking. Oh, right.”

He looked at Lord Mason and smiled.

“I really like the dessert here. I want to eat more.”

He understood what I was saying and smiled awkwardly.

“You can buy as much as you want. I’ll pay for it.”

The corners of Mason’s mouth trembled.

“You are truly generous. Then, I will be grateful and eat it.”

I was planning to buy all the remaining products from this coffee house. After all, food bought with other people’s money was the most delicious.

❖ ❖ ❖

next day.

“Wow, it’s amazing….”

Jack looked around with his mouth wide open. I frantically looked at the walls decorated with ivory marble and the shiny floor where my face was reflected.

“Is this really our house?”

Standing in the center of the hall, I answered in a pessimistic tone.

“Oh, that’s right. Just ask me one more time and it will be the third time.”

“But it’s so nice…? I wonder if I can live in a house like this…”

“Why not?”

Jack blinked and started looking around again.


I didn’t know how to close my open mouth.

Dexter, William, and Elise were standing next to Jack. They also could not easily enter and only looked into the building from the entrance.

Dexter whispered into William’s ear.

“Brother, is this okay?”


“No, yesterday he brought several boxes of desserts that he picked up on his way home. They were from the most expensive coffee house in the capital, right?”

“Yeah. It tasted really good.”

“Today, you suddenly brought me to this shiny building. I don’t know why you’re so nice to me these days.”

Dexter’s voice grew concerned.

“When a person suddenly changes, it is time for them to die….”




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I looked at Dexter intently.

“I’m still fresh.”


Dexter was startled and fell away from William.

“When did you hear that again… Why are your ears so bright?”

He gestured towards the grumbling Dexter and the people around him.

“Stop acting like a country boy and come in.”

The four people looked at each other and then hesitantly came inside.

“Uh, master.”

Elise, who was standing in front, quietly approached me.

“I really can’t believe it either. Isn’t this a yolk land famous for being the most expensive land in the capital?”

“Of course.”

“There are dozens of noble carriages that pass by here every day. And there is a three-story building in this place.”

Elice shook her head.

“I don’t even know how much it is.”

“I didn’t buy it with money.”


Not only Elice but others also widened their eyes.

“Then how…”

“I got it from Mason.”

“Lord Mason offered such a nice building?”

“I made it so bad that I couldn’t put it out there.”

Eliche’s mouth opened in triumph at the answer.

“As expected, master. You are very resourceful. I can’t believe you benefited so much from the insignificant information I brought you.”

As I enjoyed her admiring gaze, I thought of Mason, whom I had met a few hours ago.

‘What would you be doing right now?’


I stamped the name Abel Ovest Kindreal next to it and took the paper. It was a document stating that the building at number 3 had been transferred to my name.

Mason looked at me and licked his lips as if it was a waste. But she soon shook off her regrets and said,

“Okay, are we done now?”

“You get the job done very quickly. I’m satisfied.”

“Hmm. Well then, now hand over the documents.”

“What document are you talking about?”

He looked at Mason’s hand and blinked naturally.

“Why are you pretending not to know? It’s that document!”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about?”

“Prince Abel!”

Mason stepped closer, his face filled with emotion.

“We definitely made a promise! If we hand over that building, if we hand it over…”

His tone became increasingly weak.

“If you pass it…”

He realized it too. I only said I would forget, but I never clearly promised anything.

“This, this….”

“Okay then.”

He stood up from the chair in an elegant manner.

Mason looked at me with a face that couldn’t control his expression. A face full of all kinds of emotions, including anger, embarrassment, and resentment,


It was really funny to watch.

I turned away from him without hiding my sneer. Mason didn’t even think about catching me like that and just trembled at the corners of his mouth.

“Oh, by the way, I’m just telling you just in case.”

He said, holding the doorknob and turning it.

“You’d better not think nonsense.”

I pushed my body through the gap in the door and left a comment.

“I have a very good memory.”

As long as I had information about his mistress, Mason could never defy me.

‘There’s a rich guy here.’

It was a moment that reminded me of another Hogu No. 1 who was probably on his way to the Obest territory by now.

After thinking about it, he gestured to the four people.

“If you’ve seen everything, let’s go up.”

I took the lead and climbed the stairs to the top.

“I’m excited!”

Jack was the first to follow me like an excited squirrel. Three adults followed, somewhat hesitantly.


“What is all this?”

I didn’t know that the guild members’ mouths would fall silent after seeing the second floor.

If the first floor was a large, open hall, the second floor had several rooms on both sides of the hallway.

“It’s a private room.”

“that’s right.”

I agreed with what Elice said and added an explanation.

“This is a place for the big guys, or those who are ready to open their wallets.”

He said as he climbed the stairs again.

“If you’ve seen everything, keep going up.”


Jack shouted bravely and followed me. The other three also walked faster than before.


William, who had inadvertently placed his hand on the stair railing, groaned.


Elice approached him with a face full of regret.

“I’m… really, really sorry, William.”

Elice said again what she had repeated before. No matter how many times he said it, the feeling of regret didn’t seem to ease.

“Don’t say things like that, Elice.”

William also shook his head as he had always done. His face showed nothing other than the obviousness of doing what he had to do.

“If Elice’s body wasn’t in good shape right now, she would have been in even more pain.”

“But your hands….”

Elise looked at William’s hand wrapped in bandages and muttered somberly.

“It will be difficult to use the sword for a while, but you will be able to recover soon.”



Elice’s words were drowned out by Jack’s loud screams.

“Bro, look at this! There’s a bed! It’s so big! There’s room for two of us!”


Dexter seemed to be intrigued by those words and quickly walked up to Jack’s side. The two soon fell in love with the fun of opening doors here and there.

Elise, who had also looked at the third floor, looked back at me.

“This place…….”

“Yes, from now on, this will be our guild’s headquarters.”


Elice looked around and looked deeply moved. Suddenly, a deep look appeared in her blue eyes.

“Anyway, the existing tavern can no longer be used because its location has been discovered. You understand that, right?”

Eliche flinched at the one word that seemed to read her mind.

“……I know. Still, I feel a little disappointed.”

“There is no need to feel sorry. You can take it back later by destroying the Mare Guild.”

Elice looked at me for a moment and then nodded. With a relieved face that has erased all regrets.

“Come on, let’s go in.”

I led the guild members and entered the innermost room. We were greeted by antique wallpaper, flooring, and high-quality mahogany furniture.

The entire wall opposite the door was covered with glass. Through the transparent window, a panoramic view of the capital city of Maggiore was visible at a glance.

“Everyone looks so busy.”

The entire city, including the central square, was bustling with preparations for the harvest festival.

Colorful festival garland fluttered in the wind, and food stalls lit with lanterns were set up here and there.

“Finally, tomorrow?”

The beginning of the harvest festival.

The plan to lay the foundation before the harvest festival was being completed smoothly. I could clearly see sprouts sprouting and stems growing where the seeds were sown.

“I’m looking forward to it.”

Saint Rachel, probably somewhere in the capital, was thinking the same thing as me.


I sat down on a chair inside the room and gestured.

“Everyone sit down.”

Towards the guest table and chairs placed in the center of the room.


The four people looked closely and carefully sat down on the chairs. I looked at their faces carefully and cried out.

“Everyone has worked hard so far.”

As soon as I finished speaking, everyone looked at me with their mouths wide open.

“What is that expression?”

“No, that.”

Dexter scratched his cheek in embarrassment.

“Because it was something I didn’t expect at all.”

That’s how human psychology is.

Just as you treat someone well 100 times and then turn away when you make a mistake, they act rudely 100 times but then turn away if you act kindly once.

“If it weren’t for the owner, how would we have gathered here….”

Even Elice had a wave of emotion flowing across her face.


It feels a bit weird to see people being so moved without knowing the cause of what happened.

“Hmm. Anyway, I will explain my future plans.”

Elise, William, Dexter, and Jack all listened to me with serious faces.

“First of all, we plan to overturn all existing roles.”

I stared at William, who was sitting with his bandaged hands hanging down.

“William, now step down as the ostensible guild leader and take on the role of butler.”

“Did you say deacon…?”

William looked somewhat surprised.

“Those fingernails will take several months to grow. It will be difficult to hold a sword.”


“So, for the time being, hide your hands with gloves and do your office work.”

“All right.”

I saw Dexter sitting next to William, who obediently complied.

“For the time being, Dexter, let you take care of business outside the guild. Get some supplies from outside, and drive a carriage if necessary.”


“In a word, a chore worker.”

Dexter managed his expression with the corners of his mouth trembling.

“All right.”

Jack, who was waiting for his turn, had his eyes shining.

“Master, what about me?”

“You just give me Gold Star food.”



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