I Will Save the World and Retire Chapter 144

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Day 2 (2)

I don’t know why Alex Hope is sticking around. He was indebted, he owed thanks.

So what does he gain? Aside from me, what good does it do to offend Hong Seok-young?

If I knew that, I wouldn’t have come this far.

I wasn’t the only one who was embarrassed. Chris Wilson, a large Australian hunter who was clearly Hope’s supervisor, also grabbed Hope’s shoulders and started scolding her with an embarrassed look.



“This is your first time coming to Korea. “What on earth are you going to say?”

“no way.”

Hope crossed her arms defensively.

“We have our own business that the unit commander doesn’t know about.”

Wilson’s eyebrows twitch. I got a feeling. The same thing that happened at the venue will happen.

I can’t grab Hope and cut her down right now anyway. It’s annoying to just sit back and watch, but why watch that sight without any nutritional value again?

Moreover, I want to avoid continuing to be caught up in Alex Hope’s pattern.

“I know you’re upset that the unit commander wasn’t included, but it’s not polite to interrupt a conversation like this.”

“Hope. “I must have said it yesterday.”

Well, it’s not like you can’t get information from a short conversation… .

For some reason, I think Alex Hope’s mother will be mentioned again.

“For the sake of your mother, please be quiet.”


Alex Hope’s mother is quite popular in Australian hunter circles. Other than that, he was a hunter with nothing unusual or suspicious about him.

no. Now things are getting more suspicious.

Just the fact that she’s that guy’s mother is suspicious.

And how on earth did you raise a child to end up like that?

Hope snorted at Wilson’s words.

“My mom taught me that if I receive help, I should give it back. “Didn’t the unit commander learn it?”

“… … .”

“If you haven’t learned it, there’s nothing you can do about it.”

“Oh… .”

A sigh escaped from the Australian hunters who were just watching from behind. This is because Alex Hope is now cracking up about your poor home education.

Just yesterday, Hope did not give up and shouted along with Wilson, but she pretended to listen.

But now?

The thin voice begins to crack.

The mouth is smiling, but the eyes are hard. It means that the other side is also getting a little annoyed.

Australian hunters are also terrible. Except for Alex Hope, I know that most of them have met the requirements for attending the forum. Well, just because you’re competent as a hunter doesn’t mean you’re competent as a human being.

As Hope said, the lack of home education… .

This is not the time to worry about other people’s home education. Besides, Alex Hope has to worry about his own personality, right?


Blood spurts in Wilson’s neck.

No matter how much you think about it, getting involved in a domestic fight at someone else’s house is not a wise choice. Alex Hope is Alex Hope, and this is this.


Just then the elevator arrived.

I can’t drag him away, and I can’t talk about it in a place where there are many listening ears. So what is left?

“… … .”

Hong Seok-young, who made eye contact with me, quickly got on the elevator. The hunters from Australia looked at the two of us with envious eyes, and as soon as the elevator doors began to close, they began to quietly stop their colleagues.

“Hey, Wilson. Still, I’m sure Alex doesn’t have any thoughts… . “He’s not the type to start a fight, and he’s just trying to say thank you.”

“Alex and Chris are saying this because they are thinking of you… . If you are indebted to me, shouldn’t we go and say hello too? “What does it mean to like a colleague?”

As the elevator began to move, the sound was completely blocked.

Hong Seok-young, who remained silent until he reached the first floor, stared into space and opened his mouth.

“I want to see my parents’ faces.”

I silently nodded my head in agreement.

* * *

On the second day of the forum, more differences from 20 years later began to emerge one by one.

There wasn’t a huge difference… .

No. Would you say it’s a big difference?

“Then what’s next… .”

Well, honestly, I didn’t have high expectations for the strategy. Because it was something I already knew anyway.

But it’s not a strategy… .

“They say a monster they’ve never seen before in Mexico has appeared.”

“A flying snake!”

“Isn’t there something similar in Asia?”


“Are dragons also snakes?”

“Asian dragons don’t have wings.”

As soon as the presenter on the podium opens his mouth, loud voices come out from all over the place.

“quiet! “Please be quiet!”

“No, you called us to attack monsters we’ve never seen before, right? That’s why we’re talking!”

“What is there to attack monsters? “If you just cut their throats, they all die.”



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“Don’t you know Dullahan? “I can’t slit his head because he has no head.”

“Please be quiet, everyone!”

At least the forum twenty years later… Even though Yoo Ji-eun grumbled every time she was called, she was professional. I also attended every time.

It seems to be held for three days, and it seems to be a kind of social gathering place for hunters. However, the underlying atmosphere was not this light. What I mean is that people with a sense of mission that was difficult for me to understand gathered together, exchanged opinions seriously, and formed a strategy team.

Even though this was before the launch of the World Unexplored Dungeon Strategy Support Council, isn’t this just the bottom of the market? Everyone is shouting randomly without any order. Can this be called a forum?

It wasn’t the purpose of the forum, and I wasn’t expecting expertise 20 years from now, but I also didn’t think I’d see something like this.

Are these people hunters who are considered to represent each country?

really… Is this okay?

You managed to hold out until twenty years later?

“What are you so admiring?”

Hong Seok-young, sitting next to me, asked.

“no. “I was surprised that this was happening even though it was rolling like this.”

“hmm… .”

Hong Seok-young scratched his chin. Somehow, he looks relieved.

“Seeing how surprised you are, it seems like things are improving. thank god.”

… I don’t seem to understand the strangely surprising point.

I gave up saying anything more. I thought there was nothing more surprising anymore, but 2021 was still giving me surprises.

Unlike me, who was listening to things like dungeons and monsters with one ear and letting them out with the other, Hong Seok-young was listening quite seriously. It’s not like she gave a scathing assessment.

Sometimes, the image of my father sitting in the study until late at night overlaps. Even though I was bored looking through and processing documents that were not suited to my aptitude, I never got up from my chair all night.

Aside from the fact that he was my father, he was also a respectable man.

That point still remains unchanged. Although he cannot be said to be a good teacher for the children of the demonstration high school, he is someone who could be the best guardian. Even though he was clumsy, he tried to protect the children as much as he could.

The world is not so gentle that you can always be rewarded for your efforts. But sometimes the fact that you tried was important. That may be why Oh Hyun-wook, Park Seo-hyun, and Yoo Ji-eun, who learned under such a father, stayed until the end. He might blame his father, but I’ve never heard him say that.

“… “After eating, we will resume at two o’clock.”

The host with a tired face announced lunch time.

I frowned and looked around. For some reason, I felt like Alex Hope was going to stand in my way and make a fuss about saying thank you or something. It’s only been two days, but I guess I’ve gotten used to it.

But Alex Hope didn’t show up.

There are no hunters from Australia. I saw you enter the venue in the morning.

Did Hope leave first because she thought she might approach us again? To be honest, at this point, I wondered if Australian hunters were overreacting.

Hong Seok-young isn’t a bad-tempered guy who says he’ll kill anyone who bothers him. I wouldn’t outright attack someone who says thank you.

Of course, saying thank you to a man who brutally killed even a child wouldn’t be more than scratching his insides… Still, you have to listen to the story to understand what kind of personality he is. He might get some information. Surprisingly, humans spit out a lot of information when making fun of others.

But as of now, the only impression is that he is either crazy or a nuisance to his country’s hunters.

When I heard that Alex Hope was attending the forum, I never thought I would be disturbed by Australian hunters.

But if you ask me what I expected… well. It’s difficult to answer that too.

“So, the wizard hasn’t arrived yet?”

“Seeing as you haven’t come yet, I guess I won’t be here until the afternoon.”

“It’s relaxing.”

“You’re a wizard, right? “I don’t like moving fast.”

Look at how high the standards of wizards were in an era when runes and magic pens were not widespread. These two must be made widely known as soon as possible.

Only after most of the hunters had left did Hong Seok-young and I move leisurely. If you go to a crowded place, hunters will make a fuss around Hong Seok-young like yesterday.

It was attention that Seokyoung Hong did not really want.

“Alex Hope, that guy.”

On the way out of the venue, Hong Seok-young opened his mouth.

“Should we just grab it?”

“… … .”

The tone is casual, as if asking, “What should I have for lunch today?”

But I was not embarrassed and nodded.

“If it doesn’t work out.”

“I don’t have to have an arm or a leg, right?”

“Do you need that to have a conversation?”

Don’t forget. The opponent is a vicious murderer. This is not a conversation, but an interrogation. If you catch an awakened criminal and he resists, something unavoidable may happen.

“Ah, that’s too much.”

“… … !”

I quickly looked back. Red hair bleached white on the inside. Eyes shining gold.

Alex Hope stuck his face out in the air and looked at us. When he made eye contact with me, he smiled broadly, stretched out his arms, and pulled out his body. I don’t even know where he gets it from. But he came out of nowhere and stood tall on his own two feet.

“at las! “We can finally talk!”

Hope stamped her feet and made a fuss. The guy took out the interpreter and opened his mouth.

“It’s convenient, but sometimes I’m not sure if my words are being translated properly.”

Proficient Korean came out of Hope’s mouth.

“The unit commander is too strict. He may hate me, but a person should be able to distinguish between public and private. is not it? You have to be careful. “If he had stopped when I told him to stop, I wouldn’t have had to do anything.”

“… Did you kill him?”

“huh? I didn’t kill him, don’t worry. “I also have the intelligence to know that cleaning up afterwards is more troublesome.”

Hope waved her hand.

“No, I didn’t say I was going to fight you. I don’t know why you’re stopping me so suddenly? “I love peace!”

dog sound.

My teeth are grinding. I have no regrets about the deceased orphanage director who was part of Ark, but the children are different.

Hong Seok-young held the children’s funeral on their behalf. Kang Tae-woo looked at his younger brother in his small urn and said nothing for a long time. He had no choice but to place a bright bouquet of flowers in front of him and just watch him shed tears.

This is what that guy did.

“I really want to say thank you! “Thanks to you, I have another path!”

Even though he made a fuss about fellow hunters needing to be sensible, he himself is clueless. There’s no one around. Unless there are witnesses… … .

“They say that when people are grateful for something, they have to repay the favor? “Her mom did that.”

“… … .”

“You know, the wizards are coming in a little while, right?”

Hope continued speaking in a light tone despite the fact that Hong Seok-young and I were in danger.

“Watch for the blue hair. “He’s a bad guy.”

fantasy, modern,

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