I’ll Just Live as a Villain Chapter 110

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Chapter 17. Throw out some tasty bait. (3)

The man’s subtle elegance and strangely overbearing attitude gave me that feeling. Even though I had just seen him annihilate the bandits in an instant.

I could never understand how elegance and cruelty could coexist in one person.

“It may take some time because the carriage is broken, but our merchant’s head office is in the capital. So our benefactor came to visit….”

“That’s it,”

The man raised one hand. It was extremely arrogant, like a powerful nobleman would do.

“Let’s do this.”

What he picked up was the jewelry box the merchant was transporting.

“Well, that’s….”

Sang Sang-ju was completely speechless.

“It’s so precious to our top….”

A slow smile crossed the man’s lips.

“Is it more precious than your life?”

It was a voice as cold and smooth as ice.


Sang Sang-ju gulped dry saliva.

I had a feeling that if I made a mistake, I would be pushed to the edge of a cliff.

“……No! You can take it!”

“I don’t need your permission.”


The man hopped onto the horse. His movements were so agile that he seemed weightless.


The man and horse kicked off the ground and started running. It was at a tremendous speed, just like when it crashed into this place earlier.

He instantly turned into a black dot and disappeared.

“Yes, Lord Sangdan…….”

“Are you okay……?”

“Did you really take it all…?”

People slowly approached the owner of the top. I turned around and looked at the owner’s face and stopped.


The owner of the top was swallowing back tears.

“It’s okay… living is more important…”

The dew around his eyes sparkled in the moonlight.

❖ ❖ ❖

The ruined camp of the Raeto bandits.


Ethan, an executive of the Mare Guild, crawled out of the hole in the floor of the leader’s room.

He found the leader’s decomposing body and the torn-down chest inside.


Ethan cursed softly and headed outside. His men who had come with him were collecting the bodies and stacking them up.

Surprisingly, some of the bodies had already turned into skeletons. As if it had been years since he died.

“Damn, damn.”

Ethan pressed his temples as he looked at the scene. The headaches that used to come occasionally were now becoming too frequent.


He eventually couldn’t overcome his anger and kicked.


The corpse, which had already been burned to a pulp, turned into black dust and flew around. Ethan glared at her floating particles and then turned her body around.

“It’s him.”

The guy who uses a black sword that I heard about early on in Kader territory. That was the trace that only he could leave.

“This happened in just a few days. The rumors were true.”

Dealing with the leader of the Raeto bandits was always satisfactory. So, among other thieves, Ethan had frequent contact with this group.

But now I can’t do that anymore.

“When on earth did you come to the capital?”

For some reason, I thought there was no news about the birds sent to Kader’s territory. While they were searching the western territory like a rat, that guy was already on his way to the capital.

“Ha… Did you rob our guild again as soon as you arrived?”

He was truly a very persistent person. I was going crazy wondering which guild they were instructing me to move.


A blue bird that had just landed was seen on the arm of the subordinate calling Ethan. His subordinate unwrapped a note from the blue bird’s leg and handed it over.

“This is a letter from another guild member.”

Ethan opened the letter with a deep frown on his face.

“……what is this sound.”

Blue tendons sprouted on his forehead.

“Even other thieves were attacked?”

The story was that a significant number of thieves hired by the Mare Guild were robbed like corn.


Ethan tore up the letter and threw it on the floor. The subordinate who was watching next to me squatted down and carefully picked up the pieces of paper.

“driving me crazy.”

Ethan gritted his teeth while pressing his temples.

‘How do I report this to Lowell?’



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Lowell, the head of the Mare Guild, will overlook one mistake. However, an incompetent person who makes the same mistake twice cannot remain.

‘If I continue like this, I will die.’

I had to catch him before I got to Lowell.


Ethan got on the horse. He ran at full speed with his men toward the location indicated in the letter.

A few hours later.

Ethan met the upper party trembling in front of the broken carriage.

“Oooh! What is that?!”

“It’s the mark of the Mare Guild!”

“We survived!”

“Thank God!”

When they saw Ethan and his group, they were overjoyed as if they had met their savior.

“Rest assured, everyone.”

Ethan approached them with a soft smile. He hid the truth that he was the one who had commissioned this carriage to be raided, and he told the whole story.

“……The person who saved you had black hair and black eyes?”

The smile disappeared from Ethan’s face.

“The atmosphere was quite scary…”

“He was an incredibly handsome man!”

The women in the group squealed.

“It was scary, but he was still eye-poppingly handsome!”

“Your voice was amazing!”

The head of the merchant hall glared at them with a puzzled look on his face.

“These guys! Did they sit there and watch that?!”

“Then what should I do when all I can see is him!”

“Are you out of your mind now?! Don’t you remember what he robbed?”

The owner of the top tier grabbed the back of their necks, but they continued chattering without nodding.

“Anyway, the jewels were stolen by thieves!”

“If it wasn’t for him, we would all be dead?”

The men who had been quietly suppressed also quietly joined in.

“Honestly, that’s true. I almost got taken as a slave.”

“He alone took care of all the mercenaries dying.”

“Oh, then what are you doing? They stole our products!”

Ethan asked Sangsangju, who was pounding his chest as if his clothes were about to explode.

“Do you know where that guy, or rather that person, went?”

“I’m not sure about that. He quickly disappeared on a black horse.”

After answering, the head of the merchant broke down in tears.

“Please help me. If you go to our main branch in the capital, I will thank you.”

“Oh, of course.”

Ethan spoke kindly and then gestured to his subordinates a few steps away.

“Yes, Ethan.”

Ethan ordered them as they approached.

“Kill them all.”

The group at the top widened their eyes.


“What is that….”

Their trembling voices were soon drowned out by the screams that followed.


Sang Sang-ju fell to the floor, blood spurting from his chest. Other people also lost their lives one after another at the hands of his men.

In an instant, the street was soaked with blood. It was a very eerie sight.

Ethan turned around with a cold face.

“Burn without leaving a trace.”


As he got back on his horse, his eyes sparkled.

‘They took all the jewels.’

I finally caught a clue about him. What kind of guild is this? They won’t leave you alone if you get caught.


Ethan kicked off the ground and started running towards the capital Maggiore.

❖ ❖ ❖


I walked while humming. The steps toward the Vendetta Guild’s tavern were light.

“I have a good feeling.”

Things were going smoothly as planned.

According to the information Elice asked, he worked hard to rob a gang of thieves, and made a profit by selling the jewels he obtained there. Although the gemstone was left behind.

‘This is my first time holding this much money.’

I remembered Elice muttering with her hands clasped together in a trembling voice. She was particularly thrilled because she lived a very money-strapped life.

With that money, he bought jewelry and stored them in a newly built warehouse.

‘Oh my God, we even have to buy a warehouse!’

This was followed by Elice’s happy scream.

“If you do what I tell you later, you’ll be very upset.”

I giggled and entered the entrance of the alley where the tavern was located.


My footsteps stopped.

The smell of weapons, leather, and blood. Above all, there were messy footprints scattered here and there in the alley.

“……no way.”

When I expanded the absolute domain, I couldn’t feel any life that was supposed to be inside the tavern building.

I wiped my smile and quickly approached the building.

Jump up!

When I opened the door as usual, a scene different from usual greeted me.


The inside of the tavern was literally a mess. Tables and chairs were lying around, and several alcohol bottles and glasses were broken.

Traces of fierce resistance. There was an ominous atmosphere everywhere.

Blood stains were evident on the counter where William would have been.


Looking at the amount of blood stains, it seemed like the resistance wasn’t long.

This meant that a significant number of people had invaded this place. William, Dexter, and Elichero would not have been enough.

“I knew it.”

As expected, the door to Elice’s room was open. To be precise, it is correct to say that it was half broken.

I entered the room, passing the pieces of the door falling on the floor.

Elice’s room was a mess. All the drawers and chests were open.

It was obvious that he was struggling to find something.

“You must have found a jewel.”

It seemed like all the valuables here had been taken away. Even the documents that Elise worked hard to collect.

“Tsk tsk….”

Clicking his tongue lowly, he approached the bookshelf behind Eliche’s desk.

Bang bang.

He knocked on the bookshelf and spoke inside.

“Come out, Jack.”

I crossed my arms and waited for a moment.


Eventually, the bookshelf was pushed to the side and Jack crawled out from the secret space at the back.

“Lord, master…!”

As soon as Jack came out, he jumped up and ran towards me. The bloodless, white complexion was particularly noticeable.

“Suddenly people came rushing in and dragged everyone away!”

A tearful explanation followed.

“I was asking so hard what my relationship was with the man with black hair and black eyes!”

I stood silently and listened to what Jack said.

“My sister kept saying I didn’t know what she was talking about and that I was a complete stranger….”


“They didn’t listen to anything I said and just recklessly dragged me away.”

Jack said, wiping his tear-stained cheeks.

“Uncle William and Dexter were hurt a lot. I resisted until the end, but it was no use.”

I was listening quietly and then I said something.

“What about Elice?”

Jack paused for a moment when he saw that I was completely unfazed. He then sniffled once and answered.

“My sister was dragged away, but she wasn’t seriously hurt. They treated Uncle William the harshest.”

Of course, that’s usually how it happens.

This was because William was known internationally as the president. Because I know everything, I raided Elice first.

“I guess I should take back what I said about putting the president in a place like this.”

I laughed, remembering Dexter getting angry at those words.


Jack looked like he didn’t understand at all.

“Why are you smiling?”


“What do you mean… All the guild members have been captured now, aren’t you worried?”

Jack cried out desperately, clenching his fists.

“I don’t know who those people are, and I don’t even know where my older brother and sister were taken!”

“I know who it is. It’s probably the Mare Guild.”

“Ma, Mare Guild?”

Jack’s mouth dropped open. Fear flashed in my eyes.

“Why is that big guild letting us…?”

Jack started biting his nails.

“What should I do? My brother and sister are not as strong as my master. If something happens….”

“It’s useless to worry.”

Jack opened and closed his mouth as if he was shocked.

“Why so….”

“Because I won’t kill you easily.”

Jack’s mouth fell shut at one cold word. He looked like he was at a loss for words.

“Besides, I knew it would come to this.”


Jack moved his frozen mouth with difficulty.

“You knew… you knew, you knew?”


He sent a bright smile towards Jack.

“If you want to catch a big fish, you need good bait.”


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